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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / What is DISTRIBUTION DE TOKENS (Anglais Version) on: January 18, 2018, 07:51:16 AM
Max supply 90 800 000 Ringcoin
 Total supply                       90 800 000
 Circulation                         68 100 000
Ringtoken  908 000 000
 1 Ringcoin = 10Ringtoken       
Prix du Ringcoin en ICO             
Total part for sale                                    60%
Team and Advisors 10%
Start Up solution 5%
Ringmarket fund 5%
Reserve     20%
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / What is RINGCARD (Anglais Version) | New ICO called on: January 14, 2018, 03:32:46 PM
Une autre pièce maitresse dans l’écosystème de Ringcoin. Ringcard permet une utilisation internationale pour les paiements physiques et en ligne et permet les retraits ATM. La carte Ringcard complète donc idéalement le Ringcoin et garantie d’être en toute situation le maitre du jeu dans l’univers des paiements.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / What is 💥 RingMarket 💥 In 💥 Anglais Version 💥 on: January 11, 2018, 08:02:06 AM
(La Révolution de la double tokenization) 
Ringmarket est notre plateforme E-commerce, elle fonctionne selon le principe du Market place avec des remises pour les consommateurs utilisant le Ringcoin. 
I) RINGMARKET au secours de la baisse du pouvoir d’achat des consommateurs.
 Ringmarket saisit l’opportunité qu’offre la technologie blockchain pour offrir aux consommateurs de tout produit la possibilité de se procurer des biens et des services à des prix défiant toute concurrence. En effet, dans un contexte mondial dont l’une des caractéristiques est la pression à la hausse des prix, Ringmarket sur la blockchain contribuera à tirer les prix vers le bas pour permettre aux consommateurs de conserver leur pouvoir d’achat.   
II) RINGMARKET comme une solution pour les entreprises désirant écouler rapidement leurs produits.
RINGMARKET n’est pas que pour les consommateurs, mais aussi pour les vendeurs en ligne du monde entier qui voudront rapidement écouler leurs produits. En effet, une des stratégies utilisées par les entreprises pour écouler rapidement leurs produits est d’accorder des remises. Peu importe le niveau de remise déjà accordé par les entreprises affiliées sur Ringmarket, cette dernière leur donne la possibilité d’accorder automatiquement une remise de 10% qui sera supportée par la compagnie Ring Corporation. Ainsi, le fonctionnement du marché sera tel que pour tout produit X coutant en ligne ou sur les marchés traditionnels un prix P, le vendeur pourra vendre ce produit sur Ringmarket à P-10%P  sans qu’il n’y ait d’impact sur son bénéfice, car c’est la société Ring Corporation qui se substituera au vendeur pour accorder la remise de 10% aux clients. 
I) La double tokenisation comme instrument de base 
A côté de 90 800 000 Ringcoins émis et côtés en bourse, sont simultanément émis 980 000 000 Ringtokens, ayant une valeur fixe  par rapport au Ringcoin d’un montant équivalent à 10 Ringtokens pour 1 Ringcoin. Par ailleurs, les Ringtokens ne sont pas côtés en bourse et sont détenus uniquement par l’entreprise Ring Corporation qui décide de son émission selon les déclenchements d’achats de biens et services. 
II) Déclenchement d’achat de biens et services 
Chaque fois qu’une personne détenant des Ringcoins s’inscrit dans le réseau Ring, il détient automatiquement le droit de s’acheter tout produit sur Ringmarket avec une remise de 10%.  Ainsi, soit un bien sur Ringmarket coutant P$=nRC  à un instant. Le consommateur n’aura qu’à se présenter  au « clearinghouse »  avec nRC-0.1nRC=0.9nRC Exemple : si la valeur d’1 Ringcoin sur le marché est de 1$ à une date t et que le bien désiré par un client coute 100$ sur Ringmarket, soit 100RC, le client se présentera au clearinghouse de Ring Corporation non pas avec 100RC, mais avec 100-0.1x100=90RC pour valider son achat. Une fois que le clearinghouse aura la garantie du client que le vendeur lui a livré le produit, il virera au vendeur 100$  ou 100Rc selon le mode de paiement désiré par le vendeur.   
III) D’où viendra les 10$ ou 10Rc devant financer la remise ? 
