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1  Economy / Services / Re: ❤️ A-Z Project & MVP Development: 🌙 Moongrows Team on: February 15, 2019, 11:52:29 AM
The Background Of Moongrows
pt.5 Powerchain

Unique Selling Proposition And Offer

Summarizing the brand identity, we revealed the USP and Offer for Powerchain

Redesign the grid. Association map: smart, a modern project in the electric field.

Energy saving you can save on. We call the client’s desire to save money. We hint that you can save money by bringing benefits to the environment – saving energy.

“We will never take the extra time of our users, so we understand and appreciate the understandable minimalism.”

The logo should give a hint about what the Powerchain is at first glance. It is necessary to combine associations with CHAIN and STORAGE.

Finally, we changed the look of the logo. Made it more like a finished character, created boundaries. Now it’s a single storage system with new users joining. The peculiar shape of the shield creates an image of reliability, allows you to trust the brand. So, Powerchain becomes not only an innovator but also a defender of the right decisions in the electric industry and blockchain. Again like the HXC needs: creative & strong.

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2  Economy / Services / Re: ❤️ A-Z Project & MVP Development: 🌙 Moongrows Team on: February 10, 2019, 12:11:55 PM
The Background Of Moongrows
pt.4 Powerchain

Branding and Identity

The analytics and marketing team has begun to explore the market, target audience and industry specifics.

High Expectation Customer
HXC (high expectation customer) is a person who is well versed in energy and in the blockchain. He serves as an example for other people who understand product a little less but repeat for HXC (since he participates in this project, I should do it, too).
The first Target Audience is people who believed in this platform and its prospects. We analyzed successful references in the niche and drew target client portraits.

The main Powerchain token holder's portrait is:
- young and successful man
- interested in innovations in technological areas and innovations, energy, blockchain,
- watching trends and what’s happening in almost all industries,
- appreciating utility and visibility,
- having the opportunity to assess the value of the project and its prospects, or to base on a relevant opinion,
- with allergies to old age (who needs emails, if there is a telegram, guys?),
- using various devices, forever with an iPhone in hand,
- with the desire to help the world around and reform the old systems,
- emotional and impulsive,
- between criticism and fanaticism, consumers of information

Brand solution
So, the Powerchain brand is a bright project, emphasizing the transparency of work and the desire to change the whole industry for the better. At the same time, the Powerchain will tell about itself in the most obvious way, without taking extra time from the user. The project created a bright and spectacular first impression, becoming at the same time an understandable friend from the first minutes.

Having relied on the visualization of complex things, we need to choose the infographic style, use more schemes, manage attention due to color and be stylish at the same time.

Chief Marketer Anastasia proposed to use the range in the style of Retro-Wave, as it is associated with innovation and “grass that used to be greener”. We can show all the complex system of storages work and grid in one animated scheme, like this example.

Core values of the Powerchain Energy brand
1. Smart. The team is trained and experienced in this area. They share your experience through content, know how to make the complicated simple.
2. Honest. From the very beginning, Powerchain is not afraid to talk about risks, and want to maximize all the ins and outs of its work. The team make reports, talk about successes and failures.
3. Social. Powerchain is everywhere, it is easy to communicate with the team on any social network and even offline.
4. Confident. The project sets feasible goals and is confident in itself, partners and own experience.
5. Altruistic. Powerchain appeared to reform the power grids, and do its best. Not here for financial implications, although the team is confident that in the project participants will not lose anything in long terms.

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3  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 28, 2019, 02:02:56 PM
I don't think you understand the concept of ghostwriting.

Thanks, I didn't notice this part when copying from a message
4  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 28, 2019, 12:00:38 PM
#5 Creative Content Writing

Almost everyone already knows that attracting new audiences with the help of content is a very real prospect. I hope you understand that you shouldn't write boring articles like “What is Bitcoin?” for your own blog. If you want to really inspire readers to comment on posts and share articles, then contact me.

Other Examples:
1) Solar DAO blog

2) Press-releases:

3) Articles:

Work Includes:
- 1 month content plan;
- Searching and writing on niche news and newsworthy events;
- Creation of posts with articles in social networks;

By arrangement, depending on the required number of articles.
One-time order is $30+ for each article.
5  Local / Работа / Re: [РЕЗЮМЕ] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 27, 2019, 02:03:47 PM

#4 Таргетированная Реклама Facebook

Предлагаю настройку и ведение рекламных кампаний в Фейсбук. Если вам нужен дополнительный качественный трафик, привлечение новых пользователей, промотирование пресс-релиза, или сбор баз контактов, я помогу вам правильно настроить и оптимизировать объявления в фейсбук. У меня есть собственно разработанные тактики обхода блокировок при модерации. Работаю с маленькими бюджетами от нескольких долларов в день.

