@DEV, Did you already contacted Poloniex? It seems that Poloniex is now the number 1 exchange. 4 times more volume then Bittrex and twice as big as Cryptsy.... maybe it is time to try to get on Poloniex too can you imagine how hight the price will be when its on 5 different exchanges. Do you plan to have them on all?
Listen gentlemen, two sentences on coins dropped on Buy Wall. As suggested by some, we are going to have to disposal. We still have a lot of hard work to be done. We need a wallet for the Mac, because there are questions whether we have it in the plans. Website also need to look seriously BRE and reliably. We can start bounties for some interesting ideas. We need Bittrex !! COINS WERE SOLD AT THAT BUY WALL WILL BE USED FOR bounties FOR adding SERVICES! THOSE COINS WILL NOT BE DESTROYED. THEY WILL HELP TO GROW BRE! If we act together, it will definitely succeed Soon, new information and the development plan. gregofdoom I think it's good idea to keep coins for future develope, for bounties etc. so +1 from me Not agreed with this !!! ICO funds has been invested for that reason. I still think we should destroyed that coins. Is it possible to make a poll about that? There only being less than 780,000 coin it will still go through the roof in price when it hits trex, just a matter of time.
Apparently Official policy is Yobit will only burn the coins sold into the buy wall if the dev has made special arrangements to do so.It is not something they do automatically.
How they going to burn them exactly if they do so? The coins will still exist. Best option is to offer small portions of the coin to investors. Raise some more cash for development. Each investor will only be allowed to buy 500 coins.. Make it public as well. Discretion on the IDs of the investors of course. Yobit burns coins sending them to a brand new address that canět be used, every coin sent there is burned. Thay can't take the coins back from it. what coins are being burned? The unsold coin and I guess even these sold over the wall what will that bring the total supply to? I don't know now, we need to wait the end of the buy wall time, and see how many coins was dumped on it. Usually yobit keeps the buywall for 4 days after the ico end. Do you have any ideas where this coin could go in price after that?
Apparently Official policy is Yobit will only burn the coins sold into the buy wall if the dev has made special arrangements to do so.It is not something they do automatically.
How they going to burn them exactly if they do so? The coins will still exist. Best option is to offer small portions of the coin to investors. Raise some more cash for development. Each investor will only be allowed to buy 500 coins.. Make it public as well. Discretion on the IDs of the investors of course. Yobit burns coins sending them to a brand new address that canět be used, every coin sent there is burned. Thay can't take the coins back from it. what coins are being burned? The unsold coin and I guess even these sold over the wall what will that bring the total supply to?
Apparently Official policy is Yobit will only burn the coins sold into the buy wall if the dev has made special arrangements to do so.It is not something they do automatically.
How they going to burn them exactly if they do so? The coins will still exist. Best option is to offer small portions of the coin to investors. Raise some more cash for development. Each investor will only be allowed to buy 500 coins.. Make it public as well. Discretion on the IDs of the investors of course. Yobit burns coins sending them to a brand new address that canět be used, every coin sent there is burned. Thay can't take the coins back from it. what coins are being burned?
shouldnt the price be exploding right now? When will we see it on the marketcap site?
Wow, nearly three quarters of the supply in one wallet, 85% in the top two.... pass. Thats it im out!!!
Will it be on trex and cryptsy soon?
Total supply: 760.000 ICO coins: 760.000 100% premined, or I missing something OMG that means the price could explode after ico!!!
Yo da price is droppin thats it...... im back in but whats going on brah!?
Great dev and great pices of coin We will make money here gentlemen oh really? how much do you think itll go?
im waiting since ~ 24h now for my mapc ~1859 coins from c-cex withdrawel..
ed: have it back at c-cex now not my wallet. tried again to withdrawel now.. and after clicking the confirmation code in email i get again this..
1859.11312717 MAPC instant withdrawal failed. MAPC wallet failed to create transaction and Your withdrawal queued. It will be processed manually and Your history will be updated with valid transaction ID.
With those problems and the fact that the price hasnt change that much. We were told by the dev that the price would explode right out the gate. it didn't happen. Thats it im out!!!
Just 1btc take is up to 28000.
That's pretty cool.
I'm glad I go a few after I had my second thought regarding the coin.
the price has hardly moved at all. not on the crypto cap site still showing 3 million supply. thats it im out!!!
Frogman please then finally be out and stop trolling this thread.
Oh youre kickin me out now. thats it im out!!! hey well tell me why it not goin to 300k sat? thatsucks
Frogman please then finally be out and stop trolling this thread.
Oh youre kickin me out now. thats it im out!!!
@Frogman haha u are a big troll.. why should price at 300ksat?
it could have been if the total supply was only like 250ksat. Thats it im out!!!
We will move the coin to bittrex as soon as trading is more than 1BTC a day on C-CEX.
If you support us - start trading, if not - just sell coins to us/others and move to other coins that will not be fair.
Look all I know is i keep hearing people talk about it getting to 300k sat in like a week. but how many coins total are there? Total supply. not well this many from here this many from there. just total supply. dev no hold coins. there should be less than 250k coins supply. that should be all that exists anywhere. Total coin supply after ICO = 1,228,921.18 MAPC 18% (228,921 MAPC) c-cex ICO 3% (33,333 MAPC) forum ICO 79% (966,667 MAPC) developer premine They keep this coins and they won't be burned yeah thats fucking retarded and was not what was said at first. at anytime they could sell if they wanted to. If I wanted to trust someone on a forum like this I was just invest my money with a banker. I like crypto because promises made can be kept with math and not have to worry about the flaws of being human. thimo said they too would be destroyed the 966,667. And im getting all my answers from fucking newbies. wtf. Thats it im out!!!