 Le système est tel qu’un acte d’achat de P$=nRC validé (livraison par les deux parties) déclenche automatiquement par smart contract une émission de  2nRt  à l’intention des investisseurs membre de la communauté Ring. Ces 2nRt s’inscrivent dans un tableau digital sur la plateforme, consultable par les investisseurs à chaque heure pour prendre leurs décisions. La compagnie Ring a le devoir de racheter à la moitié du prix de vente les Rt émis.  Exemple. La validation de l’achat de 100$ soit 100Rc déclenche en smart contract  l’émission de 200Rt inscrit dans un tableau digital consultable par les investisseurs. S’il y’a un ou plusieurs investisseur(s) attiré(s) par cet appel d’offre en Ringtoken,  il donnera à
l’entreprise Ring Corporation 20Rc et recevra en contre parties 200Rt.   
IV) Gains de l’investisseur 
 L’investisseur a droit à un remboursement soit en dollars soit en Ringcoins de toute sa mise (en l’occurrence les 0.1P$) selon un échéancier fourni par la compagnie Ring Corporation. L’investisseur peut également à tout instant, revendre à la compagnie Ring les Ringtokens émis à moitié prix pour obtenir une plus-value. Deux scénarios sont possibles : - Les prix des Ringcoins flambent sur le marché une fois que l’investisseur a acheté des Ringtokens : puisque son remboursement se fait en dollars, il ne bénéficiera pas directement de la flambée des prix. Mais détenant des Ringtokens qui ont une valeur fixe par rapport au Ringcoin, la plus -value de l’investisseur prendra de la valeur. - Les prix des Ringcoins chutent sur le marché l’investisseur aura gagné en prêtant ses Ringcoins puisque son remboursement est fixe. Mais il profitera toujours d’une plus-value liée à sa capacité de cession des Ringtokens.   
V) Profit du vendeur Tout vendeur en ligne aura intérêt à vendre sur Ringmarket, car par ce mécanisme de remise automatique, les produits y seront moins chers pour les consommateurs comparé à  n’importe quel marché en ligne ou traditionnel. Par conséquent, ceci attirera beaucoup de consommateurs sur Ringmarket, et offrira aux vendeurs la possibilité de maximiser leurs chiffres d’affaires. Aussi, toute acceptation des paiements en Ringcoin leur donnera des bonus en Ringcoin qui ne feront qu’accroitre leurs profits. 
NB: a) nRC : Nombre de Ringcoin b) P $: Valeur de Ringcoins vendus c) nRC : Ringtoken d) Garant du dénouement sans risque de l’opération, le clearing house se substitue à la fois au vendeur et à l’acheteur pour garantir les livraisons.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / What is RINGWALLET and RINGPAY (Anglais version) on: January 10, 2018, 11:06:56 AM
Il Permet de stocker ses Ringcoins et de les utiliser partout et à tout moment. RINGPAY Il Permet aux commerçants et aux plateformes d’accepter les Ringcoins sans s’exposer à la volatilité.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / What is ringexchange? (anglais - Version) on: January 08, 2018, 06:40:56 AM
Il est aujourd’hui LA solution et d’une nécessité absolue en Afrique car il est un portefeuille universel et une plateforme d’échange des crypto-monnaies et des monnaies fiduciaires. Mais il est surtout un moyen pour le continent de résoudre le caractère limitant ou non optimisé des portefeuilles de crypto-monnaies les plus utilisés dans le monde (Coinbase, Xapo, Blockchain, Bitstamp….) ainsi que les plateformes de changes similaires (Bittrex, Poloniex, CCEX, Livecoin...). La clé pour cela réside dans le paiement mobile multi-plateformes qui va considérablement faciliter l’accès du continent à la crypto-monnaie car de ce point de vue l’Afrique en tant que leader mondial du paiement mobile est le continent susceptible de s’accommoder le mieux à la crypto-monnaie.
Plusieurs milliers de personnes en Afrique utilisent déjà la crypto-monnaie, la demande est de plus en plus élevée, mais l’accès reste limité. Ceci parce que la plupart des plateformes d’échanges et de vente des cryptomonnaies ne sont pas optimisées pour le marché Africain ou fermées à cette région du monde. Ringexchange va changer la donne et accélérer l’accès à la crypto-monnaie sans restrictions et devenir la plateforme leader du marché africain d’ici Q4 2018 et de cette popularité découlera un plan marchand.
