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9921  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] GOBYTE [GBX] - Masternodes, PoW, Secure, ASIC Resistance, & Decentralized on: November 28, 2017, 08:32:23 PM
I have just filled the form. When do you send coins for the signature bounty?
9922  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: November 28, 2017, 08:15:15 PM
A gledaj... Za takve neke situacije postoji način - napišeš private key na dva papira i jedan držiš kod sebe doma, a drugi na nekoj drugoj lokaciji. Slično kao što tvrtke čuvaju backupove - uvijek na nekoj drugoj lokaciji.

To sam ja napravio.

Jednog dana ako budem imao veći iznos i opere me paranoja mislim da ću isprintati jedno 3 paper waleta ali i izbrisati par znakova ako pronađem način za to napraviti a da budem siguran da ću ih znati vratiti napamet.

Ne znam bih li se usudio obrisati par znakova private key-a. Tko zna hoćeš li se za godinu, dvije, tri sjetiti koji su to znakovi. Uostalom, ako jednog dana budeš imao veći iznos, zar ne bi bilo jednostavnije dati 80-tak dolara za Ledger Nano S? Na njemu (ili Trezoru) su sredstva najsigurnija.
9923  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ★ [ANN] 🔵 BLUE: Securing the Crypto Age | CMC | IDEX | Decentrex 🔵 on: November 28, 2017, 02:53:52 PM
btw, any clue on 21st announcement?

why to wait so much for that, tell it now Grin

I hope it will be some sort of alpha/beta of the app. That would be really nice Christmas present because it will probably boost the price  Grin
9924  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][AIRDROP] Vertnite - Dream, Plan, Manifest [AIRDROP PHASE 2 ACTIVE] on: November 28, 2017, 02:11:12 PM
Token distribution of Phase 2 Airdrop will be 29 November.
Phase 3 will be limited to 5000 entries and it will have a form. Stay tuned in Twitter and Telegram.

Just please don't open another ANN thread for the airdrop #3. It's better to have all the info in one thread. Plus, it looks better for possible investors if thread had more posts.
9925  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: November 28, 2017, 01:26:00 PM

Pa... Dva su benefita. Prvi je da je besplatan, a drugi je da je relativno siguran u odnosu na spremanje private key-a negdje na računalu. Jedini nedostatak je što svaki put kad prebacuješ sredstva s njega, treba ga sweep-ati (znači prenijeti sva sredstva).
Konkretno, ljudi koji samo holdaju coine/tokene mogu bez problema koristiti paper wallet (staviš coin/token na njega, spremiš papir s private key-em i miran si). Ali ako trguješ s coinima/tokenima, onda paper wallet nema smisla.

A gdje onda čuvaš paper wallet? Šta ako se dogodi požar?  Grin Zapravo bi ga trebao pohraniti u sef u banci

A gledaj... Za takve neke situacije postoji način - napišeš private key na dva papira i jedan držiš kod sebe doma, a drugi na nekoj drugoj lokaciji. Slično kao što tvrtke čuvaju backupove - uvijek na nekoj drugoj lokaciji.
9926  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kretanje cijene on: November 28, 2017, 08:29:21 AM
Ja isto nekako naginjem ka tom balonu koji će kad-tad pući. Samo se nadam da neće sa sobom povući i ostale valute poput ETH-a i tokena koji se temelje na njegovom blockchainu.
9927  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: ICONOMI on: November 28, 2017, 08:25:26 AM
Nekoliko puta sam bacio pogled o čemu se radi i tek sad shvatio  Grin
Izgleda mi nešto poput investicijskih fondova u svijetu dionica. Zar ne?
9928  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: November 27, 2017, 08:37:28 PM
Ma zakon je stvarčica! Smiley Vrlo jednostavan za korištenje.
Volio bi da ima i XMR wallet pošto ga majnam, ali ježi ga... Ima samo BTC i ETH.

lol wut?

Stvarno? Pa kako onda kad ga upalim mogu odabrati samo BTC i ETH wallet? Huh

a xmr podrška stiže uskoro...

