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81  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Paylater dan Pinjol, mempermudah atau Menjebak? on: February 10, 2024, 04:02:12 PM
Menjebak bagi mereka yang sulit menyelesaikan nya, dan mempermudah bagi mereka yang mudah menyelesaikan nya, saya rasa sih itu tergantung pada masing-masing orang yang menggunakan nya mempermudah atau menjebak saya rasa itu tergantung orang yang mampu menyelesaikan nya sebab pinjol atau Paylater itu ada konsekuensi yang ditanggung mereka Yang menggunakan nya. Meskipun begitu kebanyakan orang menyalah gunakan kemudahan ini seperti hasil nya di pake j"d dll dan puyeng ketika mereka kalah dan harus menanggung beban yang diakibatkan kecerobohan mereka sendiri.
Menurut saya sih mempermudah yah, tapi jangan disalah gunakan saja, karena ada beberapa problem didalam nya.
Benar gan. Bagi yang bisa memanfaatkan kepada kebutuhan yang positif pinjol atau paylater jelas mempermudah. Misalnya uang pinjol itu digunakan untuk membangun usaha jelas itu bermanfaat dan mempemudah dalam mengembangkan usahanya. Tetapi fenomena di kalangan masyarakat kita justru kebanyakan menyulitkan diri sendiri karena tidak mempergunakan uang pinjol pada kebutuhan yang positif dan terkadang menghabiskannya untuk foya-foya. Belum lagi ada yang dengan niat memang tidak ingin membayarnya sehingga pada akhirnya harus berurusan dengan hukum.
Ok, saya mencoba mengambil sisi positif nya saja, jadi begini kayanya ya: kebanyakan orang keliru dengan aturan ini, mungkin dia pikir hasil pinjol itu dianggap sebagai gaji. Padahal hal ini sangat jauh berbeda. Tapi ada pula yang mungkin terdesak dan terpaksa melakukan pinjol meskipun mereka tahu akan kemampuan nya untuk membayar. Saya rasa jika kondisi nya seperti ini tidak bisa kita salahkan sepenuhnya.
Apapun itu bagi saya kembalikan lagi ke masing-masing orang, terkadang kita hanya bisa menilai nya tanpa mampu memberi nya.
82  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [diskusi] Bagaimana Cara Mengatur Waktumu di Forum? on: February 08, 2024, 11:29:51 AM
saya juga seperti agan blue snow, memiliki pekerjaan di dunia nyata dan juga bergabung dalam kampanye tanda tangan

saya beruntung bekerja di perusahaan IT, jadi saya bisa dengan santai membuat laporan kantor dan juga ngepost bounty. kebetulan dalam satu setengah tahun terakhir saya mendapatkan jam kerja malam jadinya di siang hari saya tidur, malam nya kerja sambil ngebounty

dalam kasus saya yang rusak/kacau adalah jam tidur saya
Berenang sambil minum air Grin jika memungkinkan saya juga akan melakukan hal yang sama namun sekarang saya lebih menghabiskan waktu bersama keluarga karena sekarang saya menjadi seorang yang mendapat waktu yang lebih (pengangguran) Cheesy tapi saya sempet2in ikut berpartisipasi disini dengan harapan kedepannya saya bisa seperti anda yang memiliki pekerjaan tetap namun punya sampingan yang sejalan dengan pekerjaan.
83  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Paylater dan Pinjol, mempermudah atau Menjebak? on: February 07, 2024, 04:53:30 PM
Menjebak bagi mereka yang sulit menyelesaikan nya, dan mempermudah bagi mereka yang mudah menyelesaikan nya, saya rasa sih itu tergantung pada masing-masing orang yang menggunakan nya mempermudah atau menjebak saya rasa itu tergantung orang yang mampu menyelesaikan nya sebab pinjol atau Paylater itu ada konsekuensi yang ditanggung mereka Yang menggunakan nya. Meskipun begitu kebanyakan orang menyalah gunakan kemudahan ini seperti hasil nya di pake j"d dll dan puyeng ketika mereka kalah dan harus menanggung beban yang diakibatkan kecerobohan mereka sendiri.
Menurut saya sih mempermudah yah, tapi jangan disalah gunakan saja, karena ada beberapa problem didalam nya.
84  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Adakah Cara Untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Di Negara Tercinta Ini on: February 06, 2024, 04:43:36 PM