. Tous les échanges sur cette plateforme se feront à partir du Ringcoin, . Les achats peuvent se faire en monnaie locale, à partir des paiements mobiles, . Echange fiat via le Ringcoin.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / QU’EST CE QUE LE RINGCOIN? ( What is Ringcoin?) Anglais Version on: January 07, 2018, 08:41:29 AM
Le Ringcoin est la prochaine génération de paiement mobile multi-plateformes pour l’Afrique. C’est un token de type ERC20 avec les avantages inhérents à la crypto-monnaie à savoir décentralisé, anonyme, et les utilisateurs contrôlant de façon privée leurs finances et transactions. Ringcoin est aussi très rapide car les transactions se font en moins de 30 secondes comparées à celle de la blockchain Bitcoin qui dure généralement plus de 30 minutes. Ringcoin c’est surtout une révolution au potentiel financier rare et exceptionnel car il s’ouvre à un marché déjà leader mondial du paiement mobile avec le continent Africain. Le continent africain c’est plus de 1,3 Milliards d’habitants et plus de 150 millions de compte Money Mobile en constante progression. Le potentiel du paiement mobile africain est reconnu. C’est aussi un milliard d’usagers de téléphones mobiles, très majoritairement dépourvus de comptes bancaires, et autant de clients de l’une ou l’autre des solutions de paiements mobiles offertes par les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile, à l’instar d’Orange Money, MTN Mobile Money, Tigo Cash, Airtel Money ou M-Pesa Vodacom.
Ces solutions de paiements mobiles ne sont pas interopérables entre elles, ce qui rend impossible la vie des commerçants qui acceptent les paiements mobiles, mais sont limités sur le plan géographique (ce qui génère des frais importants), limités par les horaires des points de ventes, limités dans les dépôts et retraits qui ne permettent pas de plus-value liée à la dynamique du marché. Le continent Africain est aussi dominé par des opérateurs de transferts d’argent tels que Moneygram, Western Union, Express Union et Sigue dont les limites et coûts sont de plus en plus contestés car les frais sont très élevés et les transferts internationaux limités et restrictifs à l’instar des transferts bancaires vers l’international extrêmement bridés sur le territoire africain. Ringcoin réinvente et révolutionne le paiement mobile ainsi que les transferts de fonds in/out de l’Afrique. Les crypto-monnaies représentent une opportunité exceptionnelle pour dynamiser l’économie du continent Africain, elles sont d’ailleurs appréciées par les citoyens qui la connaissent car l’esprit de la cryptomonnaie ressemble bien à l’esprit du peuple africain. Elles sont aussi une opportunité de gains financiers substantiels grâce aux effets de leviers et au dynamisme du marché. La révolution Ringcoin est appuyée par la puissance de son écosystème : RingExchange, RingMarket, RingCard, Start up solution…

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Participate in our ICO | | RINGCOIN... on: January 03, 2018, 06:00:39 PM
RINGMARKET (The revolution of double tokenization)
Ring market is our e-commerce platform; it operates on the Market Place principle with discounts for consumers using the Ring coin I) RINGMARKET to help reduce consumers' purchasing power RINGMARKET wants to seize the opportunity offered by blockchain technology to offer consumers of any product the opportunity to buy goods and services at unbeatable prices. Indeed, in a global context where one of the characteristics is the upward pressure on prices, RINGMARKET on the blockchain will help pull prices down to allow consumers to retain their purchasing power. II) RINGMARKET as a solution for companies wishing to sell their products quickly. RINGMARKET is not only for consumers, but also for online sellers around the world who want to quickly sell their products. Indeed, one of the strategies used by companies to sell their products quickly is to grant discounts. Regardless of the level of discount already granted by affiliates on Ringmarket, the later gives them the opportunity to automatically grant a 10% discount that will be supported by Ring corporation. Thus, the functioning of the market will be such that for any product X costing online or in the traditional markets a price P. the seller will be able to sell this product on ring market at P-10% P without any impact on his profit, because it is the company ring corporation that will replace the seller to grant the 10% discount to customers. III) RINGMARKET opens the way for investors to lower risk and high yield investments. As we will demonstrate below, investors will find in Ringmaket an investment opportunity thanks to the strategy of double tokenization that it promotes. Indeed, investors by their subscriptions to the tenders of the company Ring to participate in the financing of each discount of 10%, will receive a return on their investments
