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841  Other / Meta / Re: Vod abusing Trust Sytem on: June 20, 2014, 01:40:09 PM
Vod is a shill that works with a ring of scammers.
842  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 20, 2014, 01:36:10 PM
OP: I don't know you, nor am I qualified to judge your health, but seriously... you've manufactured pretty wild theory based on what? Two things you think you saw: someone resembling your school sweetheart in government-looking vehicle, and lamp being thrown off the table for no apparent reason? How did you manage to start from there and end up with some crazy story about creatures from another dimension and their super secret evil plans (which you somehow seem to know in details) is beyound me.

It is my beliefs based on my understanding of the universe.  I have tapped into the Akashic records and this is what they tell me.

You have to look at the world as it truly is and look into yourself as you truly are.  It is highly evident there are people in power with ill intentions for humanity, most people cannot accept this because they fear the truth, though so long as you fear the truth, you will never defeat the fear.
843  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 20, 2014, 01:33:33 PM
Dank, send us a list of all the shit you take. Sound like you're on some next level high

i'm thinking he's a shizophrenic and the drugs did not cause that... it probably just exacerbated his symptoms. he's totally mindfucked, living in his own bubble by now.

Please read to me the definition of schizophrenia and please explain how it is at all applicable to me.

here's a quote from wikipedia.

Schizophrenia (/ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. Common symptoms include false beliefs, auditory hallucinations, confused or unclear thinking, inactivity, and reduced social engagement and emotional expression. Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the person's reported experiences.

btw, can you be honest with us? can you tell us whether you were diagnosed with this or not? is that why your parents had you put on prescription meds?

Thank you.  "False beliefs" - I do not believe in negativity, only love, only truth.  Nor do I experience auditory or visual hallucinations, confused or unclear thinking, inactivity, reduced social engagement or emotional expression.  I recognize what is real, and what is real a good part of population fails to see, for we have been brainwashed with negativity and delusions since youth.

I was diagnosed with it by an ignorant, corrupt doctor that didn't give a damn about his patients and only AFTER he said I could leave.  I had bags in hand ready to leave and he said "Oh wait, you have to take this 'medicine' first" and I was held down by 8 people and molested by a needle.  Those 'antipsychotics' make you way more psychotic then before you take them, they literally damage your brain.

The last time I was in a psych ward, again for doing nothing to anybody but using my free speech, I was not diagnosed as schizophrenic.  It just goes to show that A) we do not have free speech, and B) psychiatry has no scientific basis, it is subjective solely to the discretion of the practitioners.  There is not any evidence that psychiatric drugs have ever helped, let alone cure, patients from their 'illness'.

The nazi's did the same thing during WWII, wake up people.
844  Other / Off-topic / Re: Are you a robot? on: June 20, 2014, 01:23:43 PM
but that philosophical question is very important ... it's also about dualism
Ah Dualism, yes, because that's been proven, right? . . . .right? . . . or, maybe, just maybe . . . there are so many people indoctrinated into theist delusion that they can't actually consider that it's about as proven as the invisible pink unicorns that watch over us in 'the quantum', along with elephant wings and garage dragons.

The 'mind' cannot exist without the brain. We exist within the brain and, when the brain stops working, we stop existing.

Dualism, or the belief that the 'mind' and the brain are separate entities leading to the 'mind' possibly continuing after death, is wishful thinking, that's all. There isn't any objective evidence that has ever suggested otherwise.

There's a whole lotta playing pretend *real* hard with myth and magic believed to be true because, well, you were raised that way. A belief in dualism is no different to a belief in Zeus or Thor, or Ra, or any of the currently 'believed' gods, it's just a long-running game of pretend.

Then you must be a robot.  Your consciousness exists with or without a brain, non existence does not exist.  I have contemplated this long and hard since I was about 8 years old, there is no possible way your consciousness can stop existing.  Energy can only be transferred, not destroyed.

Duality is the very essence of our universe, we perceive dimensions of space which are created by positive and negative attributes.  We perceive feeling which are perceived as positive and negative emotions.  If duality did not exist, we would be a singular point of consciousness with absolutely no perception of time, space, or change.  We would be in the highest realm of heaven, complete nirvana.
845  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 19, 2014, 10:36:24 PM
Dank, send us a list of all the shit you take. Sound like you're on some next level high

i'm thinking he's a shizophrenic and the drugs did not cause that... it probably just exacerbated his symptoms. he's totally mindfucked, living in his own bubble by now.

Please read to me the definition of schizophrenia and please explain how it is at all applicable to me.
846  Other / Off-topic / Re: Watch dank fly on: June 19, 2014, 10:34:00 PM
Sean you have no right to be on those public roads.