Pendidikan dan Keterampilan: Investasi dalam pendidikan ataupun pelatihan keterampilan yang dapat membuka pintu pekerjaan lebih baik dan peluang usaha lebih tinggi.

Saya tertarik dengan poin ini, karena investasi dalam pendidikan itu beragam ada yang berbayar juga gratis, yang terpenting menurut saya kita mampu menguasai dan memahami pendidikan yang didapat seperti belajar cara jualan, online terutama. Banyak tutorial diluaran sana seperti YouTube yang menyediakan pendidikan jualan online yang gratis, tapi rasanya kurang nendang jika hanya mengandalkan gratisan, karena kebanyakan pengusaha sukses (milyader) mereka menghabiskan uangnya untuk membeli sebuah pendidikan yang nantinya memajukan usahanya. Seperti para pakar, ahli, dsb, beliau-beliau mengajarkan tentang bagaimana caranya mendapatkan uang dari internet. Mereka bagikan di YouTube itu gratis. Hanya saja kebanyakan orang awam yang kurang memahami dengan baik dan benar, dan berujung kegagalan. Jadi kesimpulan dari saya belajar dengan siapapun dimana pun dengan kondisi apapun yang penting adalah fokus untuk belajar. Dan motivasi bagi saya mungkin semua orang adalah uang, karna uang menjadi motivasi terbaik bagi saya meskipun harus melalui proses yang sangat panjang tapi pada akhirnya akan mendapatkan apa yang saya mau.
85  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Tiktok Shop dibuka kembali on: February 05, 2024, 02:54:00 PM
Yang merasa berdagang di tiktokshop pasti nya dengar berita ini pastinya senang dan pastinya menyambutnya dengan hati riang gembira,karena para pedagang di tiktokshop mereka juga merasakan keuntungan yang tak terduga sebelumnya,karena untuk saat ini eporia masyarakat memang sedang ada di Pase mager ya,jadi ketika banyak nya toko-toko online berdatangan tentu nya masyarakat juga menyambutnya dengan baik.
Dan ketika diteliti untuk saat ini memang perbandingan harga juga jadi banding-bandingan masyarakat,ketika di pasar(offline), misal harga baju perempuan (gamis syar'i), yang memang dari segi bahan juga bagus premium lah di pasar bisa dikenakan harga dari 300rb atau lebih,nah di online dengan model yang sama bahan yang sama juga paling harga nya 200rb paling mahal 250rb(itu udah termasuk ongkir).

Dan untuk tokped pastinya mereka juga merasa memang ada peluang gede di tiktokshop itu,makan nya mereka kerja sama.

Tapi untuk sekarang mah bagi saya mah punya uang saja lah mau belanja di mana-mana juga ok jika uang kita nya berlebih,gak harus ngebanding-badingin harga dllnya.
Yah balik lagilah dengan kondisi keuangan, dimana kita punya uang untuk membeli apa yang kita mau seperti gagan maksud, tapi menurut saya tidak semua berpendapat seperti itu ada yang kebalikan dimana mereka membeli dengan kualitas tinggi namun harga murah seperti orang yang P Grin  namun bagi saya semua toko online pasti berkaitan (kerja sama dengan baik) meskipun mereka berbeda-beda tapi saya yakin bahwa mereka juga satu tujuan dan menjalin hubungan yang baik agar pemirsa nya tertarik dan ujung2nya saling mendapatkan keuntungan.
86  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Fenomena BISNIS DITUTUP[Diskusi] on: February 05, 2024, 02:38:29 PM
Ada banyak tempat yang aku lewati di daerah sekitar ku diantaranya yang menutup usahanya, bahkan dikota yang cukup besar (waktu dulu) sekarang sepi pengunjung, awalnya ku kira itu karna masalah keuangan, persaingan pasar yang ketat, perubahan kondisi ekonomi, manajemen yang tidak efektif, atau bahkan perubahan minat pribadi.

