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961  Other / Politics & Society / Changing the purpose of the war and how it will end on: September 18, 2022, 01:34:35 PM
Alik Bakhshi

Changing the purpose of the war and how it will end

    At the SCO summit, Putin said that the purpose of the special. Russia's operation is the liberation of Donbass. Either Putin made a reservation, or his memory began to fail, but when he announced the start of the special on March 24, 2022. operations in Ukraine, the purpose of which, as Putin explained, was the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. If Putin is in perfect health in Shanghai, then from what he said, the only conclusion that follows is a change in the purpose of the war. Thus, Putin abandoned his intention of denazification, which involves the overthrow of the fascist regime. In other words, Putin, if we recall his historic discovery that the Ukrainian people as such does not exist (1), because this is the Russian people, wanted to occupy all of Ukraine and annex it to Russia. As for the plan for the demilitarization of Ukraine, everything is clear here, with this Putin has a complete ..., if culturally in French, an affront.
   Undoubtedly, the reason for changing the original plan is the defeat of the Russians, first near Kyiv and then near Kharkov. Everything goes to the fact that Putin's blitzkrieg will turn into a blitzcrah. The high motivation of the Ukrainian soldier and modern Western weapons, which, according to Putin, have no analogues, will lead to the victory of the free World over the Empire of Evil and Lies.
  I wonder what Putin will tell his people if the liberation of Donbass suffers the same failure? How will the favorite of the Russian people explain why thousands of Russians gave their lives, and, most importantly, how will the people react to the defeat in the war with Ukraine? I remember the defeat of Russia in the war with Japan led to the revolution of 1905, and the defeat in the First World War ended with the disappearance of the empire and the transformation into a union of socialist republics, which collapsed after the defeat in the Afghan war. It is possible that Hitler's Germany would have lost the war if it were not for the enormous assistance of the USA and Great Britain.
  It is difficult to assume that the Russian people will admit their guilt in the atrocity committed against the fraternal Slavic people of Ukraine. Really, as always, everything will be blamed on one Putin. Will the Russian people finally abandon the great-power worldview and Great Russian chauvinism (2,3) and, as a result, the empire, which is the cause of all failures. Would he prefer to live a lie (4), ignoring its consequences?

1. Taras Shevchenko and Putin are representatives of the same people.
2. Great Russian chauvinism, and Putin is his Fuhrer.
3. The reason for the aggressiveness of the "Russian world".
4. The Empire of Lies and its main liar.

962  Local / Политика / Изменение цели войны и чем это закончится on: September 18, 2022, 01:16:06 PM
Алик Бахши

Изменение цели войны и чем это закончится

    На саммите ШОС Путин сказал, что целью спец. операции России является освобождение Донбасса. То ли Путин оговорился, то ли память его стала подводить, но, когда он 24 марта 2022 года объявил о начале спец. операции в Украине, целью её, как объяснил Путин, была демилитаризация и денацификация Украины. Если же Путин в Шанхае в полном здравии, то из сказанного им следует единственный вывод это смена цели войны. Таким образом, Путин отказался от своего намерения денацификации, которая предусматривает низложение фашистского режима. Иными словами Путин, если вспомнить его историческое открытие, что украинского народа как такового не существует (1), ибо это и есть русский народ, хотел оккупировать всю Украину и присоединить её к России. Что касается плана демилитаризации Украины, то тут всё понятно, с этим у Путина полный … , если культурно по-французски, – афронт.
   Безусловно причиной в изменении первоначального плана является поражение русских вначале под Киевом и затем под Харьковом. Всё идёт к тому, что Путинский блицкриг обернётся блицкрахом. Высокая мотивация украинского солдата и современное западное оружие, которому, как говорит Путин, аналогов нет, приведёт к победе свободного Мира над Империей Зла и Лжи.
  Интересно, что Путин скажет своему народу, если и освобождение Донбасса постигнет та же неудача? Как любимец русского народа объяснит для чего тысячи россиян отдали свои свою жизнь, и, главное, как народ отреагирует на поражение в войне с Украиной? Помнится поражение России в войне с Японией привело к революции 1905 года, а поражение в Первой мировой войне окончилось исчезновением империи и преобразованием в союз социалистических республик, который развалился после поражения в Афганской войне. Возможно и гитлеровской Германии война была бы проиграна, если бы не громадная помощь США И Великобритании.
  Трудно предположить, что русский народ признает свою вину в содеянном злодеянии против братского славянского народа Украины. Неужели, как всегда, всё свалят на одного Путина. Неужели русский народ, наконец, откажется от великодержавного мировоззрения и великорусского шовинизма (2,3) и, как следствие, от империи, что является причиной всех неудач. Неужели предпочтет жить во лжи (4), игнорируя её последствия?  

