BLUE has started to get the real attention lately, it will start its potential growth very soon
just wait some time to get rid of the current eth network issue and trade restart,
then everyone will see what BLUE can do
Yes, that is amazing! I don't remember any such cool airdrop with such high price. It`s Hard to imagine that you could get 350$+ for free just for nothing I wouldn't say that it's 350$+ for nothing. People had to believe that BLUE's price will rise. If they didn't believe in that, then they would dump all their tokens and the price would be nothing. I think Uni and the rest of the team did (and are still doing) a really good job by constantly talking to the community. That's why the price has risen so much.
Se ažuriralo pred 2 dana? Čini mi se kao da mi je activity isti
Da, ažuriralo se. Ali ne mijenja se status svaki put. Meni se activity svakih 14 dana poveća za 14 bodova, ali status je već dva puta ostao na "Member". Očito sa Member na Sr. Member treba puno više activity-a. Negdje je bio link gdje je pisalo koliki activity moraš imati za određeni status ali sad ga ne mogu pronaći.
Pozz svima,
zanima me da li Ledger private keyeve drži u svojoj memoriji ili negdje online pa se do njih dolazi upisivanjem PIN-a i seeda?
Drži ih u memoriji. Kad bi bili online, to ne bi bilo tako sigurno, zar ne? Upravo zato i pitam. Kako je onda moguće da se wallet može restorati na drugom ledgeru u slučaju da se prvi izgubi/uništi? Upravo kako je CharlieCox napisao. Kad prvi put upališ Ledger Nano S, uređaj ti izbaci niz od 24 riječi koje zapišeš na papir (uz uređaj dobiješ papir s 24 prazne crte na koje napišeš riječi). Taj papir držiš na sigurnom. Ako ti netko ukrade uređaj, svejedno ne može ništa jer mu treba PIN. A ti kad kupiš novi uređaj kod prvog uključivanja lijepo odabereš RESTORE i upišeš tih 24 riječi i to je to. Sva sredstva su ti opet dostupna. Upravo zbog toga je važnije kako čuvaš papir s 24 riječi nego sami uređaj. Ja čak razmišljam da papir kopiram i čuvam ga na dva mjesta za svaki slučaj (požar, poplava...).
Većina kojina koji su stekli "slavu" (uglv. kratkotrajnu), jeste na poznata imena kao što su LiteCoin , Bitcoin , Ethereum itd. samo dodavajuci prefikse na te iste nazive Slažem se za većinu. Jedini koji očito nije scam i pump&dump token (dev je imao dovoljno prilika dumpati svoje tokene), a počeo je s sufiksom uz Ethereum, jest BLUE (odnosno prije Ethereum Blue). Ideja je dobra, a shvatili su da većina ljudi smatra EthereumNešto tokene prevarom pa su izbacili riječ "Ethereum" iz naziva. Za sad im ide dobro...
... Ja sam recimo jučer radio transakcije s gas-om 21, a vidim da je sad preporuka čak 32 i da transakcija u tom slučaju košta 0,3 USD ... A šta reći za BTC transakcije koje se kreću od 0,001 ( $13) do 0,002 ( $26), pa i više ... Ništa. Od BTC-a sam potpuno odustao. Neko vrijeme sam majnao preko NiceHash-a i sad mi ta zarada stoji na Jaxx walletu. Htio sam prebaciti u Ledger BTC wallet ali ne želim dati hrpu novaca za prijenos. A koliko vidim ovdje, dobro da sam BTC prebacio sa NiceHash-a na privatni wallet nedavno
Meni se čini kao da je igra pokrenuta kako bi se upozorilo na slabosti ETH mreže, ali pritom i dobro zaradilo. Na njihovom ETH walletu ima preko 1 500 000 USD u Ethereumu
Is admin online? How can I join translation bounty? I'd like to translate ANN post to Croatian language, but I'm not sure who to talk to in order to reserve the translation.
We do not offer bounties for translations anymore. Sorry. That's too bad. Maybe you should remove that section from the bounties section in the ANN post so people don't get confused.
Is admin online? How can I join translation bounty? I'd like to translate ANN post to Croatian language, but I'm not sure who to talk to in order to reserve the translation.
I don’t know gas at all but I think at least on mew things are not good today
You can't do ETH transfers and say that you don't know gas at all. It's like you are driving car and when it suddenly stops, you say that you don't know gasoline at all. Gas in the Ethereum network is the fee you have to pay for transferring from one wallet to another. If you set it to minimum, then your transfer won't be processed at all.
