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The encrypted world is not short of funds. If bitcoin price is less than $3000, whale will soon buy it. I think the lowest price this year is 5K-6K. As long as bitcoin is amended, it will go up quickly.
It depends on your risk tolerance, and investing in bitcoin is the best way to make a profit. If you can take a risk of losing $12000, you can choose ICO or invest in some new coins.
EOS is still a token of the Ethereum smart contract, but it will soon launch its own main chain. I've just watched the EOS page today, which will be released on time in the next month. Let's look forward to a more efficient and more scalable EOS than ETH.
I plan to get 10 bitcoins through investment this year, and my investment is 2 bitcoins. Unfortunately, I only have one bitcoin left. It's really bad. I don't know how to get ban now.
The transaction cost of bitcoin is really high, especially when you do small transactions. However, I do not think bitcoin is worthless, because the price of bitcoin will become higher and higher as the basis of all coins.
Investing in low - market coins is not a good way, many low - market coins are huge, and often the project team will keep a lot of coins, which can easily cause the exchange to dump. Besides, judging whether a project is good or bad is not based on low market value. What we should observe is the development potential of this project.
If a coin has a lot of community support, the coin will develop rapidly. We can take a look at DASH, BTS and XVG. A new project, if the community develops well, the distribution of tokens is not easy to be sold, and the price will be higher and higher.
Yes, I participated in ICO of a project last year. It's really a panic. Many people ask the telegraph team for the future of the DAV project, and I think most of the projects will have this situation after the bounty is distributed, and many bounty hunters will be dumped after entering the exchange.
The price of Waves is very reasonable now, and I always keep this coin in my portfolio. With the expansion of the community, the use of Waves will be more extensive. This will be a long-term value investment.
The market has been falling for the most recent time. This time to invest in altcoin is really too risky. I think we should think about buying altcoin after the market falls smoothly.
Yes, nothing is impossible. You are a very good person and a very optimistic person, although it is not a lot of money but it will be a good travel experience.
I suggest you don't look for books related to bitcoin. Many books are written a few years ago. Bitcoin is changing every day. I think you can look for some active telegraph groups or Facebook.
补仓操作也是有技巧的。首先,要判断什么币值得补,什么币不值得补。 不可盲目补进的币有四类 1、含有总量庞大的大小币! 2、国家政策打压的ICO空气币种! 3、近半年内拉过数十倍,几十倍以上币种! 4、资金量关注度小,庄家长期不做事不营销的币种! 补仓的币必须是以下三种类型
1、短期技术指标完全调整到位,例如KDJ等完全见底,并形成有效的反转技术形态,这是空仓资金陆续回吃或补仓的好时机。 2、庄家运作节奏明显、中长期趋势保持完好的币。虽然目前大盘整体趋势不佳,但是不少币仍然维持在较健康的上升通道中,调整到月线位置就止跌。 3、正处于破发边缘或已破发的优质币种,且团队在做实事,时不时的爆料工作进度利好!此三类币相比之下补仓的风险更低! 补仓要注意捕捉时机 一般说来,大盘见底的时候,币价会因为抄底资金的强劲介入迅速走高甚至涨停,因为处于不明朗期,资金获利变现的欲望很强烈。 在随后的时间里,必然会遭到获利盘的打压,投资者可以在币价遇阻、出现技术调整时出局,耐心等待调整结束后再逢低吃回、高抛低吸、做波段。 补仓和变现滚动操作 至于补仓和变现滚动操作,通常说来,大盘或个币如果以70度以上的角度直线上涨的话,会因为多方能量消耗过大而出现较大的技术调整和回吐压力,投资者可以考虑将与补仓数量相同的筹码在币价大涨的过程中T 0抛售一次。如果确定反弹还会延续下去,就不必采取此种方法。
当然,如果币跌破重要技术位置,不宜马上补进,应先清后看。 补仓的品种 补仓的品种应把握“补强不补弱、补小不补大、补新不补旧”的原则。 依次解释的含义就是,在任何反弹或上升中,最大的机会属于强势币,补仓资金万万不可杀进冷门币、弱势币以及技术图形上出现一字形的呆滞币。 由于币市受到从紧政策的影响,大盘币很难有大,投资者的重点应布局于小盘绩优的思路上。 大盘连续阴跌或整盘的过程中,套牢资金是众多而庞大的,套牢盘的压力很大,补仓操作中得考虑这个因素。