I’m with @pooya87 on this one. Ignorance is not the sole driver. On its own, ignorance (as in don’t know enough/do not master rather than lack of culture) would not lead people to fall for some of the listed pitfalls, but rather the main driver is likely gullibility, combined with a hasty urge to get something practically out of thin air. Of course the more versed one becomes, the less likely to fall for these traps, so concurrent factors are rather entangled.
Newcomers often have to face a technological learning curve, besides learning how to build a wall of defences against scams and such. This is when one is particularly weak and exposed, and the best one can hope for is for a quick learning curve with prudence at the core.
<…> newbies must understand that good URL starts wiht "https" <…>
Not any more … The " s" part will ensure that the traffic between you and the site you connect to is encrypted (meaning that a sniffer should not be able to make heads or tails from it), but it does in no way mean that the site you are connecting to is safe: PhishLabs, the data source behind the link in the OP, has an update report, and now places the mark at 68% for phishing sites using SSL (see https://info.phishlabs.com/blog/apwg-two-thirds-phishing-sites-ssl-https). Although their data for some Quarters decreases in percentage, it’s fair to assume that SSL certificates is a non-trustworthy indicator on its own, and that the assumption needs to clearly be demystified.
Veo que mi media de dedicación al foro ha bajado desde el 01/03/2020 (valor que dejé reflejado en un post anterior en este mismo hilo) hasta la fecha. Comparando los valores reflejados en el Total time logged in (actualmente 141 días, 21 horas and 40 minutos), da una media de algunos minutos más de las 3h diarias, valor que está por encima de la realidad que percibo. <…> He leido algo sobre las reglas, pero si romo alguna por favor me cuentan que aun soy nueva.
Las reglas son bastante de sentido común, pero si destacaría una (por ser la que más baneos causa), sería la relativa al plagio. Por tal, se considera copiar y pegar (y o variar tan solo algunas palabras) texto elaborado por un tercero, sea originado en el propio foro o una entidad externa al mismo. Si se usa texto de un tercero, hay que explicar la fuente. El conjunto completo supongo que las habrás visto: Lista no oficial de reglas (sí oficiales) del foro. Guías. FAQ. Unofficial list of (official) Bitcointalk.org rules, guidelines, FAQ
This pretty much sums-up the forums take on plagiarism: <…> Plagiarism is what gets people permabanned, not just copying. Plagiarism is copying with the intent of passing the work off as your own. In essentially all cases, plagiarism deserves a permaban because it usually proves definitively that the person is here for the wrong reasons: to fill up space in order to get paid, not to actually discuss or contribute. If someone was able to convince us that they were plagiarizing just to eg. impress people rather than to fill up space, then a lesser ban of a few months might instead be warranted. But this has never happened AFAICR. (Arguments based on plausible deniability aren't going to work; we don't need to prove that you had the motive we see in your actions.)
If you treat posting as a job, a chore, then you must live in fear, since the forum is not made for you. In this case, you need to blend in as someone who actually cares, but plagiarism will immediately out you, and producing a mountain of useless posts will also eventually be noticed, if more slowly. If you do actually care, then this will be obvious in your posts (and probably your merit score), and you will have nothing to fear from moderators; even allegations of plagiarism will be doubted when seen in the context of your other posts.<…>
The key here is intent, although one may assume that the principal cause for plagiarism is that of cutting corners, and filling-in posts without having to give them much thought. Were I to have left out the quotes above, I figure that my intent would be read accordingly in an appeal ...
Besides checking the availability, limits, fees, IDs, onboard ATM cameras and such with site such as CoinATMRadar, and then verifying the information by contacting the locations via their contact details, I’d also consider looking for a place with various Bitcoin ATMs in a reasonable range, lest you were to encounter some unexpected issue with the chosen ATM location. One thing that would bug me is the safety of the location itself. I’ve seen some photographs of some ATMs that seem to be placed in a junkie parlour, certainly a profile to avoid.
