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981  Local / Polski / Re: Jak zarabiać na spadkach on: October 12, 2018, 10:01:12 PM
Rozumiem jednak, że jako początkujący trader nie mam nawet co mysleć o graniu na dziwgni, tak?
Czemu? Mozesz potestowac malymi kwotami i zobaczyc jak to dziala. Jesli nigdy nie handlowales z dzwignia to nie masz prawa nazywac sie "traderem"  Wink

No nie wiem... Dźwignia jest super ale ma też jedną wadę handlując "po bożemu" zyskasz lub stracisz kilka/kilkanaście/kilkadziesiąt procent ale jeśli pójdziesz "na twardziela" oczywiście masz szanse na konkretniejszy zyska ale jeśli nie trafisz z inwestycję możesz w moment wyczyścić się do zera...
A to boli!!! Dlatego jak dla mnie dźwignia jest ok, ale tylko do kwoty z którą możesz się bez płaczu pożegnać...

982  Local / Polski / Re: Nowe restrykcje dla rang Newbie i Junior on: October 12, 2018, 09:48:59 PM
Dziwne te ograniczenia wprowadzaja, mam wrazenie ze sam merit sie srednio przyjal. Niebawem tutaj bedzie tyle zasad co w malo skomplikowanej grze Cheesy

Obecny system jest rzeczywiście nieco skomplikowany a wprowadzanie dodatkowych zasad pogłębia ten "problem"
Ze swojego doświadczenia wiem, że gdy współpracowałem z różnymi firmami i nagle pojawiały się nowe zasady a potem kolejne to ludzie rezygnowali, nowych było coraz ciężej przyciągnąć bo natrafiali na ścianę zasad, które przy pierwszym kontakcie odstraszały. Nie pamiętam nawet już kto ale ktoś kiedyś powiedział, że jeśli nie jesteś w stanie wytłumaczyć swojej teorii (naukowej) 10 latkowi to jest zła Wink ...

Panowie czy naprawdę uważacie że zasady awansowania są skomplikowane??? Wprawdzie mamy AŻ DWA WSKAŹNIKI które wyrażają CAŁE DWIE ZASADY:
1. Pierwsza trzeba postować stosunkowo regularnie
2. Druga trzeba pisać posty ciekawie/z sensem/użytkowe w skrócie takie które coś wnoszą do dyskusji
..... I JUŻ!!!

Jestem przekonany że nie tylko przeciętny 10-latek ale pewnie nawet stosunkowo rozgarnięty 8-latek jest w stanie je pojąć....

Oczywiście system oparty na aktywności i meritach nie jest pozbawiony wad, ale nawet w tym poście większość użytkowników zauważa problem wszechobecnego spamu z którym trzeba było coś zrobić. I zrobiono... czy skutecznie? Niestety tylko częściowo, ale na pewno jest to krok na przód całkowita likwidacja spamu wymagałaby pewnie albo zatrudnienia sztabu kilkuset (minimum) adminów albo wypracowania i bieżącego aktualizowania narzędzi które będą go likwidować - jak wspomniał Radek jak pozycjonowanie w Googlu pozostaje tylko jeden problem Google to korporacja o wielomiliardowych dochodach zatrudniająca dziesiątki tysięcy ludzi... a my jesteśmy NA FORUM DYSKUSYJNYM!!!!

Co do zarobkowania - osobiście popieram - sam trochę bawię się w bounty i uważam że można to świetnie pogodzić bez straty dla merytorycznej zawartości forum. Oczywiście właśnie tutaj pojawia niebezpieczeństwo spamowania dlatego ja uważam że wprowadzony 1 merit jest zdecydowanie zbyt niską granicą.
Sam jestem przykładem działania modyfikacji systemu - kiedyś czytałem o meritach i stwierdziłem że na forum pełnym "zawodowców" ja nie mam szans na żadnego i nawet nie ma co się napinać w tym kierunku. Nowa zasada 1 mertia "przymusiła" mnie jednak do działania, za co jestem jej a właściwie theymosowi wdzięczny. Uważam że przyznawanie rang nie tylko uczestnictwo ale za aktywne uczestnictwo jest krokiem w dobrym kierunku.

983  Other / Meta / Re: MYTHBUSTERS: Only high ranked users are rewarded with merits on: October 10, 2018, 12:47:12 PM
Nevertheless, checking on the Merit Dashboard (Tab called From/To Rank), currently the Legendary rank has received 39.920 merits, while your data indicates 45.741, so numbers are off for some reason or other which I cannot tell.

While preparing set of data i didn't focus on rank names for me most important factor was merits. I wanted to "catch" what was the starting merit level (airdrop) of each user while introducing this system. So I took every user who has ever got merit, calcucated his "earned merits" and than checked his current merit level. Than, after comparing these two numbers i was able to get the number of merit he was airdopped, and this helped me to divide users into groups.
I didn't care about names of the rank so there are also some Admins/Staff/Donators/Customs etc. who was qualified by my to the proper "starting group" for example:

- theymos who got 1.000 merits from airdrop was qualified as "MERIT AIRDROP: 1000 MERIT (OLD Legendary)",

- and You didn't get any merits from airdrop, so you are qualified as "NO MERIT AIRDROP: FRESH USERS",

This is only merits comparison not a deep analysys... I also didn't care about activity and leveling up through last months. Otherwords I took a snapshot of day introducing merit system and compared it with snapshot from last weekend focusing only on merits.

I'd like to show that nwebies like You could earn more than thousand merits in less than 9 months.....
(by the way congratulations!)

984  Other / Meta / MYTHBUSTERS: Only high ranked users are rewarded with merits on: October 10, 2018, 09:55:25 AM

Since month merit topic remain hottest one on this board. We still have three groups of users first one claims that merit system is great and everybody can get merit if he puts a bit of effort to his post, second one agrees that system is great but it is very hard to get one merit and third one criticizes whole system claiming that new users have no chance to get merit.
The second and third one have something in common – they both think that merit is almost impossible to get for newbies because high ranked users exchange merits with each other and they are no likely to give any merits to low ranked/fresh users.

