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9161  Economy / Economics / Re: Is it better to save money or invest it? on: July 08, 2017, 06:26:29 AM
Is it better to save money in bank or invest it online, in real estate or maybe gold?

For me it is better to save money for an emergency matter but in contrary it is better to invest it for your future so it will grow when time fly by. However, you have to make sure it is not scam business etc.
what I do is to keep three months worth of everything I need to stay alive if ever something happens and if I I will try to invest in something that I believe in would return as a profit. It is best to research what you're going to invest to have the best experience with it.
9162  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How do you feel about the death penalty? on: July 08, 2017, 06:21:33 AM
Hi I'm  speaking from Philippines..
Here in Philippines death penalty is still not approve for some reasons, human rights and the church. Yes it is in the bible that we shall not kill, but how about the criminal itself?? Alot of crimes are linking to drugs which is the primary issue here. That addict can influence and another person, why not try to get rid the virus before it spreads?? I believe that it is the best thing to do, but also if we implement this law, we should look after the proper guidelines in dealing on it.

The church in the Philippines is by and large playing a largely negative role nowadays. They opposed the anti-drugs campaign by Duterte. They are opposed to family planning, and now they are opposed to death penalty. The ordinary citizens should tell the church to refrain from interfering in the government.
I think it's really the time to discuss why the church in the state is really separated. We know that it is quite different on their views knowing that the Government consists of different people who believe different religions that's why they don't have the same views as the church.
9163  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Drug free in the Philippines on: July 08, 2017, 06:19:27 AM
Are this other responders came from the Philippines? Their replies is a shit. Do you think Duterte alone can solve this alone? FUCK! What matters here is we feel the drug activity are being lessen. Take example in my place, in the past, almost everyday there is a shabu session alongside with other drugs. And after hitting their shit level, they will do @#!@#!. Fuck isn't it? When Duterte sits, all this activity gone and we can now walk freely at night any time without worrying a drug addict will wreck us.

Stop complaining if you are from other country. Where did you get your source? As if you know the real status here!

So anyone who is addicted to a drug deserves to die in the Philippines ? .... wow just wow......

Tobacco is a drug

Paracetamol is a drug

Ibuprofen is a drug

Alcohol is a drug

Ointments are drugs

This is one of the retarded and shittiest comments here which simplifies that this guy doesn't know anything and just do posting. I don't want to respond to an obvious thing. It's like answering 1+1 = 5.

It is a legitimate comment that you are dismissing by Gizzard.  Those are drugs.  Certain drugs are legal and other have been made illegal.  The legality has nothing to do with the health or safety of the citizens.  This isn't something that you need to live in the Philippines to understand.

You seem to have a very strong opinion on drugs.  Can you tell me which drugs kill the most people?  Are they legal and easily accessible?
Of course he meant illegal drugs not just the typical drug you use for easing pain, numbing, and other kinds of sickness. There is a reason of course why it has been banned one thing is for sure that the it is destroying the Philippines through its people who use them. The reply was in very good because I think he is just referring to the title of the topic.
9164  Other / Off-topic / Re: what will you do when you are in a bad mood? on: July 08, 2017, 06:15:19 AM
usually i walk around or playing some mobile games like tetris or chese..
what kind of mobile games do you play? I am playing Tetris puzzle whenever I get bored too but saying that you play chese, I don't know what that is but I think you're just typographical error and you mean chess.
9165  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Outcome of Horn vs. Pacquiao on: July 08, 2017, 06:10:50 AM
Did Horn really won this fight? or Pacquiao just got robbed again? Do Horn really deserve the hate, he's getting right now? or Is it the time for the People's Champ to retire?

To all those who bet on this match, any thoughts on how the fight ends? I myself can't believe the results of this match even though I bet for Horn, I should be happy but no.

I think it's just people have that kind of diets with Pacquiao and you know that he is already getting old and probably should retire and just be a senator and stop boxing. I was saddened because Pacquiao lost but we just have to move on. He has done great things and probably he could do something for the Philippines.
9166  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling and Superstition on: July 08, 2017, 06:08:22 AM
I do not even understand what kind of superstition can be when a gambler plays. The fact is that there are many questions as to what game nobody plays. Just have luck or not. There is a strategy or not. Everything else just does not matter.
I didn't really understand what you're trying to say but I'm saying that the original poster wants to know what you do before you gamble. It's somewhat of a ritual I guess so you could be more positive and be more Lucky in what you're going to play.
9167  Local / Others (Pilipinas) / Re: I-rate ang iyong kakayahan sa Ingles on: July 08, 2017, 06:06:21 AM
I suggest to practice their English in order to improve their vocabulary and maybe improve their knowledge in the language like how to pronounce better words how to communicate with foreign people. I think one advantage is that you can work in a call center that would be really easy enough and not much of a hassle.
9168  Economy / Speculation / Re: Sell or wait? on: July 08, 2017, 06:00:34 AM
Not to bash on the parade, but do you got a ability to buy a ton in the 1st place? if not, then whats the point?