Jel? Odlično! Grin
9929  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ★ [ANN] 🔵 BLUE: Securing the Crypto Age | CMC | IDEX | Decentrex 🔵 on: November 27, 2017, 08:27:42 PM
Yeah, the correction is healthy for the price in the long run. It must take a dip in order to rise even more. And that's good chance to sell at high point and rebuy more at the low point Smiley

Im always afraid to do that haha, Im always worried that I will sell and then it will raise again and ill lose some tokens when I rebuy

I would probably be afraid if I purchased BLUE with my own hard earned money. Since I have earned everything I invest in crypto trough trading of airdropped tokens, I'm not that worried. Of course I would kick myself in the a$$ if I would lost a lot of money, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. You just have to learn to watch buy/sell orders and walls. I learned that trough trading on EtherDelta. Of course I miss sometimes and buy before the price reaches it's lowest point, but that's part of the learning...
You just have to know that money isn't lost until you sell for lower price of the one you bought at.
9930  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Airdropovi on: November 27, 2017, 07:29:58 PM
A sta da radim sa tokenim kad dobijem, kako se njima trguje ili mogu i da se cuvaju...? Moze li neko kratko uputstvo?

Prodaj ih na burzi čim počnu rasti. Kad počnu rasti, nemoj biti pohlepan i misliti da će otići u nebo, jer često će se odmah dumpati i biti će ti žao da nisi prodao

Da sam slušao tvoj savjet, sad bi vjerojatno zaradio $300 od svih ovih airdropova, a ne $3000. Ne treba samo bezglavo prodavati sve tokene. Nekad je bolje dokupiti dok je token mlad i jeftin.
Recimo na BLUE (Ethereum Blue) je ekipa prilično dobro zaradila. Ekipa iza tokena se čini OK i projekt kao takav se čini solidan. Naravno, uvijek postoji mala mogućnost da vlasnik dumpa svoje tokene, ali zadnjih par dana je buy wall bio takav da je developer mogao zaraditi priličnu hrpu novaca da je dumpao. Kako nije, pretpostavljam da niti neće...
9931  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Airdropovi on: November 27, 2017, 07:26:43 PM
Do kad da čuvam Ethereum Blue trenutno imam oko 1000$ , prodati ili čuvati još

Ja ga imam nešto manje ali planiram čuvati. Povremeno se trudim zaraditi neku kintu na correctionima kao što je ovaj danas koji mi je donio oko $150 Smiley
9932  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: November 27, 2017, 07:20:58 PM
Ali koji je onda benefit paper walleta? Zašto bi ga uopće koristio?

Pa... Dva su benefita. Prvi je da je besplatan, a drugi je da je relativno siguran u odnosu na spremanje private key-a negdje na računalu. Jedini nedostatak je što svaki put kad prebacuješ sredstva s njega, treba ga sweep-ati (znači prenijeti sva sredstva).
Konkretno, ljudi koji samo holdaju coine/tokene mogu bez problema koristiti paper wallet (staviš coin/token na njega, spremiš papir s private key-em i miran si). Ali ako trguješ s coinima/tokenima, onda paper wallet nema smisla.

Ja sam kupio novi Nano prije 3 dana, čekam sad da dođe da vidim kakvo je to čudo

Ma zakon je stvarčica! Smiley Vrlo jednostavan za korištenje.
Volio bi da ima i XMR wallet pošto ga majnam, ali ježi ga... Ima samo BTC i ETH.
9933  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] CROAT - THE CATALAN ALTCOIN - EGALITARIAN COIN OF THE CATALAN PEOPLE on: November 27, 2017, 06:49:21 PM
Can someone help me? I can't sync CroatCore app with the blockchain. When I open the app, it says it needs synchronize with the blockchain, but it can't connect to any of the nodes.

For some nodes it says:
2017-Nov-20 08:21:47.680901 DEBUG   Selected peer: 12398755495621506974 [white=1] last_seen: d39.h18.m18.s19
2017-Nov-20 08:21:47.680901 DEBUG   Connecting to (white=1, last_seen: d39.h18.m18.s19)...

2017-Nov-20 08:21:48.964398 DEBUG   Connection to failed: TcpConnector::connect, ConnectEx failed, result=10061, No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

And for majority of nodes it says:
2017-Nov-20 08:21:34.251700 DEBUG   Selected peer: 1032190436872628294 [white=0] last_seen: d40.h02.m34.s54
2017-Nov-20 08:21:34.251700 DEBUG   Connecting to (white=0, last_seen: d40.h02.m34.s54)...