Few weeks ago, after getting my first merit I wrote my story (Short story about being merited….) to show that merit is really achievable, but Myth that only high ranked users are able to receive merit is still live on this board, so I though, that maybe numbers convince people.

There are plenty of merit analysis on metaboard but most of them are large and quite complicated, so they are intended for advanced users. So my intention is not to make another one similar to others, just shortly show that merits flows to everyone.
What is also important I limited my analysis only to merits which was earned after introducing merit system. I’d like also to check if ranks achieved on old rules (users ranked before merit system was airdropped with number of merits equal to their rank) are important from the merit’s point of view.

Merit system works about 8,5 month, since introducing 251.653 merits was given for the post writing, they came to 22.547 users (from 2,400,000 users registered what is less than 1%!!!).

Below you can see how many users and number of merit was awarded in each group of users.

You can see that the largest group of users 56,47% who have ever earn merit are users who start their posting career after introducing new system – what means… newbies!!! Looking at numbers of merit the situation is the same this group have earned the largest part of merit (for posting).
Of course you always can say that many of them didn’t get their merit in proper way – bought them, begged for them etc. but it still remains the largest group.

How many merits users from every group earned and does rank achieved on the old rules has any meaning from the merit’s point of view?

The table above shows how many users from each group received merits in several ranges of earned amount. Absolute numbers shows that “old rank” doesn’t affect very much (except “old Legendary”) on post quality confirmed by merits. “Newbies” - users who started their activity after introducing merit system are the most rewarded group in ranges 1 – 100 and 250 – 750 they are on the second place in ranges 101 – 250 and 1000+.

For sure, if we changed absolute numbers to the relatives – compare the number of all users in each group to number of users who have ever received any merit this analysis would probably look little bit different – higher ranks would show bigger percent users who has been merited… I wrote about a bit about it earlier here:

Rank                       number of users      number of users      
received at least
1 merit

number of users      
with who didn’t
earn any merit

Member27 9184 744 (17%)23 174  (83%)
Full Member18 1813 173 (17,45%)15 008  (82,55%)
Sr. Member9 0161 818 (20,16%)7 198  (79,84%)
Hero Member4 1431 105 (26,67%)3 038  (73,33%)
Legendary2 1451 133 (52,82%)1 012  (47,18%)
But the difference is not as much so let’s leave it - it’s not a point of my consideration today.

My main purpose was to show that merits don’t go only to small group of ranked people and I think that looking stats above you agree – THIS MYTH WAS BUSTED!!!

I've used data stored on to make my calculations.
The data was downloaded at the beginning of October (maybe last days of September).
985  Other / Meta / Re: Is it possible to reach a high rank nowadays? on: October 09, 2018, 11:02:04 AM
The answer is very simple and short: IT IS POSSIBLE

Taking only users who hasen't been airdroped single merit - all merits earned by their selfs (simpy saying - new or "fresh active" users)

Member rank (10 - 99 merit earned): 3.228 users
Full members (100 - 249)               :      63 users
Senior members (250 - 499)           :      12 users
Hero members (500 - 999)             :        4 users
Legendary (1.000+)                       :        1 user

Is it easy to become  Senior, Hero or Legendary (talking only about merit)?

Not as easy as before, but as you can see some people manage to do it in just 8 months

986  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🔴 ❰❰ BOUNTY ❱❱ 🔴 CYBR Token | 🔥🔥 200k USD !!!🔥🔥 | Cyber Security Solutions on: October 08, 2018, 12:25:41 AM

Signature Campaign
Bitcointalk username : cryptovigi
Profile link :;u=1697068
Rank : Member

987  Local / Polski / Re: Czemu nie nagradzamy sie Meritami? on: October 08, 2018, 12:11:30 AM
Poza tym jak juz sie tu dowiadujemy one po to są zeby je rozdawac (no nie na lewo i prawo ale ogólnie) czy nie dokońca tak jest?
A jeśli już zwróciłeś uwagę na co te merity poszły to Ci powiem szczerze, na tamten moment to mnie to nie bardzo interesowało no ale tragedii chyba z tego nie będzie ? Wink

Oczywiście merity są po to żeby je rozdawać i jeśli je komuś dałeś bo taką podjąłeś decyzję nie ma mowy o żadnej tragedii ;-).
Szczególnie doceniam, że pomimo lekkiej krytyki nagrodziłeś mojego posta meritami.

Mnie chodzi tylko o to żeby pamiętać jaka ma być ich funkcja . Wraz ze wzrostem ilości ICO i popularnością kampanii sygnatur forum stopniowo zaczęło zamieniać się w śmietnik. Tysiące użytkowników którzy tylko mogli mieć sygnaturę dołączają do tego kampanii sygnatur, gdzie zazwyczaj trzeba napisać od 10 do 15 postów tygodniowo - więc piszą setki bezwartościowych postów - po prostu spamują. Pół biedy, gdyby każdy z nich pisał tylko 15 ale setki a pewnie raczej tysiące użytkowników zakładają sobie dodatkowe konta i spam leci w dziesiątki tysięcy (podobno rekordziści mają po kilkaset kont). Merity zostały wprowadzono po to żeby trochę przyhamować ten proceder... Oczywiście pojawił się czarny rynek etc. więc nie powstrzyma się tego ale na pewno chociaż trochę utrudni...

Normalnie wywaliło mnie z kapci hahaha
Sprytnie to wyśledziłeś bo juz miałem przygotowanego screena z discorda z potwierdzeniem daty kiedy o tym rozmawiałem z gościem( w sumie to taki znajomek sie z niego zrobiłWink)  w odniesieniu do powyższego posta by @wwzsocki bo historia tylko siega 120 dni a to była końcówka maja.

