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801  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: Some BTC to whom solve the puzzle on: November 04, 2023, 09:39:53 AM
How do you solve this thing anyway?

You don't!

SHA256 is a hashing algorithm. There is no direct method for SHA256 decryption.

You can try to brute force it, though. But good luck with that!  Cheesy
802  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: No advertisement for btc on: November 04, 2023, 09:11:57 AM
From the name bitcoin, the first thing you will know is that “bitcoin is a desensitised digital currency ...

Desensitized? You're probably right, but I don't recall anyone using that term to describe Bitcoin before. Bitcoin doesn't have emotions that could be "desensitized." Did you perhaps mean "decentralized"?
803  Other / Meta / Re: DefaultTrust changes on: November 04, 2023, 08:51:51 AM
Users without posts don't show up on theymos' weekly Trust data dump, so I had to check Hierarchical Trust settings to confirm polymerbit is the one who included him.

Is this why we can't see RebelMoney on polymerbit's trust list?
804  Other / Meta / Re: A small merit-sending UI tweak on: November 04, 2023, 08:35:23 AM
I think going with "Approach C" is the most sensible option. Using a placeholder value is a common practice in user interfaces, and it shouldn't create any confusion, even for new members.
805  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum not showing any transactions on: November 04, 2023, 08:15:19 AM
Thank you Zaguru and Omega. It worked. I didnt even know that there is something to be prefixed while importing the private keys. Thank you so much.

There's no real standard for whether a private key generates a Bech32/SegWit address, a P2SH (nested SegWit) address, or an old-school P2PKH  address.  It's totally up to each individual wallet to decide what type of address to derive from your private key and  so if you want a specific address type for your private key, you have to explicitly "tell" your wallet what you want.  This is where prefixes come into play. Kinda annoying but it is what it is.
806  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Is This sites Legit?? on: November 03, 2023, 02:20:41 PM
Yeah, this whole thing smells real fishy to me.  The Company Profile page is super vague, with no real specifics on who runs this thing or where they're located.  And the Contact Us page? It's just a generic email - no real address, no phone number nothing.  All the signs point to this being one of those ponzi scheme deals masked as some hot new dropshipping opportunity and  you'd have to be crazy to put any trust or money into an operation this sketchy.  My advice? Steer clear.  Keep your wallet in your pocket on this one.
807  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: No advertisement for btc on: November 03, 2023, 02:01:08 PM
Back in those early days when Bitcoin first started, it was mostly getting talked about on cryptographic message boards, newsgroups and other online communities. It seemed really experimental and niche and the adoption was slow at first as people tried to understand what it was all about.

But over time, as more nerds and libertarians started getting into Bitcoin, it started getting articles written about it online and offline, and talked about in the news. People pitched it as an alternative to the traditional financial system where you had to deal with high fees from banks and credit cards and wait days for transfers. With Bitcoin transfers could be free and instant since everything is on a decentralized ledger. Of course, it still felt pretty experimental and risky back then. But the hype around Bitcoin grew as more people learned about its potential.
808  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: November 03, 2023, 01:31:19 PM
COINS.GAME kampanja ima slobodnih mjesta za jednog Legendary i jednog Sr. Member člana.
Minimalno 15 postova tjedno (od toga barem 10 u Gambling-u), a bit će plaćeno maksimalno 25 postova. Od toga 5 postova može biti u Local sekciji.

Payouts & Positions:
Legendary - $4/post.
Sr. Member - $2.6/post.

We have 1x Legendary and 1x Sr Member slot open.
809  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A Simple Reason Why Bitcoin is not Money on: November 03, 2023, 01:16:52 PM
This dude just won't quit! I've seen him around here for years, posting the same tired nonsense from different accounts. 

He'll make a new profile when he gets banned or tagged, but anyone whos been here a while can tell it's the same person.  His writing style and fixation on certain topics gives him away every time.

We've seen him use fxsurfer, antikvark, Antithesis, Snowshow and probably more and  don't waste your time responding - he just wants the attention.  Better to ignore repetitive trolls and not feed their need for attention and drama.
810  Other / Meta / Re: I raise a motion to create a board where health issues can be discussed. on: November 03, 2023, 01:03:54 PM
What I realize is that almost all of us have another perception of health and other health-related issues. For instance, those who did signature campaigns and other traders always focused on the screens of their phones, tablets, laptops, and computers, which have an effect on the eyes. With a health board, you can understand this and also know some ways and solutions to manage these issues. So, not that I am insisting, but I feel there is a need for that because we can’t focus on making money and forget our health.

