"Hashpoints" could be published by miners every so often (once a day maybe), so you'd only have to download the last day's transactions on a new client.
How would you verify that my transaction is valid as it spends an output that is 17 days old and you only have the transactions/blocks from the last 24 hours? Why can't the client just start from the last verified blockchain hash?
Verified? By whom? I think what you want is a slim client such as Multibit or Electrum.
You could also try grouping outputs together for each transaction. That's more cost effective in the long run.
But will increase the TX size in KB which leads to more fees needed for miners. I think thats how it works. Its possible to make several outputs and still be below 1kibibyte
I run bitcoind on a couple of Linux VPS. That's pretty much the obvious choice. Are there any full node implementations that can function without having to download the entire blockchain? That would be neat.
AFAIK full node = I have a copy of the blockchain. Eg? Local bitcoin wallet like the QT? Well, as the vote suggests there are other options, but yes bitcoin core/qt is a full node.
I run bitcoind on a couple of Linux VPS. That's pretty much the obvious choice. Are there any full node implementations that can function without having to download the entire blockchain? That would be neat.
AFAIK full node = I have a copy of the blockchain.
Hoffe doch das Amazon nicht seinen eigenen Coin einführen will.
Na klar. Die haben doch schon ihre eigene "Währung" die überhaupt nicht ankommt. Ich hoffe eher das sie endlich mal von diesem Trichter runter kommen.
I made a few to play around with feeless TXs with bitcoin core. This "guide" [1] by gavin helped a lot. IIRC one of the commands is now called slightly different. The downside for your case would be that the online computer would need to sync the blockchain first, which might take some time depending how ofter you use it. AFAIK electrum supports watch only wallets and should thus be able to make a raw unsigned TX, but I have never tried it. [1] https://gist.github.com/gavinandresen/2839617 - Edit: sendrawtx is actually sendrawtransaction, which isnt important if you want to send via bc.i or blockr
I am in the process of cleaning up after this infection. I usually wipe the infected drive and reload when something like this happens. I have a wallet with about 1.2 bitcoin in it that resides on this computer.
I have a backup of that wallet from about 1.5 weeks ago on another machine. Also I have not opened the wallet on the infected machine.
My Question is, What do I need to do after reloading bitcoin core? Just import the backup wallet?
Install core, run it for a few minutes, close it, put wallet.dat and boostrap.dat [1] (optional) in the proper folder, let it sync all the way. Any other steps I should take before I wipe this drive?
Thanks in advance.
If you created any new addresses in the time after the last backup you might consider doing another backup. Bitcoin pregenerated 100 addresses when you first made that wallet. Those might have been used allready. [1] https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=145386.0
If the input is old and big enough you can do it without fee. The question is how small is the ouput? If you want to introduce people to bitcoin and send them 20k satoshi they will be pissed when they figure out that they have to pay half of it as fee.
I would visit it, but first send me 10k sats for my magnificent appearance.
What would you do with 10k satoshi?
Faucets will leave you with plenty small inputs that are hard to spend. Its fine to get 100k satoshi via faucets if you just want to test bitcoin. Other than that stay away.
#1 you will have many low value inputs, which result in high fees if you want to spend them #2 it takes a long time to earn a tiny amount. its better to just sell goods or work for bitcoin. If you cant do either work for fiat and buy .01 to test the waters.
And the silly question of the day: where are those (important) stickies? Is it the "NEWBIE README" from "Beginners & Help"? (If it's that, I am sure that more than 60% of the users have never read it.)
Just read the FAQ https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=703657.0it has all the infos
It'll be about four months at your current rate; in the meantime, try to improve the quality of your posts. There's no reason to want high activity except for signature campaigns, and they won't pay you unless you improve your posts considerably. Try to write out longer and more thoughtful responses, use proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure, and avoid posting things like "+1", "I agree", and this one you wrote yesterday:
I don't think he's doing it for a signature campaign. He probably thought he could spam his way to senior member in a day or two and then sell the account. 140 shity one-line posts in a few days is not going to make a Full Member go Senior? I wonder why he isnt banned yet.
Because you don't know how to search or read stickies.
OP just got owned by the admin. Everytime I am about to post something like this I hold back and change it to something nice. I think in the future Ill just quote theymos
Ja das ist alles recht neu für mich.Ich wollte meine Wallet auch verschlüsseln allerdings wollte ich erst warten bis ich meine Bitcoins im Client sehen kann um sicher zu gehen das meine letzte Transaktion funktioniert hat und die Bitcoiins auch dort sind wo sie sein sollen.Bei der aktuellen Gewschwindigkeit von Bitcoin Core kann ich wohl noch Jahre warten bis ich auf meine Coins zugreifen kann.
Nimm halt eine die keinen Download benötigt, wie z.B. Multibit. Ich habe gelesen das ich theoretisch meine Wallet bei blockchain online importieren kann und mir danach die Bitcoins an meine Multibit Adresse schicken könnte.
Das klingt arg umständig. Von wallet A nach B importieren um dann nach C zu schicken. Dann lieber gleich von A nach C schicken und B auslassen. Mir ist da ein Client deutlich lieber als eine Webwallet.
Guck ma hier [1]. Multibit gibt es inzwischen auch in HD, da musst Du dann nur einmal ein Backup machen. Wenn ich jetzt eine Paperwallet generiere habe ich ja die Adresse und die Keys,aber wie komm ich dann wieder an meine Bitcoins ran,wenn ich sie zB von dieser Paperwallet an eine Börse senden will?
Dafür musst Du den privaten Schlüssel in eine Wallet importieren. Da kann man dann aber auch mal schnell was Online nehmen oder ne App aufs Handy laden oder so. Wichtig ist dann nur das Du daran denkst alles auf einmal auszugeben. Wenn nicht alles zur Börse soll, bereite eine neue Papierwallet vor an die der Rest geht. Angenommen Du hast z.B. mal 1 BTC an die Papierwallet geschickt. Dann musst Du das vollständig ausgeben, je nach dem welche Wallet Du dafür benutzt "erledigt" die das automatisch für Dich und die Bitcoin sind nicht dort wo Du sie erwartest. Nennt sich "change" [2] von Wechselgeld. Muss ich dann die Daten wieder in einen Client eingeben um sie von da aus wieder zu versenden?
Jap, s.o. Sorry für die vielen Dummen Fragen aber dafür ist ja das Anfängerforum da
Gibt keine dummen Frange, nur dumme Antworten [1] https://bitcoin.org/de/waehlen-sie-ihre-wallet[2] https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Change
2. Can DarkWallet be added as a section under Alternative clients ? Please no. Remember: this is only a alpha preview. Do not expect stable software yet. I dont think the phase a wallet is in should be of importance, but rather the amount of posts. And frankly there are next to none about Darkwallet, thus its perfectly fine under "Alt Clients" among the other less popular wallets. This might change in the future, but currently I see 1-2 threads [1] a month and I read every topic in that section. If any "wallet" would need a new section it would be blockchain.info. [1] this is not an actual fact, just a feeling
LOL why does Thiel use heroin as an example?
My thoughts exactly, maybe he bought some recently and paid with bitcoin since they didnt accept paypal? I wish there would be more about the "lacking payment system". Its probably hinting at the time it takes for confirmation etc.
Are there women here that can give me a sweet hug?
You make an ad hominem argument,
Yes I criticised you as a person or rather your behaviour when opening threads. in an attempt to sound authoritative ("most of your threads"), a common rhetorical tactic.
No, I was just hinting you at the solution. I have no intention to sound "authorative". It was just the opservation I made in the last days reading your threads.