I am a small investor but I am not greedy but just like I said Elon is after money like anyone else in the world because its the necessity. And I am not criticizing at least that was not my intention that's why I also included in the first sentence that market is open for anyone so either they sell or buy or hold they have no restriction on making it public.
Because everyone has the freedom to access the market and enter the market in their own way, be it to buy, sell or hold after buying. So there's nothing to look at or argue about with that because everyone is capable and has a way to earn money in any market, it must be considered as a proper thing and doesn't violate anything and Elon Musk himself often uses his own strategy in finding money is also not worth saying bad because he did all of it based on the ability he has at this time. So what you're saying, I think, is clear enough. Not every money maker is greedy and not every greedy person is money maker too. And Elon made moves which to some people are greedy and to some are not. Because greedy is a characteristic that based and labelled by different minds with different ideas. Means its distinct property not everyone must have the same thoughts about greedy.
The understanding of greed according to the thoughts of each person is not a reference that must be seen because some people only judge other people as greedy when they are unable to do so in the market or in any economic sector. So it won't be specific enough because it's only born by the minds of weak people, so I agree with the alignment you said that greed shouldn't be seen from the amount of money someone like Elon Musk has earned or through the amount of property someone like Elon Musk. Because what Elon Musk has now is thanks to the pure efforts he made in the past so that he was able to achieve extraordinary developments in his life.
I can remember some years ago, I talked to my mother about Bitcoin and investing on it. that was two years ago. she should use any amount she could use as a trial, but she rejected the idea of investing on Bitcoin. she thought I'was going to defraud her.because she never hard about Bitcoin investment before. because of that, she was afraid and rejected the idea because of the pressure I was giving to her to invest on Bitcoin. before then, I have told her the benefits of investing on Bitcoin, but she rejected everything. afterwards I never bring up the discussion again to her.
The refusal made by your own mother to your invitation to invest in Bitcoin is an effort that is not wrong at all mate, because besides your own mother who still doesn't know what Bitcoin is, she also has never made that kind of investment in her life so she prefers to refuse. your invitation even though you are his own child. And I think your mother has done a pretty wise thing by rejecting your invitation even though you have explained to her quite fully about Bitcoin. Because maybe after your mother heard about Bitcoin through her own children, she should take the time to find out about Bitcoin herself through the people she knows around her and through the internet or other supportive environments. some months ago my mother called me that she now have interest on investing on Bitcoin with some amount of money, I ask her what happened! I thought she rejected the idea when I introduce it to her some years ago, and it have been long we talked about it. she said to me, I have make some research and ask questions about Bitcoin after all my mother invested huge amount of money $5k on Bitcoin which she's benefiting from it today.
This means that after several years, your mother finally believes in Bitcoin and immediately makes the decision to invest in Bitcoin. This is indeed a bit of influence and encouragement from the research and questions he asked other people about Bitcoin so that he started to become enlightened about things related to Bitcoin. That's a pretty wise decision and it doesn't mean your mother didn't believe you before because she just wants to have time to find out for herself what you've told her through other people. there was a lesson I lean from here. when you are preaching to someone about Bitcoin, you shouldn't talk too much, and you shouldn't stay long and you should also allow them make some research and ask questions about what we are preaching to them, to avoid loss at the end.
That is indeed a very extraordinary lesson in your life and also your own mother, because she was able to arrive at a very good belief after hearing a lecture from her own child. And another lesson I can learn from your story is don't immediately tell other people to invest in Bitcoin after we explain more about Bitcoin to other people, because basically everyone needs time to believe, to understand and to make decisions in their life. on what he already knows from other people or his own relatives. Because when someone has started to believe in what we said before, he will look for ways to be able to invest in what we have said or suggested before. I don't know, how you see it.
I see this as a story that I have never come across in my life before.
Surely everyone is optimistic that the price will soon pass $ 30k, in my opinion the question is when $ 30k can happen? If you see the current situation, it is certainly very difficult to see Bitcoin can pass $ 30K, it is proven that the price since March which can reach $ 30k and then go down again as it is happening now.