I am looking at proof of care , what does it mean? Where I can apply and what information I need to give? Will there be KYC before ICO?
Hi elijah! Proof of Care is a process where you make some post on social networks saying something supportive about the project, or you make an interesting video, picture or something that will make us see that you genuine care about the entire project and that you support the idea. Make the screenshot and along with the URL upload it in the PoC form. As for KYC... As it's stated in the FAQ, everyone will be required to go trough KYC procedure in order to reduce the possibility of multi-account manipulation and to prevent minors to apply on their own (without the knowledge of their parents).
Ma katastrofa... Pročitao sam negdje da nije problem samo u ETH mreži nego i u njima (vlasnicima igre) jer ne žele povećati cijenu transakcija unutar same igre. Time bi se koliko-toliko riješio problem pending Tx-a kojih je trenutno preko 21 000. Jučer sam transakcije u EtherDelta exchange-u odrađivao sa gas-om 21, a danas vidim da treba 30+ tako da ništa od trejdanja za mene dok se to ne riješi...
what price do you expect for eth blue? i want only smart people , not ones saying TO THE MOON 10ŁŁŁ
You can't expect that someone will tell you that. At least not people that are worth listening. No one knows what price can be expected. Maybe 0.5 USD, maybe 50 USD. This is crypto - everything is possible.
Guys, we have updated post #3 with new announcement. If you would like to join the team and earn some tokens, take a look at the post and contact us.
Pozz svima,
zanima me da li Ledger private keyeve drži u svojoj memoriji ili negdje online pa se do njih dolazi upisivanjem PIN-a i seeda?
Drži ih u memoriji. Kad bi bili online, to ne bi bilo tako sigurno, zar ne? Ja također gledam gdje da naručim Ledgera. Razmišljam naručiti od - dali ima netko iskustva? Ja kad sam kupovao, samo i jedino izravno od proizvođača. Čitao sam razna iskustva gdje je ekipa prtljala po Ledgeru i onda ga takvog prodavala. Onda bi kupac stavio coin-e i token-e na njega, a prijašnji vlasnik koji je prtljao ih je lijepo povukao. Zato, uvijek i samo od proizvođača:
Blue opet raste a meni ne prolazi ni jedna transakcija zna neko kaj se dešava?
Ma dešava se ona glupa CryptoKitty igrica koja ubija ETH mrežu. Cijene ETH transakcija su otišle u nebo otkad su igru pokrenuli neki dan. Najbolje ti je otići na stranicu i vidjeti koja je preporučljiva količina gas-a za transakciju i tako podesiti u EtherDelta. Ja sam recimo jučer radio transakcije s gas-om 21, a vidim da je sad preporuka čak 32 i da transakcija u tom slučaju košta 0,3 USD Zbog toga sam malo zaustavio trejdanje jer mi se ne da plaćati tolike transakcije. Neka BLUE i ostali tokeni stoje sigurno u Ledgeru dok hype oko mačkica ne prestane...
If only Etherdelta was working properly...
It works pretty good. You just have to increase the gas. I have set the gas to 21 and transactions were confirmed in 1 minute. the problem is not the gas, i set always to minium, the problem is the site itself I don't think you understand how ETH gas is used. You have to increase it to get transactions confirmation sooner. If you set the gas to minimum, your transactions will take ages (if they get confirmed at all).
Yeah, after the BTCRED "situation" and the price jump the other day, more and more people are getting know about the BLUE project. And that's without any product that one can test. Imagine what will be when they release some kind of beta
So the concept of the game is the same as PokemonGO, but instead of chasing animated creatures players will solve puzzles, find treasure chests in different locations and earn coins?
Yeah, that's basically it. And you'll learn new things while you play the game. Plus, you won't be chasing animated characters for free. Instead, you'll search for treasure which will earn you CH tokens. That sounds pretty cool. From what I have understood, we will be able to withdraw the CH token from the game to any exchange and trade it. This would be great because all other games I know of , works in a way that you get only "monopoly money" to buy weapons and other stuff in the game. I'm gonna play this one 24/7 Yeah, that's the idea. That's why the title says "game that rewards players just for playing" I'm glad that you like it.
So the concept of the game is the same as PokemonGO, but instead of chasing animated creatures players will solve puzzles, find treasure chests in different locations and earn coins?
Yeah, that's basically it. And you'll learn new things while you play the game. Plus, you won't be chasing animated characters for free. Instead, you'll search for treasure which will earn you CH tokens.