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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Cryptomark: future development plans for 2019 on: September 08, 2018, 05:39:04 PM
Cryptomark outlook for 2019

My plan is to use Lamden's tools to facilitate the creation and use of blockchain technology for our Cryptomark community.

To achieve this, Lamden offers an open source developer's tool kit that allows Us to launch our own fully-customizable private or public,  blockchain in minutes.

The 4 main components of Lamden’s developer suite are Saffron, Flora, Clove and Cilantro.

Allows the creation of fully customizable blockchains in minutes. Similar to what ‘Squarespace’ does for web building, Saffron does for blockchain creation.

The smart contract package manager is a one-stop-shop for smart contracts, app creation and tuning.

Lamden's atomic swap engine allows the instantaneous and trustless trading of crypto assets and currencies (currently supporting 1,000 different tokens like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, ERC20, and soon Neo).

Clove also allows blockchains to exchange assets or data packages with other blockchains, even if they are based on different protocols. This will allow the developed blockchain to communicate with any other blockchain...
Also, using Clove Lamden has developed different implementations to take advantage of this technology.

1. ClovePay
A Clove API that allows merchants to accept payments in any currency and receive it in any other of his choosing.

Furthermore Lamden is creating tokenized fiat pairings so that merchants can also receive payments in any fiat currency and instantly convert it to the cryptocurrency of their choice. Conversely, they can accept payments in any crypto and receive it in fiat.

2. LamdeX
Also based on Clove comes a very own crypto/fiat exchange. By using atomic swaps, users can exchange between any of the 1,000 tokens supported on the network and/or our tokenized fiat pairings (i.e. crypto-crypto / crypto-fiat / fiat-crypto / fiat-fiat).

3. LamdeX Pro
A currency exchange engine that allows existing exchanges to increase the tokens offered to their clients to any and/or all of the 1,000 tokens already exchangeable. Additionally, it allows for exchanges to create trustless shared market pools to exponentially increase liquidity and thus create a better service and overall experience for the Cryptomark community.

4. LamdeX Wallet
Store, send and receive any crypto and store it as any other crypto. Fast, safe and easy to use. Metamask meets atomic swaps!

Lamden’s mission is set to increase the adoption of blockchain so that innovation can flourish.

To do so effectively, a blockchain with highly attractive features must exist, however, currently existing options like Ethereum or Bitcoin are very limited (i.e. they are very good for one thing and not so much for another). Thus they would carry their own limitations onto new blockchains based on them.

Therefore, a project with a non-limiting blockchain, free, lighting-fast transactions, future-proof governance, ever-evolving infrastructure and atomic swaps naturally embedded in its core was necessary.

So, the final piece of the puzzle was to create such a blockchain. This developer tool will be deployed on Q4 2018.
Blockchains based on Cilantro will easily allow 10,000 tx/sec and will be fully customizable to meet the very different needs of companies.

Moreover, Cilantro hosts the TAU Token, with which holders will be able to stake for profit and/or help its infrastructure by setting up a 100k TAU masternode (Obelisks) or 10k TAU Witnesses. Witnesses can also be voted into Delegates, to further assist the network functionality. The Tau token acts as an intermediary between cryptos and the CTM token, increasing liquidity and facilitating cross-chain communication.

Regardless of the specific route we choose, we have countless paths to the long-term viability of this project and bringing blockchain to the mainstream to revolutionize the way we use software. The internet created a more connected world which lead to the worldwide pursuit of truth, rationality, and betterment through information sharing. More civil rights, better policies, and overall well being was the result. What will happen now that the same thing is happening in the world of finance? Only time will tell.

