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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / If Bitcoin could speak ... on: March 23, 2024, 05:18:28 PM
If Bitcoin could speak, what tales of adventure and intrigue from the digital realm would it share with us, revealing the hidden secrets of its journey through the vast expanse of the blockchain?
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change? on: March 23, 2024, 05:12:45 PM
While Bitcoin itself doesn't directly influence climate change, there are concerns surrounding the energy consumption associated with Bitcoin mining. The process of mining Bitcoin requires substantial computational power, which in turn demands significant amounts of electricity. This electricity often comes from non-renewable sources, leading to greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to climate change. However, the extent of Bitcoin's environmental impact varies depending on factors such as the energy source used, mining hardware efficiency, and operational location. Efforts within the cryptocurrency community aim to address these concerns by promoting sustainability, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and improving mining hardware efficiency. Thus, while Bitcoin may not directly change climate change, its energy-intensive mining activities raise important environmental considerations.
Does Bitcoin have the potential to impact climate change?
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Launched a cybersecurity bitcoin product. Looking for feedback on: March 23, 2024, 03:49:12 PM
Creating a vault using the existing Bitcoin protocol without relying on covenants is indeed a challenging task, but it's possible to implement some protective measures using multisignature (multisig) wallets and time-locked transactions. Below is simplified approach for additional security!

Multisignature Wallet: Set up a multisig wallet that requires multiple signatures (e.g., two out of three) to authorize transactions. This means that even if one set of keys is compromised, the attacker would still need access to the other set of keys to spend funds from the wallet.

Time-Locked Transactions: Implement time-locked transactions to add an extra layer of security. Time-locked transactions can only be spent after a certain period has elapsed. By setting a delay on outgoing transactions, you give yourself time to react in case of a security breach.

Emergency Recovery Transactions: Prepare emergency recovery transactions as your "countermeasures." These are additional signed transactions that you keep securely stored in a separate location, such as a safety deposit box or with a trusted friend or family member. These emergency recovery transactions can be used to reclaim your funds in case of a compromise or loss of access to your primary keys.

Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor the activity in your wallet for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity. Set up alerts or notifications to notify you of any unusual behavior.

Education and Awareness: Educate yourself and others about best practices for securing Bitcoin wallets, including the importance of storing private keys securely and being vigilant against phishing attacks and malware.

It's important to note that while these measures can enhance the security of your Bitcoin holdings, they are not foolproof, and there is always some level of risk involved. Additionally, implementing these measures may require a certain level of technical expertise, so it's essential to thoroughly understand the process and seek assistance if needed. Overall, by combining multisig wallets, time-locked transactions, emergency recovery transactions, regular monitoring, and education, you can create a more resilient and secure Bitcoin storage solution without relying on covenants.
4  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Pairs of matching n-values in secp256k1 with changed b-values on: March 23, 2024, 03:38:03 PM
One possible explanation for this phenomenon could be related to the modular arithmetic used in elliptic curve cryptography. Since all operations (addition, multiplication, etc.) are performed modulo a prime number
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: local bitcoin alternative on: March 23, 2024, 03:34:54 PM
Hello everyone,

Following the closure of I looked for solutions nothing good, so I decided to code a small site to help the community for people looking to buy bitcoins physically with real sellers etc ... it's a classifieds site, it can be a person, a store it can be anything here I hope it helps the community, good day to all.

To buy bitcoins physically and locally, there is

I appreciate all the comments to improve my site be indulgent, I do this voluntarily for the community.

Best all,

  That sounds like a great initiative! Creating a platform to facilitate local Bitcoin transactions can indeed be very helpful for the community, especially in the absence of popular platforms like By providing a classifieds-style website where individuals and businesses can connect to buy and sell Bitcoins locally, you're offering a valuable service that can foster trust and convenience for users. This can be particularly beneficial for those who prefer face-to-face transactions or who may not have access to traditional online exchanges.

