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941  Local / Политика / Пришла пора исключить Россию из ООН on: September 23, 2022, 10:28:18 AM
Алик Бахши

Пришла пора исключить Россию из ООН

      В 1939 году СССР был изгнан из Лиги Наций за развязанную войну с Финляндией. Тогда русские хотели захватить Финляндию, но у них ничего не получилось, несмотря на колоссальное превосходство как в численности армии, так и в вооружении. Малочисленный финский народ оказался не по зубам наглым захватчикам. Такую же войну Россия предприняла в 1979 году, напав на Афганистан, и вновь потерпела позорное сокрушительное поражение. Русские не смогли покорить афганский народ, который, не имея ни самолётов, ни танков, ни артиллерии и прочих современных средств вооружения, прогнал русских со своей земли и, думаю, надолго отбил у них желание вновь прийти к ним с войной.
     Сущность Российской империи состоит в том, что долгое время она не может жить без войны и то, что она пришла с войной на Украину, вполне сказанному соответствует. Свободный мир наконец понял, что такое Россия, и после  периода нерешительности решил помочь украинскому народу в борьбе против агрессора. Запад победив Империю Зла в Холодной войне совершил  большую ошибку, помогая России в надежде, что русский народ оценит преимущество демократии. Однако, лидеры свободного мира не учли менталитет русского народа (1), который мало того, что отверг демократию, но и пытается восстановить Российскую империю в границах Советского Союза, то есть вернуть народы, обретшие свободу в результате распада СССР, вновь в пределы империи.(2) Русский народ готов на любые лишения ради этой цели, не считаясь каким путём цель будет достигнута. И сегодня народ Украины, ставший на демократический путь развития, вынужден противостоять вторгшимся русским захватчикам, отстаивая в жестокой войне свою свободу и независимость.

    Благодаря мужеству народа и помощи в вооружении стран демократии, Украина сдерживает натиск русских оккупантов и даже успешно предпринимает шаги к их изгнанию, что вызывает в Кремле озабоченность этим обстоятельством. Блицкриг, на который Путин рассчитывал обернулся блицкрахом. Путин совершенно прав, говоря, что поражение в войне равносильно смерти империи, правда он скромно умолчал, что то же ожидает и его самого. Путин объявляя о мобилизации по сути признал, что начальная фаза войны, которую он назвал спец. операцией потерпела неудачу. Путин, как эталон лжи (3) упорно избегает называть войну с Украиной войной. Оказывается, что для его спец. операции требуется на пушечное мясо ещё 300000 человек. Сказав ложь, Путин от неё уже не откажется. Даже, если война с Украиной перерастёт в Третью мировую, для него она останется спец. операцией.  
    Наряду с этим Путин в который раз запугивает и предупреждает Запад и Украину применением ядерного оружия, если военные действия  перекинутся на территорию России. Согласно этому, Путин заторопился провести на оккупированной части Украины референдумы о вхождении в состав России, думая, что это остановит Киев от намерения вышвырнуть захватчиков за государственную границу Украины. Подобные референдумы для Кремля обычный метод колонизации народов, если вспомнить об аннексии Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы в 1940 году. Кстати, ни о какой защите русского населения в Прибалтике речь не шла, как это преподносится Москвой сегодня в связи украинскими событиями, что показывает насколько лицемерна и лжива политика Империи Лжи.(4)  Тогда, с вводом русской армии, прибалтийские народы по версии Кремля добровольно изъявили желание войти в состав СССР. Ну, а после успешных референдумов все три народа добровольно разом переселяются в Сибирь, а на их место вселяют русских, которые сегодня в Эстонии и Латвии составляют 25% населения и требуют защиты Москвы от того, что вынуждены, наконец, знать язык коренного населения.  
     Что касается ядерной угрозы, то в соответствии с Будапештским меморандумом, Россия, Великобритания и США в обмен на отказ Украины от ядерного оружия и передачи его России обязались быть гарантами её независимости и суверенитета, что зафиксировано  в первом пункте меморандума:
1.   Российская Федерация, Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и Соединенные Штаты Америки подтверждают Украине свое обязательство в соответствии с принципами Заключительного Акта СБСЕ уважать независимость, суверенитет и существующие границы Украины.