Nie śledziłem Cię tylko sprawdziłem - faktycznie historia na stronie forum sięga tylko 120 ale sporo użytkowników interesuje się meritami i kilku z nich wrzuciło je do zewnętrznych baz danych - analizują je i robią statystyki etc... Tam można sprawdzić pełną historię meritów - od momentu ich wprowadzenia....

Jeśli ktoś chce się pobawić to bazę można znaleźć tutaj:
Żeby pogrzebać porządnie potrzebna jest wprawdzie chociaż podstawowa znajomość mysq
l ale sprawdzanie konkretnych użytkowników - komu dali merity albo od kogo otrzymali, kiedy i za co jest banalne - na przykładzie nid125 - wystarczy wpisać w okienko:
SELECT * from meritdata where fromid = 660361 
ostatni numer to numer dowolnego użytkownika dla mnie byłoby to:
SELECT * from meritdata where fromid = 1697068

więcej można poczytać na oficjalnym wątku autora:

dla tych którzy nie przepadają za mysqlem a chcieliby pogrzebać w statystykach polecam jeszcze coś takiego:!/vizhome/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/GlobalSummary
kolejny z użytkowników forum wrzucił tutaj kupę danych i przygotował masakrycznie dużo statystyk

a tutaj z kolei graficzna wizualizacja transakcji meritowych po odpowiednim powiększeniu mapy widać wszyskie połączenia pomiędzy użytkownikami - komu przekazali merity i od kogo je otrzymali, można też wyszukać użytkowników... (osobiście wymiękłem jak to zobaczyłem)

a po powiększeniu:

Jak widzicie wielu przywiązuje naprawdę dużą wagę do meritów - jest to chyba jedyny parametr który ludziska tutaj badają na każdy możliwy sposób...

Znalazłem jeszcze jedną bardzo fajną stronkę wpisującą się w temat meritowania chociaż tak naprawdę skupia się na dostarczaniu szeregu statystyk dotyczących użytkowników. Fajna chociażby z punktu widzenie przejrzenia historii użytkownika i "osiągnięć" na forum. Ładna przejrzysta szata graficzna, dodatkowe raporty... szczerze polecam chociaż żeby sprawdzić swoją kartę użytkownika

988  Local / Polski / Re: Czemu nie nagradzamy sie Meritami? on: October 06, 2018, 06:49:25 PM
Dość ciekawa ta dyskusja w tym wątku musze przyznać.
Chciałbym jedynie dorzucić od siebie, że gdy ktoś mnie poprosił o merita bo chciał móc dołanczać grafike do posta a był zupełny newbie to nie miałem żadnych oporów żeby tego nie zrobić, więc w sumie wydałem kilka meritów i po jakimś czasie (kilka dni czy tydzień ) patrze a tu znowu mam komplet merit jaki mialem zanim wydałem.
Więc wnioskuję, że wydane merity wracają nie robiąc uszczerbku na naszym koncie.

Z tego co wiem to nie wracają Pewnie patrzysz na ilość swoich meritów i to się zgadza - jak nagradzasz kogoś meritami to nie dajesz mu "swoich meritów" tylko sMerity, które otrzymujesz do rozdania (Za każde dwa merity które dostajesz od kogoś masz jednego sMerita, którego możesz dać komuś innemu).

Faktycznie widziałem że w maju obdarowałeś chorwackiego tłumacza najpierw 1 a potem jeszcze 3 krotnie po 3 merity i gość awansował od razu na Membera chociaż z tego co wiem merity wcale nie były mu potrzebne do wstawiania obrazków bo do tego wystarczy Jr. Member a w maju tego roku żeby mieć Juniora nie trzeba było mieć ani jednego mertia.

Osobiście jednak nie do końca zgadzam się z Tobą nie uważam że powinniśmy rozdawać merity jeśli tylko ktoś o nie poprosi - pewnie dlatego że ja trafiłem tutaj (tzn. założyłem konto po wprowadzeniu meritów) i wiem że żeby swoje dostać kilka sztuk musiałem się naprawdę postarać. Ty swoje dostałeś za to że byłeś tu wcześniej tylko te dwa z dzisiaj faktycznie "zarobiłeś" (nie traktuj tego jako krytykę tylko stwierdzam faktu) i może dlatego mniej je szanujesz.  

nagrodziłeś np coś takiego: gościa który coś zacytował i dał od siebie: "They are growing like mushrooms this scammers"
albo: chorwackie tłumaczenie wątku ANN które gość robił w ramach programu Bounty - czyli za kasę....

Oczywiście - to Twoje merity i możesz z nimi zrobić co zechcesz ale...  sensem wprowadzenia meritów jest podniesieni/utrzymanie sensownego poziomu dyskusji na forum lub nagradzanie innych użytkowników za pomoc/wkład etc. Więc mogę dać komuś merita ale jeśli się postara - nie ma szans żeby go dostał ode mnie za raport bounty, czy posta w stylu "nice project..."  "to the moon".

989  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: 🔴 ❰❰ BOUNTY ❱❱ 🔴 CYBR Token | 🔥🔥 200k USD !!!🔥🔥 | Cyber Security Solutions on: October 05, 2018, 09:59:35 PM
Reserving POLISH translation

TELEGRAM: @cryptovigi
ETH: 0xd9DEb2b6e64D1a4aC2FBb66d6507695515C380f1

990  Other / Meta / Re: Copper member statistics on: October 05, 2018, 10:04:35 AM
So there are bounty hunters and there are those who contribute a lot in bitcointalk..?

Bounty hunters are very often (mostly) considered as people who came here to make some profit on bounties while spamming many boards doing their signature bounty. Majority of them (of course not everybody) behaves in such way... - use forum only to make bounties and don't take serious part in any discussion...

