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1  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Situs EdukasiBitcoin Pindah ke BitcoinMedia on: February 28, 2020, 09:09:08 AM
~ snip
Ane, selaku tukang sapu-sapu di dengan rendah hati tetap menerima kritik, saran membangun, dan opini terbuka.
Ini kang Adi ya?

Bagus tulisannya, sering baca-baca disitu. sampek aku juga ikut-ikutan bikin web sendiri, cuman masih kosong tulisan dan berharap ada relawan yang mau ikut nulis serius di web tersebut  Grin Cheesy .
2  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [INFO] Seputar Bitcoin Halving on: November 21, 2019, 06:12:02 AM
Saya mencoba ingin menambahkan jawaban dari om abhiseshakana terkait tentang harga pada saat terjadinya halving bitcoin, baik itu dilihat dari sebelum halving maupun sesudah halving. Setidaknya ada beberapa jawaban, meskipun hanya bersifat hipotesis saja.

1. Secara teori Halving pasti akan mempengaruhi sistem, baik supplay maupun reward seperti yang sudah dijelaskan diatas. Meskipun secara nilai finansial (harga) tidak ada urusannya, namun orang-orang akan berteori "reward untuk miner berkurang, jadi harga harus naik" atau "melihat tren sebelumnya mengalami kenaikan" ini logika sempit untuk seorang pedagang.
2. Harga bitcoin pada dasarnya ditentukan oleh sekelompok/banyak orang yang memegang bitcoin, dalam kata lain seperti hukum "Permintaan dan Penawaran", jadi selalu pegang teguh konsep dasarnya dulu.
3. Pada dasarnya bitcoin hanya sebagai alat bantu pembayaran, namun seiring perkembangan tren. bitcoin dijadikan sebagai obyek untuk mengumpulkan uang (investasi).
4. Para pemegang bitcoin saat ini diperkirakan adalah lembaga institusi (kebanyakan), artinya bahwa bisa jadi saat halving berlangsung ada lembaga yang menginginkan harga stabil karena ingin mengambil profit dari naik turun yang konstan karena menghindari resiko peperangan harga. Ada pula yang ingin berspekulasi mendongkrak harga, namun resiko profit dan loss semakin besar.
5. Terjadi pencuarian dan membuat kekacauan harga karena dijual dipasar.

Jadi, logikanya adalah harga murni ditentukan oleh pasar. Sedangkan sistem bitcoin bisa jadi ada pengembangan sehingga permasalahan reward bisa teratasi. Oh ya, beberapa hari lalu sempat membaca ada opini begini "Why Bitcoin’s Next ‘Halving’ May Not Pump the Price Like Last Time" jawabannya bisa Iya dan Tidak  Grin .

Jika anda berniat investasi bitcoin, kumpulkan saja dan jual saat lonjakan harga.
Namun, jika anda berdagang (trader), gunakan kedua analisa teknikal dan fundamental untuk memperolah profit.
~Cukup jadi pengingat
3  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Adakah cara untuk mempercepat adopsi bitcoin di Indonesia? on: July 30, 2019, 02:04:01 AM
Mempercepat Adopsi Bitcoin di Indonesia sebenarnya bisa-bisa saja, intinya berbasis komunitas. Fluktuasi sebuah nilai pada bitcoin juga bisa diupdate secara realtime. Mari berkaca dengan banyak komunitas yang ada diIndonesia, setiap kali event yang bersifat tradisional, tidak jarang mereka bertukar barang/makanan dengan menggunakan uang kayu yang mereka buat atau semacam bazar makanan yang mengharuskan pembayaran menggunakan kartu yang di topup pihak penyelenggara.

Nah, lalu bagaimana dengan bitcoin?

Mungkin dalam suatu event/pameran tentang teknologi, pengelola dapat membuat transaksi jual/beli barang menggunakan bitcoin dengan syarat ada layar yang selalu update harga. misalnya saya ada suatu event pameran teknologi, disana tersedia stand makanan/minuman dan tertera harga 2000 sat/31 juli 2019. Adapun cara legalitasnya bisa menggunakan perjanjian saat registrasi/pengumuman bahwa transaksi menggunakan bitcoin. Adapun izin untuk dapat terselenggara agar tidak menyalahi regulasi bisa melibatkan exchanger sebagai jaminan atas aset para pedagang.

Kemudian, kita tahu bahwa dunia mayantara adalah dunia saling percaya terhadap orang lain. Membuat kelompok-kelompok saling bertukar barang dengan jaminan bitcoin juga bisa jadi alternatif. Intinya adalah memanfaatkan komunitas terlebih dahulu. Adapun legalitas akan menemukan jawabannya ketika sudah banyak masyarakat saling percaya terhadap teknologi dan tau pasti cara menggunakannya.  Cheesy
4  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Perkenalan Bitcoin dimulai dari Facebook on: July 13, 2019, 05:06:24 AM
Saya yakin pertanyaan agan pebrian sahbana juga banyak ditanyakan oleh para member lain. sebab, jika melihat kenaikan bitcoin dari tahun ke tahun dapat dinarasikan begitu cantik oleh para marketing/makelar dalam bentuk investasi tabungan jangka panjang, bahkan jangka pendek juga ada.