     Россия мало того, что не выполняла своё обязательство защищать Украину, она же на неё и напала. То, что Америка и Великобритания стали исполнять обязательство в соответствии с первым пунктом меморандума защищать Украину, вызвало у России возмущение и угрозу в их сторону.

      Полагаю, что мировое сообщество должно исключить Россию из ООН и изолировать её от цивилизованного мира её как бешеную собаку. С государством, в котором ложь является фундаментом его функционирования (5), включая и межгосударственные отношения, бесполезно и опасно иметь дело.
1.   Народная судьба или каждому сверчку свой шесток.  
2.   Назад в империю, или восстановление исторической справедливости по Путину.
3.   Мера лжи.
4.   Империя Лжи и её главный лгун.
5.   Ложь – главная скрепа России.



942  Local / Политика / Re: Русско-украинская война 2022- … годов за спасе on: September 23, 2022, 03:46:39 AM
Как говорит Путин, всё идёт по заранее разработанному плану. Шли на Киев и .... . Шли на Харьков и .... . План был оказывается не на три дня, а не .... . Мобилизация тоже входила в заранее разработанный план. Теперь по плану надо ещё 300000 русских на пушечное мясо. Стратегия Путина гениальна!
943  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 23, 2022, 03:42:52 AM
With every day of the war, Ukraine's chances of defeating the Russian invaders are increasing.

Lol. Everyday Russian forces are winning enough so that they don't have to use a lot of force any longer. They can save, at least, some of the people from Zelensky.


 You are right, they win every day! As Putin says, everything is going according to a predetermined plan. We went to Kyiv and .... . We went to Kharkov and .... . The plan was not for three days, not .... . Mobilization was also part of a pre-planned plan. Now, according to the plan, another 300,000 Russians are needed for cannon fodder. Putin's strategy is brilliant!
944  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 21, 2022, 05:40:38 PM
The fact that Russia is failing in the war of conquest is evidenced by the mobilization that Putin was forced to announce.
945  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: September 21, 2022, 07:02:34 AM
Putin announced a partial mobilization, which confirms that the huge number of Russian soldiers and equipment gathered along the entire border with Ukraine before the start of the special. operations are cancelled. It must be assumed that all the imprisoned bandits will be handed Kalashnikovs and sent to die. I think not a small part of them, once free, will run over to the Ukrainians, and perhaps Putin will issue a decree on the creation of punitive army services to prevent such cases. In short, the fate of these recruits is unenviable.
946  Local / Политика / Re: Русско-украинская война 2022- … годов за спасе on: September 21, 2022, 07:01:19 AM
Путин объявил о частичной мобилизации, что подтверждает, что громадное количество русских солдат и техники собранное вдоль всей границы с Украиной до начала спец. операции обнулилось. Надо полагать, что всем заключенным бандитам вручат калашниковы и пошлют умирать. Думаю не малая часть их оказавшись на свободе перебегут к украинцам и возможно Путин издаст указ о создании карательных армейских служб для предотвращения подобных случаев. Короче, судьба этих новобранцев незавидна. 
947  Local / Политика / Re: К итогам русско-украинской войны on: September 21, 2022, 06:48:50 AM
"Музыкант Олег Скрипка заявил, что в Европе отменяют концерты украинцев "под эгидой, что украинцы - это фашисты".

 Запад закрыл свои страны для русских любого вида. И зачем русским страны демократии, они же считают их загнивающими?
948  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin's hand at the White House on: September 21, 2022, 05:51:04 AM
The Russians are reactivating their support for Trump before the election, who is the conductor of Moscow's policy in America.
949  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 21, 2022, 05:46:27 AM

To focus on your problem for a moment, you don't seem to believe in Jesus salvation. If you did, you would recognize and speak that Putin might be saved. In the same way, I don't really know what's in your heart regarding your belief in Jesus salvation. But you talk like your salvation isn't there.