The price drop from $30K to $26K is a price drop that falls into the normal category and not a very large number price drop in Bitcoin, so the price of $30K is still possible to be reached and even surpassed by Bitcoin again this year because of the move and the time that Bitcoin has to go from $26K to $30K isn't going to be that far although it doesn't look like it will be easier, but I'm still pretty sure that $30K can still be surpassed by Bitcoin before entering next year and I think you still have a very good feeling optimistic about it.
Actually, there are a lot of options for us to learn personal finance. Now, what Op gave as a tip about this matter is actually nice and could give some help somehow, and hanging out here in the forum platform is not 100%, but we can get some ideas in terms of personal finance. But reading books if you are a book lover is pretty much a good idea.
The books we read must also be chosen according to our tastes or according to the knowledge we need, it does not mean that we have to read all the books that in the end we do not apply any of the knowledge from these books to life. Because now reading doesn't have to be just books, but everyone who already knows the internet and often uses a smartphone that can connect to the internet, I think they can read at any time according to what they need to learn. So taking advantage of all the conveniences that exist now is also very important in addition to the tip given by the OP. And also, I agreed that if you or we are surrounded by people who have positive views on life, we can adopt them as well, little by little. It depends on us how we deal with people and how to choose; just make sure these people have positive insight.
The environment and association also need to be looked at because it is true that each of us needs to be in an environment where the thoughts of the people around us are more in a positive direction because that is a very basic influence in life. Especially if people who think positively have more insight that we can learn to support development in our lives, this is obviously a very good thing because now not all societies have people like that. And I quite agree with this one point.
Bitcoin has freedom for anyone who uses it, the age factor certainly won't affect it. But providing knowledge to elderly people will certainly have many obstacles, lack of internet-based knowledge is certainly the main factor. For the middle to lower class, the average elderly person doesn't really care about internet-based technology, they prefer the real life around it. One of them by way of real investment or trade
Matters or knowledge related to technology and the internet are indeed not for the elderly who generally do not have basic knowledge about it, because technological knowledge related to the internet is more suitable for young children whose learning period is still there and also want to develop themselves to be able to start any business they like. So someone who wants to become a teacher of something must also see how the condition of his students is so that he knows what is more needed by a student whose age is very different from most children at school. And of course it will never be the same for those who have learned a lot about Bitcoin and the internet in their youth, because those who are elderly with more knowledge in their heads can of course still continue to invest in Bitcoin as long as they are still able to maintain their own assets. Well, this is clearly different from the elderly who still don't know anything about the internet and Bitcoin so they prefer real investment or trading as you said.
Noh malah nambah lagi neutralnya ketika OP bikin thread tentang ini... Kalo dari sepengamatan ane semakin mempermasalahkan/komplain nanti malah semakin parah, jadi mending cooldown dulu aja. Nanti mungkin PM saja (ga usah bikin thread) ketika waktu sudah berlalu, bilang aja "nih liat postingan ane tidak pakai chatGPT, jadi tolong neutralnya dicabut karena tidak sesuai" sembari tetap posting yang bermutu. Kalau ga dicabut ya udah daripada komplain/drama dan makin banyak tagnya.
Mungkin pembaca lain yang punya masalah yang sama di masa depan bisa menjadikan ini sebagai pembelajaran.
Saya juga lebih sepakat dengan ide yang om berikan ini, karena kalau misalnya OP tidak tahan atau tidak suka dengan tag tersebut, komplain yang harus dilakukannya pun bukan disini, tetapi di topik yang bersangkutan dengan pembahasan chatGPT itu sendiri dengan berusaha memanggil yang memberikan tag juga kesana supaya bisa langsung berdiskusi dengan orang yang memberikan tag. Namun saya lebih suka dengan ide yang dikatakan oleh om @mu_enrico, karena hal seperti itu jauh lebih lembut dari pada membuat topik untuk meminta saran dari banyak orang yang bisa melahirkan permasalahan baru. Jadi ini benar-benar bisa menjadi pembelajaran yang sangat berharga bagi semua orang, termasuk bagi saya pribadi juga. Karena membuat topik baru untuk hal semacam itu tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah walaupun hanya sebatas meminta saran.
