Beta release of the TT-Miner for Linux - (developed under Ubuntu)
If you have problems to start the miner, please make sure to start it from the folder that contains the TT-Miner binary. Please chose always the cuda version of your installation for your algo.
To mine Sero, hora & abasian you need to add the new -coin options like this:
TT-Miner -A PROGPOW092 -luck -coin hora -P stratum1+tcp://<YOUR_WALLET>.<YOUR_WORKER>@<SERVER_IP>:<SERVER_PORT>
TT-Miner -A PROGPOW092 -luck -coin sero -P stratum1+tcp://<YOUR_WALLET>.<YOUR_WORKER>@<SERVER_IP>:<SERVER_PORT>
TT-Miner -A PROGPOW092 -luck -coin bna -P stratum1+tcp://<YOUR_WALLET>.<YOUR_WORKER>@<SERVER_IP>:<SERVER_PORT>
Here is the link to the linux beta: to the windows beta: report any problems and bugs you see.
CudaError: 2 at position 52
Пpи зaпycкe 6 видeoкapт, paндoмнo oтключaeт кaкyю-тo кapтy.
Дoбaвлeниe кoмaнд -d и -i нe пoмoгaeт. Moнeтa Hora.
Пoжaлyйcтa, пoпpoбyйтe тeкyщyю бeтa-вepcию. ecли этo нe cpaбoтaeт, пpишлитe мнe кoмaнднyю зaпиcкy c гopeчью.
Пpoблeмa ocтaлacь тa жe. Oднaкo oптимизaция cтaлa чyтoк лyчшe. Кaкиe нибyдь coвeты зaпycкa 6 кapт ?
coin hora -luck -d 0 1 2 3 4 5 -i 19 -P
С самого майнера
****************** Apply settings
Selected coin to mine: hora
Set process priority: default
Avg. performance timeframe: 2 minutes
Performance summary(sec.): 15 seconds
Performance summary(shares): disabled
Report Hashrate to pool: disabled
Drop stalled shares: disabled
Temp control: disabled
API-Interface: disabled
Use intensity (-1 default): 19 19 19 19 19 19
Use gridsize (-1 default): -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
****************** Start mining
01:07:24 POOL-0: Connecting to - PoolID: 0
01:07:24 POOL-0: Connected to: - IP4/6:
01:07:24 POOL-0: Protocol: EthProxy-Stratum
01:07:24 POOL-0: Subscribed to
01:07:24 POOL-0: Worker authorized: 1070ti
01:07:24 POOL-0: difficulty changed from 0.000 H to 2.000 GH
01:07:24 POOL-0: Received new job#: f9454f4a2c17f87ae6d622e1ba72ac637764a05769b7ef3ac20f4ee756c15df1
01:07:24 POOL-0: Mining Block#: 490979
01:07:29 GPU[01]: *create new DAG for epoch 16
01:07:29 GPU[04]: *create new DAG for epoch 16
01:07:30 GPU[02]: *create new DAG for epoch 16
01:07:30 GPU[05]: *create new DAG for epoch 16
01:07:30 Miner: Error ******** GPU[00] CudaError: 2 at position 52
01:07:30 Miner: Error ******** GPU[03] CudaError: 2 at position 52
01:07:33 GPU[01]: *DAG created in 3.42 seconds
01:07:33 GPU[04]: *DAG created in 3.49 seconds
01:07:33 GPU[02]: *DAG created in 3.45 seconds
01:07:33 GPU[05]: *DAG created in 3.43 seconds