Every other person driving has made an agreement to drive in a predictable and safe way.  You ignore that agreement and your driving is not predictable at all.  Someone will make a move that will get you killed.  You're an asshole for trying to take someone innocent out with you.

Sigh you are a nut are one of those people that would shoot up a school and justify it.

The email address of his local police department is

Once the police start following motor vehicle laws, I will too.

Please stop fantasizing about my death, I know how to believe in myself.  I would have been dead a long time ago if that was my fate.

Wow, you give motorcyclists a really bad name.....

Endangering yourself and the others around you....very poor taste too bad you didn't get a ticket for the way you were driving, reckless + speeding ticket should help you out.

Absolutely pathetic that you post this video and brag about how you are endangering people.  Keep driving like that and you are going to kill someone....

I'm not bragging about how I'm endangering people.  I'm not endangering people.  If I know before I step foot on the bike that I'm not going to crash and lay my fate in the hands of the universe/god I know I will be protected, as the universe protects those who serve her prosperity.

Sigh you are a nut are one of those people that would shoot up a school and justify it.

Keep driving like that, one of these days someone isn't going to see you and hit you, got news for you, they will probably be alright, you going 100 on a bike, probably with no helmet, will not be okay.

Riding a motorcycle == shooting people in a school?  Quite twisted and demented logic you have my friend, imo.

I was wearing a helmet.
847  Other / Off-topic / Re: Watch dank fly on: June 19, 2014, 04:31:07 PM
Wow, you give motorcyclists a really bad name.....

Endangering yourself and the others around you....very poor taste too bad you didn't get a ticket for the way you were driving, reckless + speeding ticket should help you out.

Absolutely pathetic that you post this video and brag about how you are endangering people.  Keep driving like that and you are going to kill someone....

I'm not bragging about how I'm endangering people.  I'm not endangering people.  If I know before I step foot on the bike that I'm not going to crash and lay my fate in the hands of the universe/god I know I will be protected, as the universe protects those who serve her prosperity.
848  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 19, 2014, 08:49:35 AM
Your words speak for your own lack of understanding, not others.

You can not refute proof I have seen for my own eyes.

It's time to wake up to the truth, that the universe is truly infinite in every way imaginable.
849  Other / Off-topic / Re: Can We Live Forever? on: June 19, 2014, 08:30:43 AM
We all live forever.  Non existence does not exist, your perception will always continue.  It is our perception (consciousness) that makes us what we are, not what we are making our perception.
850  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 19, 2014, 08:27:22 AM
That is part of your ego's defense mechanism to cling to your sense of normality by rejecting foreign concepts that do not fit your world view.

Your story does sound pretty far fetched...

If trans-dimensional beings existed then they certainly wouldn't exist materially. They would have no mass...

If an alternate dimension exists simultaneously with ours then only subatomic particles joined by quantum entanglement would be able to affect one-another without existing in a state of superposition. Should multiple dimensions exist, the subatomic fabric between them would be the only connection.

 Something like a lamp being cast off of a table by itself might possibly be explained by a rare quantum entanglement. An object with mass will not move without a force strong enough to overcome inertia and friction. If for instance; one of the subatomic particles composing a proton in the lamp had an entangled twin which wound up in large particle accelerator or massive cosmic energy discharge of some sort. I imagine enough energy might be released when that proton explodes randomly... Weird stuff like that happens sometimes and there really isn't a good explanation for it.

More is possible than what meets the eye.  There truly are no limits to what the universe is capable of, the reptilian shapeshifter theory is astonishingly accurate from my own witness of one.  Whether or not they truly hold a reptilian or humanoid form, I don't know, though I'm sure they could take form of any being more or less.  Though the concept of the reptilian theory stems from the rear part of the brain, like a reptile, our primitive instinct of fear that has highly evolved in some beings.

They try to hide how powerful our mind truly is, for if we do not know our full potential we will forever be open and submitting to superior being's control over our minds.

The only link between those two are that completely normal and healthy people whom encounter them are labeled and drugged by doctors that are unknowingly (or knowingly) fulfilling the agenda of the aliens that enslave them.

Something you should understand is that psychiatry is based off absolutely zero scientific facts or evidence.  It is completely formidable conjuncture used to control the way our population thinks.  The Nazis did the same thing.

Every year, a new, grossly larger volume of the DSM is released that further gives doctors ability to misdiagnose and 'treat' (profit) off of just about anyone they could imagine.

Rather than helping you solve problems and helping you gain healthier lifestyle choices and patterns, they would rather feed you pills and profit off of your defecation.

If you research mass shootings and the actual side effects of psychiatric drugs, you'll find that most every shooter had taken some form of antidepressant or other psychiatric 'medicine' before.

Have you ever wondered why antidepressants cause suicidal thoughts?  We are messing with nature which has perfected an equilibrium over millions of years.  We take compounds that occur naturally in plants and modify them and synthesize them as to patent and profit off of them.