I) Double Tokenization as a Basic Instrument In addition to 90 800 000 Ringcoins issued and listed on the stock exchange, 908,000,000 ring token are simultaneously issued, with a fixed value compared to Ringcoin of an amount equivalent to 10ringtoken for 1ringcoin. In addition, the ring token are not listed on the stock exchange and are held solely by the company Ring Corporation, which decides on its issue according to the triggers for purchases of goods and services. II) Triggering the purchase of goods and services Whenever a person holding Ringcoins registers in the Ring network, he automatically has the right to buy any product on Ringmarket with a discount of 10% So, be a well on ring market costing P $ = nRC at a moment The consumer will only have to go to the "clearinghouse" with nRC-0.1nRC = 0.9nRC Example: if the value of 1 ring coin on the market is $ 1 on a date t and the good desired by a customer costs $ 100 on a ring market, 100RC, the customer will go to the clearinghouse of Ring Corporation not with 100RC, but with 100-0.1x100 = 90RC to validate his purchase. Once the clearinghouse will have the customer's guarantee that the vendor Will have the customer's guarantee that the seller has delivered the product to him, he will transfer to the seller $ 100 or 100Rc according to the method of payment desired by the seller. III) Where will $ 10 or 10Rc come from to fund the discount? The system is such that a valid P $ = nRC purchase act (delivery by both parties) automatically triggers a 2nRt issue by smart contract for investors in the ring community. These 2nRt are part of a digital table on the platform, available to investors every hour to make their decisions. The ring company has the duty to buy at half the selling price the issued Example: The validation of the purchase of 100 $ or 100Rc triggers a smart contracted emission of 200Rt registered in a digital table and searchable by investors. If there is one or more investor (s) attracted by this invitation to tender in Ringtoken, it will give to the company Ring Corporation 20Rc and will receive in counterpart 200Rt IV) Investor gain The investor is entitled to a refund in either dollar or Ringcoin of all its stake (in this case the $ 0.1P) according to a schedule provided by the ring company. Also the investor can at any time resell to the company Ringtoken ring issued at half price to obtain an added value. Two scenarios are possible - Ring coin prices are on the market once the investor has bought Ringtokens: since it is paid in dollars, it will not benefit directly from the price spike. But holding ring token that have a fixed value compared to the Ringcoin, the greater value of the investor will gain value. - Ring coin prices are falling on the market. The investor will have won by lending his ring coin since his repayment is fixed. But it will always benefit from a capital gain linked to its capacity to sell ring tokens. V) Vendor Profit Any online seller will have interest in selling on ring market, because by this mechanism of automatic discount, products will be cheaper for consumers than in any online or traditional market. Therefore, this will attract a lot of consumer ring market, which will offer sellers the opportunity to maximize their turnover. Also, any acceptance of ring coin payments will give them ring coin bonuses that will only increase their profits.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / RINGCOIN IS THE NEXT GENERATION PAYMENT SYSTEM | JOIN US NOW on: January 02, 2018, 06:42:33 AM
RINGMARKET (The revolution of double tokenization)

Ring market is our e-commerce platform; it operates on the Market Place principle with discounts for consumers using the Ring coin I) RINGMARKET to help reduce consumers' purchasing power RINGMARKET wants to seize the opportunity offered by blockchain technology to offer consumers of any product the opportunity to buy goods and services at unbeatable prices. Indeed, in a global context where one of the characteristics is the upward pressure on prices, RINGMARKET on the blockchain will help pull prices down to allow consumers to retain their purchasing power. II) RINGMARKET as a solution for companies wishing to sell their products quickly. RINGMARKET is not only for consumers, but also for online sellers around the world who want to quickly sell their products. Indeed, one of the strategies used by companies to sell their products quickly is to grant discounts. Regardless of the level of discount already granted by affiliates on Ringmarket, the later gives them the opportunity to automatically grant a 10% discount that will be supported by Ring corporation. Thus, the functioning of the market will be such that for any product X costing online or in the traditional markets a price P. the seller will be able to sell this product on ring market at P-10% P without any impact on his profit, because it is the company ring corporation that will replace the seller to grant the 10% discount to customers. III) RINGMARKET opens the way for investors to lower risk and high yield investments. As we will demonstrate below, investors will find in Ringmaket an investment opportunity thanks to the strategy of double tokenization that it promotes. Indeed, investors by their subscriptions to the tenders of the company Ring to participate in the financing of each discount of 10%, will receive a return on their investments
