The ANN post has been updated so take a look. We have all sort of surprises
when i enter the old address (0xc3972ac283b3a7a56125674631a5c254f7f373cf) to swap my coins in myetherwallet i get this message :
-------> invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal hex number with leading zero digits into Go struct field CallArgs.value of type *hexutil.Big
Please join Hawala telegram group for urgent assistance i already posted in the telegram chat but no one answered me!! i didn't send my tokens yet Please wait a little. Our main dev is sleeping right now so I can't contact him. I'll get back to you with this as soon as I can. ok thanks OK, so I spoke to one of our devs and he says it's the MyEtherWallet problem. They probably did some update that didn't go through like it was suppose to. Try now or wait for it to be fixed. Additionally, you can try typing the contract's address into the field on the web site. If you pasted it, maybe it got some hidden characters in it that causes that error.
How long does the token swap of my HAT tokens take?
And is there any other exchange than EtherDelta where i can trade my Hawala tokens?
Swap can take somewhere from few minutes to hours and even days. It all depends on the Ethereum network and it's congestion. Is it's congested, then it could take days. If you don't have your new HAT tokens 24 hours after sending the old tokens, then go to the Telegram chat and fill the form (it's in the pinned post). You can trade only old HAT tokens on EtherDelta, but it's not advisable because the team has requested EtherDelta to delist old HAT tokens and they can do it any time. New HAT tokens can be traded on Idex market.
Osobno koristim local bitcoin. Radije nemoj vece iznose na jednom isplacivat ako ides preko racuna u banci...
Zašto ne? Ako misliš da Porezna uprava ne vidi manje uplate preko računa u banci, varaš se. Vide sve uplate...
when i enter the old address (0xc3972ac283b3a7a56125674631a5c254f7f373cf) to swap my coins in myetherwallet i get this message :
-------> invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal hex number with leading zero digits into Go struct field CallArgs.value of type *hexutil.Big
Please join Hawala telegram group for urgent assistance i already posted in the telegram chat but no one answered me!! i didn't send my tokens yet Please wait a little. Our main dev is sleeping right now so I can't contact him. I'll get back to you with this as soon as I can.
Money must be as secure invested as possible, it goes without saying. How can you help secure the invested funds?
I don't understand what you wrote... What money? If you're talking about Hawala wallet and tokens inside it, it is secured. When you import private key into the wallet app, it's encrypted with the password you create when first starting the app and it always stays in your device because transaction signing is happening on the device itself.
Is it alteady working i wanne get some more pearls🤔
Is what working? The testnet A should be started by the end of this month. Before that you can't earn PRLs.
Meni je zapravo fascinantno kako neke vijesti još uvijek mogu toliko utjecati na kripto tržište. Mislim, pa zar nismo prije nekoliko tjedana imali vijest da će Kina zabraniti rudarenje, pa je sve dosta palo, ali na kraju se oporavilo. Onda smo opet nedavno imali vijest da će Južna Koreja zabraniti trgovanje kripto valutama i opet je sve palo pa se kratko nakon toga oporavilo. Ono što hoću reći je da mi je nevjerojatno da će netko prodati na primjer BTC zato što je pao na 10.000 dolara, a svi (OK, 99% ljudi) znamo da će se vratiti natrag gore. Meni se sve čini da se "velika" ekipa za USDT-om poigrava s nama "malima"...
Znaci ako sam ja trgovao u 2017 ali nisam nista isplatio na racun (sve je bilo na trznici) ja nisam duzan platiti porez jer nisam ostvario dobit? Tako mi je bilo receno kod jednog računovođe.
Ako pod tržnica misliš da je sve ostalo na exchange-u, onda ne moraš platiti porez jer nemaš zaradu u klasičnoj valuti (kune, euri...). Tek kad zaradu od kripto valuta pretvoriš u neku od klasičnih valuta i isplatiš si na račun u banci, onda si u obvezi platiti porez.
I tried to stake. Click 'Add Stake' and then I choose 'slow' the gas price shows 50gwei. Is it this expensive always? or it's just because of the congestion on ethereum network right now? How come no gas price shows up when choose 'Optimal' or 'Fast'?
First we need to know if you're using Windows, Mac or Android wallet app. The gas price is determined by what reports so if that site is slow or not working, selecting slow, optimal or fast can have problems. But you can always manually select gas limit and gas price by pulling the bar. As for the gas price, is's not dictated by the Hawala wallet app. It depends on the Ethereum network and the team can't do anything about it. The best thing you can do is to visit and check out recommended (or safe low) gas price. Currently recommended gas price is 21 gwei which is around $0.5.
Ako 99% ljudi gleda vrijednost BTC-a u dolarima, onda nije baš u redu napisati naslov "Bitkoin ispod 10.000". To bi se isto moglo smatrati FUD-om.
Teško je reći za koliko ćeš otplatiti kartice jer to više ovisi o rastu cijene valute koju rudariš nego o količini izrudarenoga. Recimo ja rudarim Monero i trenutno imam 2 XMR. Kad sam krenuo, Monero je bio oko $90, a sad je oko $400. Znači da cijena nije rasla, izrudareno bi vrijedilo oko $180, a ovako vrijedi $800. Vidiš koja je razlika? Mislim, možeš otprilike izračunati vrijeme otplate. Ali nestabilnost tržišta je takva da ne znaš hoće li valuta u tih nekoliko mjeseci koliko treba za otplatu narasti ili pasti. Ako naraste, skraćuje se vrijeme otplate. Ali ako padne, vrijeme otplate se produžuje.
