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821  Local / Polski / Re: Tu się witamy on: August 06, 2020, 09:36:42 AM
I od razu mam pytanie, jakiś czas temu zacząłem kopać na swoim GPU ciekawego altcoina (moja subiektywna opinia), chciałbym zachęcić górników żeby wspomogli zdecentralizować sieć. Czy moge założyć wątek na Local>Polski? Czy podpiąć się gdzieś indziej?

Cześć! Myślę, że najlepszym wyborem będzie Local > Polski > Alternatywne kryptowaluty. Przejrzyj ten dział zanim założysz swój temat. Być może ktoś już pisał o tym altcoinie.
822  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: What is minimum safe amount of fee that can be set manually in Electrum wallet? on: August 03, 2020, 06:22:56 PM
As you said, I have to choose my fees based on mempool statistical data. How can I read the chart? What do the numbers on the vertical column mean?

The vertical column tells which color on the graph represents the specified fee range. It's not really convenient to read from it. If you hover your mouse over the chart, you will see more detailed data for each fee range at a specified time.

Blocks usually take from 1,2 MB to 1,6 MB of space. In this case, we take the virtual size of the block which is 1 MB. So, according to this image, if you sent a transaction paying 80 sat/byte or more, it would very likely confirm in the next block. The interval between blocks is 10 minutes on average. You should also take into account that sometimes there could be no new block found for the next 30-40 minutes which could result in much higher fee needed to confirm your transaction in one block.
823  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Replace by fee on bitcoin wallet on: August 03, 2020, 05:42:51 PM
Can someone use RBF to reverse transaction on bitcoin core and electrum wallet? Or only used to pump fee? Or, it is done by another means?

With RBF enabled, one can spend the inputs of the initial transaction again. The transaction itself cannot be deleted from the mempool or reversed. Electrum will only allow you to bump the fee, but you can remove the transaction manually by editing the wallet file (this will allow you to create a conflicting transaction) or you can sign a transaction spending the same inputs with a higher fee beforehand and broadcast it after the transaction you want to replace. I haven't tested it out on Bitcoin Core. You probably need to use -zapwallettxes parameter. Edit:

Bitcoin Core makes making Full RBF transactions very easy. Simply go to the transactions list, right click the transaction that is stuck, and choose the "Abandon Transaction" option.

If that option is greyed out, then you must go to the Bitcoin Core datadir and delete the mempool.dat file. Then restart Bitcoin Core with the -walletbroadcast=0 option and then you should be able to use "Abandon Transaction".

If the above two options fail for some reason, then you can start Bitcoin Core with the -zapwallettxes option to clear all unconfirmed transactions from your wallet.

You could also try using wallet.remove_transaction("txid") in the Electrum's console instead of editing the wallet file.
824  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: August 02, 2020, 02:55:44 PM
I hope "Ubuntu" is the 20.04 one. It can't be the other one.

Yes, it is. If you look it up in the Microsoft Store, the description of the app says that it installs Ubuntu 20.04.
825  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: August 02, 2020, 02:45:01 PM
Do you know how to uninstall ubuntu 20.04 from my windows 10? I had installed it, but I don't know how to get rid of it.

Go to "Apps & features" in your system and search for "Ubuntu". You should see Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 separately. The uninstall button will be right next to their names. If you also want to have a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 then you can click on it, select "Advanced options" and reset it.
826  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum, Windows 10, Channel is open, every payment failed on: July 31, 2020, 11:57:57 AM
Edit: I did again BLW, 0.5 mBTC, failed. Same conditions as 525 Satoshi. My conclusion, this channel only for very small amounts.

Electrum should introduce support for multi-part payments, which are already available in all implementations, in the near future. It should help avoid such situations but it won't work all the time as well.
827  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum, Windows 10, Channel is open, every payment failed on: July 31, 2020, 11:15:32 AM
I looked up the node Electrum suggested on the explorer and it seems to be fairly well-connected. Can you try sending a smaller payment and/or pay for something on a popular website (e.g. If the former doesn't work then probably there is no route to ACINQ's node at all. If the latter doesn't work then there is clearly something wrong with the suggested node.