More information:
2  Local / Projektentwicklung / Crypto Mark: zukünftige Entwicklungspläne für 2019 on: September 08, 2018, 05:37:46 PM
Cryptomark-Ausblick für 2019

Mein Plan ist es, Lamdens Tools zu verwenden, um die Erstellung und Verwendung der Blockchain-Technologie für unsere Cryptomark-Community zu erleichtern.
Um dies zu erreichen, bietet Lamden ein Open-Source-Toolkit für Entwickler, mit dem wir in wenigen Minuten unsere eigene, vollständig anpassbare private oder öffentliche Blockchain starten können.
Die 4 Hauptkomponenten von Lamdens Entwickler-Suite sind Safran, Flora, Clove und Cilantro.
Ermöglicht die Erstellung von vollständig anpassbaren Blockchains in Minuten. Ähnlich wie "Squarespace" für das Webbuilding, macht Saffron die Blockchain-Erstellung.
Der intelligente Vertragspaket-Manager ist ein One-Stop-Shop für intelligente Verträge, App-Erstellung und Tuning.
Lamdens atomare Swap-Engine ermöglicht den sofortigen und vertrauenswürdigen Handel mit Krypto-Assets und Währungen (derzeit werden 1.000 verschiedene Token wie Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, ERC20 und bald auch Neo unterstützt).
Clove erlaubt Blockchains auch den Austausch von Assets oder Datenpaketen mit anderen Blockchains, auch wenn diese auf unterschiedlichen Protokollen basieren. Dadurch kann die entwickelte Blockchain mit jeder anderen Blockchain kommunizieren ...
Außerdem hat Clove Lamden verschiedene Implementierungen entwickelt, um diese Technologie zu nutzen.

1. Gewürznelke
Eine Clove-API, die es Händlern ermöglicht, Zahlungen in jeder Währung anzunehmen und sie in beliebigen anderen Währungen zu empfangen.
Außerdem erstellt Lamden Tokenized-Fiat-Pairings, so dass Händler auch Zahlungen in jeder Fiat-Währung erhalten und sofort in die Kryptowährung ihrer Wahl konvertieren können. Umgekehrt können sie Zahlungen in jedem Krypto akzeptieren und in Fiat erhalten.
2. LamdeX
Auch auf Clove basiert ein ganz eigener Krypto / Fiat-Austausch. Durch Verwenden von Atom-Swaps können Benutzer zwischen jedem der 1000 Token, die in dem Netzwerk unterstützt werden, und / oder unseren Token-Fiat-Paarungen (d. H. Crypto-Crypto / Crypto-Fiat / Fiat-Crypto / Fiat-Fiat) austauschen.
3. LamdeX Pro
Eine Devisenbörse, die es bestehenden Börsen ermöglicht, die ihren Kunden angebotenen Token für alle und / oder alle der bereits austauschbaren 1.000 Token zu erhöhen. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es den Austausch, vertrauenslose Shared-Market-Pools zu schaffen, um die Liquidität exponentiell zu erhöhen und so einen besseren Service und Gesamterfahrung für die Cryptomark-Community zu schaffen.
4. LamdeX Brieftasche
Speichere, sende und erhalte jede Verschlüsselung und speichere sie wie jede andere Kryptografie. Schnell, sicher und einfach zu bedienen. Metamask trifft auf Atom-Swaps!

Lamdens Mission ist es, die Akzeptanz von Blockchain zu erhöhen, damit Innovationen florieren können.
Um dies effektiv zu erreichen, muss eine Blockchain mit hochattraktiven Merkmalen existieren, jedoch sind derzeit existierende Optionen wie Ethereum oder Bitcoin sehr begrenzt (d. H. Sie sind sehr gut für eine Sache und nicht so sehr für eine andere). Somit würden sie ihre eigenen Beschränkungen auf neue Blockchains basierend auf ihnen tragen.
Daher war ein Projekt mit einer nicht beschränkenden Blockchain, kostenlosen, lichtschnellen Transaktionen, zukunftssicherer Governance, sich ständig weiterentwickelnder Infrastruktur und Atom-Swaps, die natürlich in seinem Kern eingebettet waren, notwendig.
Das letzte Puzzleteil sollte also eine solche Blockchain erschaffen. Dieses Entwicklerwerkzeug wird im vierten Quartal 2018 bereitgestellt.
Auf Cilantro basierende Blockchains erlauben leicht 10.000 tx / s und können vollständig an die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse von Unternehmen angepasst werden.
Darüber hinaus beherbergt Cilantro den TAU-Token, mit dem die Besitzer Profit machen und / oder ihre Infrastruktur unterstützen können, indem sie eine 100-köpfige TAU-Masternode (Obelisken) oder 10k TAU-Zeugen gründen. Zeugen können auch zu Delegierten gewählt werden, um die Netzwerkfunktionalität weiter zu unterstützen. Das Tau-Token agiert als Vermittler zwischen Cryptocurrencies, Services und dem CTM-Token, erhöht die Liquidität und erleichtert die Kommunikation über die gesamte Kette hinweg.