I) Double Tokenization as a Basic Instrument In addition to 90 800 000 Ringcoins issued and listed on the stock exchange, 908,000,000 ring token are simultaneously issued, with a fixed value compared to Ringcoin of an amount equivalent to 10ringtoken for 1ringcoin. In addition, the ring token are not listed on the stock exchange and are held solely by the company Ring Corporation, which decides on its issue according to the triggers for purchases of goods and services. II) Triggering the purchase of goods and services Whenever a person holding Ringcoins registers in the Ring network, he automatically has the right to buy any product on Ringmarket with a discount of 10% So, be a well on ring market costing P $ = nRC at a moment The consumer will only have to go to the "clearinghouse" with nRC-0.1nRC = 0.9nRC Example: if the value of 1 ring coin on the market is $ 1 on a date t and the good desired by a customer costs $ 100 on a ring market, 100RC, the customer will go to the clearinghouse of Ring Corporation not with 100RC, but with 100-0.1x100 = 90RC to validate his purchase. Once the clearinghouse will have the customer's guarantee that the vendor Will have the customer's guarantee that the seller has delivered the product to him, he will transfer to the seller $ 100 or 100Rc according to the method of payment desired by the seller. III) Where will $ 10 or 10Rc come from to fund the discount? The system is such that a valid P $ = nRC purchase act (delivery by both parties) automatically triggers a 2nRt issue by smart contract for investors in the ring community. These 2nRt are part of a digital table on the platform, available to investors every hour to make their decisions. The ring company has the duty to buy at half the selling price the issued Example: The validation of the purchase of 100 $ or 100Rc triggers a smart contracted emission of 200Rt registered in a digital table and searchable by investors. If there is one or more investor (s) attracted by this invitation to tender in Ringtoken, it will give to the company Ring Corporation 20Rc and will receive in counterpart 200Rt IV) Investor gain The investor is entitled to a refund in either dollar or Ringcoin of all its stake (in this case the $ 0.1P) according to a schedule provided by the ring company. Also the investor can at any time resell to the company Ringtoken ring issued at half price to obtain an added value. Two scenarios are possible - Ring coin prices are on the market once the investor has bought Ringtokens: since it is paid in dollars, it will not benefit directly from the price spike. But holding ring token that have a fixed value compared to the Ringcoin, the greater value of the investor will gain value. - Ring coin prices are falling on the market. The investor will have won by lending his ring coin since his repayment is fixed. But it will always benefit from a capital gain linked to its capacity to sell ring tokens. V) Vendor Profit Any online seller will have interest in selling on ring market, because by this mechanism of automatic discount, products will be cheaper for consumers than in any online or traditional market. Therefore, this will attract a lot of consumer ring market, which will offer sellers the opportunity to maximize their turnover. Also, any acceptance of ring coin payments will give them ring coin bonuses that will only increase their profits.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🤑 RINGCOIN 🤑 | ICO IS LIVE NOW | 🤑 🤑 on: December 31, 2017, 07:03:44 AM
RingWallet Allow you to store your Ringcoins and use it anywhere, anytime. Send and receive his Ringcoins.
The ring coin has a working API that allows traders and platforms to accept ring coins without being exposed to volatility.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🤑 RINGCOIN 🤑 | The next generation payment system on: December 30, 2017, 08:27:09 AM
Max supply : 90 800 000 Ringcoin (RC) Total supply : 90 800 000 Circulation : 68 100 000 Ringtoken : 908 000 000 (RT) 1Ringcoin = 10Ringtoken Total Part for Sale: 60% Team and Advisors: 10% Startup solution : 5% Ring market fund: 5% Reserve : 20%
Thank You
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Join Our ICO | 🤑 Ringcoin ICO 🤑 is live now | on: December 29, 2017, 12:34:33 PM
It allows to carry out the different transactions in the Ringcoin ecosystem: RingExchange, RingMarket and Startup solution.