Here are a few suggestions to ensure the success and safety of your platform:

User Verification: Implement a user verification system to ensure the identity and legitimacy of both buyers and sellers. This can include email verification, phone verification, or even ID verification for high-value transactions.

Secure Communication: Provide a secure messaging system within the platform to allow buyers and sellers to communicate safely without sharing personal contact information until they're ready to meet in person.

Transaction Escrow: Consider implementing an escrow service where Bitcoins are held in escrow until both parties confirm the completion of the transaction. This helps prevent scams and ensures that both parties fulfill their obligations.

User Ratings and Reviews: Allow users to rate and review each other based on their transaction experiences. This helps build trust within the community and allows users to make informed decisions when choosing who to transact with.

Security Measures: Implement robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to the platform. This includes encryption, regular security audits, and staying up-to-date with the latest security best practices.

Legal Compliance: Ensure that your platform complies with relevant laws and regulations regarding financial transactions and data protection in your jurisdiction.

By prioritizing user safety, trust, and convenience, your platform has the potential to become a valuable resource for the Bitcoin community. Best of luck with your project, and I hope it brings positive benefits to the users it serves!
6  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Nonce k, k+1 python code on: March 23, 2024, 03:31:09 PM
Hello friends. Inspired by the table on iceland's rsz, I created code in phyton for the cases where k,k+1...k+m. Since there is no such example whose private key I know, I ask you to check it. If it works, I will publish it on github. As far as I can see, there is no such resource, we can all benefit from it. Can anyone who sees it please check it out and give their opinions?

def h(n):
    return hex(n).replace("0x","")

def extended_gcd(aa, bb):
    lastremainder, remainder = abs(aa), abs(bb)
    x, lastx, y, lasty = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while remainder:
        lastremainder, (quotient, remainder) = remainder, divmod(lastremainder, remainder)
        x, lastx = lastx - quotient*x, x
        y, lasty = lasty - quotient*y, y
    return lastremainder, lastx * (-1 if aa < 0 else 1), lasty * (-1 if bb < 0 else 1)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = extended_gcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise ValueError
    return x % m
N = 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141

R1 = 0x49bf1b1c8364c4179bd82a3be28b1a326c2c1b2d120c3264865ecbc4dbaed4b3
S1 = 0x4ad0d60d72880bf0a51d88d0d5138ffa3593273bd0b3d48a5afe04023db9c2c9
Z1 = 0x1362d682d8872a0451e5f0d86f743a62bf0730b57ddddc901668d837cbfa2f48
R2 = 0x00ad7991e3b3d36f6f17a22fad1faddc53e7c124e5b6626db172c79299fce5cfb6
S2 = 0x10ecd8352675027f74edc18180ac083d75a1488497c6c3078a5966015514ac46
Z2 = 0xfec02a5d53eb20a6e470b7c321e0da83ea6d677f600f67033abf4b0e6b8745aa
m = 1

print (h(((S2*m*R1 + Z1*R2 - Z2*R1) * (S1*R2 - S2*R1)^(-1)) % N))

  Syntax Error: There is a syntax error in the last line of your code. The ^ operator is used for bitwise XOR in Python, but it seems you intended to use it for exponentiation. For exponentiation, you should use **.

Incorrect usage of ^: Even after fixing the syntax error, using ^ for exponentiation won't work as intended. In Python, the correct operator for exponentiation is **.

Missing division function: The division in the last line of your code should be a modular division, but it's currently missing. You'll need to implement a modular division function to ensure correctness.