By the way, do you keep BLW open when you are trying to send coins to it from Electrum?
828  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum, Windows 10, Channel is open, every payment failed on: July 31, 2020, 10:54:49 AM
My first send was 0.5 mBTC to BLW, connected to ACINQ, failed. QR code was created with BLW.

The second send was 1 mBTC to BlueWallet, which failed. QR code was created with BleuWallet. (edit: BLW to BlueWallet)

Did you spend any coins over the Lightning Network from both BLW and BlueWallet? You can't receive coins over the LN unless you make space for the incoming funds.

Nothing can be received immediately after creating a new payment channel, as ‘room’ for incoming funds has to be made by spending some funds first. A payment channel can be thought of as a full bottle of water: in order to pour something in one first has to pour something out.

Each channel implicitly contains a reserve which is unspendable and typically takes about 2% of the channel’s capacity. You must spend an amount matching that reserve to make receiving possible. Unspendable channel reserve is the reason you see a negative receive limit when a new channel is full. It indicates how much you need to spend before anything can be received through the channel.
829  Local / Polski / Re: Wysokie fee za wypłatę z portfela on: July 30, 2020, 07:20:22 PM
Nie chcę pisać źle o LN, ale chyba najwyższy czas powiedzieć sobie otwarcie, że niestety nie jest tym wymażoym rozwiązaniem, na które czekaliśmy tyle lat i które tak bardzo reklamowali sami twórcy projektu. Nawet pomimo dalszego rozwoju, moim zdaniem nie będzie w stanie LN na stałe rozwiązać problemu, chociażby drogich transakcji w sieci BTC, bo o samej skalowalności BTC, to już nawet nie wspomina

Nie bój się kwestionować! Nie będę rzucał kamieniami tak jak wyznawcy pewnego altcoina Roll Eyes Dobry portfel wspierający Lightning Network podobno ma być w stanie działać tak aby użytkownik końcowy nie musiał martwić się o to czy jego transakcja nie jest za duża lub czy jego kanały są odpowiednio połączone. Zobaczymy za parę lat jak to wyjdzie.

Nie, nie myślałam nigdy o takim rozwiązaniu, a w jakimś stopniu rozwiązałoby to mój problem? Smiley

Mogłabyś używać przeglądarkowego interfejsu Trezora do zarządzania BTC, ale podobny efekt można osiągnąć importując Twój obecny seed do Electrum.

A tak poza tym to wiecie może coś o portfelu Coinomi? Jak wygląda pod względem określania fee? Czy jest bezpieczny i funkcjonalny? Pytam, bo myślałam, czy może do niego przenieść środki. Czy jednak Electrum byłoby lepszym rozwiązaniem?

Tak, używałem go do małych kwot na telefonie zanim przerzuciłem się na Samourai Wallet (wspiera tylko BTC). Działał bez zarzutu i nie ogranicza sztucznie możliwości dostosowania opłat transakcyjnych. Co do bezpieczeństwa, idealnym rozwiązaniem byłby zakup portfela sprzętowego (jeżeli jakiś wspiera wszystkie interesujące Cię kryptowaluty) lub użycie odizolowanego od sieci komputera do podpisywania transakcji. Druga opcja raczej odpada ze względu na różnorodność altcoinów. Skoro znasz już Exodus, to może lepiej będzie przy nim zostać. Zaimportowanie seeda do Electrum będzie najłatwiejsze do wykonania, a rozwiąże Twój problem z BTC.
830  Other / Archival / Re: Electrum 4.0.2 android app on: July 30, 2020, 03:11:17 PM
I was thinking that you need to enable some advanced options, but I did not find any of them.

Go back to the screen where you can select "Send", "History", "Receive" and tap on your wallet's name in the top-left corner. You should see "Enable LN" button in the bottom-right corner. Most of the information from my desktop version walkthrough is also valid for the Android version.
831  Local / Polski / Re: Wysokie fee za wypłatę z portfela on: July 29, 2020, 10:43:55 PM
Tak sobie tylko myślę, czy jakiś portfel z LN (Lightning Network) nie jest lepszy/tańszy jeżeli chodzi o jak najtańsze przesłanie BTC?