The pharmaceutical industry is a huge powerhouse in maintaining the gross suffering of humanity.  Their drugs kill more than all illegal drugs combined x10.  Chemotherapy kills more people of radiation than it heals of cancer.

Their goal is to withhold the truth that we control our health.  A positive mind will lead to a positive, healthy body.  And vice versa.

It's time we abandoned our preconceived notions we were indoctrinated with.  The truth is much more spiritual, empowering and liberating than those in power would ever lead you to believe.

If we all knew the truth, they would have no power.  That is why people are serving lifetime sentences in prison for possessing or even admitting to possessing LSD, which is less toxic than vitamin c and was highly accepted and looked up upon as a promising therapeutic aide when it was released publicly under the trade name Delysid.

Psychedelics are the least harmful drugs, yet hold the highest punishments by law.  They occur naturally around the planet, have so for millions of years and were accepted for nearly the entirety of that time frame. They even occur naturally in your brain.  It is only recently that they have been demonized to keep the truth hidden from us.
851  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 19, 2014, 06:55:18 AM
That is part of your ego's defense mechanism to cling to your sense of normality by rejecting foreign concepts that do not fit your world view.
852  Other / Off-topic / Re: Watch dank fly on: June 19, 2014, 06:53:29 AM
I was riding like this the third or fourth day I ever hopped on a bike,and it was an R6.

Same bike you wrecked in a 35 MPH turn? Lot of squids like you out there, think you're hot shit because you can ride fast in a straight line then eat shit the first turn you come to.

I crashed my friends R6 the following day after the Yo momma's big fat booty ban show, going around 60 in a 35 on a sharp turn.  I didn't lean into the turn enough and I hit the grass.  The bike was totaled, I didn't get a scratch on me.  People stopped to make sure I was okay, and I was great.  Some people negatively commented on my riding skills, while others just cared about the well being of me.  EMS and RPD eventually came.  The officer demonstrated the true duty of peace keepers.  He was very calm and understanding abou the accident, despite the fact I don't have a motorcycle license and the California license plate was printed off on paper.  I explained to him my situation and he assisted my family to help move the bike out of a ditch and into a van.  I received four citations, four victimless acts and I was on my way, despite the arrest warrant for my name.

It's pretty obvious you don't really know how to ride, especially from the way you were wobbling around like a 5 year old on his first bike without training wheels when you came up on the first red light. Next time you find yourself going "too fast" for a turn, commit, push the inside bar in more (it's called countersteering, look it up if you plan on doing anything more than highway runs), weight the inside peg, and look as far ahead into the turn as you can. There is absolutely no excuse for "not leaning enough" and running off the road. The more likely scenario is that you freaked out and target fixated your way into a ditch. You go where you look, and the bike will lean far more than you think it will.

A few tips:
Tuck your laces in, they'll get caught in the chain or on the pegs.
Stay out of the center of the lane, particularly at stop lights, there's lots of oil there which will cling to your tire. You also want to be off to the side in case of a rear end accident.
Get your weight off your wrists/the handlebars and support your upper body with your back, abs, and thighs. This is a major contributing factor to the way you wobble around at low speeds. You are introducing that instability with poor control, the bike will roll straight on it's own. That's also probably why you roll through lights, slow speed is the hard part on a bike.

I won't comment on your lack of gear, shifting ability, and the way you endanger other people's lives.

I entered the turn at 70 mph, lay off.

I know how to ride.

I was wobbling on purpose, I like to see how long I can keep the bike balanced before putting my feet on the ground.

I endanger no one.

70 now? Thought it was "almost 60"? I'm guessing it's neither and you're exaggerating. The R6 is a high performance bike built for the track, and had lights and mirrors stuck on it to make it street legal. It's capable of taking turns (if you actually turn and don't just ride into the ditch) at blistering eye peeling warp speeds like 50-55 (when people say "around" they are rounding up). Hopefully you'll sell the bike before you find out how little you know and take some poor family out with you.

I underestimated when I originally said it to give the benefit of the doubt.  I do recall entering the turn at 70, I hit the grass at about 65.  Did a barrel roll or two and popped up on my feet, not a scratch.

I have definitely become a lot more aware since then and my riding reflects so.  I have not crashed her and I never will, I have grown a deep bond with her after her structural integrity reacted to my forgiveness and positivity I began to show her, she responds to keep me safe.

i didn't knew that dank u a crow

Yes.  I am a crow.

853  Other / Politics & Society / Alien disclosure and my personal encounter on: June 19, 2014, 06:47:15 AM
I have posted a little bit of my encounter around places a few different times, but I would like to disclose fully my knowledge and encounter with highly intelligent, or more accurately, highly aware, beings.