Unabhängig von der spezifischen Route, die wir wählen, haben wir unzählige Wege zur langfristigen Lebensfähigkeit dieses Projekts und bringen Blockchain zum Mainstream, um die Art, wie wir Software verwenden, zu revolutionieren. Das Internet schuf eine vernetztere Welt, die durch den Austausch von Informationen zum weltweiten Streben nach Wahrheit, Rationalität und Verbesserung führt. Mehr Bürgerrechte, bessere Politik und allgemeines Wohlbefinden waren die Folge. Was wird jetzt passieren, dass das Gleiche in der Finanzwelt passiert? Nur die Zeit kann es verraten.

Mehr Informationen:
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Cryptomar: future development plans for 2019 on: September 08, 2018, 05:34:36 PM
Cryptomark outlook for 2019

My plan is to use Lamden's tools to facilitate the creation and use of blockchain technology for our Cryptomark community.

To achieve this, Lamden offers an open source developer's tool kit that allows Us to launch our own fully-customizable private or public,  blockchain in minutes.

The 4 main components of Lamden’s developer suite are Saffron, Flora, Clove and Cilantro.

Allows the creation of fully customizable blockchains in minutes. Similar to what ‘Squarespace’ does for web building, Saffron does for blockchain creation.

The smart contract package manager is a one-stop-shop for smart contracts, app creation and tuning.

Lamden's atomic swap engine allows the instantaneous and trustless trading of crypto assets and currencies (currently supporting 1,000 different tokens like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, ERC20, and soon Neo).

Clove also allows blockchains to exchange assets or data packages with other blockchains, even if they are based on different protocols. This will allow the developed blockchain to communicate with any other blockchain...
Also, using Clove Lamden has developed different implementations to take advantage of this technology.

1. ClovePay
A Clove API that allows merchants to accept payments in any currency and receive it in any other of his choosing.

Furthermore Lamden is creating tokenized fiat pairings so that merchants can also receive payments in any fiat currency and instantly convert it to the cryptocurrency of their choice. Conversely, they can accept payments in any crypto and receive it in fiat.

2. LamdeX
Also based on Clove comes a very own crypto/fiat exchange. By using atomic swaps, users can exchange between any of the 1,000 tokens supported on the network and/or our tokenized fiat pairings (i.e. crypto-crypto / crypto-fiat / fiat-crypto / fiat-fiat).

3. LamdeX Pro
A currency exchange engine that allows existing exchanges to increase the tokens offered to their clients to any and/or all of the 1,000 tokens already exchangeable. Additionally, it allows for exchanges to create trustless shared market pools to exponentially increase liquidity and thus create a better service and overall experience for the Cryptomark community.

4. LamdeX Wallet
Store, send and receive any crypto and store it as any other crypto. Fast, safe and easy to use. Metamask meets atomic swaps!

Lamden’s mission is set to increase the adoption of blockchain so that innovation can flourish.

To do so effectively, a blockchain with highly attractive features must exist, however, currently existing options like Ethereum or Bitcoin are very limited (i.e. they are very good for one thing and not so much for another). Thus they would carry their own limitations onto new blockchains based on them.

Therefore, a project with a non-limiting blockchain, free, lighting-fast transactions, future-proof governance, ever-evolving infrastructure and atomic swaps naturally embedded in its core was necessary.

