The wallet comes today. The chain will start and we can start bounties and promotions. Devs doing a good job. DarkPay coin to the MOON !!! The bounties and promotions are still ongoing, it's just that the reward rate has been normal now. Most of us are waiting for the wallet but I think it's first will be available to the investors first and then the public
so guys... when [ dark side of the ] moon ?? I expect it will happen when main net starts! Have you got yourself some of DPC already? Remember it's less than 24 hours before the mainnet begin, and it also the end of double reward bounty. If you haven't done any bounties yet, join the discord:
really promising project (what an amazing start in a few days! ), i saw DPC offers zerocoin and Tor privacy settings, can you tell if zDPC minting will be available since the beginning or at a defined block# ? If you see the screenshot on the wallet being done, it is very likely that the feature will be available when the main chain start at 4/9. You might want to join the discord fro getting the latest info on the project.
Nice work on the wallet and the website! The team has done so much in such a short time! kudos to you guys
UPDATE: Main Net Bitcoin RM sudah Online! Anda sudah bisa mendownload wallet dan Mining dengan GPU Nvidia Anda sekarang! Kunjungi Website untuk informasi lebih detail.
so your coin is sold privately? because I see on your website there is no information about selling your coins
It still takes a few days before the wallets become available I hope first listings will be done soon after that. The team are currently discussing about it with the community as to where to get listed, it's decided by how much fund collected from the MN auctions, and so far 2 MN @ 0.2 BTC and 3 MN @ 0.3 BTC were reserved, all that makes 1.3 BTC so far.
I think it will be useful for the thread if we can get some basic info about PoS V3, it's advantages and special features explained in layman terms, most of us just know about PoS, but never actually know there is such things as PoS V3
Prediction and blockchain combined! Very interesting, will there be any AI related stuffs included later on? I hope there will be, because AI will be one of the main trend in near future.
0% transfer fee! Interesting, how can cryptoflow fund its operation if they got no fees for funding? I am also curious about the loyalty program, is there any information about this already? Or is it still being discussed?
agreed, a lot of project has almost the same logo with only little difference, it's designed like that just because people has a natural tendency to remember simple shapes (look at what best selling products logo looked like, it has been always simple design without too much unwanted details)
This project is really cool ,supply is really low and have a really good team . Big exchange are on the way and the price is really cheap at the moment. Sound Like a great Investiment . Enjoy our discord comunity .
Which big exchange are you referring to? Kucoin? I didn't hear anything about this yet on their discord? The latest info that I heard there is the second GoCash shared MN being made currently (still need 6K+ish coins before it can start), never heard about a new listing plans yet.
why is there no information about your team? I hope you are transparent to your team, making a video with the team and uploading it on your website will be an additional point for investors on your project
Other solution the team can choose to solve these kind of situations of distrust is to complete the KYD (Know Your Developer) process, I'm not sure if the dev's information will be open for public through this but it has been what new projects been doing and the effect has been positive so far