Sam nie wiem, bo nigdy z LN nie korzystałem, a z tego co wiem Exodus nie obsługuje LN, więc jest to jakieś wyjście czy nie?

Niestety, ale z Lightning Network nie jest tak kolorowo jakby wszyscy chcieli. Aby stworzyć kanał należałoby wysłać transakcję o dokładnie tej samej wielkości. Wielokrotne płatności w ramach jednego kanału są bardzo opłacalne, ale w przypadku jednorazowego przesłania środków jest to kompletnie nieopłacalna zabawa. Warto też wspomnieć, że nie byłoby możliwości przesłania wszystkich środków - każdy kanał musi utrzymać rezerwę (zazwyczaj 1% wartości kanału) na opłaty transakcyjne potrzebne do zamknięcia kanału. Mógłbym jeszcze wspomnieć o kilku innych haczykach, ale myślę, że to wystarczy, żeby stwierdzić, że LN nie nadaje się w tym przypadku Undecided

Exodus nie wspiera Lightning Network, ale Electrum już tak.
832  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Unconfirmed Transaction on: July 29, 2020, 10:34:30 PM
Transaction invalid: some outputs that it attempts to spend have been already spent or are no longer valid.

Are you trying to look up the same transaction id as before? By increasing the fee, you basically signed a new transaction which has a different id. The original transaction was replaced.
833  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: July 29, 2020, 09:48:47 PM
Why /mnt/c/coin? Why not just C:/coin?

Look at the example from the installation step. The destination directory is "c:\workspace\bitcoin" and the DESTDIR is set to "/mnt/c/workspace/bitcoin".

Btw, it is still compiling, how much time will it take do you think?

I have no idea. It depends on your hardware. I don't have any reference numbers, sorry.
834  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: July 29, 2020, 09:42:51 PM
Ah ok. I just don't get how it searches and compiles in C:\coin

It doesn't. You are currently working in the "/home/okko/bitcoin/" directory. Look at the installation step which is next. That's where you have to specify the path to your folder on the C drive.

make install DESTDIR=/mnt/c/coin
835  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Unconfirmed Transaction on: July 29, 2020, 09:13:40 PM
Or should I increase the fee on the current transaction?I had it at 1 Sat for 0.0672505 BTC.

You can't cancel your transaction. Right-click on it in Electrum and select "Bump fee". You will be able to adjust the fee. The extra amount will be deducted from one of your outputs or a new input will be added (if available).
836  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: July 29, 2020, 09:06:15 PM
I can type. Is it over?

No, new lines should be appearing all the time. Once you see "okko@LAPTOP-NC8MQ733" again, it will mean that the build has been finished.
837  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: July 29, 2020, 08:43:22 PM
I'm waiting for some minutes. Nothing seems to happen.

"make" started the compilation. You should see that your computer is under load in the task manager. Give it a few more minutes.
838  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: July 29, 2020, 08:29:27 PM
What exactly do I write? cd.. and then ./ or both at the same line?

Execute them separately. They were put in the separate lines intentionally. You could write them in the same line by putting "&&" between them, but that's completely redundant.
839  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: July 29, 2020, 08:20:59 PM
i thought i need only one wallet with an payment channel  cause the 2cnd wallet is connected as an peer over the lightning nodes and so also with the channel  ?.

The second wallet also needs to have an open channel with some node. Both of your wallets need to be online and the receiving wallet needs to have some inbound capacity (check the answer below). You seem to be a little confused about what the Lightning Network is. This video might help you.

where i am able to check that i have enough space for incoming funds ?  

I have described it in the fourth point of the walkthrough. If you don't have any inbound capacity then you have to spend some coins over the Lightning Network.
840  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why can't I compile the bitcoin source code? on: July 29, 2020, 06:46:36 PM
What about that? I don't copy it, right? Because, when I did, it returned that:

I have just noticed that you have changed "$PATH" to "C:\coin". Don't modify anything. Leave it at "$PATH" and it should work.
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