1.   Тарас Шевченко и Путин – представители одного народа.
2.   Великорусский шовинизм, и Путин его фюрер.
3.   Причина агрессивности «русского мира».
4.   Империя Лжи и её главный лгун.


963  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: September 18, 2022, 07:40:34 AM
Finally, the West decided to supply tanks to Ukraine! America will give Ukraine tanks "Abrams", and Germany "Leopard-2". These tanks are more technologically advanced than Soviet-style tanks. The longer the war continues, the more perfect the weapons of the Ukrainian army will be.
964  Local / Политика / Русско-украинская война 2022- … годов за спасен& on: September 17, 2022, 08:06:36 AM
Алик Бахши

Русско-украинская война 2022- … годов за спасение Мира

   Затеянная Россией война с Украиной приняла затяжной позиционный характер. Несомненно, Украина была готова к внезапному нападению российских орд, которые Россия в течение нескольких месяцев концентрировала вдоль всей границы с Украиной, якобы, по официальной версии Кремля, для обычных запланированных военных учений. Заверениям Империи Лжи в Киеве отнеслись серьёзно. Слова известного вруна Путина были восприняты должным образом, что и было продемонстрированно – атака русских захлебнулась. Надежда за 2-3 дня взять Киев оказалась опрометчивой. Запланированный блицкриг обернулся для агрессора блицкрахом. Захватить Украину к Параду Победобесия Путину не удалось.(1) Потеряв значительное количество техники и личного состава, русские перешли к войне на истощение, полагаясь на не сопоставимый с Украиной ресурс России. Однако, Запад, понявший, что украинский народ не готов расстаться с обретённой свободой и будет стоять за неё насмерть, решился на оказание военной помощи, несмотря на угрозы Кремля о его готовности начать Третью мировую войну. Как тут не обратиться к итогам позорной для России русско-финской войне 1939-1940 года, в которой, несмотря на колоссальное количественное превосходство в вооружении и людских ресурсов, русские не смогли покорить финский народ, а ведь всё население Финляндии не превышало население одного только Ленинграда. Кстати, в финской войне участвовало и женское население Финляндии, что говорит о решимости народа на самопожертвование ради независимости. Благодаря тому подвигу финского народа, сегодня мы знаем Финляндию как самую благополучную страну, в которой нет ни нефти, ни газа, ни золота, там вообще ничего нет, а есть только народ, ценивший свободу и показавший ради чего стоит сражаться. Кстати, вот хороший пример для русского народа с его великодержавным мировоззрением, видящим своё счастье в ограблении других народов, вместо желания жить мирной жизнью и трудиться не на производство оружия, а на создание вещей, необходимых для улучшения своего благосостояния. К сожалению, с этой стороны, как показывает история, русский народ успехов не проявил. Кто знает какой товар производит Россия, акромя матрёшек? Визитной карточкой России сегодня стала Ложь.(2) Она же её единственный товар.
   Русско-украинская война, с учетом военных поставок Украине, продолжится до тех пор, пока в Кремле находится Путин, загнавший себя в угол тем, что поражение в войне будет стоить ему не только потери власти, но и жизни, ибо новоявленному фюреру не миновать международного трибунала за великое множество совершенных преступлений, за которые ещё предстоит расплачиваться также русскому народу и расплата та будет не лёгкой. Конечно, чтобы избежать поражения, не исключена вероятность того, что Путин решиться применить тактическое ядерное оружие, но Запад может предупредить такое развитие событий и заранее на этот случай предоставить Украине возможность равносильного ответа. Нет сомнения, у России с её слабой экономикой, находящейся под санкционным давлением в затяжной войне нет шансов на победу. Путин здорово просчитался в планах восстановить империю в границах СССР, в которых война с Украиной была первым шагом. Вероятно он не ожидал, вопреки стараниям России посеять раздор, в одинаковой ответной реакции Запада на развязанную войну с Украиной.

