É errado o poder estar concentrando na mão de poucos em um fórum de uma moeda descentralizadora. Falando que isso é errado parece que você não conhece muito bem os ditos "Usuários confiáveis". Eu estou na lista de um desses, mas não é por isso que julgo contra. Outros "confiáveis" julgam por causas próprias e simples birras. O problema é o poder conce trado, que aqui basicamente tudo é, na mão naqueles que chegaram primeiro.
Não se resume a dinheiro, mas os confiáveis detêm boa parte desse poder de julgamento...
Independentemente do foco ser o Bitcoin, isso é um fórum online. Não existe descentralização e tem que ter alguém para parar os spammers e scammers. Poder de que? De gerenciar uma campanha? Se torne alguém confiavel e ninguém vai conspirar contra você pra te "tirar de cena". De negativar alguém? Caso estejam errados, são tirados do DT1/DT2. E geralmente não estão. Ou do que mais?
Looking at the table in the original post, you can see that most fraudulent mixers continue to work and accordingly continue to steal bitcoins, in general, nothing prevents them from existing. Is there a way to stop their work, such as banning a domain or something like that? It would be good not only to warn people, but also really turn these scammers off.
You can try finding out their hosting provider to report them. Some of them have ToS terms that condemn this kind of malicious behavior, and will ban their accounts if they found out what they are doing. I've seen someone report one once, and their hosting got them down. Nothing stops them from getting another one though. But it's a start
This is so unfortunate.
Is there somewhere we can blacklist Bitcoin addresses?
Is there a directory for this sort of thing?
Who is we? Where should they be blacklisted? It wouldn't work anyways. What prevents them from creating a new wallet instantly, change their address and keep stealing people?
Copy and paste the bitcoin address is the reallysafe method than any other and also we need to be sure that our device doesn't contain any malwares while doing this or else we will send the bitcoins to wrong address.
Clipboard malware are extremely common though. In all cases, everyone should ALWAYS double and even triple check their address to see if they match.
Permission denied sounds like you need to run the command with sudo.
I was trying to pay a Bitpay invoice. I opened the invoice in Electrum app and tried to pay it but I couldn't pay the invoice as an error prompt appeared that I have an outdated version of Electrum. I clicked on the link to install the newer version https://prnt.sc/p2ys86I contacted the Bitpay support with this address but they say it doesn't belong to them. You got scammed. The message was fake and was resulted from a vulnerability on Electrum versions older than 3.3; Unfortunately, your coins are gone and there isn't anything you can do. :/ The address is valid btw. It's just that it is owned by the hacker (that made you download an malicious fake Electrum wallet). Notice the URL " http://electrumproject.org < SCAM". The ONLY legit website Electrum has is Electrum.org. I suggest that you do a clean format on your PC, because there is a chance you are infected.
I was trying to pay a Bitpay.com invoice and opened the invoice in Electrum-BTC desktop wallet. I don't know how, but somehow that transaction got sent to and invalid address bc1qcygs9dl4pqw6atc4yqudrzd76p3r9cp6xp2kny The transaction should be returned if the address is not even a valid bitcoin address (it has non-supported characters right?) but it appears that the transaction is already confirmed Huh
This isn't a invalid address. It's a new format which some services don't support yet, thus, they think it is invalid. But it can receive and send Bitcoins normally. The wallet prompted me to install an update before sending the transaction and I'm pretty sure it was official electrum-btc website.
Were you using a version older than 3.3 when this happened? From where exactly did you download the file? And to which address you were trying to send? Was it to another wallet, exchange, service, etc...?
Boa tryNinja, mas com o comentario do rdluffy lembrei dos casos de scam em que a pessoa abre e anota as seeds antes de vender por exemplo
O que não tem nada a ver com a hardware wallet em sí. A mesma continua segura. É a mesma coisa que comprar a wallet diretamente da fabricante e salvar a seed online, ou utilizar uma passada para você por email. Nesse caso, o ponto de falha é a pessoa e não há nada que ninguém possa fazer. ja rolaram uns outros golpes além de modificação do firmware, né?
Se sim, com certeza já foi corrigido. Mas não me recordo de nenhum caso.
As I said earlier the salary of most jobs in my country is about $130 to $140 per month (engineers, technicians, etc). $1 = 11,700 Tomans in my country. Our currency is truly worthless.
