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8681  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What would you do with your winnings? on: September 21, 2017, 09:38:16 AM
I would save it for my future if ever I would win some from gambling,
But I think it would really be a hard thing to do every time I would gamble my money I would just end up losing it instead of earning some profit.
That is not only case you only encounter, it is story of almost every person that once went to casino or any online gambling site. The reason is the scheme of this game, that doesn’t work for your benefit. As long as profits are concerned, that will be your luck if you happens to win more than once in a row.
It really depends on how a person behaves with their money, whether if they've gotten a large amount or just something that could make you wonder, what you're going to do with such a large sum amount of money. I prefer to save it and invest it somewhere else that could profit in the long run. It's like life is getting tiring that you always need to make ways to profit to live, winning a jackpot saves you some effort.
8682  Other / Archival / Re:   on: September 21, 2017, 09:30:03 AM
i also think that i am addicted to gambling because i can not afford to stop playing gambling for a single day.

If you are playing that way, you are a certified addicted person. Addiction means that you are not stopping in any activity and thinks that you are positively doing it. But on the other hand, when you can't afford to stop you should do something while there is still enough time for you as you are aware of what you are doing. How long do you think that you are addicted in gambling already?
That's not normal, if you can't stop playing, you should see yourself in the mirror. It's not safe to continue like that knowing that you are making yourself more prone to the dangers of gambling addiction and probably worse, forgetting your own health just to gamble. If that doesn't make you aware, I think it's too late but I believe it's never too late so better continue striving to stop gambling addiction.
8683  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How can gambling help you with your life? on: September 21, 2017, 08:40:01 AM
Gambling seems far from helpful to me. Because when i gamble more appear to be a greedy who then just throw away money i've earned from working hard. Maybe only occasionally gambling help me in an emergency, the rest even destroyed by greedy self-error.

Gambling is a destruction of life indeed we should avoid this vice because it will do nothing good if you will be overcome to addiction. It will become a help if just for fun and entertainment but if you exceed on that it will become a vice that may forget your friends, family and god. Almost everything  will be lost.
There is a limitation for everything and especially in gambling we should be more careful as it needs money to play.
It's fun when you are still in control but the moment you get addicted you can experience a bigger problem and you are right it will ruin relationships.
Yes, it would be fun when we can still win, but believe me, in the end, you will lose a lot more. I play gambling is already a long time, and the results are not really changed my life.
That's the real opinion on it if you could really make it to the last part and say that you have won against the casino. If you are an occasional gambler, you are probably going to get back on gambling unless you have no money. It's almost a never ending cycle if you have gotten into the loop but you should really watch out on how you are doing.
8684  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Which Sport Do u Like to Bet? on: September 21, 2017, 07:55:11 AM
I like to bet on sports by using BetOnUSA service. My fav sport is basketball. But you MUST know the sport you are betting on, and you have to pick out the games where the oddsmakers erred in setting the odds. There’s no magic formula, there’s no “insider” secrets. But there are ways to increase your chances so you win more than you lose. Last time I won about 200$, nice catch:)
That's the basic rule that you need to learn that you should know what you are betting on because like you said that there is no magic formula unless you are cheating on it. It's not recommended to bet that you don't have money for to play and that the best thing to stay away from is borrowing money to bet.
8685  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why trading is better than gambling? on: September 21, 2017, 07:37:32 AM
Trading is profitable if you are an expert. But that too has some kind of risks. If you are a disciplined trader, you can make some bucks
in fact in trading we can use our skill and experience therefore it is better than gambling.

In trading we need skill and experience to get good results, while in gambling we do not need skill and experience to get good result, we just need luck. And I think it makes trading better than gambling.
In trading we are gambling money on business while gambling is risking money on the game. It also makes trading better than gambling.

It's not just skills that you need, it experiences just like you said. It both matters but I think it depends on the person itself just by knowing what they feel and do with their own time whether it will be gambling or just being patient with trading. In the end, you need to profit.
8686  Economy / Services / [WTB] One Book on: September 20, 2017, 08:04:52 AM
I need this book. Message me. It's ASAP.

For 0.001 BTC

8687  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Negative effects of technology on: September 20, 2017, 06:49:17 AM
1. make other lonely.
2. fat and blindness.
3.held your self in small world ( pc and smart phone  )

4. waste of mind energy 
I don't agree with the last that it's a waste of mental energy. It depends on the person using it because I use my smartphone to study, read, listen to podcasts, etc. For me, that's not a waste of it. It is mostly dependent on how you approach the technology and how you take advantage of the things that it could do. Of course it has down sides but you shouldn't be scared of it.
8688  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Favorite type of gambling? on: September 20, 2017, 03:09:42 AM
Give your vote to any kind of gambling, is that the betting on soccer games, playing poker, roulette, online gaming, live gaming....??