    После долгих колебаний в оценке агрессивных действий России, страны западной демократии наконец поняли, что на территории Украины решается их будущее. На карте - будущее цивилизации. Так, министр иностранных дел Великобритании Элизабет Трасс предупредила о необходимости лишить Путина шанса на победу в войне с Украиной. «Если Путин добьётся успеха, это обернётся неимоверными страданиями для всей Европы и всему Миру будут грозить ужасные последствия. Мы больше никогда не будем чувствовать себя в безопасности» - сказала она. По сути, на долю украинского народа выпала ответственная миссия избавить Мир от дожившего до наших дней монстра из эпохи ящеров. Другими словами «Карфаген должен быть разрушен».(3,4)  Империя Зла, а равно как и Империя Лжи в лице России благодаря реваншисту Путину неизбежно вслед за всеми предыдущими империями станет историей.

1.   К Параду Победобесия.
2.   Империя Лжи и Путин её главный лгун.
3.   «Карфаген должен быть разрушен».
4.   Пришла пора остановить Путлера.


965  Other / Politics & Society / Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World on: September 17, 2022, 05:45:01 AM
Alik Bakhshi

Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022- ... for the salvation of the World


     The war started by Russia with Ukraine took on a protracted positional character. Undoubtedly, Ukraine was ready for a surprise attack by Russian hordes, which Russia had been massing along the entire border with Ukraine for several months, ostensibly, according to the official version of the Kremlin, for the usual planned military exercises. The assurances of the Empire of Lies were taken seriously in Kyiv. The words of the famous liar Putin were taken properly, which was demonstrated - the Russian attack bogged down. The hope to take Kyiv in 2-3 days turned out to be reckless. The planned blitzkrieg turned into a blitzkrieg for the aggressor. Putin failed to seize Ukraine for the Victory Parade. (1) Having lost a significant amount of equipment and personnel, the Russians switched to a war of attrition, relying on Russia's resource incomparable to Ukraine. However, the West, realizing that the Ukrainian people are not ready to part with their newly acquired freedom and will stand for it to the death, decided to provide military assistance, despite the Kremlin's threats about its readiness to start the Third World War. How can one not refer to the results of the Russian-Finnish war of 1939-1940, shameful for Russia, in which, despite the colossal quantitative superiority in weapons and human resources, the Russians could not conquer the Finnish people, and in fact the entire population of Finland did not exceed the population of Leningrad alone . By the way, the female population of Finland also participated in the Finnish war, which indicates the determination of the people to sacrifice themselves for the sake of independence. Thanks to that feat of the Finnish people, today we know Finland as the most prosperous country in which there is no oil, no gas, no gold, there is nothing at all, but there is only a people who valued freedom and showed what it is worth fighting for. By the way, here is a good example for the Russian people with its great-power worldview, which sees its happiness in robbing other peoples, instead of wanting to live a peaceful life and work not for the production of weapons, but for the creation of things necessary to improve their well-being. Unfortunately, from this side, as history shows, the Russian people did not show success. Who knows what kind of goods Russia produces, acre of nesting dolls? Lies have become the hallmark of Russia today. (2) She is her only product.

