这个币本来要签名的,结果负面新闻这么多,加上构想过于缥缈,还是果断放弃了,不如wetrust 的来的实在接地气
有什么负面新闻,没注意到,本来还是蛮看好这个项目的,你这一说就有点犹豫不决了 个别中国团队成员ICO前离职,对项目的愿景看法不一致,也不算什么负面。 好像就是这个离职的ICO成员四处找人在QQ群里抹黑,叫人不要去投.. 这个ICO成员是不是被炒的所有到处抹黑啊,IEX项目挺好的我看了 iexec被曝黑幕,私下投资可以获得30%的折扣,专坑小散,不知道是不是真的, 完全不是这么回事,是因为国内某些人,去谈价格,对方不太擅长,怎么谈,就被抓住了小辫子, 节操就是这么碎一地
PS, I am still buying Minereum, PM me.
What is your price? wait,token
700sat buy mrai, now online pm me
For me, the problem with Raiblocks is there presently no leadership and no real community. Devs should setup a slack group where believers can share about the project. We hear nothing from devs and its really bad. Potential is here...
Well, let's join the Slack Channel www.raiblocks.ioNow that Mrai is growing we really need a good communication tools,in fact we need our own forum and have a sections of our own in our forum just like all the big coins here,I hope the dev could set up one for the community. Indeed, it is necessary to build a community, because join researchers more and more.
The latest models of smart contract to collect ethereum address, may be a good idea This model is new and novel way to go about things but can the team be fair with the distribution, I don't know how they want to about the development since their is no fund set aside for that purpose. Well we hope dev serious about this project it was a free coin who cares, only suggestion is to be very carefull when you buy, dont forget 1000 airdrop just one can be real project the other one are fake project just to make some bct, advice you dont cry later! Free of charge, friends
最近的山寨疯狂拉升poloniex.com, 大家注意风险
yes sir,so wait token.
Excuse me what teams are going to do next
Today is the new rules