I like playing one of the best card game and it is  texas hold em poker tru online and live games. I enjoy playing poker, the bluffs, and bad beats that's what i enjoy the most. Skills and luck if you have will make you big money.
That's the best thing that you could do with card games. It's challenging and could give you the thrills that you want. The poker faces that you need to hold in order to fool people. It's a skill, really. I hope it's easy to earn money and no more losses . Lol.
8689  Economy / Economics / Re: Make money from money on: September 19, 2017, 11:12:05 PM
I think that some of these people need to download something like lemonade Tycoon the old days. They simply teaches you the fact that you start off with something small and completely and totally devote Revenue that comes from that small thing in the building, and then with that higher Revenue you devote that into building something more. Continue this till you have what you want. A lot of these clicker games on the smartphone demonstrate that.
It is the reality of life. One cannot kame money easily with having money in his pocket or account. But those people who are already stable and are rich, they can make money by investing their holdings in some business. And I think that in this day the most profitable coin business is bitcoin. The reward, the price and the market cap has increased by many times form the time of start. I will recommend bitcoin for money makers.
That's the thing, you need to make your money work for you, not just sitting around in a bank where the returns of it are like second to none. Are its returns like 1-4% per year? Comparing to taking risks and investing in some real things, it's better to use your money and make it work for you. That's what I've read in financial books.
8690  Economy / Services / Re: | Get paid to share our articles on Facebook, Twitter (10 slots) on: September 19, 2017, 10:26:49 PM
Username : crwth
Twitter Page link :
Follower count : 1104
8691  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Giving up gambling is not easy on: September 19, 2017, 10:05:44 AM
From my experience giving up from gambling is not a easy if you are addicted toward the gambling. You need a counslar to stop the gambling it just like the addicted towards the drugs and you just choice the other option to deviated your mind from the gambling

Compare addiction of gambling in other addictions like drugs, smoke, woman. All of them is hard to resist, these are all temptations and once you used to it this will be your addiction. And it's like you can't live your daily life if you will not gamble for this day. It is hard if you don't have any courage and there are no people that are helping you and encouraging you that you can do it.
That addiction would surely have one result, which is to ruin your life. Usually when you are addicted with drugs you can also be addicted to girls, smoke, and gambling so drug addiction is the worst. Gambling addiction is hard but you can solve your problem if you will listen the advise of people who care for you, they will help but it's you will have to do your best to quit gambling for good. It's not fun anymore when you are addicted, in addition you are wasting your time and money.
All addictions are probably something that could destroy your life. In a way, it would make someone useless and can't really function well. It would be hard to consider that someone is not addicted but really is, it cannot be really seen easily but recognizable when you observe someone.
8692  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What would you do with your winnings? on: September 19, 2017, 09:25:27 AM
I would provide my family and fulfill all my dreams, and if there is still money, I will be engaged in charity to help all people in need. Only first you need to win so much money Smiley
I hope people like you have those real intentions and especially for the charity that you are talking about. It's easy to say but hard to do in the real situation. I hope when somene does win, they would be able to help people in their own way.

Yeah, i think a lot of people are thinking about the same thing. Some would find it as a way of giving thanks and paying it forward for the blessing they received when they win. Although gambling is really not something that religious people would do but none the less if you can help other people with it then thats good

For me if I win in gambling and struck big I would all invest in fruitful ventures. I would also just give myself to pamper on a small portion of it. I would want to have money be invested or saved as in Gambling ot is really luck that can give you the jackpot. Smiley
What are the fruitful ventures that you are talking about? I have thought of gambling as one of the best investments and as I see, it hasn't been really well because I don't have the right track to go with or the strategies are not so sure. I guess I need to learn a lot more when the time comes in order to get the best outcomes that you want because nothing will happen if you don't do anything.
8693  Economy / Services / Re: ★☆★ Bitvest Plinko Sig. Campaign ★☆★ (JR-Hero Accepted) on: September 19, 2017, 08:46:36 AM
I've released a partly payment for everyone who isn't on special rates (77dbce485c39fa23cab70bcc5f4ab575faef18e93332f5703932515f36f2bcdb).