I was at my friends house in my old neighborhood and about to leave when a government impala drove by slowly, it had government issued tags and tinted windows.

I instinctively could feel it was someone very high up the chain and told my friend to not stare at them as they just feed off your negative energy.

A minute or so later, I got in my car and drove out the col-de-saq and up the big hill, as we'd call it as children.  As I drove up the hill, I found the impala waiting for me, it cut off the road in front of me and I slowed down to a stop.

It slowly drove by and rolled down the driver window about 2/3rds or a little more of the way down.  Inside, I saw the girl I had fallen in love with, as herself when we dated back in sophomore year of high school.  The being took her form, had her hair the color it used to be and was looking down as if preoccupied with something, they did not make eye contact but I got a very clear picture and message from the entity.

As I had already seen physics violated on one occasion, at the beach when a lamp sporadically fell off the table, it didn't take me as a huge shock.  I thought it was weird that they did so in such a manner but I was pretty comfortable with the experience as I had suspected highly that beings as such exist on our planet.

What you can take away from my personal encounter: Multidimensional beings are working with, if not ran by, the government.  At this time I do believe the government is following the agenda of a certain extradimensional race's agenda, which is the enslavement of humanity.

You see, these specific beings are negative entities, they feed off of our fear, our suffering get's them high.  They are extracting our planet for it's spiritual energy and ultimately using us as tools of human resources.

Their goal is to decrease the human population to a manageable size and remove any doctrine or beliefs of love and unity from our mindset, as to further propagate our species' reliance for their 'help'.  So long as we continue to live in fear, these beings will hold power over our minds.

They do not want us to know the truth of our nature, for the truth sets us free and leaves them with nothing.  The truth is we are all, universally, one being, we are all from the same universe, the same planet, the same cosmic dust and energy.  They wish to separate our race by diverting our attention against ourselves in forms of hatred, judgement, inequality and authority.  They wish to maintain an infallible hierarchy of command that leaves them at the top of the chain.

The truth is we will only be free from their control and enslavement when we can learn to lose our fear and negative thought processes.  The truth is we are all spiritual beings capable of anything they are, though we have been indoctrinated and conditioned to believing we are less than them.

We are a very smell step away from fully utilizing our vast potential that we hold.  The internet has connected our global consciousness with increasing efficiency, given birth to a generation whom grew up with colossal amounts of information while still holding the open minded and imaginative traits needed to accept and understand what they learn.  The older we get, the harder it is to let go of thought patterns, no matter how fallacious they may be, we have a tendency to cling to our perception of normality.  Many of us are on an exponential wave of evolution and I am one of those humans who is inviting you to attune yourself to the message and infinite power and potential we hold as loving creators of the universe.

I know greatness awaits for those who seek their full potential, though we do all have a personal choice to make as to if we would like to evolve into the higher dimensions of existence or continue learning on a human path outside this particular planet or lifetime.

We can become like they are, because the truth is, we are all one.

While dark entities may enslave our race through fear and greed at this time, there are many more light entities that wish to bring humanity back to our true roots and our spiritual nature.  We happily await the day humanity unites for a higher cause than self destruction, much of the universe is to be explored.

Love and light
854  Other / Off-topic / Re: Alien Message to Earth - Do You Wish That We Show Up? on: June 19, 2014, 06:10:06 AM
I've seen an alien for my own eyes.  I guess it's about time I should explain, I'll make a post in the politics and society forum.
855  Other / Off-topic / Re: Alien Message to Earth - Do You Wish That We Show Up? on: June 19, 2014, 05:33:24 AM
I take it you did not watch the video.
856  Other / Off-topic / Re: Your plan in case of an alien invasion on: June 19, 2014, 05:32:29 AM
Something you all should know, the dark entities/aliens are already present on our planet.  We are enslaved to them.

Any alien invasion would be a virtually manifested deception to further pull humanity under their control.

There are far more entities of light that exist multidimensionally then the limited number of dark beings that currently control society.
857  Other / Off-topic / Alien Message to Earth - Do You Wish That We Show Up? on: June 19, 2014, 05:25:45 AM
Please watch before answering:
858  Other / Politics & Society / Wash Your Brain - Hollywood Mind Control on: June 18, 2014, 10:37:39 PM

Definitely worth a watch.
859  Other / Off-topic / Re: Watch dank fly on: June 18, 2014, 06:33:45 PM
I thought this was about a suicide threat/post

Dank is trying to commit suicide but he wants to other other innocent drivers with him.   Roll Eyes

Obvious shill is obvious.
860  Other / Meta / Re: Rid of RED on: June 18, 2014, 06:33:12 PM
The trust system is abused, Vod is part of a scammer ring that bastardize the trust system to their benefit.
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