 Setelah aku mencari data dilapangan ngobar (tukar pikiran dengan yang lain) membahas Fenomena ini.
Sekarang aku menemukan jawabannya yaitu karena orang-orang sekarang kurang mampu membeli apa yang dia mau.
Banyak sebab diantaranya: kesulitan mendapatkan uang, bubar dari kerjaan, pengeluaran tak sesuai penghasilan, dan masih banyak lagi.

Bagaimanakah memecahkan masalah yang lumayan serius ini?

Marilah kita diskusikan fenomena ini, dan semoga menemukan titik terang.

Dan terimakasih kepada yang mau memperbaiki.
Sebagian cerita yang gagan sampaikan itu ada benarnya juga, didaerah kami pun sama gan dimana kondisi sekarang cara mendapatkan uang itu lumayan sulit, seperti gagan sebutkan memang jika posisi saya di mereka juga akan sama rasanya cari uang jaman sekarang itu mudah-mudah sulit, apalagi sering mengalami inflasi seperti saat ini, 1tahun yang lalu saya meminjam kan uang ke teman saya di waktu itu BBM juga blm naik, dan sekarang jika teman saya lunasi dengan uang yang sama nominal nya diwaktu ini, itu akan merugikan saya karena nilai nya akan berkurang.
Jadi maksud saya ini juga ada kaitannya dengan inflasi dan masalah perekonomian di masyarakat kita ini.
87  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apa alasan utamamu investasi di bitcoin dan crypto? on: February 05, 2024, 02:23:08 PM
Potensi Keuntungan Tinggi: Saya tertarik pada pasar cryptocurrency karena potensi keuntungan yang tinggi. Harga bitcoin dan beberapa cryptocurrency lainnya telah mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.
Desentralisasi dan Keamanan: Keamanan dan desentralisasi yang dijanjikan oleh teknologi blockchain dapat menjadi faktor tarik bagi beberapa investor yang ingin menghindari keterlibatan pihak ketiga.
Kebebasan Finansial: Saya melihat cryptocurrency sebagai alat untuk mencapai kebebasan finansial, terutama dengan adanya kemampuan untuk melakukan transaksi tanpa keterlibatan lembaga keuangan tradisional.
Untuk ini saya tertarik dengan keuntungan tinggi dan kebebasan finansial yang gagan sampaikan. Namun saya merasa bahwa itu perlu pengetahuan yang mendalam untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, karena tidak semua orang bisa mencapai kesuksesan finansial dan mendapatkan keuntungan yang tinggi. dan banyak cara untuk mencapainya bagi saya saya tetap berupaya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber bahkan tutor yang gagan ajarkan.
88  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Altcoins that you trust most on: February 04, 2024, 04:48:31 PM
The altcoin that I believe most at the moment is eth, because ETH is the altcoin that is at the top for now, and I don't think anything can replace it. Maybe it's just a prediction but from 2015 until now ETH is still at the top.
I think ETH is an altcoin that no one has been able to compete with, so it's natural to say that this altcoin is the top coin and no one can replace it.
89  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Why are altcoins important? on: February 01, 2024, 04:24:19 PM
I don't really like altcoins, especially new coins, meme classes, or hype coins. However, many argue for Altcoins, especially the newer projects, that they can experience rapid price growth, providing the potential opportunity for significant investment ROI and I'm also surprised it has always been able to attract so much interest from both investors and developers.
Indeed, most of the new coins often experience rapid price growth that attracts investors as well as developers, perhaps because of the way they promote to attract consumers, but most of the new coins usually do not last so long and the prices tend to be aggressive at the beginning and slow at the peak and the worst thing is that the new coin will weaken its development so that many are stuck and cannot even be resold, so people who are aware of this type of coin will distance themselves from it.
90  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Between new tokens and old tokens, which would you invest into? on: January 31, 2024, 03:28:53 PM
I always use two methods, so the story is like this, I will spend money from my trouser pocket to collect the top old altcoins and I do this in stages because it has to be with the right strategy, for example entering at the ideal point. then the second way I will do it is to collect new tokens, but not by buying, but by other means such as participating in events they organize or those we already know such as airdrops and bounty campaigns
The second way you are very often done for bounty hunters or airdrops like me sometimes do it, it's just that if we are not right to exchange it for money the risks that often occur are 1. Coin results will decrease in value 2. Coin cannot be exchanged and maybe a lot of things happen, but sometimes if we rush to sell / exchange it can be very important or unfortunate things that happen, such as valuable trash coins.