code: print(h(((S2 * m * R1 + Z1 * R2 - Z2 * R1) * modinv(S1 * R2 - S2 * R1, N)) % N))
7  Economy / Economics / Unveiling Potential: My Journey into Crypto Investment on: March 23, 2024, 03:22:32 PM
In the heart of a bustling city, I found myself seated at my desk, surrounded by the hum of fluorescent lights and the chatter of coworkers. Despite the semblance of routine, a nagging feeling of financial insecurity weighed heavily on my mind. Bills piled up, debts loomed large, and my dreams seemed further out of reach with each passing day. One fateful evening, as I mindlessly scrolled through my social media feed, an article caught my eye – a glimpse into the world of cryptocurrencies. Intrigued yet skeptical, I delved deeper into the rabbit hole of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the dizzying array of digital assets. Questions swirled in my mind as I grappled with the legitimacy of this new form of money. Despite my reservations, I made a decision. With cautious optimism, I dipped my toes into the world of crypto investment, allocating a portion of my savings into Bitcoin. Doubt lingered, casting a shadow over my actions, but I pushed forward, fueled by a glimmer of hope for financial freedom. As days turned into weeks, and then months, my investment remained stagnant. Anxiety gnawed at me, tempting me to cut my losses and retreat to the safety of traditional investments. But something within me urged me to hold on, to believe in the potential of cryptocurrencies despite the uncertainty. With determination as my guiding force, I immersed myself in learning everything I could about blockchain technology and the intricacies of cryptocurrency markets. I devoured articles, attended webinars, and engaged with online communities, slowly but surely gaining confidence in my abilities as an investor. And then, the breakthrough came. The crypto market began to soar, and my investments grew exponentially. What had once seemed like a risky gamble transformed into a beacon of hope, illuminating a path towards financial independence that I had only dared to dream of. But my journey was far from smooth sailing. The volatile nature of the crypto market tested my resolve, and there were moments when fear threatened to paralyze me. Yet, with each obstacle I faced, I emerged stronger and more resilient, armed with the knowledge that I held the power to shape my own destiny.
Today, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and belief in oneself. My journey from doubt to triumph serves as a reminder that even in the face of uncertainty, there is potential waiting to be unveiled. And as I look towards the future, I do so with courage in my heart and the unwavering belief that I have the power to navigate whatever challenges lie ahead, one investment at a time.
8  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: March 23, 2024, 02:24:03 PM
U nedavnoj regulatornoj promjeni, Europska unija (EU) zabranila je transakcije kriptovalutama bilo koje vrijednosti putem neidentificiranih samoposlužnih kripto novčanika. Ova promjena je dio novih provedenih propisa o sprječavanju pranja novca (AML) u regiji.
Prema objavi Patricka Breyera, člana Europskog parlamenta za njemačku Piratsku stranku, većina vodeće komisije EU parlamenta podržala je zabranu 19. ožujka.
Važno je napomenuti da je dr. Breyer jedan od dva člana Parlamenta koji su se protivili ovoj odobrenoj odluci. Drugi je bio Gunnar Beck, zastupnik stranke Alternativa za Njemačku (AfD). Zabrana kriptovalutnih plaćanja odnosi se posebno na neregistrirane novčanike koje pružaju pružatelji usluga (hostirani novčanici), obuhvaćajući samoposlužne novčanike putem mobilnih, stolnih ili internetskih aplikacija.

Nedavni zakon o sprječavanju pranja novca posebno zabranjuje određene granice za gotovinske transakcije i anonimna plaćanja kriptovalutama. Prema tim propisima, gotovinske transakcije koje prelaze 10.000 € i anonimna gotovinska plaćanja iznad 3.000 € bit će proglašena nezakonitima.
Očekuje se da će odobrene zakonske mjere biti u potpunosti operativne u roku od tri godine od njihovog stupanja na snagu. Međutim, irska odvjetnička tvrtka Dillon Eustace očekuje da će se ovi zakoni potpuno primjenjivati prije uobičajenog vremenskog okvira za provedbu.