...buying copper membership doesn't affect bitcointalk income and service level, though it might have some effect on the buyers activity and posting quality level. Thats it

Not exactly - it does affect....
As you can see there are only 357 coppers who earned any merit from 3.200+ group what makes about 11% what is quite low for example in comparison with Members 17% group (i compare them with Members because they are given similar privileges) which you can check here LINK.

In my post I just want to show that not every copper member pays for membership just to make bounty, but I still think that this is the main reason for majority of them.

991  Other / Meta / Re: Shouldn't bounty managers clean up spam posts in their thread ? on: October 04, 2018, 08:07:49 PM
You've seen these things before, surely:

WEEK # 17 (21/09 - 27/09)
Facebook Link: XXXX
Liked and Shared Posts:
3. and so on...

Personally I don't like them but more i hate this:

WEEK # 17
Facebook Link: XXXX
Liked and Shared Posts:
3. and so on...
WEEK # 16
Facebook Link: XXXX
Liked and Shared Posts:
3. and so on...
WEEK # 15
Facebook Link: XXXX
Liked and Shared Posts:
3. and so on...
WEEK # 14
Facebook Link: XXXX
Liked and Shared Posts:
3. and so on...
WEEK # 13
Facebook Link: XXXX
Liked and Shared Posts:
3. and so on...
WEEK # 12
Facebook Link: XXXX
WEEK # 11
Facebook Link: XXXX
WEEK # 10
and so on...10 times more...

Scrolling such thread is pain in the ass.... and it's almost impossible to find an important message in threat (if there is any) - many people already found it while they miss information about scammy project and got RED TRUST for advertising it...

I think that such posts should be prohibited - today more than 90% bounty managers uses google form to singup, some of them uses it also for submitting reports - its much easier/comfortable - especially for bounty manager so why not to force them to use google forms or other tools for reporting. I understand that despite reporting function reports have one more function - bumping up threat on the list - ok so let hunters report in threat but shortly "@tlegramnick 17 week report done".

other ideas: locking/self moderating etc... fully agreed

Bounty managers are not forum moderators, why would they be responsible for cleaning up spam? Are we going to start getting paid for this? If so, please tell me where to apply.
As long bounty managing is their work for real money and they USE bitcointalk AS A TOOL which helps them to earn money they can be FORCEED to follow some rules....

992  Other / Meta / Re: Copper member statistics on: October 04, 2018, 01:57:29 PM
I don't have full copper member stats but looking into their merits....we can see that not always they buy copper membership only to spam with signature bounty...
Some of them are really active

357 copper members
received 7.716 merits and sent 5.620 merits to other users

17 of them are in fact Legendary (they meets more than 1000 merit and 1000 activity)
15 of them are in fact  Hero Members (more than 500 merit and 500 activity)
16 of them are in fact Senior Members (more than 250 merit and 250 activity)
16 of them are in fact Full Memers