    The Russian-Ukrainian war, taking into account military supplies to Ukraine, will continue as long as Putin is in the Kremlin, driving himself into a corner with the fact that defeat in the war will cost him not only the loss of power, but also his life, because the newly-minted Fuhrer cannot escape international tribunal for a great many crimes committed, for which the Russian people also have to pay, and that payment will not be easy. Of course, in order to avoid defeat, it is possible that Putin will decide to use tactical nuclear weapons, but the West can prevent such a development of events and provide Ukraine with an equivalent response in this case. There is no doubt that Russia, with its weak economy under sanctions pressure in a protracted war, has no chance of winning. Putin miscalculated his plans to restore the empire within the borders of the USSR, in which the war with Ukraine was the first step. He probably did not expect, despite Russia's efforts to sow discord, the same response from the West to the unleashed war with Ukraine.

  After long hesitation in assessing the aggressive actions of Russia, the countries of Western democracy finally realized that their future is being decided on the territory of Ukraine. On the map - the future of civilization. Thus, British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss warned of the need to deprive Putin of a chance to win the war with Ukraine. “If Putin succeeds, it will result in incredible suffering for the whole of Europe and the whole world will face terrible consequences. We will never feel safe again,” she said. In fact, the responsible mission fell to the share of the Ukrainian people to rid the World of a monster from the era of lizards that has survived to this day. In other words, "Carthage must be destroyed." (3,4) The Empire of Evil, as well as the Empire of Lies represented by Russia, will inevitably become history after all the previous empires, thanks to Putin's revanchist.


1. To the Parade of Victory.
2. The Empire of Lies and Putin is its main liar.
3. Carthage must be destroyed.”
4. It's time to stop Putler.

966  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Olaf Scholz's unforgivable blunder on: September 17, 2022, 05:33:21 AM
How confident are you that the number of fleeing Russians dwarf the number of Russian spies to the degree that it would be worthy of denying every fleeing Russian the ability to resettle in Europe? I wouldn't know, I doubt anyone does.

Seems a bit unreasonable to categorically deny every Russian a European visa under the premise they're a Putin stooge. I'm unsure if this is what the EU is proposing, or whether they're proposing an extreme vetting. My research into this issue is bare. I'm okay with the latter -- in fact I think any country should employee extreme vetting when handing out visas.

It makes perfect sense for all NATO countries to deny entry to all Russian citizens.
Not only that, all pro-Russian supporters must be deported from the NATO countries.

NATO needs to prepare for war with Russia. Any nuclear fallout on the territory of Ukraine will be an attack on neighboring NATO countries
and will invoke Article 5.

Russians who want to leave Russia can go to Georgia, Kazakhstan, UAE, Africa, or South America and ask for political asylum there.

   Alas, Georgia has closed entry for Russians, and I think that's right. Let them create an internal opposition if they don't like Putin's policy, and don't throw it off at other peoples.
967  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 17, 2022, 05:26:16 AM

You have been hurt. That is so sad. But lashing out at Putin or Russia isn't going top bring back family and friends. All it will do is harm you.

Find a spirit of forgiveness. Having such a spirit won't help or hurt Putin. But it will help you. Do you know how it will help you? In your hatred of Putin/Russia, you are becoming just like them. Is that how you really want to be... just like Putin and Russia?

Forgive. Talk peace and love. Anger and hate talk won't do anybody any good. And the one who it will harm most is you. You are turning yourself into a hateful human.


Don't try to make an angel out of Putin. he will be condemned, just like Hitler. Russian fascism will not save anything from punishment and no one will forgive him for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians and the destruction that he brought to Ukraine. And all his trolls like you will be discovered by payments.