Beberapa kali saya juga pernah ditanya teman-teman offline, begini kira-kira. "aku mau ikut investasi bitcoin, gmn caranya?" "klo investasi di xxxx, aman gak?" "ajarin cara bermain bitcoin" "aku nitip investasi bitcoin dong" dan banyak lagi lainnya. Nah, untuk pertanyaan agan. Memang saya tidak merekomendasikan untuk masuk, sebab resikonya sudah dijelaskan suhu-suhu diatas. kecuali agan berani menagih untuk membuat surat perjanjian yang isinya:
1. klausul pembayaran
2. klausul kerugian
3. klausul wanprestasi/ ingkar janji

Yang terpenting adalah "kenal manusianya", jika tidak kenal ya kembali kepada konsep kepercayaan dunia online ~Konsep Saling Percara antar Sesama~.
Aslinya juga tak jauh beda dengan iklan ini IKLAN
5  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apa Kabar Lightning Network? on: April 04, 2019, 07:07:11 AM
Kalau diperhatikan pada indonesia memang tidak memiliki server yang mau mengembangkan LN, sehingga jika di skinsut peta indo tidak menjamah jalur LN. btw, gambare nyeni bingit om.
6  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [DISKUSI] Apakah harga mata uang negara berubah, jika tidak ada bitcoin? on: March 29, 2019, 01:53:01 AM
Sebenarnya jika di fikir-fikir lagi, bitcoin tidak ada pengaruhnya dengan fiat manapun baik rupiah mapun dollar. Kenapa demikian?
Sebab dari segi perekonomian bitcoin tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alat pengerak ekonomi, hanya saja seolah-olah kita telah dibutakan dengan konsep pembaharuan mata uang berbasis digital. Padahal adopsinya belum segencar teknologi pembayaran lainnya. Misalnya saja paypal dan sebangsanya.

Jika dilihat dari rantai transaksi, bitcoin masih populer digunakan sebagai alat investasi. lantas jika dikaitkan dengan permasalahan yang agan Flansca uangkapkan, saya sendiri bisa menjawab "bitcoin tidak memiliki pengaruh sama sekali dengan fiat" dan sebaliknya.

Mungkin logikanya seperti ini:
Fiat = Alat transaksi pembayaran ---> terkontrol baik bank sentral, ekonomi dunia, dan negara.
Bitcoin = Alternatif pembayaran ----> terkontrol oleh pasar, strategi pertarungan investasi, dan legalitas (orang yang bertransaksi).
Fiat memiliki nilai yang cenderung stagnan karena terkontrol oleh kesepakatan (negara dan dunia) sedangkan bitcoin nilainya hanya terkontol oleh pasar, sedangkan metode transaksinya tidak terkontrol. jadi, kedunya akan berdiri sendiri-sendiri. Tolong di ingatkan jika saya salah.
7  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Who owns Bitcoin? on: March 05, 2019, 01:01:08 AM
The thread was made in 2016, but this is important for many people to know. Some countries use the basis of Anglo and civil law, the difference is codified and the logic of thinking of judges. But I think both of them have the same goal, namely the logic of thinking. So, if there is a legal dispute for the owner of bitcoin it will be easy to solve. Because bitcoin technology is a proven mathematical logic, there are many examples of people claiming to be satosi but they are not legally proven to be owners of bitcoin.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin as a better store of value than gold on: March 04, 2019, 02:55:26 AM
I currently believe that the value of bitcoin is better than gold, but bitcoin still has a high risk of gold. Gold has physical value and has the benefit of transmitting electricity to electronic devices. While bitcoin adoption is still little used as payment, so the value depends on the trader. The big question is whether everyone will agree with the decentralized payment system?
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Warren Buffet statement again on: March 03, 2019, 05:34:19 AM
Buffet thinks that what's valuable is blockchain technology, but he doesn't think if the blockchain without a crypto device has no meaning or value. Buffet also does not think about how the process of bitcoin travel can be trusted by everyone so that the bitcoin network continues to grow. I haven't heard of a cryptocurrency network as well as bitcoin, even though market prices can be manipulated but this technology remains transparent. Maybe Buffet can create crypto itself for its business network, but the level of security will not be able to keep up with the bitcoin network.
10  Economy / Economics / Re: Bull VS Bear Markets, How Do You Tell The Difference!? on: February 27, 2019, 03:59:29 PM
I'm sure everyone's answer can be justified, but logically that the market decline and market increase starts from the order point you make. when you trade you have to know where you are right now. The entire trading chart is only a past story, so you should see the potential for increase and potential for a logical decline. I realize this is not easy, but this can be an important note to determine your trading position at the starting point.
11  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Trading based on BitMEX Statistics on: February 27, 2019, 03:52:09 PM
Interesting video. I wonder though, can you really use these Bitmex data in live trading? The guy is showing us the Bitmex open interest indicator along with liquidation data but he is doing that in hindsight. What I've learned the hard way is that, when you look back in time, it is super easy to identify these entries and it all looks smooth and easy. However, it is very hard to repeat that in live trading and identify these entry points because you never know whether these massive liquidations will lead to reversal or to continuation of trend. So I would like to see something like that video only in live trading this time.
I am actually not sure that the historical chart of bitcoin can be used as a basis for market recovery, although theoretically based on the technical analysis it is justified. But the liquidity on each trader chart must be different, then what makes the history of bitcoin trading a role model for traders today.
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Binance CEO Paints a Rosy Picture on: February 27, 2019, 03:45:16 PM
Changpeng Zhao says that the crypto space is in a better place than in 2018.
Is he reporting on the green shoots of recovery, or is this hot air intended to keep his exchange solvent?