2017-Nov-20 08:21:39.253638 DEBUG   Connection to timed out, interrupt it
2017-Nov-20 08:21:39.253638 DEBUG   Connection timed out

I don't have a wallet near me but look for a file called nodes or something and delete it, then start the wallet again. Fixes it for me.

I can't find the file named nodes. Could you please look it up? I can't access my wallet Sad
9934  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Hawala.Today | IFS | P2P CASH-CRYPTO | Bounties on: November 27, 2017, 06:36:20 PM
How do i stake there a wallet out yet?

10th dec will be  available  for community test... so 10th dec is alpha testing with invite only  Kiss

I don't understand. You say that 10th Dec will be available for both community testing and alpha testing with an invite only. Maybe a typo?
Alpha testing of app is for few people only, thats what he means.
The app is not for everyone in Alpha test.

I understand what is community test and what is alpha testing for invites only. What I don't understand is how come both are scheduled for the same date?
9935  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ★ [ANN] 🔵 BLUE: Securing the Crypto Age | CMC | IDEX | Decentrex 🔵 on: November 27, 2017, 06:34:57 PM
Yeah, the correction is healthy for the price in the long run. It must take a dip in order to rise even more. And that's good chance to sell at high point and rebuy more at the low point Smiley
9936  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Nano Ledger S iskustva on: November 27, 2017, 10:25:12 AM
Hardware wallet (npr. Ledger Nano S) nije sigurniji od paper walleta, ali je praktičniji jer čak niti korisnik ne zna svoj privatni ključ. Kad želiš prebaciti sredstva, ubaciš ga u komp, prebaciš što želiš i izvadiš. Vrlo jednostavno...

Kako to Ledger Nano S nije sigurniji od paper walleta? Čak i da imaš neki virus ili malware na kompu, ako koristiš Ledger, siguran si. Jer uvijek moraš stisnut tipku na Ledgeru kako bi potvrdio transfer

Ovisi kako koristiš paper wallet. Ako ga koristiš više puta, onda nema smisla uopće ga koristiti. A ako ga za povlačenje sredstava koristiš samo jednom (kako se paper wallet i koristi), onda nemaš brige. Čak i da imaš virus u kompu koji pošalje private key nekome, dok on to vidi i pokuša povući tvoja sredstva, ti si ih već povukao. Naravno, kako sam rekao. Sve to vrijedi ako se paper wallet koristi kako je i preporučeno - može se više puta slati sredstva na njega (jer se u tom slučaju ne upisuje private key), ali samo jednom za povlačenje sredstava (jer tada moraš upisati private key).
9937  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Hawala.Today | IFS | P2P CASH-CRYPTO | Bounties on: November 27, 2017, 09:20:19 AM
How do i stake there a wallet out yet?

10th dec will be  available  for community test... so 10th dec is alpha testing with invite only  Kiss

I don't understand. You say that 10th Dec will be available for both community testing and alpha testing with an invite only. Maybe a typo?
9938  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: ★ [ANN] 🔵 BLUE: Securing the Crypto Age | CMC | IDEX | Decentrex 🔵 on: November 26, 2017, 08:31:02 PM
The volume (and the price) has increased pretty nice Smiley
9939  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][AIRDROP] Vertnite - Dream, Plan, Manifest [AIRDROP PHASE 2 ACTIVE] on: November 26, 2017, 08:16:03 PM
Did the dev just created another ANN thread? Why? What's wrong with the old one?
9940  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN] Hawala.Today | IFS | P2P CASH-CRYPTO | Bounties on: November 26, 2017, 07:53:52 PM
is the IFT (incentive for stake) already running?
how can we access that?

will it be kind like POStoken where we mint a contract a receive the interest?

we are currently working on finalizing the staking mechanism so the IFS model isn't active yet...December seems like its gonna shape up to be a great month for the project. staked tokens will receive rewards under a fixed rate each year, starting form 15% in the first year and down to 7.27% in the 10th year, of total HAT staked.

I'm not sure how staking works... You're saying that if I have 2000 HAT in the end of this year, I'll get 15% of that amount (300 HAT)? If that's true, will you do a snapshot at some point and calculate the stakes like that? Or it works differently?
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