The second transaction will be sent once the escrow address has been topped up again.
Enrollments will have to wait until the payround is finalized, sorry.
Thank you for the update sir Lutpin.
8694  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why we still gambling while we always lose? on: September 19, 2017, 07:59:11 AM
Because were trying to win but we ended up in loosing. But for me I enjoy playing gambling since from the start I enter gambling I can say that I have a positive profit.
That's impressive, I hope to be in the same situation as yours, I never been in a profit in gambling as most of my winnings are just temporary.
You need to be positive and consistent to stay profitable, if I were in your situation I might take gambling seriously, who knows I can make fortune in gambling.
It could also be a part of peer pressure that you are feeling if you have lots of friends who gamble. I think there are people that try to win just because of the feeling, not the money itself. In it, it has become a big part and the dopamines that run in our brains becomes better and it makes us want more. It could probably lead to addiction.
8695  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do you set up limits for yourself? on: September 19, 2017, 07:18:15 AM
I try to set up limit for myself but by addiction I some time go beyond the limit. And many of the time I can't control my mind while I am crossing the limit. So I now deposit and play with small amount.
Just leave your computer screen for few hours when your limit will be reached and than come back after half and hour or so when all your emotion will be finished. Don't be emotional or aggressive when gambling, play for fun than for money so that you can be within your playing limits as well as calm all around the day.
Having limits on one's action keeps him safe from unknown dangers. Gambling is a risky game so we must take this step for our own safety. Also, if someone is lucky to hit upon a jackpot or lottery, he must stop gambling in an instant and utilize his winnings in a more reliable thing.
That's true because the thought of being in a safety net would be less risk that you get but in reality, it's you who is still going to make ways to do it. Nothing is wrong unless you are doing too much and thinking about the luck that you would have, it won't happen. It's the person that should make good ways to increase the chances of winning.
8696  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why do you care? on: September 19, 2017, 05:47:24 AM
If this is all about fair and why we do care about gambling? I think for others they always care if the site is provably fair or not because they are just wasting their time while they are playing for nothing.. but for others they are just gamble for fun not making any profit they are ok if they are lose a lot even the site is not provably fair but for me we need always to check if its if provably fair or not that is why we are care about fair.

completely agree with you actually I have the same way of seeing this
It's fair in a sense that the casino is not fully taking advantage of your chances. If that's the case, then it would be a rigged gaming and they can control that in their house edge. It's hard to see how many people are thinking that all casinos are cheating but it's the chance that you are talking about. I hope that anyone should know what they are currently doing or else it's for nothing.
8697  Other / Off-topic / Re: Bitcoin is steadily increasing right? on: September 19, 2017, 03:45:35 AM
It has been increasing in the past few days but it's in correction. For now, it has been rising steadily and hopefully would reach the All-time high again. But probably in the end of September or in October, this is just a speculation.
8698  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Favorite type of gambling? on: September 19, 2017, 02:23:08 AM
the card game will always be the first choice after another game, because here I prefer to think in gambling rather than using the luck sisitem, since the card game just depends on how we start sharpening our ability to gambling analyze every card that may or will come out, while the soccer game and the other less I enjoy,
I also like card games because it's easy to play with everyone and it's just easy to cooperate with because there are people that also like playing those games. I don't know much about casino based because of my experience there but I like to play online compared to land-based. People tend to play what they want and what they enjoy.
8699  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What do you feel when win in gambling? on: September 18, 2017, 04:20:29 PM
Winning in a gamble game gives me a great feeling of happiness not only because i win money, but it makes me feel that my betting way an my predictions are so reasonable and push me to gamble another time and win.

I feel the same being happy to think that I already win in gambling and how lucky I am to win in first try. Even it will give high profit that instant I will not take risks to bet again instead use the price for investment. I always thought that easy money can be lose easy as well. and it will have profit for giving it for investment as well. It will be hard to leave the gambling when you win but for who is not playing hard and happy for that small amount. It is ok Smiley Just having fun.
That's almost impossible now, even the first time that you gamble, the so-called Beginners Luck, it's not true because it won't be anything but just a myth. You can never truly quantify it so there's no way of telling that you are lucky. It's fun and elating to know that you win in games, but it's saddening because of the losses that might occur in the long run.
8700  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why trading is better than gambling? on: September 18, 2017, 12:49:11 PM
Hey! guys i need your opinion and help because i didn't know about this trading thing i only know about how you can earn bitcoin by gambling but still my friend told me that gambling is not the way to earn bitcoin but if you try trading you will earn much profit why is that so guys? trading is better than bitcoin? how? why? where to find that trading thing?
In gambling it is ups to your luck and skills whether you win the game or not. So, there is possibilities that you can lose your profit because you need to get back what you lose. Gambling is not based on marketing business patern but in an accurate winning. So that means that it will depend on how you win the game, thats how you profit. While trading you can wait patiently and holding your bitcoin while the price will going up or down. Or you sell some part like 0.5 of your bitcoin when it's already reach you goal then buy again when the price will drop. And it is so risky why? Because your bitcoin will become 2x or even 10x more.
I will agree from the last portion of your statement mate its really good if you have big patience when you deal with trading if you can hold and wait chances of gaining much bigger is always possible unlike with gambling luck will only dictate when you will win.
Everything has risks and you need to be up and see how much you can take in order to have the best outcome for your money. We can never be sure on how you are going to make more money with investments but you would never know unless you have tried. It's already at the limit of everything and you need to really invest in something that you believe in and trading is one of them.
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