Conceptualmente, hay mercado para asesorar a los neófitos en Bitcoin que pueden desarrollar un interés en disponer del mismo, sin querer entrar en la parte técnica de su manejo. De hecho, hay maquinaria puesta en marcha a través de bancos tanto de Alemania como de EEUU a tales efectos, y personalmente pienso que es un camino de expansión del BTC hacia sectores inversores, dado que hay gran parte de la población incapaz de asumir y asimilar la vertiente técnica de ser su propio banco. Dicho lo anterior, y a falta de leer la letra pequeña, los bancos darán una serie de garantías y servicios a cambio de comisiones, y eso es algo a lo cual estamos habituados con los bancos. Hacer algo afín, salvando las distancias, a título individual o corporativo, requiere a mi entender de la capacidad de otorgar confianza al cliente. Como particular, yo no acudiría a este tipo de servicios, pero claro está, estoy en el lado de los que pueden "ser su propio banco". Desarrollar la confianza es por tanto clave, y el factor con el cual se lucha son los numerosos timos que hay en este mundillo – ergo esto sería un aspecto crítico a abordar en el planteamiento de tu negocio: ¿cómo generar confianza?. En lo relativo a la situación particular con las divisas en Argentina, y cómo superar los escollos, aquí sería deseable que alguien con conocimiento de causa pudiese aportar su visión práctica.
The story has been bugging me for a while. While feasible (as almost anything taken to the extreme), it’s also pretty improbable. I didn’t see a plausible usage of a hard drive as a tool holder until I came across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPMr-OX4bd8As it seems, the magnetic components from within the disk server to hold tools in place, and although it has limited usage (unless on dismembers a bunch of hard drives), it could be that someone would actually do that. What buggers me here is that the language (expressiveness) in the OP is way better than on the rest of the posts written by the OP (that sometimes leads to things ...).
Ya tienes la TX confirmada (de hecho, 55 confirmaciones), por lo que moviste tus 0,02952776 BTCs por tan solo un equivalente de 0,026$, con la primera confirmación a las 2020-07-25 04:24 UTC. La espera finalmente no ha sido tan larga para el fee pagado, pero si es inquietante el interim hasta obtener la primer confirmación …
Para mí, el ratio relativo más interesante sería el de número de consultas de una temática determinada, procedentes de IPs únicas en un periodo determinado (luego se podría medir la recurrencia de la misma consulta desde la misma IP, pero esto sería un factor secundario). La relativización a nivel de países (derivada de la geolocalización de la IP) sería mejor en relación a la población (>= x años) de un país determinado. Esto último sería más útil para comparar y ver la evolución de países, que no el actual sistema (que compara respecto de las búsquedas totales del país).
Lo de la IP no es la panacea de la verdad absoluta no obstante, y dependerá mucho del algoritmo de asignación de IPs dinámicas de los distintos ISP en cada país (por ejemplo, no es lo mismo que te de una IP a cada rebote del router, que cada x dias).
No debería suceder que se pierda. La TX está generada, y es cuestión de que sea procesada por parte de algún minero cuando la mempool (TXs pendientes de procesar) esté algo más libre, y determine procesar las de Fees más bajos. Yo le daría el fin de semana de margen antes de proceder a contemplar el tema de los aceleradores, y si tienes más margen de espera, seguiría esperando antes de gastarme algo más en aceleradores (reitero de no caer en los que son meros timos – en el hilo antes referenciados hay opiniones de miembros del foro de cuyo criterio técnico me fio personalmente). Hay cierta confisuín acerca de si a los 14 días la TX se tira para atrás: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5043812.0 y https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5264353.0. -> Parece ser el valor por defecto de los nodos mineros, pero puede no estar así configurado en todos, y tener uno que propague TXs sin confirmar con mayor antiguedad que los citados 14 días. Otra opción sería usar RBF (REplace By Fee), pero las TXs generadas a partir de Trezor no lo soportan, salvo que se hubiesen emitido desde Electrum vinculando el dispositivo Trezor: https://wiki.trezor.io/Replace-by-fee_(RBF)
Update 24/07/2020:The dashboard gives you access to anyone’s complete merit history in the TX tab, surpassing the 120 day limit. Link: BitcoinTalk Merit Dashboard. Updated the Merit Dashboard to reflect the most recent sMerit available data: Total sMerit: 714.182 Total Txs: 377.285 From Users: 22.345 To Users: 34.951 minDate: 2018-01-24 22:12:21 maxDate: 2020-07-24 02:32:40 Aggregate awarded sMerit for the last complete week (13/07/2020 .. 19/07/2020) is 4.592 which is down 2,21% from the previous week. In addition, there is 1 more Legendary members this week: Icygreen -> Legendary from Sr. Member during Merit System kick-off. Note: Copper Members and non-native ranks (staff, etc) are displayed as real (regular) ranks.Note: I will be somewhat irregular updating the Merit Dashboard over the next weeks.Note: Small error in ranked-up tab (not all are currently displaying)
Yo si veo la TX en (blockchain.info -> blockchain.com): https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/2bcdc89e8d219a0d9ca6ff794dc7d5f5b57994345adfba1a7b89223a97264289Sigue sin estar confirmada. Como indicas, la TX anterior fue rápida, a razón de 79,588 sats/byte. La TX encallada se realizó a razón de 1,257 sats/byte. Según https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/, el rango de 1-2 sats/byte es el tramo más saturado, y se estima una espera de entre 30 y 600 minutos aún (ojo, es una estimación). En el peor de los casos, si te corre prisa, puedes intentar ver si un servicio de aceleración de TX te sirve para resolver la situación (yo esperaría primero tranquilamente unos días no obstante). Ojo, hay muchos que son un timo, y no sirven para nada. Ves ojeando hilos como el siguiente: Transaction Confirmations & Accelerator | How it works ? . Básicamente: - What about transaction accelerators how they work ? is it possible to make a transaction accelerator that work only for my transactions ?