What kind of half-baked argument is that? I get it, staring at screens all day long probably isn't terrific for our eyeballs, but trying to tell us that we need some health board on a bitcoin-related forum because of that? Give me a break. A little thing called common sense goes a long way.

Obviously we should be mindful of our health and all, but let's be a bit more practical about it!
811  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Jesmo li pronašli Fxsurfera& Antikvarka? on: November 03, 2023, 10:51:13 AM
Čekaj, zar nije da se on obično pojavi kad BTC dosegne vrhunac i cijena krene prema dolje? Možda ga sad boli ovaj rast. Znam da smo već raspravljali o tome ali meni i dalje nije jasno kako netko ima volje doći na BitcoinTalk forum i pisati protiv Bitcoina toliko opširne postove. Čovjek je otvorio tri teme i u prvi post napisao skoro 1000 riječi teksta.
A ja sam nekao imao dojam da se on pojavi kad je BTC na dnu da likuje kao i svi ostali trolovi pa se onda pokupi kad bitcoin krene pumpati. Sigurno zna da je bitcoin pred halveningom sto znaci da ce cijena poceti rasti pa se pojavio da se malo zabavi dok moze. Jedino me cudi da ovaj put nije navratio kod nas, da nam malo napumpa statistiku.

Nisam siguran. Čini mi se kao da se ovdje radi o nekoj ozbiljnoj dijagnozi. Mislim, mogao bih ga shvatiti da je nekakav gold bug poput Petera Schiffa, i da samo navija za svoj tim. Ali ovako... Pokušavam vidjeti logiku iza njegovih namjera. Možda tip iskreno vjeruje da njegovi pamfleti mogu zaista utjecati na tržište i pokušava ugrabiti nešto jeftinijeg Bitcoina prije sljedećeg bull run-a?  Wink
Tko zna što mu se mota po glavi!
812  Economy / Reputation / Re: What's up with all the Bitget shills? on: November 03, 2023, 08:43:31 AM
On the other hand, I don't know if you think we should report them? Tagging them is not going to have any effect and in any case it should be with a neutral, I understand.

"Report to moderator" is probably the best course of action. We can use this thread as a reference so they have a better picture of what's going on, and the moderators might also start giving out temporary bans .
813  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: [SCAMMER] Karthik Sakthivel - Ozone Chain - Did not pay Bounty Hunters on: November 03, 2023, 08:06:58 AM
For now, I am keeping this thread locked and marking it as solving.  those who have tagged the Ozone Chain official bitcointalk account @bullrun2020bro, @FatFork please consider removing it for now. I will come back again after the 15th Nov with the updates. If they fail to pay I will open this accusation again.

Thanks to all of you guys who supported.

OK. I changed my tag to neutral for now, but you should have explained to them that they are not the ones who can set the terms. They're the ones who messed up in the first place.
It feels like extortion now.
814  Economy / Services / Re: Looking for a job on: November 02, 2023, 08:59:59 AM
I need to make $5000 until the end of the week. I am a senior fullstack software developer, also I have strong knowledge in blockchain. Except the software development I am willing to do everything as a job. I am looking short and longterm job opportunities.

I am open to offers, feel free to contact me.

This is pretty vague and doesn't sound too convincing.  It'd be better to beef it up with a few more details about your background and the type of work you want.  Like, what are your main skills? Any experience thats a good match? And maybe get specific about the kinds of roles or projects you're hoping for.   

It helps if you can point employers to some solid examples of your work.  Got a portfolio site or GitHub profile you can link them to? That way they can check out your latest stuff and see what you can do.
815  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: SEC Charges Crypto Company SafeMoon and its Executive Team for Fraud on: November 02, 2023, 07:27:46 AM
Hey there,  first as a member rank you shod know how important it is to make use of the search feature in the top right hand to check whether or not the topic is already being discussed or not before going ahead to create a new one,  because this topic about safemokn CEO arrest and charges is already being discussed in another thread.

You should check the time first. This topic was created 20 minutes before the other one.

You can take a lock and lick this thread there after.

That thread is already locked, probably by the moderators. OP doesn't need to lock this one.
816  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: LastPass hack - move your crypto assets to a more secure place right now! on: November 02, 2023, 07:18:46 AM

I deleted all my data as well as my Lastpass account as soon as I switched to another app, but I don't know if it was actually deleted from their servers, it's hard to know.

