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8921  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: DeFi - tema za razmenu informacija on: September 07, 2020, 09:20:09 AM
koliko sam mogao sad da vidim, "Chef Nomi" (ako je to ime nekome ulivalo poverenje), je predao palicu osnivacu FTX-a, koji ce projekat predati zajednici "community-ju", a i dalje se u Sushiswap vrti skoro milijarda dolara

prica je skoro pa neverovatna, ali deluje da je daleko od gotove

Cijeli taj projekt bi bio simpatičan da ga djeca rade u školi, ono nazoveš "sushi" pa je CEO odmah "chef" pa još te neke forice kako je ukusan...
Ne mogu vjerovati da se takva lova može zavrtjeti oko takvih bedastoća, mene nisu vidjeli niti će me ikada vidjeti takvi projekti makar propustio neku priliku za zaradu. Kada dajemo novac u takve projekte zapravo ih ohrabrujemo da ih naprave još. isti argument koji kažem ženi kada vidim da gleda big brother i slično.
8922  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Proud partner of Southampton FC 🚀 on: September 07, 2020, 09:13:45 AM
Has anyone ever heard back regarding the Watford FC Shirt Giveaway (last matchday)?

It's been more than a month now but I never heard anything - have you?

I got that shirt some time ago (maybe two weeks ago). Funny thing I still haven't received the one from poker Promo but no matter, there is enough this promos going around so I have a feeling I'll get more T-shirts than I can really use Smiley
Now I will have another one coming to me courtesy of our Sportsbet sponsored Premier League Pool.
8923  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: September 06, 2020, 08:38:42 PM
(...) i seriously think that it was mistake and should not disqualify for making a mistake.

Yes, it's a stupid rule, but it is what it is. No player would do that on purpose, but you have to be more careful then. He is not the first player to get disqualified for such incident.

When I read about it I thought he smashed the ball in anger and deserved the ban. After seeing the video that ban really sounds tough but rules are rules and they have to be followed. The ball hit the lady straight in the throat, talk about bad luck for both of them. On another day the lady would simply caught the ball with hand and nobody would talk about the situation.
8924  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: September 06, 2020, 05:49:48 PM
Yeah, it's too bad that my boy lost early, but nothing to be ashamed of, he gives everything its that Coric dig deeper on his arsenal and Stefanos wasn't able to response, but it was a good match.

I did not watch the match but managed to cash something on it. I had first set handicap -1.5 on Coric because Coric always plays well in first set and then looses parts of his game as time goes on. I believed that match will be a tight first set (as it was) and then Tsitsi all the way. Croatian players are not in a good patch of form at the moment.
8925  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mala ljetna zabava on: September 06, 2020, 05:11:20 PM
A meni za treće mjesto ništa  Huh Kakva nepravda

Samo se šalim i čestitke pobjednicima. Super je što će njima taj merit još stvarno i dosta značiti. Također hvala za organizaciju Daniel.
8926  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: September 06, 2020, 05:04:02 PM
@pamoldar: I'd do the sidebet but I'm also Liverpool and toke has lost his appetite for it heh.
I'll take City side for equal odds any time. If you guys want it I can go 5 mBTC against each of you. Or we can wait and maybe some more players chime in and we end up with sort of mini pool.
8927  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: September 06, 2020, 04:10:54 PM
I would try to stop multi accounting since it will complicate our pool and rules significantly. It also gives one other unfair advantage. You can lock your picks on one account and see what everybody else entered and then use that knowledge on your other account. Not so important in the beginning of the season but very important when the end comes near.

If somebody wants more action I propose we make side pool for 5 or 10 mBTC and best rank among participants of side pool takes all. I am also always open to taking some bets from trusted members Smiley
8928  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: September 06, 2020, 03:40:43 PM
Štedjeti za šta? Ne dobivaju se kamate od nepotrosenog merita.
Ako ti je post dobar, daj merit. Kakve su to gluposti "štedim, možda naletim na bolji"?

Pa upravo za to. Često mi se dogodi da naletim na post koji meni osobno puno pomaže i znači, a nemam Meritas jer sam ih potrošio na post koji mi zapravo ne znači puno, ali je generalno dobar i kvalitetan. Zbog toga često neću dati Merit nego ću uštedjeti da kasnije mogu dati Merit nekome tko mi pomogne na neko pitanje koje postavim. Jebiga, svatko ih dijeli kako smatra da je ispravno, a meni je moj način ispravan.

Ja ih počnem čuvati kada padnem ispod 5. U tom slučaju merit ide samo postovima koji me osobno zanimaju.