Bitcoin's value is primarily affected by macroeconomic trends, market ups & downs, regulatory developments, and other external factors. As with any investment or financial asset, its value can be subject to volatility and fluctuations.
Indeed there is some influence for the price of Bitcoin and I do not consider it a value because regardless of the price of Bitcoin, in my eyes Bitcoin still has value. And I think the influence that you mentioned is the effect on the price of Bitcoin itself, because all of that involves Bitcoin holders which can trigger sudden panic. Even though not everyone can immediately panic when all these events occur, because as long as there are still many who like Bitcoin, the price will definitely recover after all these events are over.
Having a lot of plans is actually a good thing as it prepares us for different outcomes. There are a lot of aspects to be considered in actions, hence different outcomes, negative or positive, should be well thought out. Therefore it is always a good idea to have various plans for just in case situations.
Preparing a plan for something is the first part that must be considered very important for everyone who wants to achieve good results from a job, because considering a plan is very basic for carrying out every step of work that has been neatly arranged before starting. So there must always be an evaluation, both before starting and when you have got the results as you said, where mature thought is always needed when there are results that are born differently through the efforts that have been carried out.
In the long term the bitcoin will be at higher price levels so it is easy to predict the price of bitcoins for long term. For short term no one can predict the BTC price accurate y and it is only the game of priorities.
If in the short term it is still difficult to make predictions about Bitcoin prices, then in the long term it does not mean that it will be easier to make predictions in terms of Bitcoin prices. Because we can only say Bitcoin price predictions based on our own beliefs, while for accurate price predictions no one will know. Most people can only say that the price of Bitcoin will be much higher in the future, while on the one hand some people still forget that price drops can also occur at any time in the market.
Menanggapi apa yang tertulis di gambar ini, sebenarnya penghasilan sebanyak dua sampai tiga juta itu sudah tidak lagi terlihat banyak untuk saat ini walaupun seseorang hanya tinggal di desa saja, karena tingkat pengeluaran sehari-hari yang dimiliki oleh setiap orang itu sudah mulai mendekati angka seratus ribuan dalam per harinya dan bahkan bisa lebih dari itu bagi mereka yang telah berkeluarga serta memiliki anak. Jadi penghasilan sebanyak itu bukan lagi jumlah yang begitu fantastis sekarang walaupun memiliki nilainya om, sehingga pekerjaan sampingan masih harus ada dan juga menjadi fokus utama demi bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan selain dari trading. Karena kalau seseorang bisa fokus pada dua pekerjaan berbeda, tingkat penghasilannya akan sangat luar biasa serta perkembangan didalam hidupnya akan lebih terlihat om. masih banyak yang menganggap aktifitas trading hanyalah main2 dan bukanlah sebuah pekerjaan namun trading adalah pekerjaan, trading di kategorikan ke dalam self-employed atau dalam kamus besar nya -> orang orang yang bekerja dengan dirinya sendiri, maka itu untuk para trader segera bantah mereka yang menganggap anda pengangguran hanya karena mereka tidak melihat anda memiliki seorang bos, anda adalah bos untuk diri anda sendiri, jangan patah semangat dengan omongan mereka, jika anda sudah sangat nyaman dan mendapatkan profit konsisten maka pertahankan itu karena ketika anda berupaya mencari pekejraan di luar sana, anda hanya akan membuang buang kesempatan anda menjadi seorang trader profesional.
Biarkan orang lain menganggap kita sebagai pengangguran karena orang lain hanya melihat kita dari sisi luarnya saja tanpa tahu apa yang kita kerjakan sehari-hari, begitu juga dengan halnya trading. Jika seseorang masih menganggap trading itu bukan sebagai sebuah pekerjaan, hal itu juga tidak akan menjadi sebuah masalah karena selama kita masih cukup nyaman untuk terus menjalani pekerjaan tersebut tanpa bergantung pada orang lain, maka tidak perlu memikirkan apa yang dianggap oleh orang lain terhadap kita. Dan untuk hal pekerjaan selain trading, selama pekerjaan tersebut yang ada diluar sana masih bisa memberikan tingkat penghasilan kepada kita, itu bukanlah upaya untuk buang-buang waktu dan kesempatan karena hal itu termasuk kedalam sebuah kesempatan untuk mencari penghasilan. namun para trader di sarankan unutk memiliki penghasilan samping yang cukup stabil, untuk menopang finansial karena pasar selalu bergerak bebeas dan tak terduga.
