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81  Local / Политика / Re: Белоруссия/Беларусь on: February 02, 2017, 11:15:52 AM
Тебе говоришь, что тебя обоссать хочу, а ты мне стену текста пишешь. Из какой страны ты вылез? Я хочу это обсудить.
А что ты можешь обссудить? Для того чтобы что-нибудь обсуждать нужно вначале перестать ссаться и сходить в школу. Если не получится терпеть, то сейчас есть памперсы. Правда они из ненавистной тебе Америки, но это лучше чем под себя.
82  Local / Политика / Re: Как сделать бесплатный свет (Free Energy) on: February 02, 2017, 11:08:55 AM
Как сделать бесплатный свет (Free Energy)
Интересно сколько лет нужно плотно сидеть на боярышнике, чтобы поверить в такой бред? Это видео 100% бред. За то дебильные ватники накручивают автору просмотры. Вот так и в российской политике происходит. Чем более абсурдный тезис, тем больше его поддерживают.
Пользуйся, пока работает. Такие как ты, вы ведь тупые как собаки.
Интересно сколько тебе лет? Ты лучше не в интернете посты пиши, а в школу ходи. Скажи еще что ты пробовал этот бред осуществить в жизни и у тебя получилось! Я в шоке от такой безграмотности.
83  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Tens Of Thousands Of Brits Take To The Streets To Protest Trump’s Travel Ban on: February 02, 2017, 11:03:39 AM
As far as I know one of the most advanced countries, now the it technology is India. Why American Russian? Better the Indians. Personally, I have nothing good from the Russian, do not wait. Harm from them not less than Muslims.

Indians are willing to work for long hours for a lower salary. That is the only advantage for an Indian tech worker, compared to his American counterpart. If you look at the quality, then no one can give the quality that an American or European tech worker offers.
Before that's what they said about the Chinese. Nevertheless, they now produce large quantities of good quality products. In science is an advantage on the side of the West, but it kompensiruet industrial espionage.
84  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why I'm an atheist on: February 02, 2017, 10:59:29 AM
Why do you think that life originated on earth? Maybe it originated somewhere outside the solar system. What does God do? Maybe God is the meteorite which brought the living cells on earth.
85  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Which is the best economic system? on: February 02, 2017, 10:54:28 AM
There is no best economic system that is existing in the world. Humans are not perfect and so even if we have a perfect economic system but as long as it is run by imperfect creatures it will still be less perfect. So to make a best economic system we must make the best out of people. Good people can make a good system, run a good system, make a good economic system.
Any economic system based on the principle of respect for all members of society to certain rules. And if people do not agree with these rules? Look at the income from oil is a resident of Saudi Arabia and Russia. Here you have the contradiction.
86  Local / Политика / Re: Украинцы объяснили, для чего сбили Боинг н on: February 01, 2017, 09:18:36 PM

Нидерланды не смогли расшифровать полученные от РФ данные по MH17

Россия передала следователям в Нидерландах данные по делу о крушении малайзийского Boeing в формате, которые не соответствуют международным стандартам.
льства будут
А что кто-то сомневался в том, что русские не хотят чтобы правду знали все? Только правду как шило в мешке не утаишь. Все и так знают кто сбил. Бюрократические процедуры конечно раздражают, но доказательства будут 100 процентные
87  Local / Политика / Re: Белоруссия/Беларусь on: February 01, 2017, 09:13:42 PM

Россия экстренно начала оборудовать пограничную зону с Белоруссией

Приказ об этом отдал директор ФСБ РФ
Ну вот батька и дождался! Это серьезная заявка. Мне кажется у Путина вообще кукушку снесло. Последнее государство из бывшего СССР которое поддерживало Россию. Диктатор Путин угробит Россию!
88  Other / Archival / Re: I'm really leaving the U.S. for a 3rd world country because of politics on: February 01, 2017, 09:06:13 PM
It would be better if you stayed in the US  than go anywhere else. You will not get the freedom to the things you are doing now in the USA. Bear with the politics everything will die down eventually.

There are quite a few libertarian countries out there, such as Switzerland. But then, if you have the money you can do whatever you want in most of the world nations. For example, in the Saudi Arabia, the ruling family members regularly engage in homosexual orgies and drug use, although such activities are punishable by death.

Wow if this is really true then it clearly shows that the upper classes live in a world far behind our own, Where the law is applied only when its favorable to them. They have the highest number of executions and its mainly those who speak against them.