Tsk, tsk. And just when I thought you could be saved, too. Oh, well. Since you don't want salvation, I won't get in the way.


 That's right, think better about saving your soul, because defending the killer of thousands of people to whom God gave life is the same crime.
968  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin cannot avoid a tribunal on: September 17, 2022, 05:18:02 AM
Everything goes to the fact that Putin will open a second front - a war with the internal opposition.
969  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: September 17, 2022, 05:13:29 AM
Im not so sure on this, just because the news is reporting
progress on Ukraine’s side it doesn’t entirely mean Russia is
on way to zero. Just take a look at what happened to the energy,
fuel and grain prices when the war started, it’s that much of an
impact worldwide. With or without the sanctions, a country like
that will thrive and survive at any cost. Im against any kind
of war seeing and feeling the effects it has on nations and
the people.. heres hoping that powerful countries will come to
a fast and realistic solution to end such conflicts so we can focus
on more pressing and concerning matters with our planet and

You think so only because you were not attacked, a rocket did not fly into your house, your country is not occupied by an enemy who has destroyed democracy in his country and wants to impose his laws on you, where there is no freedom.

Poor beej. All he was doing was making a simple comment. But you have let your rolling hatred overflow against him.

Come and turn away from hate. It's eating you up. You are being consumed by it. But you can stop. Get a copy of the Bible, and learn about the love of Jesus.

Where was Jesus when your family was harmed or murdered? He has taken them to a better place... a place where they live in love, and can never be hurt again. Please don't push yourself away from the love of Jesus. If you do that, you may never see them again.


 Wouldn't your appeal to God and the Bible be better to advise the villain Putin, whose hands took the life of thousands of people, the life that God gave them. Think about it if you are calling to God. By the way, worry about yourself, the money that you, as a troll, receive from Putin is all in the blood of God's people.
970  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 16, 2022, 10:15:21 PM
You don't even realize that the weapons have been coming to Ukraine for a long time now. They were going there long before the start of Putin's push at the beginning of this year.

All the things you accuse Putin of doing, the US has already done to Ukraine. The weapons are simply showing us that the US controls Ukraine militarily.

You are entirely backwards in your thinking. You seem to be pushing US propaganda. Are you well paid for it?


  The fact that you are a Putin troll has long been clear to me, and you judge others, thinking that everyone, like you, receives handouts from a bloody dictator who in his country kills everyone who is against his power.

You have been hurt. That is so sad. But lashing out at Putin or Russia isn't going top bring back family and friends. All it will do is harm you.

Find a spirit of forgiveness. Having such a spirit won't help or hurt Putin. But it will help you. Do you know how it will help you? In your hatred of Putin/Russia, you are becoming just like them. Is that how you really want to be... just like Putin and Russia?

Forgive. Talk peace and love. Anger and hate talk won't do anybody any good. And the one who it will harm most is you. You are turning yourself into a hateful human.


Don't try to make an angel out of Putin. he will be condemned, just like Hitler. Russian fascism will not save anything from punishment and no one will forgive him for the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians and the destruction that he brought to Ukraine. And all his trolls like you will be discovered by payments.
971  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 16, 2022, 07:08:35 PM
You don't even realize that the weapons have been coming to Ukraine for a long time now. They were going there long before the start of Putin's push at the beginning of this year.

All the things you accuse Putin of doing, the US has already done to Ukraine. The weapons are simply showing us that the US controls Ukraine militarily.

You are entirely backwards in your thinking. You seem to be pushing US propaganda. Are you well paid for it?