full "activ" copper member list

ID		posts		activity	merit		merit received	merit sent		name
520313 5809 1218 1749 743 371 Lutpin
181801 10954 1470 1276 271 251 shorena
465017 3812 1190 1272 270 262 actmyname
389271 3302 1456 1256 255 125 Limx Dev
346731 8443 1512 1250 250 323 minerjones
379487 10242 1484 1205 198 589 LFC_Bitcoi
358020 12678 1554 1177 160 236 Quickselle
543626 4910 1148 1109 108 46 jackg
175302 3155 1218 1092 92 163 Avirunes
350580 5781 1526 1060 60 146 irfan_pak1
222303 2500 1162 1025 25 4 tylerderde
527272 3800 1106 1019 19 44 Wapinter
55503 3104 2254 1012 12 32 squall1066
388221 6665 1288 1010 10 205 Webcelerat
103397 2798 1134 1007 7 47 trinaldao
219961 3867 924 1003 3 15 --Encrypte
357196 1406 1190 1000 0 30 CoinFoxs
377298 2366 1274 1000 0 25 camelson
507856 3648 840 867 357 245 LeGaulois
370611 2117 854 848 346 203 bill gator
976210 928 168 757 757 318 nullius
408367 2888 924 723 223 103 killyou72
369879 2633 686 581 81 104 Zepher
765632 3427 966 578 77 102 bL4nkcode
850811 1482 714 549 49 111 rus23kav
790823 1966 924 547 47 108 alpsea
721115 3782 1008 523 23 33 jamalaezaz
754727 4744 980 518 18 72 BitcoinSup
390370 949 949 512 12 74 keesdewit
810882 1422 798 512 12 69 BALIK
718234 1000 812 506 6 15 tusandii
454322 2224 980 503 3 35 adzino
391624 1008 1008 501 1 60 sonerbo
849178 766 766 500 0 11 Mapagmahal
860327 2068 812 500 0 81 BitFinnese
879197 1342 700 293 43 36 malikusama
938170 1087 434 278 28 35 Cobalt9317
689488 566 462 271 21 4 Dided1981
353493 1106 574 270 20 12 Dread Pira
976768 819 560 270 20 21 KesoNie
1018592 882 448 269 18 27 Sancho18
1980983 1135 196 266 263 100 Coolcrypto
303315 404 336 258 8 7 walterw
905157 817 672 258 8 33 anorganix
896499 2213 476 255 5 31 cybersofts
1000883 936 448 253 3 21 FrankNolan
381435 554 554 252 2 12 POM
914627 439 392 252 2 17 Sk_Ezaz
949159 413 413 251 1 9 xwshamim
167909 290 290 250 0 6 Malooka
369809 1072 588 250 0 20 sarul
1574226 477 280 208 165 69 mu_enrico
1122274 229 229 178 178 10 Kreds
2015835 300 196 154 152 49 Zapo
1059021 923 420 144 44 21 Arteezy.rt
1634314 520 210 127 127 17 shahzadafz
1077383 1403 378 112 11 9 Zeppelins
1023535 484 448 110 10 2 smauni
1548994 1139 280 110 110 55 vipganyan
939245 819 448 109 9 8 badubarat
1306619 485 308 105 95 48 chn2z
1140504 233 233 104 4 6 Tigerheart
928745 320 266 103 3 2 playersfun
1023118 246 246 103 3 5 hadorgcryp
29118 253 253 102 2 2 hackbyte
991175 364 364 101 1 1 Jantapw
12645 581 350 100 0 4 AshleyAshe
1091123 75 75 78 68 3 Dropper
1792612 10 10 78 78 38 Battlestar
1551663 145 145 75 74 0 whitefire9
1903208 172 70 62 62 0 Blue Tyran
1951507 42 42 57 57 0 Wingzcrypt
2005913 33 33 53 53 12 Corrosive
2172196 75 75 50 50 0 nexus48
2140500 144 126 43 43 19 Nusa Platf
1250048 76 76 40 30 1 BitcoinHom
1388948 507 280 38 36 6 ccgllc
1705958 793 266 36 35 2 CryptoSpar
1350339 290 168 34 34 10 Lunarics
2286908 80 56 33 33 4 Kallisteir
953844 137 137 31 21 0 felixando
1698696 74 70 30 30 15 F0ME
1883627 388 238 27 14 0 shasan
1399011 126 126 25 25 0 TWISTdevel
2090501 58 58 24 24 0 privcy-man
1232224 667 350 21 11 4 zenrol28
1633248 8 8 21 21 0 Justin-Che
1721098 127 127 21 21 0 bestmixer
1296812 418 154 20 20 6 sagor0707
1326045 39 39 20 20 0 becometa.p
2175384 355 140 19 19 1 Teamki
1271962 155 155 18 17 4 sarcheer
2136362 81 81 18 18 2 TalkStar
1184880 125 125 17 7 2 NicosUK
1329192 106 70 17 7 0 Uao
1361227 199 199 17 17 8 mattcode
1369303 1260 322 17 7 4 Thadeous
1474814 520 294 17 17 0 TXID
2309268 108 56 17 17 4 einax
1158794 402 364 16 6 4 gunungkemb
2402300 23 23 15 12 1 xha-256
192234 137 137 14 4 3 zoonosis
1169571 1463 364 14 4 1 yarelydiaz
1302577 691 280 14 4 2 Ardipwnz
1257750 87 87 13 13 0 BR0
1335465 270 266 13 3 0 scrinium
1353412 25 25 13 13 0 SpektralFe
1688386 232 232 13 13 1 MKH
2014528 50 50 13 13 0 Whiteness
1205444 214 140 12 2 2 ico_aida_m
1444536 805 266 12 12 6 markih.777
1678636 255 154 12 12 0
2000200 48 48 12 12 1 1Dq
2101058 2 2 12 12 0 adilwali
14354 139 126 11 11 1 mspufferfi
222870 26 26 11 11 0 fedde
523013 50 50 11 11 0 Denarium
821009 256 256 11 1 1 AshikurRah
1016721 106 106 11 1 0 does
1294862 13 13 11 11 0 ICHIOCHA
1331597 258 252 11 1 0 hppcoin
1331998 93 93 11 1 0 Devneodark
1374217 366 322 11 1 1 Handsome B
1762857 298 252 11 11 4 qqwx
1930332 343 210 11 11 0 Weezenhofn
2207859 115 112 11 11 0 taguig
2265340 211 98 11 6 3 ni23457
881359 60 60 10 10 2 bluebits
1123274 15 15 10 10 0 Ivankov
1124251 99 99 10 10 5 BTRIC
1140601 106 106 10 0 1 SilentMini
1174766 28 28 10 0 1 CommerceBl
1345868 144 84 10 10 0 cryptobnbi
1495947 880 238 10 10 5 Cocojam061
1627567 49 49 10 10 0 ArgoCoin
1628638 118 118 10 10 4 AroDev
1720379 594 266 10 10 2 DimBanggal
1795282 62 62 10 10 0 LitecoinCa
1894536 32 32 10 10 2 JustinBoun
2099348 162 140 10 10 1 Obiwankeno
1014351 213 140 9 9 4 ArkadiyDel
2077672 236 168 9 7 3 capableuwa
1076216 107 107 8 8 4 ThatRandom
1710950 105 105 8 8 0 coolbits
1712794 169 169 8 8 1 meterse
1715279 515 266 8 8 3 jatinjax1
1775834 149 149 8 7 1 HODLER_TEC
1924274 130 112 8 8 0 Mo20
1070981 21 21 7 7 2 MADANA_HQ
1152378 37 37 7 7 0 DecentBet
1225003 21 21 7 7 0 cryptochai
1341773 54 54 7 7 3 shiggidy
1658771 16 16 7 7 0 Mr Gmv
1780653 94 94 7 7 3 Crypto S
1806224 239 42 7 7 0 Myriads.IO
1852500 44 44 7 7 3 BhashOffic
1897569 29 29 7 7 0 CoinPaymen
1918973 211 168 7 7 0 shilpyh
1953144 41 41 7 7 3 rickC137
2357413 24 24 7 7 3 Operator O
2379330 77 42 7 7 0 Sultanar48
987607 711 224 6 6 3 Mazzza
1116335 103 103 6 6 1 etherflip
1627958 191 98 6 6 0 dee_x17
1628329 131 131 6 6 0 sadsNDJ
1717100 635 252 6 5 0 serg1e
1832130 164 164 6 6 0 AirPod_pro
1971386 41 41 6 6 0 TeamUnitus