Thank You Very Much And Please Join Us On Our Ico WWW.RINGCORP.ORG
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ICO IS LIVE NOW 🤑 WWW.RINGCORP.ORG 🤑 | 🤑 Ringcoin 🤑 "The next generation pay on: December 28, 2017, 06:23:53 AM
Startup solution is an African crownfunding platform that has existed for several months. It operates according to the principle of affiliation and today has more than 10,000 members. Ringcoin will build on this community to gain more value. How will the platform work? Once the ringcoin is on the stock exchange, the platform startup solution will know an important update: the background surveys will now be done with ringcoin which will allow additional value for startupers: This, thanks to the climbing value of the ringcoin.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / We have launched a new ICO Called 🤑 Ringcoin 🤑 | 🤑 🤑 on: December 26, 2017, 09:52:12 AM
Several thousand people in Africa are already using cryptocurrency, the demand is higher and higher, but access is limited. This is because most of the platforms for trading and selling crypto-currencies are not open to the African market. Ringexchange will change the game and accelerate access to unrestricted cryptocurrency and become the leading platform of the African market by Q4 2018 so this popularity will results in a trading plan.
Thank You very much and Visit our ICO
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🤑 Ringcoin 🤑 is the next generation payment system for africa| on: December 24, 2017, 05:54:17 PM
Ringcoin is the next generation payment system for africa. If you want to join our ICO then just visit our ICO
Ringcoin is the next generation of multi-platform mobile payment for Africa. It is a token of the type ERC20 with advantages inherent to the cryptocurrency namely decentralized; anonymous, allowing users privately control their finances.
Ringcoin is also very fast because transactions are done in less than 30 seconds as compared to Bitcoin blockchain which takes more than 30 minutes.
Ringcoin is a revolution with rare and exceptional financial potentials because it opens to a market already, world leader of the mobile payment with the African continent.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Join Us Now 🤑 🤑 for your Better 🤑 future 🤑 | New ICO is liv on: December 23, 2017, 06:54:31 AM
What is the benefits of ring card?
It allows to carry out the different transactions in the Ringcoin ecosystem ( Ringexchange, Ringmarket and Start Up Solution) and around the world.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Participate In OUR 🤑 ICO 🤑 and Get more facilities | Join us now on 🤑 www.rin on: December 22, 2017, 06:55:30 PM
Ringcoin is the next generation of multi-platform mobile payment for Africa. It is a token of the type ERC20 with advantages inherent to the cryptocurrency namely decentralized; anonymous, allowing users privately control their finances.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Double Tokenization | ICO is Live Now 👍🏻👍🏻 on: December 21, 2017, 05:50:31 AM
In addition to 90 800 000 Ringcoins issued and listed on the stock exchange, 908 000 000 Ringtoken are simultaneously issued, with a fixed value compared to Ringcoin of an amount equivalent to 10 Ringtoken for 1 Ringcoin. In addition, the Ringtoken are not listed on the stock exchange and are held solely by the company Ring Corporation, which decides on its issue according to the triggers for purchases of goods and services.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🤑 Ringcoin 🤑 the next generation of payment system | on: December 20, 2017, 05:30:54 AM
Ringcoin is the next generation of multi-platform mobile payment for Africa. It is a token of the type ERC20 with advantages inherent to the cryptocurrency namely decentralized; anonymous, allowing users privately control their finances. Ringcoin is also very fast because transactions are done in less than 30 seconds as compared to Bitcoin blockchain which takes more than 30 minutes. Ringcoin is a revolution with rare and exceptional financial potentials because it opens to a market already, world leader of the mobile payment with the African continent.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Why 🤑 Ringexchange 🤑 ? | New ICO Live Now 🤑 🤑 on: December 19, 2017, 06:41:31 AM
Several thousand people in Africa are already using cryptocurrency, the demand is higher and higher, but access is limited. This is because most of the platforms for trading and selling crypto-currencies are not open to the African market.
Ringexchange will change the game and accelerate access to unrestricted cryptocurrency and become the leading platform of the African market by Q4 2018 so this popularity will results in a trading plan.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🤑 Join Ringcoin ICO and take advantage of the revolution of double tokenisatio on: December 18, 2017, 06:29:52 PM
Ringcoin is the next generation of multi-platform mobile payment for Africa. It is a token of the type ERC20 with advantages inherent to the cryptocurrency namely decentralized; anonymous, allowing users privately control their finances. Ringcoin is also very fast because transactions are done in less than 30 seconds as compared to Bitcoin blockchain which takes more than 30 minutes. Ringcoin is a revolution with rare and exceptional financial potentials because it opens to a market already, world leader of the mobile payment with the African continent.
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