So, the final piece of the puzzle was to create such a blockchain. This developer tool will be deployed on Q4 2018.
Blockchains based on Cilantro will easily allow 10,000 tx/sec and will be fully customizable to meet the very different needs of companies.

Moreover, Cilantro hosts the TAU Token, with which holders will be able to stake for profit and/or help its infrastructure by setting up a 100k TAU masternode (Obelisks) or 10k TAU Witnesses. Witnesses can also be voted into Delegates, to further assist the network functionality. The Tau token acts as an intermediary between cryptos and the CTM token, increasing liquidity and facilitating cross-chain communication.

Regardless of the specific route we choose, we have countless paths to the long-term viability of this project and bringing blockchain to the mainstream to revolutionize the way we use software. The internet created a more connected world which lead to the worldwide pursuit of truth, rationality, and betterment through information sharing. More civil rights, better policies, and overall well being was the result. What will happen now that the same thing is happening in the world of finance? Only time will tell.

More information:
4  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Crypto Mark das DM revival mit freier Distribution on: May 21, 2018, 08:05:22 PM
CTM verteilt die crypto mark gratis auf .

Jede woche werden 181,000 Crypto mark verteilt und ihr könnt euch noch euren Anteil sichern
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: Crypto Mark - Make the Mark great again on: May 06, 2018, 11:49:45 AM
join the weekly activities, dont miss a great opportunity to earn FREE CTM through the year.
6  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Crypto-mark free distribution on: April 29, 2018, 06:51:42 PM
Die mark kommt wieder! Ja und zwar als crypto-mark. Zunächst bekommt man sie durch Unterstützung der CryptoMark community. Es gibt eine freie Distribution und somit hat jeder die chance auf gratis crypto mark. Es ist ein großartiges community Projekt! Ich lade euch herzlich ein-
7  Bitcoin / Project Development / join the CTM distribution campaign on: April 15, 2018, 01:56:43 PM
CTM is given freely every week until end of 2018.

If you are interested, the weekly tasks are simple: 3 posts in forums and 2 social media contributions.

For more infos: (
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Crypto Mark Free distribution + exchange listing on: April 01, 2018, 09:32:21 AM
As a test listing you already can trade on or etherdelta. Or you can just keep the tokens in your vesting account. Its great!
9  Economy / Exchanges / Re: - Reviews on: March 27, 2018, 08:24:34 PM
damn dude. Do you know what country they're based in? I wanna brign the fuckers down man. They just stole $8K from me!!! The mods are fucking demons

I scanned their servers that showed they are located in delaware.
And their site is vulnerable to a denial of service attack. Basically anyone could shut it down.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Where do I get the Crypto Mark? on: March 24, 2018, 09:18:57 AM
The more people who know about and trust the Crypto Mark, the better it is for its value.
The Crypto Mark will therefore be given away for free to those people who help make it known. This can be by mentioning it on social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Crypto currency forums, etc.
This is how we say “Thank you!” to those supporters who help to spread the news about Crypto Mark. As you help inform your friends, associates, and the world, you will simultaneously be assisting with increasing the value of the Mark.
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Where do I get the Crypto Mark? on: March 24, 2018, 09:12:49 AM
The more people who know about and trust the Crypto Mark, the better it is for its value.
The Crypto Mark will therefore be given away for free to those people who help make it known. This can be by mentioning it on social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Crypto currency forums, etc.
This is how we say “Thank you!” to those supporters who help to spread the news about Crypto Mark. As you help inform your friends, associates, and the world, you will simultaneously be assisting with increasing the value of the Mark.
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Crypto Mark Free distribution + exchange listing on: March 16, 2018, 01:11:54 PM
Hello everybody,

I dont want you to miss out the free crypto mark token distribution on

We start a free distribution of tokens every week!