  The fact that you are a Putin troll has long been clear to me, and you judge others, thinking that everyone, like you, receives handouts from a bloody dictator who in his country kills everyone who is against his power.
972  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: September 16, 2022, 06:57:16 PM
Im not so sure on this, just because the news is reporting
progress on Ukraine’s side it doesn’t entirely mean Russia is
on way to zero. Just take a look at what happened to the energy,
fuel and grain prices when the war started, it’s that much of an
impact worldwide. With or without the sanctions, a country like
that will thrive and survive at any cost. Im against any kind
of war seeing and feeling the effects it has on nations and
the people.. heres hoping that powerful countries will come to
a fast and realistic solution to end such conflicts so we can focus
on more pressing and concerning matters with our planet and

You think so only because you were not attacked, a rocket did not fly into your house, your country is not occupied by an enemy who has destroyed democracy in his country and wants to impose his laws on you, where there is no freedom.
973  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin cannot avoid a tribunal on: September 16, 2022, 04:55:05 AM
ok, but who will force Putin to a tribunal? In the past those kinds of things happened when opposing forces completly surendered and their countries governments overthrown. I don't se a scenario where that would take place in modern Russia. He could suffer political death in his own country, but I doubt he will ever face any trials.

 The fact that Russia will be defeated is beyond question. Russian fascism, just like German fascism, will be judged by an international tribunal. Putin has two options, either The Hague, or the angry Russian people themselves will hang him on the gates of the Kremlin.
974  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia on the way to zero on: September 16, 2022, 04:30:52 AM
Until people realize that Biden is one of the greatest proponents of Russia, Americans are going to go into deeper and deeper danger from Russia, and deeper countrywide poverty. Lots of people are talking about how bad of a President Trump was, and about how his actions have proven he is illegally minded. But Trump did a lot of good for America >>> while it is Biden that is enacting the actual destruction of America.

Yes, now, thanks to the sanctions, the Russian economy will finally grow to the skies and fly into space.
975  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 15, 2022, 07:41:44 PM
Specialist. Putin's operation to demilitarize Ukraine has led to the opposite - Ukraine received the latest weapons from the West, which causes serious losses to the Russian occupiers.
976  Local / Политика / Re: Причина агрессивности «русского мира» on: September 15, 2022, 03:04:59 PM

В случае поражения России, вероятность которого весьма велика при условии сплоченности стран западной демократии, нельзя будет повторить прошлой ошибки, оказывая помощь империи. Надо позволить доисторическому монстру издохнуть в изоляции. Русский народ не простит поражения Путину и его дружкам по ОПГ, а в наступившем неизбежном хаосе империя начнёт рушится как карточный домик, десятки народов обретут долгожданную свободу. Может быть тогда, будучи в пределах своей исконной территории, коей является Московия (7), русский народ вынужден будет отбросить имперское мировоззрение и, взяв пример с финнов, займётся обустройством своей страны, не неся угрозы соседям.

А вот тут сложно согласиться, что народ не простит путлу его проигрыш. Мне кажется, что простит, потому как даже такое громкое поражение, им оправдают по зомбоящику, а стадо есть стадо, и это схавает. Главное, что их это не коснулось. Русский народ обладает одним основным качеством - лютейшим эгоизмом. Не простят только те, до чьей хаты дотронуться пока эта война продолжается. Остальные согласятся в большинстве своем со всем, что им сольют в уши

 Думаю осталось немного, после чего всё станет ясно.
977  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 13, 2022, 09:35:01 PM

Why do you ask what kind of Ukrainians are bad. It's the ones who don't obey the Laws of God as found in the Bible, and don't ask for forgiveness from Jesus. But what does that have to do with whatever we were talking about?

Or did you mean the answer already given above, the Ukrainians who use the strength of the US, NATO, and Europe to fight Russians?

Or are you simply trying to mix things up by calling Ukrainians Russians, and Russians Ukrainians?

In Russia's asking for help, they are simply cementing trade agreements. They are not begging for help from Iran and North Korea.

I certainly am not trying to make you think something that you don't want to think. You are welcome to think anything you want. In the US, we are allowed freedom of speech as a foundational part of life. Speak, but if you want an answer, make sense.


Understood nothing.


Well, that's the answer, then. But I do admire how well you use English, a second language for you.