Nothing will save your Putin. For everything that he did to him, whether he wants it or not, he will have to answer both before the tribunal and before God. You have to pay for everything, this is how the world works and Putin cannot avoid retribution.
950  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Whose Crimea on: September 21, 2022, 05:37:29 AM
In connection with the shelling of Crimea by Ukrainians, which will become more intense with the receipt of long-range missiles from the West, the population is leaving Crimea. To prevent the outflow of the Russian population from Crimea, Moscow closed the Crimean bridge to civilian traffic.
951  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 21, 2022, 04:13:03 AM
With every day of the war, Ukraine's chances of defeating the Russian invaders are increasing.
952  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: September 21, 2022, 04:03:14 AM
Finally, the West decided to supply tanks to Ukraine! America will give Ukraine tanks "Abrams", and Germany "Leopard-2". These tanks are more technologically advanced than Soviet-style tanks. The longer the war continues, the more perfect the weapons of the Ukrainian army will be.

America and the West will implicate Ukraine more and more, and they will implicate Europe by prolonging its energy crisis, just as they will implicate the world in prolonging the economic crisis. When they give it heavy weapons and advanced combat equipment, this represents the green light for the Russians to use more force and carry out more dangerous attacks.

Let's be realistic. Ukraine will not win its war against Russia, even if they give it the weapons of the whole world, because it simply does not have enough experience in wars, as the Russians have, in addition to that it is itself a battleground. In the most extreme cases, Russia will lose military equipment and soldiers, but Ukraine will be completely destroyed if direct confrontations develop with the Russian army.

  As far as we know, Russia lost all the wars of the 20th century. Name the war that Russia won. The only war that was victorious was World War II, but with the help of America and Great Britain. If not for the supply of allied weapons and food, Germany reached the Urals. Russia lost the Crimean War of 1853-1856, the war with Japan in 1905, the First World War, Finnish war, the war with Afghanistan 1979-1989. Russia will also lose the war with Ukraine.
953  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 19, 2022, 05:10:05 PM
Today, the Ukrainian people, thanks to the courage of Ukrainian soldiers and the help of the civilized world, have a chance to drive the Russian occupiers from their land.

Ukraine war is a clear indication of the fact that never do stupid things on behalf of USA and EU. They used Ukraine and when Russia invaded them no one came to help them rather EU is in talks with Russia to supply the gas otherwise they will freeze to death in coming summer.

And how did they use Uкraina? I hope you explain to me.
954  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Changing the purpose of the war and how it will end on: September 19, 2022, 02:59:47 PM
^^^ There are 24 hours to the day, 7 days to the week, and 52 weeks to the year. You missed some of the other things that Putin said. Or do you truly think that he only says the things you think you hear from him?


  What's this? This is empty talk.

When you think that you can analyze why any country does anything, and then write it out in such a short OP, you are missing a whole lot of it. Russian goals and traditions go back at least a couple thousand years. And so does the Ukraine... although neither of them were called by those names back then, and their borders were way different back then.

When Putin and the Russian government try to follow their traditions and the goals of their ancestors, you don't know more than a tiny fraction of what is going on and why.

The difference with Zelensky is that he barely knows anything, and he and his government are only trying to gain land and make trouble for people. You can see this in the fact that since 2014 the Ukraine has been killing people in the Donbas region, because they were mixed Russian-Ukrainian families.

Now, when Putin wants to stop the killing, Zelensky mounts a gigantic war against Putin's police action. You have the whole thing backwards.


 Putin started a war with Ukraine precisely in order to get its land. For this, he came up with a lie that Ukrainians are Russians, that they are one and the same people. Putin often says the phrase "bullshit", so the fact that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, this is bullshit. Revanchist Putin dreams of restoring Russia within the borders of the USSR and is ready to destroy millions of people to achieve this goal. After the capture of Ukraine, Putin will probably invade Kazakhstan, because he said that Kazakhstan as a state did not exist. By the way, if Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania had not joined NATO, they would have been the first victim of Putin's plan to restore the former borders of the empire. Even before 2014, I wrote that after the Sochi Olympics, the Russians would invade Ukraine, which happened. I will find this article for you.

Oh, bloop. Often I present articles from Natural News at But if you follow them, much of the bad stuff they talk about barely ever happens. Some of it never happens. What their motive is for talking as much bad stuff as they do, I don't know. But here is what I think it is.

When you write in an article that Russia is going to attack the Ukraine, if it happens, good guess. Write all the bad stuff you want. A piece of it will happen once in a while, and you can go back and say, "See? I told you it was going to happen. I wrote it down right here, and here is the article." You are such a good guesser.