1987596 287 70 6 6 0 BABYCHAIN
1993705 89 89 6 6 3 CryptoHITI
2062862 16 16 6 6 1 1pool Ltd.
2094446 38 38 6 6 0 Wapinter B
2165448 10 10 6 6 2 Lambaro Gl
1058960 81 81 5 5 2 editfmah
1181925 43 43 5 5 0 wireless47
1185427 75 28 5 5 0 Republia
1380959 30 30 5 5 0 cryptounit
1726211 47 47 5 5 2 skeincoin
1738259 67 67 5 5 0 fabh_
1921101 29 29 5 5 0 thefoxbot
2078905 89 89 5 3 0 AmaZixOffi
2080327 25 25 5 5 0 CryptoPepe
2122017 31 31 5 5 0 moneyvolut
1024234 52 52 4 4 0 Blackforce
1333098 71 71 4 4 1 EqualToken
1621875 121 112 4 4 0 JainaVsUth
1874091 255 224 4 4 0 DCY-Bill
1935564 23 23 4 4 0 Meretrix
2163118 60 60 4 4 0 LegitizeDr
2381656 16 16 4 4 0 pylot_trad
988971 496 336 3 2 1 uyysidmc
1497016 1222 154 3 3 0 Akaiito_Of
1564263 174 174 3 3 0 Criptoreal
1615613 87 87 3 3 0 rdmiller
1717822 71 71 3 3 0 mtmonte
1759102 278 196 3 3 0 iagonoffic
1784792 493 196 3 3 0 Ishiro5
1814320 8 8 3 3 0 Aurelchan
1825920 58 58 3 3 0 BitWhisk.i
1858115 11 11 3 3 0 TeamC2
1925012 74 74 3 3 0 cryptodemy
1988827 162 154 3 3 1 LEOS TOKEN
2004732 14 14 3 3 1 suboz
2060706 15 15 3 3 0 SirUltra
2095851 53 53 3 3 0 bitstashco
2108532 68 68 3 3 0 BTCW
2165679 33 33 3 3 1 BitcoinCor
2322899 23 23 3 3 1 RESQChain
2344095 83 70 3 1 0 FilesFM_An
2396318 12 12 3 3 0 Jan-Choeks
101306 73 73 2 1 0 mascondant
298407 424 266 2 2 1 baotoutq
993402 47 47 2 2 0 ScotlandPr
1216049 701 350 2 2 1 waniowski
1226545 212 212 2 2 0 Ividanik
1241627 13 13 2 2 0 MOAI
1269269 298 298 2 2 0 neoooo_123
1349177 249 249 2 2 0 Docademic
1464056 181 181 2 2 0 Mrstacy
1577925 202 112 2 2 0 paul15
1678799 52 52 2 2 1 Rok420
1688730 148 148 2 2 0 SZNY
1715157 411 266 2 2 0 andieoke
1733784 65 28 2 2 1 digitalkey
1736370 396 238 2 2 0 Robotina
1804772 182 126 2 2 1 qurrex
1815115 50 50 2 2 0 AsianNapol
1821605 161 161 2 2 0 Stipend
1906019 364 154 2 2 1 vinayak262
1913895 17 17 2 2 1 FL4RE
1951731 183 182 2 2 0 MMOCoinPro
1993413 239 196 2 2 0 Splin V
2022208 149 126 2 2 0 novsali
2022545 4 4 2 2 0 ProximaX.i
2036239 77 77 2 2 0 CryptoMaze
2043144 72 72 2 2 1 SportsCast
2095222 425 126 2 2 0 Gem4me_Mar
2096625 41 41 2 2 0
2104500 30 30 2 2 1 jekjek
2123281 82 82 2 2 0 Jibbit
2142605 611 154 2 2 1 mcnncnr
2164528 92 42 2 2 0 meerkatoke
2201943 137 112 2 2 0 BTCgrinder
2216693 107 56 2 2 0 SimonOdell
2235460 30 14 2 2 0 BlocVehicl
2243418 1 1 2 2 0 alanst
2250804 295 112 2 2 1 azisjesika
2298898 7 7 2 2 0 Profession
2317101 37 37 2 2 0 nina_dusch
2322463 18 18 2 2 0 SurWess
2351416 111 56 2 2 0 DMAN76
2392088 111 28 2 2 0 Cryptovn88
892719 30 28 1 1 0 bitexchang
983682 14 14 1 1 0 xiangyi
1020086 17 17 1 1 0 Gimmer
1062462 168 168 1 1 0 keyco
1080318 140 140 1 1 0 Coinshome
1129778 26 26 1 1 0 Caveman-Ve
1159465 24 24 1 1 0 krypt951
1189795 50 50 1 1 0 Grandjosh
1201742 31 31 1 1 0 ebch21m
1244086 53 53 1 1 0 blastdev
1257394 79 79 1 1 0 AngryToken
1271913 67 67 1 1 0 BlockFood
1316977 125 125 1 1 0 sattriad
1325959 96 96 1 1 0 H2C
1339363 97 97 1 1 0 CoinMonkey
1351477 99 84 1 1 0 newprotonc
1353154 190 168 1 1 0 ZeonNetwor
1357751 201 201 1 1 0 comby
1388494 112 70 1 1 0 CryptoStat
1403571 15 15 1 1 0 minergy
1455048 415 308 1 1 0 kvanier
1469421 89 89 1 1 0 ECOStoken
1474827 99 99 1 1 0 GEBucky
1492091 107 56 1 1 0 MoneyBagCo
1503634 57 57 1 1 0 silverstar
1530167 182 112 1 1 0 CryptoMagi
1536438 237 112 1 1 0 GyuTae Byu
1539889 33 33 1 1 0 EtceteraTe
1539898 49 49 1 1 0 chadl2
1543528 24 24 1 1 0 mazzer
1579851 5 5 1 1 0 lolichench
1588656 105 42 1 1 0 MantaCurre
1608764 368 266 1 1 0 Alex1990io
1617069 29 29 1 1 0 adurakov
1630891 76 76 1 1 0 youstock
1656645 304 280 1 1 0 Nitroali
1675199 105 98 1 1 0 rejoiceblu
1677167 98 84 1 1 0 ziac
1699675 263 126 1 1 0 mone_to
1700670 116 70 1 1 0 littleDarp
1734707 865 266 1 1 0 cryptoneox
1737010 12 12 1 1 0 Kuvetsk1
1763193 76 70 1 1 0 Alucard242
1779989 58 58 1 1 0 MrDrowner
1788323 340 70 1 1 0 BoostTM
1806201 555 252 1 1 0 BountyGo
1807053 96 96 1 1 0 Atomicwall
1810009 49 49 1 1 0 repan
1810760 61 56 1 1 0 lili.techn
1816085 432 196 1 1 0 jitenrajpu
1819114 2 2 1 1 0 Oreyva
1820379 69 28 1 1 0 Fornix
1838386 288 238 1 1 0 cryptomine
1839541 7 7 1 1 0 n4kamoto
1840749 23 23 1 1 0 todayisago
1855221 95 95 1 1 0 _Constanti
1862114 133 84 1 1 0 boboshrish
1878671 60 60 1 1 0 a18kiska
1910118 45 42 1 1 0 InnoKet
1914114 12 12 1 1 0 BSURE
1944565 1 1 1 1 0 Donkatsu
1945309 6 6 1 1 0 crypto_sec
1966234 351 112 1 1 0 VoxelX
1968960 1038 182 1 1 0 W12io
1971610 31 28 1 1 0 dexone
1975510 86 84 1 1 0 Apelsinus
1979460 22 22 1 1 0 Supload
1983411 645 196 1 1 0 duythan198
1986718 8 8 1 1 0 ncryptclub
1986786 126 42 1 1 0 Exvo
1993221 24 24 1 1 0 dough
2000899 50 50 1 1 0 0x1Knowled
2002246 18 18 1 1 0 Collectcry
2003928 17 17 1 1 0 ChiliCoinD
2004205 27 27 1 1 0 Guarium
2006641 39 39 1 1 0 ROBIROYAL
2020878 46 46 1 1 0 PentaNode
2024256 74 74 1 1 0 TRITTIUM
2028903 11 11 1 1 0 Bayminer00
2040520 37 37 1 1 0 paratii
2046276 59 59 1 1 0 NRista94
2071623 1 1 1 1 0 IPEXCAPITA
2093239 133 112 1 1 0 ohniceo
2094707 40 40 1 1 0 ProfessorZ
2103403 152 98 1 1 0 quesi_job
2117323 76 76 1 1 0 Hanacoin
2138367 163 112 1 1 0 FairEco_Of
2151665 258 126 1 1 0 Arcona the
2185703 191 126 1 1 0 Iyum
2235722 116 98 1 1 0 betty11
2243075 10 10 1 1 0 RightBTC
2244405 10 10 1 1 0 InstaDEX
2260631 12 12 1 1 0 quadcorech
2270146 13 13 1 1 0 OperaBitEx
2279806 211 98 1 1 0 claudiotor
2281965 33 33 1 1 0
2290933 224 84 1 1 0 BLOQspace
2296390 45 45 1 1 0 KriptoA
2308534 26 26 1 1 0 nsh_Grant
2326055 33 33 1 1 0 quickcore
2338862 77 56 1 1 0 OpenPackag
2346497 94 70 1 1 0 CryptoIyke
2373410 38 28 1 1 0 EVOS_DEV
2392971 38 28 1 1 0 omencoin
2396558 46 28 1 1 0 XLadyX