Seperti yang saya katakan diatas om, pekerjaan sampingan yang masih bisa memberikan penghasilan kepada adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dikerjakan meskipun seseorang telah mendapatkan profit secara konsisten lewat trading di bursa-bursa kripto dan lainnya. Jadi tidak ada yang rugi dengan bekerja pada dua tempat berbeda selama hal itu adalah untuk menghasilkan uang secara lebih banyak kepada dirinya sendiri.
Privacy must always be prioritized as much as possible to secure from all actions that can lead to the greatest risks such as crimes that often occur because hackers know the wealth owned by each individual. Luckily for individuals who are still able to maintain their identity or privacy, including securing it through a mixer.
The wealth that hackers know is the wealth that has been published by the owner himself, so this is certainly not done by every individual at this time. Especially for those who have seen crimes that happen to other people and they definitely don't want this to happen to the assets they already have. So this is the point of applying maximum privacy to the assets we already have. Regarding the small number of rich people we discussed who are willing to enter, there is a possibility that they don't know there is a mixer service that can be a solution for hiding user identities. Another possibility is that they are afraid of negative claims made by FUD against mixer services.
Rich people who still don't know about mixer services that they can use as a solution are probably still very many. But besides they don't know how to use it, there is some truth in what you said that they may still be afraid to use mixer services because of bad claims from a small number of people. Even though it has become a solution for them, because now there are very many rich people in this world.
assalamualaikum, saya sangat tertarik membuat topik ini karena tak sengaja membaca berita heboh ini dan merasa was was dengan kenaikan harga beras yang mungkin saja akan terjadi jika negara negara pengekspor bahan pokok seperti beras menghentikan ekspor mereka terutama di indonesia karena negara kita masih bergantung pada ekspor beras dari negara lainnya.
Saya tidak terkejut dengan berita semacam ini karena dari apa yang saya lihat (khususnya untuk negara kita Indonesia), para warga negara Indonesia tidak akan kelaparan atau kesulitan untuk mendapatkan beras sebagai makanan pokok mereka sehari-hari karena sawah dan ladang yang ada di negara kita Indonesia masih lumayan banyak sehingga hasil panen dan produksi beras di Indonesia masih lumayan banyak dan hal itu masih cukup membuat para masyarakat Indonesia untuk mendapatkan beras dengan harga yang tidak mahal. Apalagi kalau sebagian para penduduk Indonesia yang ada di desa-desa dan pinggiran kota masih sangat senang untuk bertani dan bercocok tanam demi bisa mengonsumsinya serta menghasilkan uang dari pekerjaan mereka. Jadi berita itu mungkin tidak akan begitu terpengaruh untuk negara kita Indonesia, kecuali untuk negara-negara yang produksi berasnya masih sangat kecil atau negara-negara yang sawah dan ladang mereka tidak bisa di fungsikan lagi untuk bercocok tanam om.
ide ide seperti kendaraan listrik saya pikir tidak akan cukup efektif dalam membantu mengurangi polusi udara yang terjadi di jakarta karena harga kendaraan listrik masih mahal dan juga infrastruktur nya belum memadai, maka itu saya pikir cara terbaik unutk mengurangi polusi kota jakarta adalah dengan program penanaman pohon di gedung gedung dan juga lingkungan yang padat penduduk serta mengurangi jam operasional pabrik di pinggiran kota jakarta.