Još jedan mjesec sam završio na vrhu podijeljenjih merita što smatram jako dobrim rezultatom, sljedeći mjesec će biti malo čupav jer mi ponestaje. Moram se još negdje aktivirati ali sam trenutno bez inspiracije.  A ništa vjerojatno idem sredit koljeno u bolnicu za 10ak dana pa ako me ne ubiju previše ću imati vremena za zaraditi koji merit i pretočiti u hr dio.
8929  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The UEFA Nations League 2020/2021 Discussion Thread on: September 06, 2020, 07:13:38 AM
lol'd, they are desperate for money that's all.

I think you are right, they will play more games possible to get more money possible from the marketing, the fact is I hate nationals games. I don't know why but I think is not the same sport.
Same here, most of the national games end up quite boring. At least now that we have this useless league the nations are grouped by their strength and you can usually find at least one good game per day in A group.

Portugal gave us a nice football lesson yesterday, really did not expect that all 4 of the big boys will win (Portugal, Belgium, Spain, England). At least my Belgium ticket passed so I ended the day without losses. New day today and new chance to take some money from the bookies. Germany @1.85 looks like top pick at first glance, will wait for line ups as usual before placing high stake bets.
8930  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The UEFA Nations League 2020/2021 Discussion Thread on: September 05, 2020, 05:58:18 PM
Just watching Iceland vs England & it’s 0-0 at 64 minutes. This is possibly the worst England team I’ve ever seen. Foden, Ward-Prowse, Eric Dier, Declan Rice? They’re like a Championship team.
You know that England midfield is bad when I wouldn't let any of them play in Croatian squad even though we are missing Modric & Rakitic Smiley If England had a guy like De Bruyne or Fernadez today they would have scored few goals for sure. They desperately need some quality on play maker position. Maybe Foden could be the one in few years time.

Why did England play without left back? What's up with Chilwell and all the rest?

What an end to the match, two soft penalties but England managed to take theirs and win the game.

Edit: Belgium without De Bruyne, Portugal without Ronaldo
Don't like Belgium for high stake now but I will still play them for medium stake.
My "fun" tip Nikola Vlasic to score @6.5, if you can find it it to boost odds it will be a goal from just outside 18 yards box with very precise and otherwise quite slow shot Smiley Watched Tenet yesterday and experimenting with "temporal pincer movement" of my own
8931  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Esports Prediction & Discussion Thread on: September 05, 2020, 04:09:32 PM
Have you guys seen how Nigma just managed to snatch map 1? They were 20k or something down and Alliance was destroying them. Then Alliance decided to go for a base push and managed to get the throne one hit from collapsing when Arc Warden respawned for Nigma and placed a bubble on the throne 3x times in the row and they managed to kill all Aliance heroes twice in that time and then just turned it around. I think Nigma won the map while odds were 1.01 on Alliance.

Go check this one out, it is worth it, believe me. My words don't paint enough of a picture.
8932  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re:'s English Premier League Football Pool Discussion Thread on: September 05, 2020, 03:49:38 PM
Second account is giving some small advantage for weekly prize for sure. I don't see how it could help to win the main rewards though. There is just so many games and combinations that even 10 accounts would not help that much.

I would prefer if it is one buy in per player for maximum fairness but it isn't a big problem for me.
8933  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 05, 2020, 11:40:45 AM
Ali i dalje ne razumijem zašto bi veći problem bio ako koristim MetaMask na dva uređaja ili na jednom. Šifra je jednako (ne)sigurna, bez obzira na koliko uređaja se koristi.

Možda sam u krivu ali eve kako ja shvaćam problem.

Ako imaš metamask na jednom kompu potencijalni haker čak ako i ima tvoju šifru nema tvoj wallet.dat ili kako se to već zove kod metamaska i s njom ne može ništa. Da bi ti uzeo lovu mora ti ili upasti u komp da dobije pristup wallet.dat ili pak pogoditi privatni ključ/security phase što je puno veći level sigurnosti od šifre.

Kada koristiš metamask na dva uređaja bez sinkronizacije, stvar je slična samo haker možda može lakše upasti na mob ili komp znači jedan vektor napada više.