Summing up - copper members not always are just bounty hunters some of them contribute a lot in

993  Other / Meta / Re: [Merit Analysis] Users ranked Sr. Member & up that have not earned any merit on: October 04, 2018, 12:17:36 AM

1. How many Sr. Member & up users exist that have not earned any merit?
1078 Sr. Members
476 Hero Members
224 Legendary Members
There are 1778 users ranked Sr. Member & up that have not earned any merit, they just got "airdropped" merit from when the merit system was implemented.

As you know I was the one who challenged vlad230 to make this analysis.

Unfortunately I’ve read that this results due to a limited only data source (only given and received merits) its results may be far from the reality.
I was really interested in the results, so I was looking for a way to make this analysis in a more appropriate way. I didn’t find a database which contains all users who was airdropped a merit, I didn’t find also a database with current number of users and their ranks and the number of merits held…. But I found some further threads by mazdafunsun who scraped first 2 million users of Bitcointalk in July this year;all and decided to take take this numbers to make some comparison….

I took this number than checked how many users has ranked up since July. To check it I took all users who has received any merit from than checked current merit number on the site. After deduction I got the number of airdropped merit to each user (who have received at least one merit). Then I checked once again on merit explorer number of merit given till July. Thanks to that I was able to correct mazdafunsun’s result with rank promotions
by merit since July (there still be some inaccuracy because probably some users has been promoted since July by activity, unfortunately I have no way to check it...)

After comparing these results with given merit in merit explorer I’ve received such set of data:

Rank                       number of users      number of users      
received at least
1 merit

number of users      
with who didn’t
earn any merit

Member27 9184 744 (17%)23 174  (83%)
Full Member18 1813 173 (17,45%)15 008  (82,55%)
Sr. Member9 0161 818 (20,16%)7 198  (79,84%)
Hero Member4 1431 105 (26,67%)3 038  (73,33%)
Legendary2 1451 133 (52,82%)1 012  (47,18%)

As you can see, my results differ significantly from vlad230's and the numbers are few times bigger.

@vlad230: I think that case you should update numbers or description in your opening post...

It looks like there are really plenty of high ranked users who hasn't earn even one merit yet. Probably some of them are "dead souls" - users who aren't active for many month or even years, but for sure there are as well a lot of "ranked" users who simply didn't deserved any merit yet. This number decreases (percentage) with the increase of rhe rank, but its level in all groups (maybe exept Legendary) remains high.