Fundamentalno, mnoge kriptovalutne mreže funkcioniraju unutar dozvoljenih okruženja, omogućavajući bilo kome da stvori kriptografski privatni ključ i pružajući neograničen pristup sustavu.
Ovo svojstvo leži u osnovi temeljnih načela kriptovaluta, nudeći inkluzivniji, oslobođeniji i pravedniji financijski sustav koji ne diskriminira svoje korisnike ni na koji način.
Stručnjaci i zagovornici slobode smatraju da je nedavno odobrenje udarac protiv financijske slobode i temeljnih ljudskih prava. Njemački MEP Patrick Breyer protivi se zakonu tvrdeći da kompromitira ekonomsku neovisnost i financijsku privatnost. Smatra da je anonimno obavljanje transakcija temeljno pravo.
Sektor kriptovaluta, poznat po naglasku na privatnosti i decentralizaciji, kritički je reagirao na regulatorne mjere EU. Ovi novi propisi izazvali su miješane reakcije, pri čemu neki vjeruju da su novi zakoni o sprječavanju pranja novca potrebni, dok drugi strahuju da bi mogli ugroziti privatnost i ometati gospodarsku aktivnost.

Daniel "Loddi" Tröster, voditelj podcasta Sound Money Bitcoin, istaknuo je praktične prepreke i posljedice nedavne zakonodavne promjene, elaborirajući utjecaj na donacije i šire implikacije za korištenje kriptovaluta unutar EU. Izrazio je zabrinutost zbog -efekta gusenja- koje bi ove mjere mogle imati. Važno je napomenuti da samoposlužne transakcije nisu pogođene novim zakonom.

Pitanje je da li ce nova regulativa pozitivno i li negativno utjecati na buducnost kriptovaluta...

9  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling can bring positivity and light into people's lives on: March 23, 2024, 01:43:00 PM
1.Winning Life-Changing Prizes: For some individuals, a significant win in gambling can change their lives for the better. There are numerous stories of people winning large jackpots in lotteries or casinos, allowing them to
    pay off debts, support their families, start businesses, or pursue lifelong dreams. These instances of financial windfalls can bring newfound stability, happiness, and opportunities into the lives of winners.
Numerous? Do you mean rare? And some of them we didn't know if they were real. Lotteries are mostly government-controlled gambling and due to the privacy that the winner wants, we don't have any idea if there's a real winner or not.
When it comes to online gambling, it's also rare to see gambler who will offer a testimony that it's a life-changing feat for them. Most of the time the stories are how they lost.
3. Boosting Confidence and Skill Development: In games of skill like poker or blackjack, success often relies on strategy, calculation, and decision-making. Some individuals find that mastering these games boosts their
    confidence and sharpens their analytical skills. Additionally, achieving success in competitive gambling can instill a sense of accomplishment and pride, leading to improved self-esteem and personal growth.
Okay, I would have to agree with this. Somehow in sports betting, I have learned a lot of things and I am not like the same person before who would just bet for the favorite if I feel to. I would definitely try to read a bunch of things first like statistics, history, number of wins, matchups, and more.
I guess that boosted my perspective in sports gambling and I don't just bet randomly.

4.Supporting Charitable Causes: Many gambling activities, such as charity poker tournaments or raffles, are organized to support various charitable causes. Participating in these events allows individuals to enjoy gambling
    while also contributing to the betterment of society. Winning in such contexts not only brings joy to the individual but also benefits those in need, thereby spreading positivity within communities.
Well, this is not just for the charities. Whenever a business offers a charity or they have an organization there's a chance they will deduct something from your tax so that you will keep on giving away to the charity.
    By numerous i mean numerous but confidental. While some gambling winners do choose to share their stories with the world, many others opt for anonymity for various personal, security, or legal reasons.
One example out of the many is Investing in crypto. iT is also some kind of gambling and you will not hear their stories after they become a whales because thaT woulD compromise their portofolio and  financial security.
10  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling can bring positivity and light into people's lives on: March 23, 2024, 01:03:48 PM
It's true, gambling has a lot good effects to anyone, but most people didn't realize with that and choose to blame gambling.

the gamblers, they will gets fun while gambling.
the casinos and employees, they will gets money because they're work in the casino.
the government, they will gets money because they tax it.
the non-gamblers, they will enjoy more facility because the government spend the money they collects for the country.