91  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: There is nothing like it since the past 12 years on: January 31, 2024, 03:13:49 PM
Firstly I want to congratulate you on your achievements over the past 12 years. Anytime I come across Early adopters like you it make me wish I was an adopter too in the earliest time.
I must say you seem to be a very disciplined person from your write up because it takes a hell lot of discipline for someone to be able to hodl without a source of income. I bet if you didn't have some assistance from parents you may not have been able to. Because it seems very illogical to be hungry and claiming to hodl Bitcoin.
I also feel like you said, but for me I salute such achievements, it is difficult for me to be in such a position, but until now I continue to try better so that my knowledge about it increases. And 12 years is not a short time, many of them are tired and desperate to end it here, I see the events described are very rare and rarely encountered, honestly to be disciplined it is not an easy thing to do for me, but I still try to be disciplined until it pays off.
92  Economy / Economics / Re: Reasons for personal financial accountability? on: January 29, 2024, 08:59:51 AM
In my view, personal financial accountability is not only about surviving but also about thriving. It enables individuals to set and achieve financial goals, whether it be saving for a significant purchase, investing in education, or planning for retirement. It empowers people to take control of their financial well-being and build a foundation for long-term success.  It is not just about managing money. It’s about taking control of one’s financial future and making informed decisions that can lead to financial freedom and security. It’s a lifelong journey that requires continuous learning and adaptation. This practice is practical and fosters self-discipline.
A very profound phrase for me. Indeed, there are many alternatives that can be taken for old age later, I think managing finances inappropriately, especially if the money is not running or not developing (business, business, and the like) it will run out by itself just waiting for its time, so if it is possible for us to have a lot or little money, it is important for us to update our knowledge about money and how to get more, such as business, investment, trading or others, the most important thing is to have a minimum source of income relatively. That will help in everyday life because nowadays it's all about money.
93  Economy / Marketplace / Re: Has your bank or credit card told you they will stop you buying crypto? on: January 28, 2024, 03:33:15 PM
Sometime back, my bank blocked my account for engaging in "crypto p2p trading" and wanted to visit their branch for reverification and to unblock the account. Turns out the counterparty I was trading with could have been flagged off, and any transaction to any other account got flagged off as well. That was the last time I used the account to this date  Grin

They thought I needed them so much, well it turns out I had so many other alternatives. They have been sending me messages to reactivate the account and all that shit, but I don't care.
Surely they want their customers back, and try hard to persuade them to cooperate again, that's the marketing they run but the customers are smarter and decide to ignore it because I also feel that there are many other possible alternatives for me to live according to my wishes, but if there is still a lot of money in the blocked account I will be forced to open it by any means.
94  Economy / Economics / Re: Cracking the Code of Saving Money... on: January 27, 2024, 03:46:22 PM
Before spending, you save.
That's the idea that I've learned from those people that keeps on talking about money matters. They're like the financial advisors and tells advises about money management. It's effective so before you spend your salary, take out already the savings. That's effective when you are pursuing to save but if you're a breadwinner you may have hard time but still, you can follow that strategy. And they always say that it's not about the amount of money you earn but about what you save.
It is very important to manage finances and learn finances from an early age. I think this will help us in the future for a better future and a calmer old age. because, if not it might be detrimental, as a simple example if we have any amount of money (inheritance) it will run out if we can't manage it. So I think managing finances is important even from an early age, and this will definitely make us calm in old age.
95  Economy / Economics / Re: Save while young better than wait on: January 27, 2024, 03:37:30 PM