- Создание креативных рекламных объявлений и дизайн изображений.
- Тщательная настройка таргетинга по интересам, широкая сегментация групп объявлений для выявления самых результативных
- Выполнение поставленных целей: траффик, лидген, вовлеченность в группу и так далее.

$250 за ведение одной кампании.

6  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 27, 2019, 01:18:12 PM

Recent Certifications

Google Ads Certificate

The Google Ads certification is a professional accreditation that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of Google Ads. a Google Ads certification allows individuals to demonstrate that Google recognizes them as an expert in online advertising.

Hubspot Inbound Marketing Certificate

Inbound marketing is a technique for drawing customers to products and services via content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and branding.

7  Local / Работа / Re: [РЕЗЮМЕ] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 26, 2019, 04:10:03 AM

#3 Линкбилдинг и Промо в Комментариях

Для расширения охвата аудитории и привлечения нового трафика подходит услуга по размещению ссылок на проект на популярных ресурсах. У меня есть готовая база из 600+ ресурсов (постоянно пополняется) для продвижения вашего сайта в нише криптовалют: форумы, блоги, СМИ, Quora, Google+, Pinterest и т.д. Упоминание о проекте создается путем размещения релевантных теме комментариев / постов / статей от имени брендированного аккаунта с ссылкой на сайт

- Создание фирменных аккаунтов на крипто-ресурсах / других местах размещения;
- комментирование темы статьи / поста в блоге / вопроса / и т.д. с упоминанием вашего проекта;
- повышение осведомленности аудитории о проекте (awareness);

$500 за 500 постов, отчет с ссылками прилагается.

8  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 25, 2019, 07:07:29 AM
#4 Facebook Targeted Ads

I offer setting up and maintaining advertising campaigns on Facebook. If you need additional quality traffic, attracting new users, promoting a press release, or collecting contact databases, I will help you correctly configure and optimize ads. I have actually developed tactics to bypass bans from moderation.

Work Includes:
- Creation of creative advertisement texts and image design;
- Careful targeting, extensive ad group segmentation to identify the most successful ones;
- Analytics and cost optimization;
- Goals achievement: traffic, lead gen, raising awareness, engagement growth and so on.

$250 for each campaign.

9  Local / Работа / [РЕЗЮМЕ] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 24, 2019, 01:04:53 PM
Ищу работу по рекламе и контенту. Работаю качественно и быстро.  

Мой опыт подтверждается успехами клиентов команды, на текущий момент я работаю самостоятельно. С удовольствием возьму как проектную работу, так и поработаю на постоянной основе.

Основное из моей работы:

1️⃣ Создание маркетинг и контент стратегий, планирование создания контента, реализация: копирайтинг на английском, переводы, SMM, таргетированная реклама в соцсетях.
2️⃣ Комьюнити и баунти менеджмент. Только уникальные условия и форматы для вовлечения аудитории, обычными глупыми баунти не занимаюсь.
3️⃣ Создание и упаковка бренда: название, логотип, стиль, УТП, брендбук, ассоциативная карта бренда.
4️⃣ SMM: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Telegram, Vkontakte. Четкий контент план, постинг, аналитика.
5️⃣ Lead Generation Ads: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Quora. Создание баз потенциальных инвесторов и/или участников проекта через таргетированную рекламу или вручную.
6️⃣ Email маркетинг: стратегия, создание цепочек писем, аналитика.  
7️⃣ Статьи и развитие блога: стратегия, копирайтинг, построение процесса создания интересного контента (in Trello, Asana, Basecamp) с вашей командой, привлечением моих контактов или поиском фрилансеров.  
8️⃣ Консультирование по стратегии продвижения.
9️⃣Полная упаковка проекта: бренд, контент, реклама, развитие комьюнити.  
1️⃣0️⃣ Аналитика ниши и конкурентов.
1️⃣1️⃣ Другие услуги по согласованию.

Напишите мне в Telegram @orlyho

#1 Размещение в СМИ и линкбилдинг

У меня есть готовый рабочий скрипт для размещения контента на сайтах с высоким рейтингом в формате guest posting. Большинство публикаций бесплатны. Автор подписывается внизу статьи с активной ссылкой на ваш проект.

- Написание статей на английском. Оригинальный текст для каждого размещения.
- Весь процесс общения с редакторами.
- Результат: готовая статья по тематике блокчейн, с включенной ссылкой на ваш сайт

$50 за одну публикацию. Любое количество статей. Оплата только за опубликованный материал.