It's true, I also see that there is a potential above $ 25K based on technical analysis. That potential continues to grow confident when a lot of positive news about crypto and several financial companies have begun to open their minds from the crypto bad perception. I also agree with Changpeng's statement, although there are still signs of a decline for now. The market will experience a sideways, then it will jump.
13  Economy / Economics / Re: Who controls the market? on: February 27, 2019, 03:37:58 PM
Remember, ~snip~

in fact the market is based on rising and falling demand and supply which can cause coins to rise or fall, but according to my friend there are now many markets that use fake volumes and the original ones are in binance

Do you have real evidence, that binance manipulates trade and volume fraud? I think otherwise, binance is now a favorite market for traders. In fact, I saved all my assets there to trade. It's easy to keep track of the original volume or volume fraudster, ie you can make several orders on crypto that have medium volume. If you make a buy order and sell order also increases, then there is a possibility of trading bots, and vice versa.
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Adoption Spreading Fast In The Automotive Industry on: February 27, 2019, 03:27:53 PM
Is this news accountable? In terms of profits for dealers, it is not very attractive unless they want to hold bitcoin for a long time. It was bold speculation, but when many automotive companies began to adopt bitcoin or altcoin it meant that they already had very mature calculations.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 2008 financial crisis with bitcoin? on: February 27, 2019, 04:29:32 AM
The financial crisis scenario in the world is a project to attack each other between countries, If all countries have difficulty transferring money between countries, it is likely that crypto can be an alternative means of digital payment. Because the only crypto has no supervision and everyone is free to access, so the financial crisis allows crypto and gold to replace the existing fiat functions.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Will Crypto mass adoption of crypto stabalize the prices? on: February 27, 2019, 01:41:34 AM
Your statement for mass adoption does have a number of possibilities. The first possibility is the opportunity for bitcoin to rise uncontrollably. Because there will be no authority that oversees and suppresses the value of bitcoin and after the market rises it will be accompanied by a decline in the wild. The second possibility is that the market experiences stability because mass adoption is usually accompanied by rules or legality. Therefore many people will agree to make the value of bitcoin stable. The third possibility is that the market will experience a sideways.
17  Economy / Speculation / Re: A chance for Bitcoin to rise! on: February 26, 2019, 08:56:08 AM
Why does everyone say that the increase in bitcoin is based on trading activities, even though many of the traders kill each other. When bitcoin goes down, everyone panics will lose their money. If the whole person thinks the same it will result in a massive market decline. Maybe when this is the best time to buy, I see a potential long-term increase.
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Well-researched bitcoin article by SeekingAlpha pointing out interesting data on: February 25, 2019, 03:38:23 AM
Another important statement is that Bitcoin is not for everyone, so I think it's true that bitcoin in the future is not used as an instant payment for everyone but as a digital wealth asset for various companies or individuals. So bitcoin will only be traded like a commodity. if it continues it will not be forever valuable because the bitcoin network will only be manipulated by companies and institutions. Even so, I am still optimistic that there will be bitcoin developers in the future to change the bitcoin network more effectively for payments and easy to use for everyone.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is completely legal in at least 111 countries, and illegal in only 10 on: February 23, 2019, 10:27:37 AM
I don't know how accurate this statistics ~snip~
the information provided by that site is not that accurate but the overall stat is pretty much what the title is saying. the site is mostly reporting from news sites and many of them are unreliable articles which is why it is not accurate.
as for the attitude I have to say it has never been negative towards bitcoin in general. at worst it was skeptical and a warning-like approach in most countries. and slowly it turned into acceptance in majority if them.

Right. Some of the sites that are referred to are news sites with low trust, even the information they get is not perfect. I have checked more than 50% of these sites, the information obtained by coindance has a good confirmation system and tries to be discussed by several experts.

Most crypto users are those who do not know the legality document, even this forum is dominated by students. So they prefer to link online media rather than official state documents or cryptocurrency use laws. So, I think the statistics are acceptable with logic, even though the update is late.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The big picture they've all been missing on: February 20, 2019, 01:15:08 AM
All crypto requires Bitcoin, why? the logic is that every crypto made through ICO or IPO sales is bought with bitcoin or ethereum. But most people prefer bitcoin to save their funds, so the bitcoin network will never go out. Even though prices tend to go up and down, I'm sure it's part of the dynamics to keep bitcoin alive.
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