This is where financial education comes in, and it's crucial to start early. We need to equip young people with the tools and knowledge to make informed financial decisions. It's not about depriving them of fun or experiences, but about teaching them to prioritize and budget effectively.
I think it should be like that, learning finance from an early age is important to maintain a better future and a beautiful old age, it is good for us as the current generation to direct youth who prioritize things that will be useful for a brighter future such as managing the right finances maybe it will help them in the future because, if not it will be very detrimental to it, as a simple example if we have any amount of money (inheritance) will run out if we cannot manage it. So I think managing finances from an early age will definitely make us calm in old age.
96  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Wrong perspective towards Bitcoin investment on: January 27, 2024, 03:20:03 PM
Well, a lot of people assume that it is okay to invest in crypto without knowledge about this. They just underestimate the volatility of the market and think, I could make more profit without doing anything. They'll find it wrong and realize their fault after disappointments.

If we dare can't spend time doing research, understanding the market behavior, etc...we'd rather not try because as other members are saying, we only just fail and get hurt. That is why we should stop assuming it all be okay but rather prepare for the risk and enhance our knowledge because this is the only way it helps us to succeed or else, we fail.
Some people may still think that in the past btc or similar coins were suddenly rich because of it, due to several factors or things that made it possible for those who made huge profits from it, remember the old days when btc was not as valuable as it is now, and people saw it as impossible to get rich from it because we know the price is very, very worthless, BTC PRICE THEN
But now we see that the price is very valuable and many people may expect btc to be like back then, where it was very easy to get. And I agree with the description you gave, but there are still risks and don't think that this is all instant without adequate knowledge.
And this is the main reason on why people do really loves on trying out to catch up those opportunities on dealing up with some projects or simply with those shitcoins out there on which they are really that having  those kind of hopes that they would be able to get on the same train on what they had missed on Bitcoin and this is where it do really ends up on really look likes that people do becomes that desperate on the things that they are currently dealing with in terms of investing into crypto space. It is really just that there would really be those people who would really be just blindly making out those kind of actions
on which we know that it isnt something that recommended or it is really just that too much on doing so.

If you are someone whose really that thinking that Bitcoin investment could make you rich then better think again. Be realistic and somewhat you should really be
sticking into those viable ideas on which that it cant really be always that ideal to have those high hopes.
Good advice I will try it, indeed almost everyone wants the same thing that is instant in every impossible thing to do. Sometimes I was the same, but now I realize that everything is not instant and easy to go through.
As you said there are some people who despair in investing, especially those who take capital from others (loans) to invest and expect consistent profits with very satisfying results, but in reality they are the opposite of expectations that do not match reality.
97  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Wrong perspective towards Bitcoin investment on: January 26, 2024, 05:49:49 PM
Well, a lot of people assume that it is okay to invest in crypto without knowledge about this. They just underestimate the volatility of the market and think, I could make more profit without doing anything. They'll find it wrong and realize their fault after disappointments.