So, on the topic itself, nothing. Rhetoric for shaking the air. You remembered God and the Bible, but at first there was a word, but the corresponding action followed the word.
978  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 13, 2022, 08:25:47 PM
At the present time (time stamp) it seems that Russia is being pushed towards war. She has had some recent setbacks. They aren't anything more than seriously annoying.

All Russia wanted to do was free trade with other nations. But other rich nations are stopping her free trade (if they can). So, what steps will Russia take to continue her fair trade with other nations? It should be interesting.

Oh, they are not good, they do not want to trade with Russia. Well, then what, trade with others, what's the problem? You won't be forced to be nice. Or am I wrong?  Tell me, please, who is pushing Russia to war?

Haven't you been listening all along? The US, using NATO encroachment so that Russia is uncomfortable.

And if you mean the war that Ukraine started with Russia in or around 2014, the US who pushed at least 3 regimes into the Ukraine, which attacked friendly Russian people.

Of course, there are all kinds of other little things. But these two are basic... and serious.


  What kind of Ukrainian Russians are bad, they did not understand that they are one and the same people with the Russians and therefore attacked Russia in order to seize and take possession of its rich subsoil. And now the Russians must defend themselves against the invaders by asking for help from Iran and North Korea.

Why do you ask what kind of Ukrainians are bad. It's the ones who don't obey the Laws of God as found in the Bible, and don't ask for forgiveness from Jesus. But what does that have to do with whatever we were talking about?

Or did you mean the answer already given above, the Ukrainians who use the strength of the US, NATO, and Europe to fight Russians?

Or are you simply trying to mix things up by calling Ukrainians Russians, and Russians Ukrainians?

In Russia's asking for help, they are simply cementing trade agreements. They are not begging for help from Iran and North Korea.

I certainly am not trying to make you think something that you don't want to think. You are welcome to think anything you want. In the US, we are allowed freedom of speech as a foundational part of life. Speak, but if you want an answer, make sense.


Understood nothing. By the way, didn't Russia ask for help from Iran and North Korea? And why did you remember about freedom of speech. Everyone knows even without you where this freedom is respected. The only thing that follows from your post is to get away from the essence of the topic.
979  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 13, 2022, 05:31:54 PM
At the present time (time stamp) it seems that Russia is being pushed towards war. She has had some recent setbacks. They aren't anything more than seriously annoying.

All Russia wanted to do was free trade with other nations. But other rich nations are stopping her free trade (if they can). So, what steps will Russia take to continue her fair trade with other nations? It should be interesting.

Oh, they are not good, they do not want to trade with Russia. Well, then what, trade with others, what's the problem? You won't be forced to be nice. Or am I wrong?  Tell me, please, who is pushing Russia to war?

Haven't you been listening all along? The US, using NATO encroachment so that Russia is uncomfortable.

And if you mean the war that Ukraine started with Russia in or around 2014, the US who pushed at least 3 regimes into the Ukraine, which attacked friendly Russian people.

Of course, there are all kinds of other little things. But these two are basic... and serious.


  What kind of Ukrainian Russians are bad, they did not understand that they are one and the same people with the Russians and therefore attacked Russia in order to seize and take possession of its rich subsoil. And now the Russians must defend themselves against the invaders by asking for help from Iran and North Korea.
980  Other / Politics & Society / Re: To the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war on: September 13, 2022, 04:16:10 PM
At the present time (time stamp) it seems that Russia is being pushed towards war. She has had some recent setbacks. They aren't anything more than seriously annoying.

All Russia wanted to do was free trade with other nations. But other rich nations are stopping her free trade (if they can). So, what steps will Russia take to continue her fair trade with other nations? It should be interesting.

Oh, they are not good, they do not want to trade with Russia. Well, then what, trade with others, what's the problem? You won't be forced to be nice. Or am I wrong?  Tell me, please, who is pushing Russia to war?
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