Ide yang om berikan ini saya kira masih lebih masuk akal dari pada ide untuk menggunakan kendaraan listrik yang secara umumnya masih sangat baru dan belum memiliki layanan perbaikan yang memadai ketika ada kerusakan. Selain itu, harga kendaraan listrik sendiri juga menjadi sorotan sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia yang memang lebih mahal dari kendaraan yang memakai BBM seperti biasa sehingga kesannya untuk ide semacam itu adalah akan semakin menguras isi dompet para masyarakat. Sedangkan untuk perusahaan yang membuat kendaraan listrik sendiri saya yakin mereka juga masih memakai BBM untuk melakukan produksinya dan hal ini juga bisa menjadi sorotan publik terhadap ide tersebut karena mungkin akan ada efek lain dari penerapan hal tersebut. Jadi saya cenderung lebih sepakat dengan ide yang om berikan itu, karena selain harus mengurangi jam operasional pabrik di pinggiran kota jakarta untuk mencegah polusi udara, sektor transportasi lainnya juga harus dilihat oleh pihak pemerintah seperti kapal-kapal para nelayan yang masih menggunakan BBM dan juga pesawat terbang yang masih menggunakan BBM seperti biasa sehingga penggunaan kendaraan listrik jelas tidak akan begitu efektif untuk membasmi polusi udara yang ada di Jakarta sekarang.
To transfer Bitcoin wealth to heirs and next-generation is very easy by involving and teaching, also making them to understand it.involving your spouse and children most especially will free you from financial stress even in death you will be happy with yourself because you have taught them how to make wealth. In the aspect of entrusting your Bitcoin wealth Will to a lawyer not your spouse or children, I don't think is right because lawyers cannot be trusted when you are gone,make your families trust you and you too trust them. An adage says "The enemy you know is better than the angel you don't know", blood they say is thicker than water . Be wise
The title of this topic motivated me to teach my family about Bitcoin and I really feel like telling the kids in my house about Bitcoin. So that they can become more independent in the future when they start working and managing a business apart from receiving an inheritance from their parents, because what you say is in my opinion wise enough to do for a very harmonious family life. Bitcoin is an asset that can be exchanged for any currency and it can also be easier to transfer to other exchanges and wallets because the owner of course already knows how to move all of that to another place. Well, if it has to be related to our respective families. So what must be done now is to tell and teach those in our own family about Bitcoin so that they can more easily receive inheritance when we are no longer able to work and manage the assets we already have in life. And it's true as you said that involving other people in terms of any cryptocurrency assets or assets is very unwise and we cannot fully trust because parties who are not from our own family can deviate from the plans we have laid out. So it's better not to involve other people in something as simple as this. And by the way, welcome to this forum for you, I hope you can get better here because from the thoughts that you have poured out here, I think you are a pretty smart person.
Yes, it's certain that people who panic sell BTC at prices that are falling will definitely lose if they buy BTC at high prices and sell at low prices.
Only people who don't understand economic concepts want to do this because they should know that they will incur a loss if they sell at a low price, while they themselves buy it at a high price. That kind of thing is not a good way to make a profit and I think if there is still someone doing that kind of thing, he better not be in the crypto space because in the end he will be poor if he keeps losing. but in my opinion there are also people who panic sell but get profits like people who buy btc at $19k and sell when the price is $26500 even though it is in a down situation like yesterday.
It's still quite a logical thing to do because those who bought Bitcoin at $19K and sold it at $26500 are people who want to take profits more quickly because maybe they're just afraid that the opportunity to take that amount of profit will disappear within this year, but they can still hold it for much more profit if they buy it at $19K.
I have never been passionate making any investment than I am buying Bitcoin of recent. While a part of me is so optimistic that I am making the best decision with my funds, a part still entertain some fears. Well, I feel the aspect of fear is normal since I am not buying with 'spare money' as some people will call it... that concept of spare money does not really resonate with me as every penny I have is very important to me now.
As long as the money you used to buy Bitcoins doesn't cause trouble in your own life, I think you are not creating problems in your life because your own courage in buying Bitcoins at this point should be considered a very wise move. It is also your own passion in investing even if only in Bitcoin and you yourself also don't need to think about those who are still afraid to buy Bitcoin at this time because when they are disappointed because they don't take advantage of opportunities they will also think about themselves individually. Actually, my little buys might not influence the price much but my joy is having Bitcoin and holding unto it with the believe I will be among those that will look back sometime in the future and congratulate myself for taking that bold step when some people were doubting and panicking.