Recently, a Saudi Royal family member was caught while trying to smuggle 3 tons of methamphetamine from Jordan, using his personal helicopter. He was let off after powerful members called the border officials. But if you are a commoner, then even carrying 1 gram of meth can get you a death sentence.
You're wrong. Only recently was executed, two members of the Royal family of Saudi Arabia. They killed people. And one of them has committed murder in a brawl. You are in Russia can you give me one such example?
89  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think in the future on DONALD TRUMP in his term of presidency ? on: February 01, 2017, 09:01:40 PM
i wanna know your thoughts ^^

Well one thing I can say about the first few days of trump's administration, it not boring. His decisions are pretty much controversial in all aspects and I think most people are not at ease with how he plans to run the government. I'm a little bit uneasy with how he's going to handle the issue with china and Russia and also how he plans to take on climate change, which I don't think he's really taking seriously
Trump is the disgrace of America! He says that make America great. It is a lie! He's too stupid to to do something. His brain enough to destroy everything. Nobody cares what will happen to Americans then.
90  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is there truest religion? on: February 01, 2017, 08:56:50 PM
Any religion is false, everyone can invent new religion and it will be truest for them.
There are many religious sects. This is an attempt to create his own religion and not to people explained the basics of the universe and people believed it. There is an attempt to make money on religion.
91  Local / Политика / Re: Освобождение Савченко on: January 20, 2017, 01:38:35 PM
Савченко: Кто кричит о возврате Крыма, не пойдут впереди, а сольют вас в "котлы".

По словам нардепа Украины, она хочет, чтобы люди услышали правду о том, кто хочет "вернуть Крым".

Депутат Верховной рады Украины Надежда Савченко заявила, что не считает себя в чём-то виноватой перед властями. Она утверждает, что всегда старалась защитить свою страну.

— Я готова защищаться за каждое своё действие, за каждое своё слово перед судом, — сказала Савченко. — Я просто хочу, чтобы людей перестали обманывать. Те, кто с высоких трибун кричит вам, что Крым мы не сдали, сдали его в 2014 году. Те, кто кричит с высоких трибун, что мы завтра вернём Крым Украине, они не пойдут впереди. Они пошлют вас, а максимум встанут сзади и сольют вас в "котлы".

Напомним, что ранее в СБУ заявили, что Надежда Савченко не имела никакого права обнародовать личные данные военнопленных и вести переговоры с ДНР и ЛНР об их обмене.

Эта девочка-мальчик с головой не дружит точно. Хотя конечно говорит красиво. Медведчук не прогадал сделав ставку на нее. Только слишком быстро они хотели добиться результатов. Поспешили. Теперь она будет не у дел.
92  Local / Политика / Re: Крым (Россия) on: January 20, 2017, 01:12:19 PM
Кто нибудь знает как сейчас обстоят дела в порту?
Как продвигается строительство моста?
Никакого моста не будет. Чтобы тянуть время ведется имитация строительства на берегу. Подъездные железнодорожные пути никто не хотел строить. З раза проводили конкурс и ни одной заявки. В конце концов Путин нагнул Ротенберга.
Какой ужас, путин всех обманывает!!!

Но как же, твой ганглий обьяснит 50% забитых свай в проливе?
А ты их лично считал или Путину веришь? Не будет никакого моста. Задача Путина отвлечь внимание от этой проблемы. Это стройка века будет имитироваться до тех пор пока он не уйдет, а это будет наверное до конца этого года.
Иди нахуй черт свидомый, подобную хуйню напишешь тут через пару лет, посмотрим.
Не умеешь говорить без матов сам иди туда. Я не очень верю в то, что Путин в этом году уйдет на покой, но если с Трампом он не подружится, а я в этом не уверен, то все может быть  Российскую экономику уже ничего не спасет.
Ты тот же самый черт-свидомый или новый вылез? С Российской экономикой все более менее нормально, чего не скажешь об украинской. 50 миллиардов газпрому чем отдавать будете?
А кто ему будет эти деньги отдавать? И сумма какая-то странная. Откуда она взялась? Это наверное ты перепутал с 50 миллиардами баксов которые Россия должна Ходарковскому за ЮКОС? Что касается российской экономики, то вообще говорить не о чем.

У хохлов вроде госдолг составляет 46 лярдов. Откуда 50 газпрому, одной вате известно...
Не понимаю у русских есть ум в голове? Их скоро Китай рвать будет а они на Украину ядом дышат. По большому счету Путина нужно судить за развал России. Он лишился всех союзников и ослабил Россию. Осталось только развалить. 
Ну какой китай, ты чучело безмозглое. Китай никогда не умел воевать. Так что сиди смирно свидомитское быдло.
Не знаю когда эта передача снималась, но я недавно смотрел танковый биатлон на БТРах. Китайцы очень достойно выступили. При этом они катались на БТР своего производства. Заняли 2 место из-за одного промаха.
93  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Which is the best economic system? on: January 19, 2017, 02:42:26 PM
A system, where everyone gets, what they deserve. lol
Such a system can only exist if all will start equal. In fact those who have inherited money and power can hinder the development of not only intelligent people, but entire countries. What's the justice?
94  Other / Politics & Society / Re: After death on: January 19, 2017, 02:36:13 PM
There's been a question that's been bugging me for a long, long time now. What happens when you die? From someones side nothing, other say that your go to their versions of heaven and yet some say that we reincarnate.

That thing got me so bad that a few time's I've been on the verge of killing myself just to see what's happening then, it's killing me to think about it. What are your thoughts? I'm not interested in the christian or virgin filled muslim heaven, I'm interested in your ideas and what are your ideas on what might happen? One theory that stuck with me is that we are born again but in the different time or just born in the same timeline but as soon as you die, you're reborn on some other place.