So  guys look at these numbers and be little more lenient for newbies and jr. members  as you see the rank not always it determines their value...

994  Other / Meta / Re: [Merit Analysis] Users ranked Sr. Member & up that have not earned any merit on: October 01, 2018, 10:01:21 PM
I was challenged by a user yesterday, in my [Merit Analysis] "Self Made" Jr. & Member users that have earned merit thread and promised I would deliver by today. Since I'm a big fan of challenges, I couldn't refuse  Cheesy

Man you are great!!! As I see you are really fan of stats!!!
Anyway great work and thanks for taking my challenge... I find this results quite interesting...

I'd like to play myself with such database... Few days ago i fonud only Bitcointalk Merit Dashboard by DdmrDdmr but the problem was i could download data to make some analysis on my own only in pdf format ;-( (which sucks for such purposes).
Today I read here about Piggy's SQL - I understand that this is the source of your analysys?

995  Other / Meta / Re: Can somebody tell me why merits are not given in the bounty selection? on: September 30, 2018, 11:37:30 PM
I start my posting from the bounty selection of this forum after about 10 months of registration and ever since then no merit was given to me on all my posts.

So which one of your bounty report is so good that it deserves merit?
If you made deeper research you would see that some people was given merits even in that section, unfortunately most of then was given for something more than bounty report or airdrop application (although I've seen even such examples).

996  Other / Meta / Re: [Merit Analysis] "Self Made" Jr. & Member users that have earned merit on: September 30, 2018, 11:28:18 PM
How long will someone keep learning Bitcoin? Before I join this forum, I have been learing bitcoin. I have been posting good posts here and no merit given.

Unfortunately its no mater of time... In most cases is a matter of creating good content and sometimes luck. It's possible to be given merit for your first post if it's really valuable, important, interesting sometimes funny etc.
You wrote, that you have been posting good posts... I've scrolled down your history - it wasn't hard work because your started to make real posts one week ago after hard bounty report training... 

So which of them deserve merit in your opinion? link it and write shortly why?

997  Other / Meta / Re: Confirmation of the title for the forum participants. on: September 30, 2018, 01:39:27 PM
Sorry maybe you didn't realized but the same situation already happen to the thousands of users...
When they came the rules was different they reached Jr member rank and after few weeks/months they have been dumped to Newbies.
The problem is that most of them were spamming.

I get that there are higher ranks that spammed before, the question is are they still doing it now? they can be easily moderated by the mods if they decide to spam again and we have DT member who can tag them if the mods can't monitor them. From how I see it more merit abuse will occur if all ranks had an increase in merit requirement.

I'm fully aware that main issue of "1 merit revolution" was to fight against the spammers...
OK but what about merit system introducing itself? Was it only against the spammers or maybe due to rise the level of discussion on the whole forum as well?

As theymos said:
I'm hoping that this system will increase post quality by:
 - Forcing people to post high-quality stuff in order to rank up. If you just post garbage, you will never get even 1 merit point, and you will therefore never be able to put links in your signature, etc.
 - Highlighting good posts with the "Merited by" line.

ICO's and bounties didn't show up on this form after the merit introdution but much earlier, so the shitposts and spam. So why we sould treat shitposters who started their activity in september 2017 and became Full Member before merits introduction or these who started in October and get Member rank in different way? Why they are better than people who started in January this year? They aren't at all. I do understand that stats show that number of account rised drastically this year and probably introducing 1 merit for Jr Member looks most effective. Agree. But why not to be fair for all users?

Everyone says that "...only spammers and shitposters will suffer from 1 merit change..." and " is not so hard to get one merit...If you are not a shitposter you will get at least one for sure...". I fully agree so let's be fair, let's treat every user in the same way.

You also said "...more merit abuse will occur if all ranks had an increase in merit requirement...", should it stop us from doing this? Why? If Member/Full Member/Senior Member ect. abuses he should be punished just as Newbie or Jr. Member - the rules are the same for every user and that's it!
I think that shitposters/spammers with higher rank aren't better than Newbies or Jr Members! ... rather worse!

998  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: [BOUNTY][Main Sale]🔥🔥 🔥 Round 2 🔥 5 Million DBCC 🔥🔥 on: September 30, 2018, 01:35:09 AM

Telegram Username: @cryptovigi
Participating in:  Signature
ERC-20 Address: 0xd9DEb2b6e64D1a4aC2FBb66d6507695515C380f1

999  Other / Meta / Re: [Merit Analysis] "Self Made" Jr. & Member users that have earned merit on: September 30, 2018, 01:20:11 AM

I like your analysis and have another challenge for you ;-)

Ranked Members - Member and above who was given merit airdrop (while introducing merit system) according to their ranks and didn't earn even one "by themself" this one maybe interesting!!!

1000  Other / Meta / Re: Confirmation of the title for the forum participants. on: September 30, 2018, 12:40:21 AM
YES, I came to this forum before him and the old rules could get your account, but it does not mean that I can be lowered, for lack of merit. DELIRIUM.

Sorry maybe you didn't realized but the same situation already happen to the thousands of users...
When they came the rules was different they reached Jr member rank and after few weeks/months they have been dumped to Newbies.
Do you think it was wrong or good?
I think majority of people here agreed that it was good change. What if theymos rise full member rank requirements to 101 merits would you also define it as DELIRIUM?

I like the way of thinking of OP. Giving the free number of merits according to the rank while implementing the merit system was the only reasonable solution, but after few months maybe a year why not to check if all oldtimers deserves their ranks.
I'm not talking about taking away all merits they were given it wouldn't be fair... maybe they contributed really a lot in previous years..

In my opinion the best idea could be just to rise merit level for all ranks... Even not to much... let's say 10% it would be enough to see how many "high ranked" users didn't contribute just have their rank for being here longer...

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