*colored text, special for @OP. Tongue

Changed the colors  Smiley Smiley Smiley Wink
11  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Gambling can bring positivity and light into people's lives on: March 23, 2024, 01:02:34 PM
This forum is not for kids. Why the colors? You can just bold it or ink it with black instead or use the same color like Blue or navy blue.

seeking help if it begins to have negative consequences.
Addicts have one goal, which is to make money from gambling. Once they realize that it will only take from them more money, that would be the start to quit the addiction.

Thanks for the advice for fonts and colors.
12  Other / Serious discussion / 20 individuals who have been speculated to be Satoshi Nakamoto! Your opinions?? on: March 23, 2024, 12:53:48 PM
20 individuals who have been speculated to be Satoshi Nakamoto:

Wei Dai: Computer engineer and cypherpunk known for his contributions to cryptography and digital currency.

Adam Back: British computer scientist and cryptographer known for his work on hashcash, a proof-of-work system.

Gavin Andresen: Software developer heavily involved in the early development of Bitcoin and designated by Satoshi Nakamoto as the lead developer.

Nick Szabo: Computer scientist known for his work in digital currencies and smart contracts, proposed the concept of "bit gold."

David Chaum: Pioneer in cryptography and digital privacy, known for his invention of cryptographic protocols such as blind signatures.

Hal Finney: Cryptographer and programmer who was one of the earliest users of Bitcoin and recipient of the first Bitcoin transaction.

Dorian Nakamoto: Japanese-American computer engineer who gained attention after being falsely identified as Satoshi Nakamoto by Newsweek.

Craig Wright: Australian entrepreneur who has claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, but his claims have been met with skepticism.

Elon Musk: Co-founder and CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX, often associated with Bitcoin and the crypto community.

Vitalik Buterin: Co-founder of Ethereum, one of the most prominent cryptocurrencies, but there's no substantial evidence linking him to Satoshi Nakamoto.

Charlie Lee: Creator of Litecoin, a popular cryptocurrency often referred to as the "silver to Bitcoin's gold."

John McAfee: Software developer and founder of McAfee antivirus software, known for his involvement in the cryptocurrency space.

Paul Le Roux: Former programmer and criminal mastermind who has been speculated to be Satoshi Nakamoto due to his technical expertise.

Julian Assange: Founder of WikiLeaks, some have speculated that Assange's technical skills and interest in privacy could make him a candidate.

Timothy C. May: Cypherpunk and co-founder of the cypherpunk mailing list, known for his advocacy of privacy and encryption technologies.

Nick Clegg: Former Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and current Vice President of Global Affairs at Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook).

Satoshi Nakamoto: Some speculate that Satoshi Nakamoto is a collective pseudonym representing a group of individuals rather than a single person.

Edward Snowden: Former CIA employee and whistleblower, known for his leaks exposing government surveillance programs.

Dennis Ritchie: Computer scientist and creator of the C programming language, some speculate that his technical expertise could make him a candidate.

Nikolai Durov: Co-founder of Telegram Messenger, known for his interest in cryptography and privacy-focused technologies.

It's important to note that these individuals are speculative candidates, and there is no conclusive evidence linking any of them to the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

What is your opinion on the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin? Do you believe Satoshi is an individual, a group of people, or something else entirely? Why do you think there is so much speculation surrounding Satoshi's identity? Thank you for sharing your opinions!

13  Economy / Gambling discussion / Gambling can bring positivity and light into people's lives on: March 23, 2024, 11:12:57 AM
While gambling is often associated with negative consequences, there are instances where it has brought positivity and light into people's lives. Here are a few cases:

1.Winning Life-Changing Prizes: For some individuals, a significant win in gambling can change their lives for the better. There are numerous stories of people winning large jackpots in lotteries or casinos, allowing them to
    pay off debts, support their families, start businesses, or pursue lifelong dreams. These instances of financial windfalls can bring newfound stability, happiness, and opportunities into the lives of winners.

