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Начинай с баунти компаний, эейрдропов
На бинансе уже раздали супербиткоины, но вывод ещё не доступен.
Так как они изъяли биткоины? Это ж не наличка .Распечатки секретных ключей там что ли были? Или они их пытали )).
Да уж, как говориться, гены, пальцем не размажешь. 80 лет коммунизма дают о себе знать.
Переписка с друзьями? Так все давно в телеграме, в вайбере. Бесплатные фильмы? Сколько их можно уже смотреть. Каждый день новый фильм - надоело уже. Тоже самое с музыкой. Короч контакт нафиг не нужен, не жалею о запрете.
Украина не перестает удивлять!!!!!!!!! Уже надоели ей богу!
Ты дурачек? Зачем ты откапал эту новость 4-ых летней давности?
А почему нет? CME и CBOE крупные биржы, объемы там не маленькие. И всё это может зайти в биткоин.
думаю они так и будут лежать, ждать пока владелец не найдет ключи, либо пока не взломает кто-то другой) или навсегда останутся нетронутым запасом
Согласна, они останутся на счету, но разве нельзя через тех поддержку восстановить ключ? Если можно на других сайтах, то почему в кошельках нельзя? Тех. поддержка есть только в централизованных системах. В децентрализованных вся ответственность лежит на вас. Тут каждый сам себе банк.
Power Ledger is still in it's early stages. At the moment the POWR token is used as a kickerstarter for the Power Ledger company as a means to receive funds. There is nothing wrong with that, nor are they trying to hide it, it even says to on their website.
This entire craze about POWR only started because the Australian government gave Power Ledger an $8 million grant. Once that hit the news, people invested like crazy. It went up 400%. Now that the initial wave of POWR is over and Bitcoin itself saw an almost 50% increase in just 3 weeks, the Power Ledger company itself is caching out, as they need the cash to actually develop their product, which was their plan all along (again, nothing wrong with that and they mentioned that on their website).
For that reason POWR kept falling for the past week and will continue to fall for for another year.
The next increase in the value of POWR will not be for another 9-12 months. The power ledger company now has their cash injection that they were looking for, so now they can get to work. If they succeed with their plans, then in Q3 2018, they will start to advertise their service and roll out their products to their partners. If that happens, then we can see an increase in POWR again. If the company fails, then POWR will go bye bye for good. Until Q3 2018, POWR will continue declining, almost certainly back to it's initial flatline of 0.00003000 BTC
If you have invested at 0.00010000 BTC, then you're unlucky. If you need the cash during the next 12 months, then cash out now, cut your losses and try to regain it with other coins. If you don't mind holding on for a year, then just leave it there. If you think the Power Ledger company will fail or a competitor will beat them to their goal, then cash out now.
There is also rumors that Elon Musk is interested in Power Ledger, as it goes hand in hand with his vision for the future. There are 3 possibilities here. 1. Elon Musk invests into Power Ledger. Then the price will go up. 2. Elon Musk decides to become a competitor, then bye bye for good with POWR 3. Elon Musk does nothing with Power Ledger, neither invest nor compete.
As of right now, Power Ledger is just an idea, there is no product yet. It's just a company in Australia that has a vision. Over the next 12 months we will see if they will manage to make their vision come true.
Is this a high risk investment? Absolutely! Anyone investing into POWR is essentially funding a vision of a company that has not even created a prototype yet. They have no product, no partners, just $34 million in funding. So much can go wrong. But let's hope they will manage, so that in 1-2 years our investments will pay off.
Totally agree. They have nothing yet only intentions. intentions to make a better world. I bought at .75, have to sell I guess.
It only shows 10K at Korean exchanges. I wonder why
And how can we check that the adress has no PK?
I participate at NeoConnect air drop
"You exceed the amounts of token to purchase in the this round ICO" but no tokens buyed and BTC spent. What a site )))
Could you please explain to newbie why Bitcoin does not want to encraese block size? As i inderstood it will lead to my transactions wright in the block. Looks like good idea.
Why it is falling? Is there any bad news came out or something else?
1,5 dollars for coin? You are probably wnat to get to $25 before ICO ends?
Finally bought HB coins last night! Thank you guys! Hope you succeed.
I already regret that I made a deposit