Sangat bermanfaat, saya masih baru belajar tentang trading. Semoga saja kedepannya tidak asal-asalan dalam membeli uang mata digital agar bisa mendapatkan keuntungan.
Unfortunately mining in smartphones is so unfavorable, so I'm not interested in doing that.
High volatility leads to big and small profits for traders. This is where opportunities for wholesalers can have big profits. But be careful with lust that can make bad luck.
Untuk sekarang Cryptocurrency harus melibatkan Blockchain karena sistemnya yang lebih maju daripada yang lain. Jika ada sistem yang lebih baik lagi dimasa depan maka akan ada pengganti blockchain.
I also want to question this, from the end of the year until now the market has decreased. I really hope there will be a gradual increase
For now I have no reason to buy Bitcoin, because the price is still potential to go down but this is not the end of everything
Beberapa minggu yang lalu saya melakukan WD dari yobit ke akun vip saya, hanya 20 - 30 menit WD berhasil. Apakah agan sudah ngecek wallet addressnya betul atau tidak.?
how to save money is to have records and monitor the money in and out of the money we have, I think it has made us aware that we need to save
Terimakasih gan ente sudah memberikan info yang sangat berharga, meski ane belum pernah mendapatkan email seperti itu tapi setidaknya ane sudah tahu bahwa jangan pernah membuka file sembarangan apalagi file yang tidak kita ketahui.
Bitcoin and Ethereum are good coins for long-term investments, because each year the price has a significant rise, but do not buy it at a rising price.
I do not think so, except Bitcoin like gold with high liquidity then Digital Money can eliminate poverty
Ane langsung di situs onlineya gan, karena juga bisa di akses melalui smartphone dan komputer gan, soalnya ane sering berpergian keluar.
Regret is a common thing if you do not have a target, I have a target when the coins keep jumping up, but my target has been reached and I do not feel sorry.
Sebelum itu saya rasa masyarakat harus mengenal dulu apa itu Bitcoin, bagaimana cara kerjanya dan bagaimana sistemnya bisa berdiri. Jika masyarakat sudah tahu maka ketika terjadi hal yang tidak di inginkan, masyarakat bisa mengambil keputusan yang bijak karena sudah mengetahui seperti apa alur Bitcoin yang memiliki nilai fluktuatif itu.
The government only wants technology that can be controlled by the government itself, so I think the Bitcoin system is transparent so the government will not be able to control.
Yang terpenting biasakan membaca dulu sebelum bertanya, meski tidak semua newbie melakukan hal seperti itu. Tetap berfikiran postif, jangan malu untuk bertanya dan untuk para senior jangan menyudutkan newbie, karena berbagi tidak akan mengurangi ilmu yang dimiliki.
You better keep it in the wallet, because when you want to move your coin to another wallet in exchange will be charged more expensive. There are many other reasons why you should choose to keep it in the wallet.
Many ways to get Bitcoin, one of them is to follow airdrop, just enter your username and email, you will get a coin that can be redeemed to Bitcoin or ETH provided that the coin is already entered in the official exchange.
This is a period of cryptocurrency development, many people who believe Bitcoin will continue to increase. In fact the initial price of Bitcoin is very cheap and is now soaring.