1. Bonding and Socialization: For many, gambling serves as a form of entertainment and socialization. Whether it's a friendly poker game among friends, a night out at the casino with loved ones, or participating in
    community bingo events, gambling can foster bonds and create lasting memories. These social interactions can improve mental well-being, reduce stress, and strengthen relationships.

3. Boosting Confidence and Skill Development: In games of skill like poker or blackjack, success often relies on strategy, calculation, and decision-making. Some individuals find that mastering these games boosts their
    confidence and sharpens their analytical skills. Additionally, achieving success in competitive gambling can instill a sense of accomplishment and pride, leading to improved self-esteem and personal growth.

4.Supporting Charitable Causes: Many gambling activities, such as charity poker tournaments or raffles, are organized to support various charitable causes. Participating in these events allows individuals to enjoy gambling
    while also contributing to the betterment of society. Winning in such contexts not only brings joy to the individual but also benefits those in need, thereby spreading positivity within communities.

5. Overcoming Adversity: In rare cases, gambling has served as a means for individuals to overcome adversity or hardship. Some people facing difficult circumstances have turned to gambling as a source of hope or
    escapism. While this may not always lead to positive outcomes, there are instances where individuals have used gambling as a catalyst for personal transformation, resilience, and recovery.

It's important to recognize that while gambling can bring light into some people's lives[/size][/size][/size][/size][/color], these instances are not representative of the overall impact of gambling. For many individuals, gambling poses significant risks, including addiction, financial loss, and strained relationships. Therefore, it's essential to approach gambling with caution and moderation, seeking help if it begins to have negative consequences. Smiley

What are your examples of how gambling has positively impacted your lives, and how do these instances contrast with the common negative perceptions surrounding gambling?
14  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Koji bi bio najbolji BTC+ALT coin novčanik ? on: March 23, 2024, 11:00:07 AM
Electrum: Electrum je popularan open-source novčanik za Bitcoin koji podržava zamjenu Bitcoina za druge kriptovalute putem integracije s raznim decentraliziranim burzama. Nudi pristojne naknade i ne zahtijeva KYC. Electrum je bio na tržištu već dugi niz godina i smatra se pouzdanim izborom.

Samourai Wallet: Samourai Wallet je fokusiran na privatnost i anonimnost te podržava Bitcoin. Iako je njegova funkcionalnost ograničena na Bitcoin, pruža mogućnost zamjene Bitcoina za druge kriptovalute putem integriranih usluga. Samourai Wallet također ne zahtijeva KYC i razvija se kao open-source projekt.

Wasabi Wallet: Wasabi Wallet je još jedan novčanik koji je usmjeren na privatnost i anonimnost, a podržava samo Bitcoin. Iako ne omogućuje izravnu razmjenu za druge kriptovalute, možete koristiti njegovu integraciju s decentraliziranim burzama za zamjenu Bitcoina. Wasabi Wallet također ne zahtijeva KYC i otvoren je kod.

Green Wallet (by Blockstream): Green Wallet je novčanik koji nudi visoku razinu sigurnosti i privatnosti. Iako podržava samo Bitcoin, možete koristiti usluge decentraliziranih burzi za razmjenu Bitcoina za druge kriptovalute. Green Wallet ne zahtijeva KYC i razvija ga Blockstream, pouzdana tvrtka u kriptovalutnom prostoru.

Nadam se da samo pomogao u odabiru. Svakako još malo istrazi i odaberi sto ti najvise odgovara. Ja osobno koristim Electrum i zadovoljan sam istim. Lp.
15  Economy / Services / Re: Yocoin Sig campaign(Change to new sig code) on: March 18, 2018, 10:44:27 PM
Btctalk name : herecomesjohnny
Rank : Member
Current Post count : 174
Btc Address :  1FAxoDUNnYn1mbBx6tkMrzH67sBUYmWt1f
Wear Appropriate signature : Yes
Wear Avatar : No
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Why did people get involved in bitconnect? on: March 12, 2018, 09:05:56 PM
Bitconnect looked like a pyramid scheme from early on, and it had a ton of warning signs. If you missed the fact even a ton of people on youtube told everyone that bit connect was a scam, so you didn't even need to notice it yourself.