Regardless of up or down you need size to the talking, not just having 1 btc lol.

OP is not saying a particular amount but everyone has their own exposure in investing their bitcoins, personally I have to admit I have less than 10 BTC but this is quite big to me already since I am still new and my lifestyle is not that lavish to have as much BTC to hold.  Actually, with the holdings of me, I will intend it for long term holding because I know regardless of the market (pump and dump) the uptrend in general is very evident.

its better to holding for long term than selling all of our bitcoin, maybe we can sell it for half bitcoin to have the money and keep the rest. the market right now is really bad conditions because many traders is in panic mode and they are selling their coins to not making more loss. for me, i only selling the coins if there are any good price is show in the market so i can take more profit.
Just like what happened to the previous biggest happenings in the Bitcoin world the price of it has rise up to always the all time highs but recently it has been consistent with its price. Knowing how to trade would be really beneficial for the best outcome for your money because that's the best investment that you could have.
9169  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What keeps you coming back??? on: July 08, 2017, 05:57:49 AM
Normally in gambling, even if you win or you already gain profit on your game that you are playing. You will have this feeling that you want more  of that, This is where greediness takes over. At some point even it's your lucky day, Losing is always around the corner and we can't stop it *unless you know how*. When losing streak strikes, your inner self prevents you to stop since you want to win it all back and somehow earn again. But, the sad part is that we are not noticing that are bankroll is also running low until you've realized that you don't have anything to withdraw. That I think keeps us coming back, We don't accept defeat or losses. We are to greedy and it's true, It's part of the human nature.
Of course we want to be successful because we think we could always win but losing streaks are inevitable. It is definitely sad because knowing that we could have used your money in a better way would mean that we could lead a better life. Have you experienced this? Because I have and it's not the best thing that you could do with your money.
9170  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Giving up gambling is not easy on: July 08, 2017, 05:53:58 AM
Initially it will not at all be easy if you addicted to it. Reason for addiction is simple because people treat gambling as a money earning centre and not as a playing for fun and relaxing oneself. They take loan etc to recover looses and end up in more debt. Well firstly take a holiday and become mentally calm. And get back to your normal life
You can't easily get away with something that has always been a part of you. Treating gambling as a source of income is even worse because it could lead you to more bankruptcy and might be the thing that you will regret the most in the future. Recovering your losses is a good thing but how you do it is the real challenge.
9171  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can gambling be profitable in long term ? on: July 08, 2017, 05:50:05 AM
nah i dont think so, if only when you can predict when or what day you are gonna be lucky on gambling then that will be the time you will play on your lucky day, but it is very impossible. Its only pure luck my friend, you could also play as much as possible as long as  you wont get addicted or it will not be a hindrance to you.
I think you could apply strategies in order to become better and increase the chances of winning on gambling. Luck is really something of a big factor that could really make a difference but well, you cannot control luck. I think it chooses you.
I don't think luck is the real big factors. I think skills/strategies are really matter in gambling since in the first place if you're skilled, you won't place a bet that you know you're more likely to lose.  Strategic gambler plays small amount/bet and they aim to get huge profit which most like happens.
If you are a real gambler who aim for profit you will not think so much of luck because you know you need to consistent win in order to be profitable in the long run. Consistency is what we need and no one can achieve that if we think gambling as fun, we should think that gambling is a job so we can improve our performance.
Like I said it wouldn't be something that you can control and you could just improve your chances in winning with strategies and of course with experience. Don't ever think of gambling as a job because it is not a consistent income, knowing that you could lose more because of it.
9172  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How many people are asking you about Bitcoin now? on: July 08, 2017, 05:47:33 AM
Bitcoin is the hot topic in the present market and spreading its popularity in online and by social media. By observing the bitcoin demand, my friend asked me, which is the best place to bitcoin and which one is best one. I explained my experiences in clear manner.
That's for sure. People now are just discovering bitcoin and no matter what it is, they will just care about the price and just care on investing. What do you think can happen when the bitcoins price exceeds again? Definitely more popular and probably there would be people that claim that they have bitcoins on the early years.
9173  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling. Is It Wrong? on: July 08, 2017, 02:37:12 AM
hello everyone.
i want to know what do you think about gambling bitcoin.. Does Beneficial or more losses?
Share your story here guys!  Grin Grin Grin
It depends upon how often you played. Gambling are just for fun and some kind of entertainment. But if you are too addicted to it, I consider it wrong myself because everything that are too much are bad and wrong.