Small purchases may not have an effect on the market, but they are always good for the whole market when there are many people doing it at the same time. Actually you have used the right moment for this because when other people are still hesitant to buy Bitcoin, you actually muster up the courage to do it at this time and I think that is a very extraordinary thing.
Transportation is an important process in business, because distribution is an inseparable cost component that makes many countries including mine try to make a fast and cheap transportation system, about 30 years ago many commodity prices differed too much, but since 10 years the difference has been increasing thinner due to the faster transportation process.
Now transportation has become a very important thing for all businesses and jobs, because transportation has become a means that must exist in every business to be able to move forward. Especially if the business already has more branches in different places and their own work partners in any case so that the business owner must have a personal vehicle to be able to carry out the transportation they need every day so that the business runs smoothly. You are right and nowadays, the shipping process of any kind is getting faster. This is also one of the businesses that provides added value for service provider entrepreneurs, meaning that as long as the goods are still needed and become a necessity for a person, group or country, this process will always occur. Yes. many opportunities are created here both for service providers, workers and for the customer and in the end it indirectly creates Faster and maximum Economic Turnover like OP said to.
Providers of public transportation services or public transportation that operate more broadly have also started to become more numerous now so those who are engaged in service providers must also be referred to as business people because they have profitable opportunities and opportunities in terms of delivering and distributing goods to various regions and remote areas. And this will continue to create continuity between business owners and transportation service providers because they basically need each other for business.
The answer to this question is of course No because older people don't know how to buy and sell Bitcoin they don't know what is crypto so this is impossible, also some people think that crypto is haram but in real crypto is halal. that are 2 big reasons and some are too much poor so they cant buy BTC.
If you come from a Muslim country or from a Muslim family environment, maybe you will find people who think crypto is haram because their thinking is a little different from other people so they try to bring the concept of trust into crypto. Even though crypto itself has nothing to do with any belief, so anyone can use it and I think you are also starting to understand crypto because you don't think crypto is haram. I don't think that's a very logical reason because over time crypto and Bitcoin users continue to increase in different parts of the world so you might also discover more about crypto and Bitcoin over time. You can also find out about this yourself through some very concrete news so that there is more mature enlightenment about crypto because parents who are not familiar with crypto and Bitcoin will not find it easier to believe because they also don't know how to use it.
Good day my fellow Bitcointalk members, i have been longing to ask this question, so I decided to come to you guys to learn from your wisdom rather than having a random online search which seem confusing most times. Please I want to know the factor behind the rise and fall of Bitcoin price? Some say its influenced by supply and demand but I need more conviction.
Supply and demand in the market is a basic influence that always exists in every market, so it is very common so everyone only needs to know other factors that can also affect the market and affect the increase and decrease in Bitcoin prices in the market. And I've seen in the previous year that the price of Bitcoin is also always affected by bad events and also bad news which can make many people panic. So that factor can also be the cause of the decline and increase in the market for Bitcoin apart from the demand and supply sector which is already the basic influence for anything. I am sure that over time you will also see the effects arising from events and news for Bitcoin so that you yourself will realize that basically there are several factors that can cause a decrease and increase in the price of Bitcoin.
I invested all my savings in Bitcoin to pump coming in Bitcoin. Because I believe that Bitcoin will give me a return of 3 to 4 times my investment when the Bitcoin market pumps up. Because after pumping the price of Bitcoin it can be up to around 120k. That's why I invested all my savings in Bitcoin with strong faith in Bitcoin. And I believe that Bitcoin will not let me down.
The step you took was actually not wrong in this case because you chose Bitcoin and put your hope in it and I think that is very appropriate for times like now. But I also see that there is an impression of your recklessness when you do that for all your savings at this point because it is really a bet between disappointment and pleasure, because if I may give you a suggestion, it is better not to use all your savings into Bitcoin even though it is not at all wrong for you to use. For me, putting all the money in one basket is unwise at this time, because I prefer to make money into several allocations in life and that includes investment allocations in Bitcoin. But I will still provide money for other things in life and even include the amount that I will use on a daily basis, so it's better for you to make a number of money allocations for anything than having to put everything in one basket even though the basket is a big place. very promising like Bitcoin.