All that "transaction accelerator" services do is send your transaction to miners so they can "manually" include it in their next block. For example, ViaBTC's accelerators[1] makes ViaBTC include your transaction in the next block they mine. If they don't mine a block, then nothing will really happen. The only people that can offer such services are the ones connected/related with miners. A "normal person" can't do such thing. [1] https://www.viabtc.com/tools/txaccelerator
<…> ¿A qué te refieres con "A/B"? <…>
Me refería a los pagos en FIAT que se realizan parcialmente en blanco ("A") y parcialmente en negro ("B"). Hay muchas TX comerciales de bienes inmuebles que llevan asociada una parte en A y otra en B, con el objetivo esencial el ahorro de impuestos – he ahí que diga que en FIAT ya hay de por sí una tradición de no ser plenamente transparentes (bajo el punto de vista macro), no puntual de ningún caso en particular.
Me temo que la autora del artículo referenciado erra al interpretar (o no matizar) ciertos datos en el desarrollo del artículo, y es que el hecho de que todo los datos son relativos tiene su punto perverso. Cabe siempre enfatizar esta relatividad, y ser cautos al concluir. Por ejemplo, Nigeria figura como el país donde Bitcoin suscita más interés, pero es siempre interés relativo como he explicado varias veces. Por ejemplo (datos inventados para ejemplificar): Nigeria: - Búsqueda del término 'Bitcoin' en un periodo x en Google: 100.000 - Búsquedas en Google en un periodo x: 10.000.000 - Ratio de búsquedas Bitcoin/Google: 100.000 / 10.000.000 = 0,01 Otro país: - Búsqueda del término 'Bitcoin' en un periodo x en Google: 1.000.000 - Búsquedas en Google en un periodo x: - Ratio de búsquedas Bitcoin/Google: 1.000.000 / = 0,001 Es decir, Nigeria tiene mejor ratio relativo que "otro país" (0,01 vs 0,001), pero no valores absolutos de búsquedas (100.000 vs 1.000.000). Q) ¿En cuál de los dos países anteriores hay más interés por Bitcoin? Depende como se mire. Tengamos presente que estamos en medio de una pandemia, que copa muchísimas búsquedas nuevas en Google. Podría darse el caso de que las búsquedas del término 'Bitcoin' fuesen más o menos estables, pero que tengamos una cantidad ingente de nuevas búsquedas del término 'Coronavirus'. Esto hace que el interés relativo de 'Bitcoin' baje, aunque tenga el mismo número de búsquedas.
