i was one of the first people to buy black ops 2 here and i have to say i'm very dissapointed. the game keeps on patching itself to polish language and it's been an absolute pain to deal with. feel like i wasted 4.5BTC
there's nothing wrong with the game learn polish
You can get them at Gamespot, Best Buy, or here: www.gametimezone.com/They are also in some other stores Please send offers via PM or posting!
Any free samples?
What do you do with these? Hide guns for shooting people?
I just won this solid silver piece of Garlic for a good price LOL Wish I knew the story behind this thing. Anyway, going to be making more ingots soon, I got about 5 ounces to work with so if you want a custom size or anything let me know. Also have professional mold now, can't wait. I'll trade it for a real piece of Garlic, 100% fresh, organic material
All infomations and replies upstairs are still too complicated for me - a non-IT geek with medium intellegence and limited knowledge of English language.
I need explicit steps, how to do it, eg. steps one buy one.
I want my bitcoins theft-proof and lost-proof under any circumstances in the future, that's all.
1 BTC reward is still valid.
Anybody can render help to me?
How to save your private key1. Make room inside head 2. Put private key inside room How to recall your private key1. Enter room inside head 2. Look for private key PM me for an address to send your 1 BTC to if this helps.
Damn, great work! Bookmarked your thread. Do you have a portfolio / website or anything like that?
Thank you! Yes absolutely, I have an online portfolio with all of my work but since it contains personal information I didn't want to go posting it all over the board. I will send you a PM with a link to my site. Sorry it took me a couple days to respond, I never got a notification email for the thread. It's been a month, and I never received a PM lol.
What is the average cost?
A souvenir (from French, for a remembrance or memory),[1] memento, keepsake or token of remembrance[1] is an object a person acquires for the memories the owner associates with it. What is there for you to remember, if you tell someone to go to Vegas and buy you a souvenir?
If I had time, See? And this is exactly what b!z wants to be paid for. The time. The guy with a Minecraft avatar image seens to have a lot of free time to me. because there's nothing outstanding and supeior in doing this. Time = money money = education
Still very much needed.
Please describe your problem in more detail. What is wrong with your rig? Is it not standing up properly? Is it not powering up?
Glory to People's Republic of China where your comments are deleted and nobody cares.
because we all totally care
Are you giving ME Bitcoins for Christmas?
I have a better offer. If you give me your BTC I will prevent the world from ending! Try it, you'll see. The world will go on (as the Maya predicted it would) and I will have your bitcoin. will you use escrow
You don't have to say it like that and I just got my Jewellery tools today so I'll be able to start cutting metal that should keep me occupied for a few hours. w00w wat a gay n3rd xDDDD LOOOL
In real life, I fly around in helicopters, drive mercedes, and wear rolex watches--but hypothetically speaking *if* I didn't have a whole lot of money and tended to drive older cars all the time that still needed to be smog tested and one of my cars failed the emissions tests, it occurred to me that it would actually be a very expensive thing to set "right" and still be 100% legal on. I believe that you get three "tries" or tests before you are exempt, and if your tabs are expired, that is three tests (which cost money) plus various (also costing) attempts at repair PLUS trip permits you must buy each time you move the vehicle on the road--all assuming that *hypothetically* the vehicle had not been used for a couple years. Its the government screwing with the small-timer.
budget is maybe $500
Just like the last episode of drugs inc. The dealer received his "product" through the mail.
Why does no one criticize the mail for this? Someone needs to point out that international mail services (including the Royal Mail - God bless you Ma'am) are heavily involved in the procurement of illicit substances. Why does Bitcoin get dragged through the dirt and yet no one ever accuses Fedex? Because Fedex doesn't know but Bitcoin does