#2 Создание и ведение адвокатской программы

Если вам нужна поддержка и продвижение со стороны лидеров мнений по криптовалюте и темам, связанным с конкретным проектом, вам подойдет собственная Адвокатская Программа. Адвокат бренда - это человек (лидер мнений), который выступает в интересах компании в местах общения пользователей интернета, социальных сетях, блогах, сообществах и форумах. Вся работа по созданию и ведению программы выполняется вручную с пониманием целей вашего проекта. Пример:

*Изображение служит примером и не является моей работой.

- Ручной сбор базы лидеров мнений, активных участников крипто-тематических СМИ и ресурсов. Поиск и общение с каждым кандидатом. Ничего схожего с принципами массовой регистрации в Баунти кампаниях;
- При наличии бюджета, привлечение нужных пользователей через таргетированную рекламу;
- Создание уникальных и привлекательных правил участия в кампании;
- Создание базы адвокатов бренда, которые будут делиться информацией о вашем проекте среди своего сообщества.

$1500 - первый месяц (создание и ведение), $500/month - дальнейшее ведение.

10  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 24, 2019, 06:12:17 AM

#3 Linkbuilding and Comment Promotion

If you need to expand the reach of the audience, then you need references to the project on popular resources. I have a ready-made 500+ (continues to grow) resources database to promote your website in blockchain niche: cryptocurrency related forums, blogs, media, Quora, Google+, Pinterest, etc. This would be done by posting clever comments/post/articles from a branded account with the website link.

Work Includes:
- Creating branded accounts on crypto-related resources/other placements;
- Commenting on the subject of the article/blog post/question/etc AND mentioning your project in some way;
- Raising project awareness;

$500 per 500 posts, work log included.

11  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 24, 2019, 05:27:02 AM

#2 Ambassador Campaign Creation and Management

If you need support and promotion from the opinion leaders on cryptocurrency and project-specific topics, you definitely need your own Unique Ambassador Campaign. All work is done manually with an understanding of your project objectives. Example:

*Image as an example, not my job.

Work Includes:
- Manual collecting a base of opinion leaders, active participants in crypto related media and resources. Searching and speaking to each candidate. No "silly bounty" bulk registrations;
- If there is a budget, we will additionally involve opinion leaders with a help of targeted ads;
- Creating unique and engaging rules for audience participation in the campaign;
- Creating brand advocates who will share information about your project among their community.

$1500 - first month, $500/month - futher management.

12  Economy / Services / Re: [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 24, 2019, 04:56:54 AM
#1 Media Promotion & Linkbuilding

I have a worked out a script for posting content on high-rated sites as Guest Posting. Most of the publications are free. The author is subscribed at the bottom of the article with an active link to the project (yours one).

Work Includes:
- Content/Article creation. Unique article for each media to be published in.
- All of the process for cooperation with editors
- Final blockchain related article with a promotional link to your project

$50 per publication. No budget waste! Pay only for the result.

13  Economy / Services / [HIRE ME] 😈🚀 |Content ➕ Community ➕ Marketing Specialist| on: January 10, 2019, 01:40:04 PM
If you need work to be done ASAP & BEST.  

My skills were proven by clients of, and now I am an independent worker. Longterm cooperations or hourly tasks can be taken.

I'd like to help you with:

1️⃣ Content & Marketing Strategy, Development, and Advertisement: copywriting, Russian-English translations, social media marketing, targeted ads (turnkey).
2️⃣ Community & Bounty Management. Creative ways of promotion, no stupid campaigns.
3️⃣ Corporate Brand Identity & Packaging: name, logo, style, unique selling proposition, brandbook, brand association map.
4️⃣ Social Media Management: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Telegram, Vkontakte. Content plan and full creation, promotion, analytics.
5️⃣ Lead Generation Ads: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. A complete lead base created for your purposes.
6️⃣ Email Marketing: strategy, emails copywriting & design, analytics.  
7️⃣ Article & Blog Management: strategy, copywriting, setting up a turnkey process (in Trello, Asana, Basecamp) with your team or other freelancers.  
8️⃣ Marketing & Strategy consultation.
9️⃣A-Z Startup Packaging: Brand, Content, Advertisement, Community creation.  
1️⃣0️⃣ Niche & Competitors Analytics.
1️⃣1️⃣ Other work by arrangement.

Don't hesitate to drop me a message in Telegram @orlyho

14  Economy / Services / Re: ❤️ A-Z Project & MVP Development: 🌙 Moongrows Team on: December 28, 2018, 09:28:03 AM
The Background Of Moongrows
pt.3 Powerchain


Power engineering — one of the most important parts of daily life. More electricity is required to satisfy the ever-growing needs of the world economy, raising the demand for innovative resolutions in the industry.
Technology growth creates new forms of relations.
Logistical energy “curse” is the failure to deliver the demanded quantity of power to the consumer, without building a vertical hierarchy and managing the delivery system by generating and monitoring bodies. Till recently, there was a serious technological reason for that — inability to store energy for a long time and produce it there as much as it’s needed and then when it’s necessary to use.