If you have time, try learning as much as possible. You have the whole internet for you and there are thousands of free materials everywhere which can teach you skills worth money. I don't know your reality, but living with $1 a day sounds awful. I'm pretty much a self-taught programmer and I spend more in food in a day than you would earn in a month of "work" with your $1 day. All of that while working online for people in countries where $1 is the price of a cup of coffee and with skills that anyone can learn with enough googling (for free). Don't just settle with that.
Até eu já pensei nisso de trazer algumas unidades para vender aqui, porém parei na questão da segurança Não é muito fácil vender pra alguém um produto desses pois o cliente vai desconfiar sempre que pode haver algo de errado com o equipamento Eu particularmente também prefiro comprar o hardware diretamente do fabricante
Só pra compartilhar que mesmo que esse seja o pensamento correto (de não confiar no hardware a não ser que venha diretamente da fabricante), a maioria das hardware wallets famosas do mercado contém medidas de segurança anti-tampering que evitam a modificação de forma maliciosa por parte de qualquer um com acesso físico a ela. Ambas Ledger e Trezor One, por exemplo, detectam caso o firmware instalado não seja genuíno (e.g um firmware que gera uma seed pré-configurada pelo atacante, disfarçada de supostamente randomica). https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002481534-Check-if-device-is-genuine
Deve ser a panelinha de sempre, aqueles "grandes" administradores de campanhas. Os mais antigos centralizarão tudo por chegar primeiro e os que chegaram depois tiveram que aguentar esse tipo de coisa
Perdão, mas isso não existe. Se você não fizer nada errado, dificilmente algo vai acontecer com você. A questão é: você (não realmente você btw) está certo em participar de uma campanha, divulgando um serviço potencialmente malicioso? A comunidade de usuários confiáveis (chamando de panelinha ou não), julga que não. E isso é decidido em prol da proteção dos outros usuários (principalmente os com menos conhecimento técnico). O problema de certas pessoas é achar que esse fórum se resume a campanhas de assinatura, bounties e ganhar dinheiro.
Quoting for the images. So, we need a card reader to use this wallet? I'm not sure what is this and where someone would get one.
Unfortunately my location is not the US and I am banned from most of surveys and mini jobs! Otherwise I would definitely choose surveys because every survey worth about $0.40 to $0.50.
I even started a topic in another forum last year and offered to do something for someone to earn a few bucks a day but no one offered me anything!
It is Ok for me to work even 3 hours a day for $1 but I still haven't found a way to earn it.
Why? Aren't there any opportunity in your country to earn more than that? $0.33/hour (~$80/month) is absolutely ridiculous. How much is $1 worth in your country?
I was curious about this( what will be the exact amount of time for "been around for a while"... Though, already asked theymos nicely 😊
Probably if you are one of the top members. I'm curious if theymos would give someone like Loyce or suchmoon a custom tag if they asked for one. I was thinking about something like "Official AI" or "Totally not a robot".
Me ameaçaram. Diziam que quem entrasse na determinada campanha ganharia um red trust e dessa forma dificilmente eu conseguiria entrar em outra campanha. Isso se não fosse banido do fórum.
Que campanha seria essa, se me permite perguntar?
Tudo que posto nesse maldito forum é deletado , sera que alguem pode me ajudar porque meus posts estao sendo deletados ?
Talvez o problema seja o que você está postando? Pelo menos o ultimo post seu deletado que vejo no modlog é em um thread de bounties. O que não é lá dos melhores.
I can't really wonder how will (if ever) someone will fall on this trap.
Even for let's say they aren't aware to what happens in Bitblender, using mixing service can be consider as advanced knowledge, therefore, those people should be, at least, will do some basic and proper research before proceeding to verify that they are dealing with a legit company.
In an ideal world, yes. But people get scammed everyday. And you can’t just assume everyone using a mixer knows what they are doing or know how to differentiate a website from a phishing one. How many coins were stolen in the Electrum fake messages fiasco? There are websites (usually “Top 5 mixers” and similar) made only to advertise these fake mixers. They will link all the legit mixers there but with their respective phishing websites. And these get a lot of victims.
I haven't received anything yet... no mail and no money.
Weird. I would like to see an answer from ChipMixer as well. I still don't think they are prone to scamming you all, but this surely doesn't give any confidence.