I did the same. But the thing is, if our data is already leaked (even if it's in encrypted form) it doesn't matter if LastPass deleted everything from their servers. The data is already out there!

Lastpass is also a reputable application, but the confusing thing is that in recent years they have been quite bad at protecting customer data. I say Lastpass is the worst because compared to other password managers, they are the most attacked. Currently I'm also using the free version of bitwardern but I see people mentioning kesspassXC quite a lot. Maybe I'll take the time to learn about it.

I believe the main difference between Bitwarden and KeePassXC is that the latter operates offline by default, while Bitwarden, just like LastPass, stores your data in the cloud. So the KeePassXC is more secure. The downside is that if you want to sync your data across multiple devices, you'll have to set up backup solutions and handle security on your own.
817  Economy / Micro Earnings / Re: Does Faucet give real bitcoins every few hours? on: November 01, 2023, 10:28:25 AM
So what happens to the FTX exchange that experiences problems like this? I heard that FTX was a big exchange that went bankrupt but I don't know the root of the problem because at the time it happened I wasn't on this forum yet. I was interested in reading the FTX case.

A bit surprising you haven't learned about all the drama with FTX if you're into Bitcoin.  I mean, its been all over the news and Reddit threads, and it's still a hot topic because of the ongoing trial.  But, even if you don't keep up with the latest industry news, seems weird you'd miss it just hanging around here.  I know we all get busy with life and can't read every little thing.  But this was a pretty massive deal.

Anyway, no judgement if you're just catching up now.  But if you wanna understand what happened, there's plenty of explainers out there.  Might be worth doing some reading on your own so you don't feel so out of the loop.  
818  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: LastPass hack - move your crypto assets to a more secure place right now! on: November 01, 2023, 08:32:03 AM
I am just coming across this news right now, and need i say that this is absolutely shocking? This is indeed shocking, as I myself have been a very active user of LastPass all through 2018 to (i think 2021), and even up until now, some of the passwords to my email addresses are still passwords obtained from LastPass.

I sure have not noticed anything like a hack on any of my emails but i guess this is a warning for me to change them, though i am no longer using LastPass, but somehow, i think this passwords may still be on their platform, thank you OP for bringing this topic up here, this is indeed a wakeup call for us all, i also will be working on buying my first hardware wallet, all this online hacks have become one too many to not give attention to.

I'm also a fan of Lastpass but this isn't the first time they've been hacked and their customer data stolen. Almost every year I hear about this password manager being hacked and I have given up on it since 2020 until now. It's the worst app I've ever used.

Well, I wouldn't exactly say LastPass is the worst app I've ever used, because it did many things right.  Their password generation and seamless integration with browsers was great.  But that's worthless if your private info gets compromised.

If you still use this password manager (or did in the past but reuse those passwords), the best course of action would be to switch to something like KeePassXC or KeePass2.  And change all the passwords LastPass saved, like right now.  If this news about hacked wallets connects to LastPass's hack last year there's no telling what other info could get exposed later.  Things may look okay today but your credentials are still at risk.
819  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Jesmo li pronašli Fxsurfera& Antikvarka? on: October 31, 2023, 07:47:51 AM
Breaking news: Fxsurfer is back!  Cheesy

Ovaj put je malo promjenio taktiku, pa tako više nema wordpress blogova niti youtube videa, ali nema sumnje da se radi o istom tipu. Ne znam kako mi je promaklo da ga nisam uočio prije.


Do sada je otvorio već tri svoje karakteristične pamfletske teme, pa ako imate fetish za besmislene rasprave, izvolite:

A Simple Reason Why Bitcoin is not Money
A Simple Reason Why Bitcoin and Crypto Prices Must Fall to Zero
Bitcoin vs Fiat - the Difference That no One Talks About
820  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Should I, we, run a bitcoin node? on: October 30, 2023, 07:48:52 AM
Ok, I was a bit overboard on the power and cooling.  On the other hand, a Raspberry Pi cannot run a full node with the entire block chain. 

Why would you think that? Of course it can. But if you want to run a Bitcoin node even cheaper, you can check out this guide.
[Guide] How to run a Bitcoin Core full node for under 50 bucks!

But no reader has admitted to running a node.  I would really like to hear thoughts and comments from someone running a full node.

I admit, I've been running a Bitcoin Core full node for well over a year now.  Wink
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