Powerchain brings a solution
Decentralized blockchain ecosystem for energy storing and utilization. Makes power purchasing simpler and stabilizes the energy grid buffering energy. Now anyone can trade the electricity through the blockchain, being a virtual power plant.

Key features:

01 Buffering
Powerchain stimulates energy storage installation for using it to stabilize the power system. The energy storage used as electricity buffers shaves peaks and power grid fluctuations, and stabilize the frequency. Capacities of energy storage node are rented by project participants within the created ecosystem.

02 Utilization
Powerchain helps backup generators earn additional income sailing electricity to other ecosystem participants and using the opportunities for mining cryptocurrency. Reserve power plants will receive additional opportunities to sell electricity.

03 Clearing
Powerchain creates transparent and legitimate mechanisms of converting received reward from other ecosystem participants into fiat money. It creates the opportunity to conduct cross-border operations and eliminate geographical barriers for participants.


After 5 months, the client received a fully polished concept, formed brand, brandbook, and bulk of documents for project presentation including website, token economy model. The Client also got the specification for the Platform to develop and deploy, interfaces and user scenarios. Fully structured company with all contract needed to sell tokens.

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15  Economy / Services / Re: ❤️ A-Z Project & MVP Development: 🌙 Moongrows Team on: December 21, 2018, 10:22:09 AM
The Background Of Moongrows
pt.2 Powerchain

Project Development

After creating an image and a brand, choosing a logo, drawing up positioning, we proceeded with the Powerchain project’s packaging:
  • Developed White Paper;
  • Conducted analysis of competitors;
  • Made legal. Helped to structure the project;
  • Developed an agreement to purchase tokens;
  • Developed and launched a website;
  • Created the content & marketing strategy;
  • Launched targeted advertisement ads campaigns;
  • Start social media marketing work;
  • Created a video;
  • Formed advisory board;
  • Developed a game for iOS;
  • Developed a package of advertising documents (presentation, one-page);
  • Developed tokenomics and token economy model;
  • Developed a project economy;
  • Developed a whole bunch of documents, templates.
In addition, we have developed the Powerchain platform itself and are now ready for its implementation.


After 5 months, the client received a fully polished concept, formed brand, brandbook, and bulk of documents for project presentation including website, token economy model. The Client also got the specification for the Platform to develop and deploy, interfaces and user scenarios. Fully structured company with all contract needed to sell tokens.

Want to know about Moongrows further?
Subscribe by clicking "Notify" button in the upper right corner. Stay in touch!

16  Economy / Services / Re: 🌕 A-Z Project & MVP Development: 🌙 Moongrows Team on: December 19, 2018, 11:55:09 AM
The Background Of Moongrows
pt.1 Powerchain

Project Goal We Were To Achieve

Launch a global virtual power plant and to use Customer’s own technologies: Kinetic storage system and reactor.

We developed and polished the Powerchain Platform/Ecosystem idea, a global energy exchange based on smart contracts and built on the Ethereum blockchain. Together with Atlas Energy, we attracted a team of 9 modular companies for Powerchain Project implementation.

Want to know about Moongrows further?
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17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] ☀️☀️ Solar DAO - PV Solar Plants through crowdfunding ☀️☀️ on: January 18, 2018, 09:35:50 AM Partner, glad to introduce

As you know, our team will begin construction of the first PVS soon.
Cooperation with will help us not only to gain additional experience, but also to attract loan financing for projects.

Useful cooperation = successful Development
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] ☀️☀️ Solar DAO - PV Solar Plants through crowdfunding ☀️☀️ on: January 10, 2018, 08:35:29 AM
We remind everyone: For a faster answer please ask Solar DAO team in Telegram!
Join chat:
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] ☀️☀️ Solar DAO - PV Solar Plants through crowdfunding ☀️☀️ on: January 10, 2018, 08:31:08 AM
there is no bounty / airdrop campaign ? 

I thought this is an international project for international investors ?

let me know if you need german and turkish translations.


Yes. Solar DAO has no Bounties or Airdrops.
Thank you, will keep in mind.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] ☀️☀️ Solar DAO - PV Solar Plants through crowdfunding ☀️☀️ on: December 19, 2017, 07:14:51 AM
Tell me, on which exchanges will it be possible to sell or buy SDAO tokens after the ICO is over?

We are working and sending requests for many exchanges, then check their conditions.

For now you can use IDEX service
Check it:
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