Data as of 24/07/2020Updated the lists in the OP (and subsequent post) to reflect the forum members that still qualify in each of those lists. Currently, on those lists there are, lacking <= 20% merits to rank-up (activity may not be met though): - 41 Heroes (on their way to Legendries) - 54 Sr. Members (on their way to Heroes) - 47 Full Members (on their way to Sr. Members) - 42 Members (on their way to Full Members) - 196 Jr. Members (on their way to Members) Added this week (12): user_id name Status posts activity activity_Met merit rank ProbableInitialRank trust url 823344 Traxo Active 508 508 Y 421 Sr. Member Full Member =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=823344 1081647 friends1980 Active 1065 994 Y 400 Sr. Member Full Member =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1081647 1701092 Husires Active 174 173 N 233 Full Member Old Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1701092 1273026 Bagiira Active 207 207 N 207 Full Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1273026 1533708 mgoz Active 234 234 N 203 Full Member Old Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1533708 378327 Hox Active 534 534 Y 200 Full Member Full Member =+14 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=378327 2798616 danieleither Active 67 66 N 92 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2798616 1038114 gagux123 Active 170 170 Y 88 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1038114 2803296 DoubleEdgeEX Active 181 70 Y 8 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2803296 912328 internetional Active 85 85 Y 8 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=912328 2650157 Cueneyt1986 Active 65 65 Y 8 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+9 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2650157 2756791 Dondeon Active 58 58 N 8 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2756791
Removed (*) this week (12): user_id name Status posts activity activity_Met merit rank ProbableInitialRank trust url 1013952 Icygreen Active 1366 1148 - 1007 Legendary Sr. Member =+1 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1013952 1100353 Rosilito Active 943 546 Y 253 Sr. Member Full Member =+1 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1100353 40565 MajorMiner Active 134 134 N 118 Full Member Member =+0 / =1 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=40565 2722098 seek3r Active 297 224 N 110 Full Member New Era Newbie =+2 / =1 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2722098 2775483 BlackHatCoiner Active 613 126 N 108 Full Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2775483 2738899 FatFork Active 691 224 N 102 Full Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2738899 2640292 GOLD_official Active 290 290 Y 101 Full Member New Era Newbie =+1 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2640292 2632934 Krubster Active 71 71 N 100 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2632934 2434463 FinneysTrueVision Active 126 126 Y 10 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2434463 2405298 lemonandfriesonetwo Active 518 518 Y 10 Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2405298 2790861 coboguard Active 51 51 N 11 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2790861 2803546 CryptD38 Active 44 44 N 10 Jr. Member New Era Newbie =+0 / =0 / -0 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2803546
(*) Due to enough merits for the next rank, or being banned.
Well, he did allegedly help to launder up to 25M$ through his Bitcoin ATM network. Apparently, an undercover agent managed to purchase 14,500$ at a given ATM during September 2018, failing the ATM owner to file the necessary reports for the sums. If that was not enough, he also transacted similar amounts with some other undercover agents in person (allegedly workers from a "karaoke bar" that went the extra mile for their customers), also failing to file the necessary reports. Twice shy ... https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/oc-man-admits-operating-unlicensed-atm-network-laundered-millions-dollars-bitcoin-and
<…> storing Bitcoins in a bank,instead in your own BTC wallet,doesn't make any sense.You will pay additional fees and get the same level of security,maybe even lower. <…>
From many investor’s perspective, it does make sense. From most forum member’s perspective, it doesn’t. People here on the Forum are used to "being their own bank" to a certain degree, and more or less understand what it entails in terms of wallets, security and ownership. Nevertheless, there are many investors out there that would probably ponder investing some amount in Bitcoin, without having to go on to understanding a bunch of technicalities that are behind being their own bank, and beyond their comprehension. They are used to having the bank being their custodial, and would accept a similar solution to their Bitcoin custody. The fineprint here would be paramount to read and understand, in order to get to know the bank’s degree of liable responsibility and guarantees. It’s not my piece of cake, but I get why it can be that of others with different backgrounds and investment habits.
Could well be. This @Fasesieno bloke keeps on trying to lure people to his Telegram profile, where all the conversations will be out of sight from anyone willing to watch out for inconsistencies or clear scam flags. That’s why many things are better dealt with in the open (on this forum for example), so long as you don’t reveal personal information. Here’s another example of a message by @Fasesieno, which has now been deleted: <…> There are still people who think that bitcoin is anonymous and it is not possible to trace it! This is really funny! But there is the possibility of interrupting the bitcoin chain and then your bitcoin will be new and not involved in any fraudulent schemes and no one can track you! I don't trust services that supposedly guarantee anonymity, since everything can be hacked! But I know how to really break the bitcoin chain mechanically and your bitcoin will be white and clean! If you are really interested. I can share this scheme with you!
Write to me in telegram <…>
A real solution provider ...
… Y en España tenemos el caso más reciente de renombre conocido: Adif (Empresa pública dedicada a la Administración de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias). Esta vez no parece que los discos estén encriptados, sino que los hackers (REvil) han logrado sacar 800 Gb de información relativa a la contabilidad, correos, contratos, (datos personales), etc., bajo la amenaza de publicarlos en un dominio público. Como ya sabemos, este tipo de extorsiones suele recurrir a Bitcoin como forma de resolución. ver: https://es.beincrypto.com/ataque-ransomware-revil-infecta-800-gigabytes-empresa-publica-espanola-adif/