Kada koristiš sinkronizaciju šalješ valjda svoj wallet.dat preko neta i popuno vjeruješ da je metamask taj dio odradio bez greške. Tu se otvara prostor za stotine novih napada. Presretanje prometa od bilo koje strana, napad na njihov oblak/server i šta ja znam šta sve ne. Meni se osobno to čini ko puno veći rizik da bi si čovjek uštedio 2 minute za manualni unos walleta.
8934  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 05, 2020, 11:16:07 AM
A zašto misliš da je loša ideja? Ionako ti je MetaMask zaštićen passwordom na oba mjesta. Jedino ako misliš da je lakše provaliti jer se nalazi na jednom uređaju umjesto na dva. Ali ako paziš što radiš (ne upisuješ šifru negdje gdje nisi 100% siguran da je OK), koristiš složenu šifru, ne vidim zašto sinkronizacija donosi veći rizik.
Kako spremaš šifru za metamask? Ne moraš odgovoriti samo razmisli. Ja ga recimo otključavam svaki dan a vjerujem da ga i ti otključavaš često u tom slučaju imaš tri opcije:
1. jednostavna šifra koju pamtiš
2. složena šifra koju zalijepiš u txt fajl pa copy paste što je blago rečeno totalna katastrofa budući da ti završi u clipbordu koji je totalno smeće
3. komplicirana šifra koju pamtiš - ovo je moj slučaj ali ima samo određeni broj kompliciranih šifri koje mogu zapamtiti a da ih ne ponavljam i opet nije dugačka koliko bi volio da bude
8935  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The UEFA Nations League 2020/2021 Discussion Thread on: September 05, 2020, 08:36:22 AM
and I think Belgium will surely have a tough time today when they play against Denmark, I think the match will ends up with a draw between Denmark and Belgium.
Belgium is my favorite for every single match they play until they come to quarter finals of big competition. They have one of the strongest teams at the moment and they are approaching every single match as if they are playing some final. They have a lot to prove themselves and the rest of the world and it shows. Most of other great teams usually calculate in games like this but I expect Belgium to go 100% once more. This morning i found odds @2.15 which is something I must take for high stake.

When you check H2H Denmark is better and they have won last 3, but last game was played in 94 or 95 when Denmark was a super team and now the tables have turned.
8936  Economy / Gambling / Re: #4 Bitcointalk Poker Series @ SwC Poker (0.06 BTC, BIG BTC Ticket by SwC) on: September 05, 2020, 07:58:25 AM

My wife get used to my Sunday poker nights, she doesn't even ask me anything, she just gives me free space! I try to return the favor as always! Smiley

Mine too and I thought she would be pissed off with me. Its managed to just become a thing.

She even asked if I wanted any snacks for poker this week!

Mine is still bitching about it but on a low level. You know just so she lets you know that it isn't the way grown men with family should spend their Sunday afternoons Smiley

I have to make my own snacks, meh. So I usually end up with some chips and 6-pack of beers. One of these days I'll have to make an effort and go for some finger food + cocktails.
8937  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: September 05, 2020, 07:39:27 AM
Sta ima netko ko misli da je sinkronizacija walleta dobra ideja? Iz metamaska s par klikova se dodje do privatnih kljuceva znaci da sinkronizacija mora prebaciti i njih. Meni to ne bi palo na pamet.

Takodjer mislim da je opasno sinkronizirati i pasworde ali to mi ne smeta jer ionako necu dati kompu da pamti vazne passworde.
8938  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: The UEFA Nations League 2020/2021 Discussion Thread on: September 04, 2020, 09:36:08 PM
Netherlands did their job and won today. I had them on a small double with Norway - Austria both to score and that was it for my serious bets so solid day for me Smiley

I had small stake multi ticket with 6 games on it and it almost passed. Got screwed by Italy but I had them as handicap so at least odds were good. I hate it when I lose the ticket on small odds.

What to say about Zahavi, that guy is brilliant, I don't know if I ever watched him play but he brought me so much money. He is usually on loosing side but he scores every single game for both national team and club. I have been playing both to score on his games whenever I catch him and he never disappoints, too bad I placed that game on loosing multi today.

Some interesting games tomorrow. I will probably take some or all from the following:
Belgium to win @ 1.80 - Denmark is good team but Belgium has so much talent that they simply have to win, also good tip is both to score or all combinations of that two. I am expecting 3:1 for Belgium.
Sweden - France both to score - this one could be tricky but I have a feeling we will see some goals, this tip passed 4/6 times in their previous encounters
Croatia not to lose - this one I am taking for high stake if Ronaldo doesn't play and for beer money if he is in the team
8939  Economy / Gambling / Re: 🚀 - Proud partner of Southampton FC 🚀 on: September 04, 2020, 04:50:31 PM
Absolutely missed this news of sponsoring  Southampton FC!
When did we do that?
Watford are still with us or this is a replacement of Watford?

Congratulations family.

Watford is still with us of course. As far as I managed to understand, this was sort of last minute deal since Southampton's main sponsor backed off and they contacted Sportsbet. Good for SB and good for Bitcoin.

Also good for us since there will be some promo with Southampton jersey for sure so I can continue to add to my collection Smiley

Glad that you got your account back, did not follow the whole drama but sow that your Email was compromised...
8940  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽'s ⚽ Italian Serie A ⚽ Football Pool Discussion Thread on: September 04, 2020, 01:21:54 PM
Our pool is up and ready for joining. I have sent out the PM's to those who paid already. There is 10 of us for now but still more than 15 days to go, so hopefully we will manage to drag ourselves to that magic number of 15 and some extra sponsor money Smiley
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