If we dare can't spend time doing research, understanding the market behavior, etc...we'd rather not try because as other members are saying, we only just fail and get hurt. That is why we should stop assuming it all be okay but rather prepare for the risk and enhance our knowledge because this is the only way it helps us to succeed or else, we fail.
Some people may still think that in the past btc or similar coins were suddenly rich because of it, due to several factors or things that made it possible for those who made huge profits from it, remember the old days when btc was not as valuable as it is now, and people saw it as impossible to get rich from it because we know the price is very, very worthless, BTC PRICE THEN
But now we see that the price is very valuable and many people may expect btc to be like back then, where it was very easy to get. And I agree with the description you gave, but there are still risks and don't think that this is all instant without adequate knowledge.
98  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gaurd yourself this year against crypto scams on: January 26, 2024, 05:31:03 PM
Wanna hear something simple and easy way to avoid any crypto scams?
What comes quick also goes quick, So always try avoid looking for shortcuts and you will be fine.
Maybe everyone is aware of this, because I also feel that there is no get-rich-quick scheme even if there is it is very, very impossible to do, especially since getting rich is not easy and instant, it all requires a process that is so beautiful to go through and not everyone can go through it. For me, don't rush to get rich quickly because the rich will automatically come to our lives with a note that we are ready to get rich.
99  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin in your country. on: January 22, 2024, 05:36:30 AM
I live in a country where Bitcoin is not legalized yet. The government of our country has not taken any steps to legalize Bitcoin so far. I wonder why Bitcoin is not legal in our country where Bitcoin is legal in developed countries of the world. There are many crypto users in our country but they have no freedom. Bitcoin is freely exchanged in almost many of our Asian countries, like our neighboring country India.

The government of our country thinks that legalizing Bitcoin in our country may increase the possibility of money laundering to a great extent for which they have not taken any action yet. But the politicians of our country they launder money in many ways abroad maybe this can be a reason not to legalize Bitcoin.

Every citizen of our country, including me, who is involved with cryptocurrency and exchanges various cryptocurrency coins, dreams that one day Bitcoin will be legal in our country.
I think even so money laundering can still occur because the use of bitcoin in various countries that are still not legalized as you said can still access it. And I think this may be money laundering, even though the country's government argues that legalizing Bitcoin in its country can increase the possibility of money laundering. So in essence, even though bitcoin has not been legalized, it does not rule out the possibility of money laundering, it's just that by not legalizing bitcoin in the country at least the laundering is not that big.
100  Economy / Economics / Re: Financial education and why it should be a priority. on: January 21, 2024, 08:34:20 AM
Financial Education A person can never fully learn from school and gain. Financial education will be gained through own knowledge and skills. Promotes social and emotional well being among students along with teaching other subjects in school. There is no such thing as earning money as financial education we need to equip ourselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to manage our money effectively. It helps us make informed choices and encourages fiscally responsible behavior.
I think it is very important to learn about money from an early age, not only from school but also from one's life experience. We also need to know how to manage money well and not just get it, but about managing expenses, saving and even thinking about the future.
Not only will it help ourselves I think the community will also be helped if we know how to manage money and improve the quality of the economy for them (if they really understand about money) I think this will help reduce poverty levels and will even encourage economic growth for them. With a note that they really understand how to manage money and get it. so in essence learning about money from an early age is important and will even be very helpful for the environment around it.
It would come just that naturally on the right time and its true that the earlier the better on making yourself aware about financial education but since our focus would really be on other things since
we are really just that young then it would really be normal that we might be missing out something when it comes to financial but just like been said that everything would come naturally
and the rest would really be just that depending on how well you would be able to discover on things along the way. Yes, it wont really be that something be that be acquired or learnt up
in depth until you would really be having those plans on trying out to learn up.

The edge or advantage on having that kind of knowledge is that you are really that aware on the things on which you do know that it could really bring out that kind of edge
comparing into those people who do miss out on learning up this thing. Financial education is something important if you do really want to have that progress
in life in terms of finances and other things.
because our real focus is on other things
Well I am well aware of what you say is true if my focus is on other things, sometimes most people including me are lazy to learn something with real focus, if only I really focus on what I want (especially learning about finance) I am sure the results do not betray the effort. But why does it seem difficult to determine my focus on it, even so I still try to learn it for the sake of my future desires and goals. Because I see all the successful people now most of them suffered in their past but they tried hard to achieve success in their lives. Maybe this is where I take their experience for future progress. Although it is not as easy as I imagine I will try and keep trying until in the end I am like their position.
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