Thread Utama: Seed Blockchain [SDB]Seed Blockchain ialah sebuah token utilitas yang akan dipergunakan di pasar online untuk industri pertanian dan pertanian. Token ini akan menyediakan informasi asal tanaman, transparansi dan optimalisasi proses dalam sebuah platform yang menghubungkan petani, pembeli, dan konsumen akhir dari rantai nilai industri ini. Pengaplikasian pertama akan menargetkan segmen tanaman Cannabis untuk menghubungkan para petani berlisensi di Australia dengan perusahaan produsen kosmetik dan konsumen di Jepang dengan ukuran pasar saat ini yang sebesar 37,87 miliar Dolar Amerika Serikat per tahun. Proyek saat ini sedang dalam proses negosiasi dengan sejumlah petani ganja di Australia yang akan menyediakan suplai Cannabis kepada produsen berlisensi (1 dari 33 lisensi eksklusif) di Jepang yang ingin memperkenalkan Cannabis ke dalam produk kosmetik dan kesehatan. Seed Blockchain akan mencari cara untuk memajukan kemitraan ini untuk mengembangkan sebuah proof of concept di mana setiap petani berlisensi di Australia akan dapat menanam, menjual dan mengelola siklus tanaman untuk menyeimbangkan permintaan dari produsen dan konsumen di Jepang. Solusi blockchain yang akan mendukung pasar akan menyediakan: - Lisensi dan transparansi pengauditan kepad semua pemerintah negara yang mengelola industri ini
- Informasi sumber tanaman kepada produsen dan konsumen yang membeli produk dengan bahan aktif Cannabis mengenai jenis dan sumber Cannabis, serta
- Mengungkap efisiensi dari semua jenis Cannabis yang dipergunakan dan kombinasi yang akan membantu fasilitas penelitian di seluruh dunia untuk penggunaan alternatif, terutama untuk perawatan medis untuk berbagai kondisi
Pra-jual Seed Blockchain Masternodes sudah dimulai! 30 MN akan tersedia untuk dijual. Untuk detail, tolong bergabung dengan Discord Seed Blockchain ( dan hubungi tim proyek (Discord Username: SeedBlockchain#3012). SPESIFIKASI KOIN Dimulai pada: 18 Agustus 2018 Ticker: SDB Algoritma Konsensus: PoS Algoritma PoS: Quark Waktu Blok: 60 detik Total Suplai: 150,000,000 Reward MN: 75% Reward Staking: 25% Token yang diperlukan untuk MN: 10,000 Pre-mine: 4,800,000 SDB token - 3% + 300,000 (untuk prajual 30 MN) PENJABARAN REWARD POS
Blok | | Reward | 1 | | Premine | 2-5,000 | | 1 | 5,001-15,000 | | 40 | 15,001-25,000 | | 50 | 25,001-35,000 | | 60 | 35,001-45,000 | | 70 | 45,001-55,000 | | 80 | 55,001-65,000 | | 90 | 65,001-75,000 | | 80 | 75,001-85,000 | | 70 | 85,001-95,000 | | 60 | 95,001-105,000 | | 50 | 105,001-115,000 | | 40 | 115,001-125,000 | | 30 | 125,001-135,000 | | 20 | 135,000+ | | 20 | ROADMAP
Kuartal 3 2018 | Kuartal 4 2018 | Kuartal 1 2019 | Kuartal 2 2019 | - Peluncuran Blockchain
- Pra-jual Masternode
- Listing Exchange
- Listing di Masternode Online
- Peluncuran Wallet
- Perekrutan Tim
- Pengembangan Platform
| - Pengumuman tentang Kerjasama
- Peluncuran Prototipe Platform
- Pengembangan Tim
- Kampanye Marketing
- Peluncuran Token Penelitian
- Pengembangan/Peluncuran Token Pembayaran
| - Pengumuman tentang Kerjasama
- Pengembangan ke industri terkait
- Listing ke exchange lainnya
- Kampanye Marketing
| - Pengumuman tentang Kerjasama
- Pembaruan Prototipe Platform
- Peluncuran ke Industri terkait
- Kampanye Marketing
| WALLET Wallet Windows & Linux: SDB: MAC, Web dan Android: Segera diumumkan Tautan Github: admin@seedblockchain.ioEXCHANGE CryptoBridge: Segera Listing
cotton coin??? Are you kidding me? Any way, this is the organic idea. Do you have any bounty or airdrop campaign bro?
You can check their discord bounty for it, most of the new announcement about bounties and events are done on the discord: they are doing web design for their merchandise,
Guys keep your eyes open for the new BTC/DASH/MONERO brother the Go Cash, the payment method king. More Rare than BTC, only 5M supply. More difficult to acquire and a high colateral of 10.000 GO CASH. Its going to get really difficult to get in the near future. It will be use for buying, more as monetary. Eyes open. I am following them at Discord. My invite to GO CASH server that wants to Chat (( MIKE T )) I agree with the low supply part but I think people might be more interested in the project if there are real life integration going (which at the moment it doesn't have), to compete with a lot of cryptocurrencies out there, online-offline integration is very important imo.
Well I think Gocash has a place in the crypto space. There's something new going on always, that's development and growth to me. Discord channel is very active and I agree to start shared MN if the full isnt reachable yet for some pockets. I am definitely interested in Gocash and starting an MN.
There is one shared masternode service advertised on the GoCash Server already, you can join here: amount needed to join the shared MN is 100 GCASH