Dok god Hrvatska vlada ili tko već u HR ne donese drugačiju odluku, držim se presude suda EU Isto tako, dok god se ne donese odluka da se uz dionice i ostale vrijednosne papire, plaća porez na kapitalnu dobit i na virtualne valute, dalje ostajem kod stava da se ne plaća. Mišljenja, tetke, strica, Marka, Janka, pustite za neku drugu priliku. Da budem jasniji, sav porez plaćen, porezna sigurno neće odbiti, imala pravo na to ili ne. Ako treba i na sud, u mojem slučaju se to isplati Edit.. Kad već pišem, evo i stavki na koje se obračunava porez na kapitalnu dobit... Članak 67. Stavak 2. Još jednom ponavljam, mišljenje je jedno, zakon koji se može i smije primjenjivati je drugo. A gledaj... Svatko ima pravo na svoje mišljenje, ali kad ti od Porezne uprave dođe ovrha za porez koji nisi platio, kaznu zbog neplaćanja poreza i kamate na sve to, mislim da nećeš imati nekog izbora. Istina, možeš na sud ali porez, kaznu i kamate ćeš svejedno morati platiti i onda se boriti preko suda za svoja prava. A znaš kakvo je naše sudstvo... OK, ne znam o kojoj svoti se radi (kad kažeš da se tebi isplati ići na sud onda mora da je neka veća svota), ali svakako se pripremi na ovrhu. I naravno, to govorim u slučaju da Porezna uopće otkrije da imaš primitak koji nisi prijavio. Možda ne otkrije pa se izvučeš...
da li bi mogli nekako da dodjemo do nekog konkretnog odgovora??? :-)
Možda da postaviš konkretno pitanje? Sve je u potpunosti legalno i nemaš problema dok ne dođe vrijeme isplate. E sad kada jednom želiš isplatiti ako želiš biti u skladu sa zakon u hrvatskoj moraš platiit porez od 12% na kapitalnu dobit + prirez. Mislim da bi u teoriji (dakle, ne govorim o tome kako treba napraviti nego što je u teoriji ispravno) na zaradu od rudarenja trebalo platiti porez kao na drugi dohodak. To znači poreze, doprinose i sva davanja kao da primaš drugu plaću jer je rudarenje aktivnost koju obavljaš i za koju dobiješ novac, a to se onda oporezuje drugačije od zarade na trgovanju. Naravno, sve to govorim u teoriji jer kad si kune isplatiš sa Bitstamp-a ili neke druge burze, Porezna nikako ne može znati jesi li do tih novaca došao trgovanjem ili rudarenjem.
Hello everybody. I am sure that the PRL by the end of 2018 will cost at least $ 10. So who keeps the coin and does not sell. Will be in a big plus. The coin is excellent and this is its real price.
I think it will be $15 at the minimum. That would place it at under a 1 billion dollar marketcap which is very low for what this project offers IMHO. What's happening with PRL right now is panic selling because this was never a pump and dump coin. I'm surprised that it has gone down this much but I'm not worried at all. It's still up 64 times over what I got in at. Yeah, 15$ is a minimum, especially if thy manage to achieve all their goals So why the price decrease now to almost 1$ ? Is is correction? Don't worry, price was expected to decrease after it increased several hundred times over the last month. It started at around $0.005 (that's when I got in), then went to over $4 and now it corrected to $1.5-$2. I think it's still pretty good, don't you?
Great news! Alpha versions of the Hawala Android and macOS apps are available for download! You can download the apps here.
tried to create a new wallet in the app but say feature unavailable, what wallet file should i use?
Creating new wallet is not imported yet as it's an alpha version of the wallet. You can create new ETH wallet in MyEtherWallet, send your HAT tokens to that address and then import it into the Hawala wallet.
Can anyone who has BLUE on Myetherwallet help please with these 2 questions?
1. BLUE is not a standard token yet and need to be added as a custom token on myetherwallet, what happens if you have an amount of tokens and later on BLUE will become a standard token? Will your amount then be automaticlly transfered to the standard token or do you need to do this manually? Your token balance will not dissapear?
2. When you added BLUE as a custom token and move tokens to your address and you later accidently (pressing once the minus symbol) remove the custom token, will your tokens then be deleted? I guess not, as it should be there on the blockchain, so when this happens, you can add the custom token again to make the balance visible again?
Sorry for my dumb questions, just want to be sure it is safe.
MyEtherWallet is just an interface to the Ethereum blockchain. You can't delete your tokens. You can just send them to another ETH address. So to answer your questions: 1. If you add custom token and later BLUE becomes standard token, you balance will not disappear. Maybe it will show two BLUE tokens, but if that happens then you can just delete custom BLUE token and you'll be OK. 2. By removing custom token from the MyEtherWallet you are just making it not show up when you click "Show tokens". If you accidentally delete custom token, you can add it again and everything will be OK. As I said before - you can't delete your token balance. Only way to remove tokens from your ETH wallet is by sending them to some other ETH address.
thanks i received new tokens so where i have to check the value?
I'm not sure what value are you referring to. If you wanna know what's the value of the token, currently it's listed on Idex exchange so you can check the price there.