Additionally CTM will get listed on accelerator exchange soon so you can exchange and trade it like every other erc20 token.
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Please upvote my suggestion to get Crypto Mark listed on Acc Exchange on: March 03, 2018, 10:16:28 AM
Hello everyody we try to get listed on Acc Exchange they have a bug bounty running so if no major flaws are found they will open trading soon. You can participate in the bug bounty for revenues... Check it out!

One thing I ask you to do is to upvote crypto mark so we can get listed soon with no need of a listing fee Thank you very much
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Any new airdrop coins? on: December 07, 2017, 06:07:26 PM
check out

Airdrop is live. Everyday the opportunity to recieve Crypto Mark coins. Check it out:)
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / SpartaICO Token officially listed on etherdelta! on: December 06, 2017, 01:38:30 AM
SpartaICO Token is officially listed on etherdelta!

Trade here:

You may join the project through my referral link

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: Crypto Mark - Make the Mark great again on: December 05, 2017, 11:05:55 PM
I am so glad to be part of the movement to bring the Mark back Cheesy Lets do this!
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Best crypto to buy now? on: December 01, 2017, 09:53:05 AM
"Having just completed its wildly successful pre-ICO, has raised in excess of $11.3M from over 4,000 participants. According to, is currently the 5th most successful ICO in terms of Ethereum contributions. The ICO is due to begin on December 5th. Find out more by visiting Trade Token to Be Listed on HitBTC Exchange |"

ICO Pre-Registration

Based on the success of the pre-ICO, we're expecting a tremendous response once our ICO opens on December 5th. To ensure you will be able to participate once the ICO opens, we strongly suggest pre-registering, so you can simply login & send your Ethereum. If you plan on funding with Fiat or Bitcoin, we will only accept amounts of $100K or above, please contact for further instructions.

Questions? Use Live Chat below!
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Please recommend me 1 best Altcoin to buy on: December 01, 2017, 09:38:54 AM
"Having just completed its wildly successful pre-ICO, has raised in excess of $11.3M from over 4,000 participants. According to, is currently the 5th most successful ICO in terms of Ethereum contributions. The ICO is due to begin on December 5th. Find out more by visiting Trade Token to Be Listed on HitBTC Exchange |"

ICO Pre-Registration

Based on the success of the pre-ICO, we're expecting a tremendous response once our ICO opens on December 5th. To ensure you will be able to participate once the ICO opens, we strongly suggest pre-registering, so you can simply login & send your Ethereum. If you plan on funding with Fiat or Bitcoin, we will only accept amounts of $100K or above, please contact for further instructions.

Questions? Use Live Chat below!
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Best ICO for December on: December 01, 2017, 09:28:38 AM
"Having just completed its wildly successful pre-ICO, has raised in excess of $11.3M from over 4,000 participants. According to, is currently the 5th most successful ICO in terms of Ethereum contributions. The ICO is due to begin on December 5th. Find out more by visiting Trade Token to Be Listed on HitBTC Exchange |"

ICO Pre-Registration

Based on the success of the pre-ICO, we're expecting a tremendous response once our ICO opens on December 5th. To ensure you will be able to participate once the ICO opens, we strongly suggest pre-registering, so you can simply login & send your Ethereum. If you plan on funding with Fiat or Bitcoin, we will only accept amounts of $100K or above, please contact for further instructions.

Questions? Use Live Chat below!
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: The next 100x-1000x coin? on: December 01, 2017, 09:15:59 AM
"Having just completed its wildly successful pre-ICO, has raised in excess of $11.3M from over 4,000 participants. According to, is currently the 5th most successful ICO in terms of Ethereum contributions. The ICO is due to begin on December 5th. Find out more by visiting Trade Token to Be Listed on HitBTC Exchange |"

ICO Pre-Registration

Based on the success of the pre-ICO, we're expecting a tremendous response once our ICO opens on December 5th. To ensure you will be able to participate once the ICO opens, we strongly suggest pre-registering, so you can simply login & send your Ethereum. If you plan on funding with Fiat or Bitcoin, we will only accept amounts of $100K or above, please contact for further instructions.

Questions? Use Live Chat below!
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