If you believe in Jesus then you go to Heaven, if you don't, you go to Hell.
And what would this prove? I for example do not believe in God or heaven or hell. Religion is a fairy tale for adults which aims to intimidate people and force them to pay off the mythical threat. And after his death a void, but you do not tell us.
95  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Negative effects of technology on: January 19, 2017, 02:29:42 PM
Technology is not always a good thing.

One example is with the children.
In the old days, children used to play outside with their friends.
Now majority of them are just staring at their iPads.

Yeah technology is like knife, its depending how and who is using it. With technology, it make our life easier then the past decade, but ya i agree with you, in my place its like you said, in old days i always play with my friend outside now i see most children only staring at screen. It cant be blamed to technology, one of the reason is there is no playground anymore. The only choice is VIRTUAL REALITY (not visual reality)
Any reality for people who live in it are very real, even virtually. The fact that you don't believe in it it does not mean that it does not exist. Technology helps to live. Moreover it increases productivity which led to the global crisis.

Atomic bombs helped to live a better life indeed
You could say that. Nuclear weapons a very long time is a limiting factor. I am sure that if it was not the third world war would long ago have been with a huge number of victims. Isn't it a positive fact?
96  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Julian Assange to turn himself in to the US on: January 19, 2017, 02:26:08 PM
Another feather in Obama's cap as president. His final curtain call some might say.

Donald Trump will be sworn in as President on january 20th.

Are you sure this won't be a feather in Trump's cap?

Trump is a big mistake of the Americans. Even if Congress and the Senate will keep this clown on the policy framework necessary for the US it is always a shame for America. The principles of democracy fail.
97  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alt-Right = Nazis on: January 19, 2017, 02:20:35 PM
They want to deport immigrants or place them in detention camps, just like Hitler wanted to deport Jews and place them in concentration camps
There is a huge difference there. Concentration camps were used to conduct Hitler's Final Solution doctrine - which was basically killing Slavs and Jews.

I don't see any killings happening in current 'detention camps'. And I have question for you, where do you think waves of illegal immigrants should go?
We should let them roam free on our streets? Or maybe we should give them prize - social benefits and free apartments for illegally crossing our borders?
I agree with you. Migrants is a cover occupation of Europe. I don't consider myself a fascist, but I do that all without an exception of Muslim migrants must be expelled from the EU. Lots of what they deserve is to stay in a secure camp on the territory of the state.
98  Other / Politics & Society / Re: GOODBYE OBAMA ! on: January 18, 2017, 08:36:53 PM
Yeah let's be honest.  A president who is so self centered he can't spend a little time fixing up and helping his own home town is damn near hopeless.

How can you blame Obama for the troubles in Chicago? Don't you know that Obama was playing golf in Hawaii when he was supposed to fix the issues in Chicago? It is not his fault. Chicago is on its way to become another Detoilet. Obama is helpless to prevent this from happening. Anyway.. playing golf with various foreign dignitaries helped to strengthen the foreign relations by a good amount, according to the MSM.
You seriously think that Trump will be able to restore the American auto industry? As you will be able to compete with Japanese cars made in Asia? Unfortunately, if you move to America it ruined. It will be even worse.

He will because he will use nasty business tactics to get what he wants from other countries. For example, all imported cars now have a 40% tax. see. problem solved as no one will be buying those overpriced cars.

As for countries that rely on America for their exports, trump has them by the balls. America is the consumer. Trump will choose for the people what they can consume. In this scenario I think Trump has all the cards.
Yes, if you introduce such a duty, what the time Americans will drive cars made in America, but then the question becomes how to sell them outside the US. The fall in demand businesses will be closed. By that time, and more foreign markets will be lost.
99  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Julian Assange to turn himself in to the US on: January 18, 2017, 08:28:20 PM
I thought it wouldn't happen but wiki-leaks founder has come out of hiding and ready to turn himself in to US authorities.

Another feather in Obama's cap as president. His final curtain call some might say.

That would be the saddest thing ever...
The guys is a fucking modern hero.
Him and Snowden are just humans that decided to respect the international declaration on human rights rather than some awful laws voted by an oligarchy...
Fucking heroes.
Any policy is a very dirty business. When someone publishes secret documents for me he was a criminal. I am opposed to justify it. No democracy can not forgive betrayal. It could end badly.
100  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world on: January 18, 2017, 08:21:53 PM
If you like, Trump the start-up capital by his father. I think that with the release of the land helped. Look how we live the children of the rich. How do you say in Russian "Money goes to money". You agree with this idea?

Trump managed to convert an investment of $30 million given by his father to a $3 billion business. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who inherited fortunes worth billions, but ended up as dirt poor.

Bahahaha what a sheep.
That russian troll belives that Putin is santa claus.

I don't know if he's russian but the worst part is that I think he's serious...
Some people ACTUALLY believe that earning money and living a good life is a question of work amount...
Which is clearly not the case anymore! If it ever was...
Russian General wants to destroy the whole world. In this world all live is good and bad in Russia. Their dream is to destroy the whole world and in the new world to try to hold a place. Surely in this world is someone else out there who believes Russian?
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