I want to know why people got involved while knowing that it was a HORRIBLE scam from early on?

Humans are greedy and hungry for the money. In this world where the money is the spinning wheel that turns the world around the false promises that look absolutely fantastic to the individuals can be very attractive to the same. Bitconnect promises and plans were too good to be true but this certain type of the people in the search for the easy profit is not worried about the possible scams. For them, the scam is something that will not touch them! These type of the people are actually the ones that were hoping to get on the in another train like the Bitcoin investors in 2010 did.

Even if the reveal has shaken the investors there will still be a lot of more projects and coins that will attract these greedy types of people because of the easy profit smell that is unavoidable for them.
17  Economy / Economics / Re: Know your limits! on: March 12, 2018, 09:00:10 PM
A lot of people are trying to copy the progress and advances of the big whales which are putting their tutorials of the proper investing everywhere on the web. The problem is that a lot of this advice come from the false millionaires which have just copied someone else advice an showed it to the crowd. Many newbies are attracted by the bits of advice which are promising the easy profit in the crypto market.

Newbies can in most cases be disillusioned because of their own unknowledge. Everyone that is investing in the crypto should know his/her own limits and only invest the balance that he/her can afford to lose. Investment is risky and not knowing the limits is fatal as the OP said.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: How do you screen ICO projects, what do you look at? on: March 12, 2018, 06:37:51 PM
every day and now I just go to ico rating site, pick something that does not have high hardcap, look sentiment at twitter, reduce the noise and decide based on what I finding.

Even then you could end with a wrong ICO investment if you didn't analyze every detail. With every new day, scammy developers are getting more smarter based on the fellow colleague scammer mistakes with another ICO projects. They can successfully hide their shady intentions with the highly organized plan, greatly written whitepaper, false market cap and the best of all, the false advisors. These factors can all be masked for the investor to not realize he has been cheated till the middle of the campaign.

Now or then there is some good ICO project but with the mass of the false projects, I am getting tired of the finding the proper project.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: When Will The Crypto Market Come Out Of This Downturn? on: March 12, 2018, 06:25:53 PM
I have noticed looking back over the statistics through the years that between Jan - March there has been a genuine downturn trend in the crypto markets. We have already had Chinese New Year and multiple hack attempts at such exchanges at Binance, is this the current status-quo now? Will Crypto markets never see the highs of December 2017? My question to my fellow community members is as follows:

When will we see the next surge? Is now the time to buy into alts, BTC and ETH? Are there any indicators such as Hard Forks or new legislation coming in that will transcend Crypto to new heights or back to old lows?

Everyone will tell you different opinions and predictions but it is up to you to decide is it worth investing in coins right now. You thoroughly explained everything right in your thread so you already gave the answer to yourself. The market has experienced many falls through the years and this fall will turn into the rise within the current month.

You have analyzed the chart flawlessly but don't question the possible highs. They will come again you must just be patient to keep enough of the portfolio to relieve that high.
20  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Will Bitcoin become a daily currency??? on: March 12, 2018, 06:18:58 PM
No, it is just used now as a store of value, and for trading to make money. It cannot be used in daily life because of confirmation speed etc. It will take time for daily currency usage.

With time maybe the option for the usage as the daily currency will become available. With time transaction speed, high fees and everything else that still has the flaws will be improved. Lastly, the value of the Bitcoin needs to be increased for the people to use it as a daily currency and finally it must be approved by the countries that will support that implementation into everyday society.

There is still much to do for the improvement of the Bitcoin as such and till everything improves and people start seeing the true potential of the Bitcoin it will remain as a store of value.
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