You didn't know anything different than anybody else. Russia and the Ukraine have been attacking each other for so many decades that it isn't anything new to anybody. Most people simply ignore it, these days.

So, this time, when Putin kept from policing the wicked Ukrainian military until nobody could take the Ukrainian wickedness any longer, you like to blame Putin for finally trying to stop the Ukrainian wickedness, simply because he used war-like actions.

Keep your hate fire going. Soon it will destroy you, and we won't have to listen to any of your drivel any longer.


It is hard to disagree with you, the invasion of the Russian fascists and their disgusting violence against the civilian population in the occupied territory of Ukraine caused the hatred of the entire civilized world for the Russians. Russian criminals guilty of the death of thousands of Ukrainians cannot escape the tribunal and the corresponding severe punishment.
955  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 19, 2022, 02:38:26 PM
The best chance anybody will have in Ukraine right now is, get yourself a woman. Women are practical. They don't like all the fighting. They will be glad to leave their rotten s***hole that Ukraine has become.

Do be careful, however. These women have had to fight for such a long time in that area of the world, that they are warriors. They will easily accept a helping hand from a foreign husband, but they are extremely spirited. They will need to be broken, both with love and with force, just like a horse.


There is clearly a hint of sexual concern, and with a horse, and nothing else.
956  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Whose Crimea on: September 19, 2022, 07:48:08 AM
In this article from 2006, I foresaw that Russia would attack Ukraine and annex Crimea.
957  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2017, Ukraine, do not miss the chance! on: September 19, 2022, 07:38:32 AM
 Today, the Ukrainian people, thanks to the courage of Ukrainian soldiers and the help of the civilized world, have a chance to drive the Russian occupiers from their land.
958  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Changing the purpose of the war and how it will end on: September 19, 2022, 04:50:59 AM
^^^ There are 24 hours to the day, 7 days to the week, and 52 weeks to the year. You missed some of the other things that Putin said. Or do you truly think that he only says the things you think you hear from him?


  What's this? This is empty talk.

When you think that you can analyze why any country does anything, and then write it out in such a short OP, you are missing a whole lot of it. Russian goals and traditions go back at least a couple thousand years. And so does the Ukraine... although neither of them were called by those names back then, and their borders were way different back then.

When Putin and the Russian government try to follow their traditions and the goals of their ancestors, you don't know more than a tiny fraction of what is going on and why.

The difference with Zelensky is that he barely knows anything, and he and his government are only trying to gain land and make trouble for people. You can see this in the fact that since 2014 the Ukraine has been killing people in the Donbas region, because they were mixed Russian-Ukrainian families.

Now, when Putin wants to stop the killing, Zelensky mounts a gigantic war against Putin's police action. You have the whole thing backwards.


 Putin started a war with Ukraine precisely in order to get its land. For this, he came up with a lie that Ukrainians are Russians, that they are one and the same people. Putin often says the phrase "bullshit", so the fact that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, this is bullshit. Revanchist Putin dreams of restoring Russia within the borders of the USSR and is ready to destroy millions of people to achieve this goal. After the capture of Ukraine, Putin will probably invade Kazakhstan, because he said that Kazakhstan as a state did not exist. By the way, if Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania had not joined NATO, they would have been the first victim of Putin's plan to restore the former borders of the empire. Even before 2014, I wrote that after the Sochi Olympics, the Russians would invade Ukraine, which happened. I will find this article for you.
959  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: September 18, 2022, 05:32:22 PM
Since this brings it out more clearly that the US is the fomenter behind this war, now Russia will be able to bring out their heavy armament without being criticized as badly... even in the West.


 It turns out that until now Russia has used only light weapons. So really it was not a pity the loss of thousands of soldiers because of this. It was necessary to immediately use heavy weapons in order to quickly end the war and save our soldiers. By the way, could you explain what you think of heavy weapons. I thought it was tanks, artillery, rockets, but it turns out I was wrong.
960  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Changing the purpose of the war and how it will end on: September 18, 2022, 05:24:09 PM
^^^ There are 24 hours to the day, 7 days to the week, and 52 weeks to the year. You missed some of the other things that Putin said. Or do you truly think that he only says the things you think you hear from him?


  What's this? This is empty talk.
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