it is not wrong if you're winning Cheesy it's wrong when you loss all of your money. Cheesy Just saying buddy!
Maybe it's not wrong with you but maybe for some people, it is like your family or friends. Maybe they can see that you are being addicted to gambling or what not. It would be okay if you are still doing your responsibility and prioritize things that are better.
9174  Other / Off-topic / Re: How do you earn money online? on: July 08, 2017, 02:26:32 AM
FOR THE RECORD you can set up your cam so that the audience is in another country. That isn't the end all be all to remaining anonymous but it has gotten better.
What are you trying to say? Something like playing games and streaming or maybe something that some people actually pay for and saying that anonymity is a factor maybe that's somewhat a cam show or something.
9175  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why is gambling so addicting? on: July 08, 2017, 02:22:09 AM
Gambling is addictive because we human beings are always happy to have something in addition to what we already have. And there is this sensation that we tend to look for. I think that sensation is 'euphoria'.
It's like the additional benefits of always winning, and you could always do it now that we have the technology. It's the dopamine that runs in your brain, and you would really enjoy it when you are winning. It's fun to be positive in your games and hoping that you could win. It's just we are that kind of beings.

Very well said buddy you got my point Cheesy it's all about winning... ^_^
It is all about that but you know that you can't always win because life happens and you can't be dependent on gambling all the time because you'll never expect so you won't get hurt.
9176  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling and Superstition on: July 08, 2017, 02:17:28 AM
True, a lot of people are very superstitous, sometimes I am also superstitous but I didn't apply that much especially in gambling because gambling is more on luck.
Isn't that the reason why you are being superstitious? To become luckier and believe that you can really be special in gambling and hopefully you could really win more and probably earn more and stop before you get greedy.
9177  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can gambling be profitable in long term ? on: July 08, 2017, 01:53:40 AM
nah i dont think so, if only when you can predict when or what day you are gonna be lucky on gambling then that will be the time you will play on your lucky day, but it is very impossible. Its only pure luck my friend, you could also play as much as possible as long as  you wont get addicted or it will not be a hindrance to you.
I think you could apply strategies in order to become better and increase the chances of winning on gambling. Luck is really something of a big factor that could really make a difference but well, you cannot control luck. I think it chooses you.
9178  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Trading vs Gambling on: July 08, 2017, 01:39:26 AM
Well, if it was, maybe I would choose both, but now I am more interested in the trading of the gambling. the reason is, because trading is not particularly a great risk like gambling, other than that if you're good at trading, the risk that you receive may be just a little bit. I was still a little interested in gambling, but was limited to sports betting
Trading is better to gambling that's why people are more interested in trading. It has also a risk but not as the same risk of gambling, because in trading we can earn in a long run and gambling is not good for long run.
When I started trading, it's easier to be less risky compared to gambling that has higher risk and that could lead you to something terrible, like losing your bankroll. You could try to understand more and strategize what you're going to buy and sell in trading.
9179  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why is gambling so addicting? on: July 08, 2017, 01:28:57 AM
Gambling is addictive because we human beings are always happy to have something in addition to what we already have. And there is this sensation that we tend to look for. I think that sensation is 'euphoria'.
It's like the additional benefits of always winning, and you could always do it now that we have the technology. It's the dopamine that runs in your brain, and you would really enjoy it when you are winning. It's fun to be positive in your games and hoping that you could win. It's just we are that kind of beings.
9180  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin as a source of income? on: July 07, 2017, 06:04:33 AM
no not really but a sideline i guess, because if you depends on the prize of btc now is very unpredictable so i guess find a real job and make btc as a sideline only...
If you think about it, you shouldn't think of bitcoin with its price because it's a currency for itself and not be treated as just a way to trade (but it is and you could earn a lot by trading) but commonly, people that are new to bitcoin only care about the price not how it works and what you could do with it, it's just all about making money for them.
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