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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Verilog one-cycle hasher code on: July 04, 2013, 09:44:40 AM
Still incarcerated in the newbie cell, I nevertheless want to dump here another version of the combinational hasher code. This time it is pipelined, and thus should have better timing characteristics. I am not requesting any testing right now, just showing the code.

`define INDEX(a, i) a[32 * (i)+:32]
`define ROR32(x, n) {x[(n) - 1:0], x[31:(n)]}

module sched(w0, w1, w9, w14, w16);
input [31:0] w0, w1, w9, w14;
output [31:0] w16;

wire [31:0] s0, s1;

assign s0 = `ROR32(w1, 7) ^ `ROR32(w1, 18) ^ (w1 >> 3);
assign s1 = `ROR32(w14, 17) ^ `ROR32(w14, 19) ^ (w14 >> 10);

assign w16 = w0 + s0 + w9 + s1;

module round(in, word, out);
input [255:0] in;
input [31:0] word;
output [255:0] out;

wire [31:0] a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
wire [31:0] s1, ch, t1, s0, maj, t2;

assign {h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a} = in;

assign s1 = `ROR32(e, 6) ^ `ROR32(e, 11) ^ `ROR32(e, 25);
assign ch = g ^ (e & (f ^ g));
assign t1 = h + s1 + ch + word;
assign s0 = `ROR32(a, 2) ^ `ROR32(a, 13) ^ `ROR32(a, 22);
assign maj = (a & b) | (c & (a | b));
assign t2 = s0 + maj;

assign out = {g, f, e, d + t1, c, b, a, t1 + t2};

module synch(clk, prev, konst, next);
input clk;
input [767:0] prev;
input [31:0] konst;
output reg [767:0] next;

wire [255:0] result;
wire [31:0] w0, w1, w9, w14, w16;

assign w0 = `INDEX(prev, 0);
assign w1 = `INDEX(prev, 1);
assign w9 = `INDEX(prev, 9);
assign w14 = `INDEX(prev, 14);

sched link(w0, w1, w9, w14, w16);

round step(prev[767:512], konst + w0, result);

always @(posedge clk)
next <= {result, w16, prev[511:32]};

module chain(clk, init, data, hash);
input clk;
input [255:0] init;
input [511:0] data;
output [255:0] hash;

wire [2047:0] konst;

assign konst = {
32'hc67178f2, 32'hbef9a3f7, 32'ha4506ceb, 32'h90befffa,
32'h8cc70208, 32'h84c87814, 32'h78a5636f, 32'h748f82ee,
32'h682e6ff3, 32'h5b9cca4f, 32'h4ed8aa4a, 32'h391c0cb3,
32'h34b0bcb5, 32'h2748774c, 32'h1e376c08, 32'h19a4c116,
32'h106aa070, 32'hf40e3585, 32'hd6990624, 32'hd192e819,
32'hc76c51a3, 32'hc24b8b70, 32'ha81a664b, 32'ha2bfe8a1,
32'h92722c85, 32'h81c2c92e, 32'h766a0abb, 32'h650a7354,
32'h53380d13, 32'h4d2c6dfc, 32'h2e1b2138, 32'h27b70a85,
32'h14292967, 32'h06ca6351, 32'hd5a79147, 32'hc6e00bf3,
32'hbf597fc7, 32'hb00327c8, 32'ha831c66d, 32'h983e5152,
32'h76f988da, 32'h5cb0a9dc, 32'h4a7484aa, 32'h2de92c6f,
32'h240ca1cc, 32'h0fc19dc6, 32'hefbe4786, 32'he49b69c1,
32'hc19bf174, 32'h9bdc06a7, 32'h80deb1fe, 32'h72be5d74,
32'h550c7dc3, 32'h243185be, 32'h12835b01, 32'hd807aa98,
32'hab1c5ed5, 32'h923f82a4, 32'h59f111f1, 32'h3956c25b,
32'he9b5dba5, 32'hb5c0fbcf, 32'h71374491, 32'h428a2f98

genvar i;

for (i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1) begin: array
wire [767:0] prev, next;

if (i)
assign prev = array[i - 1].next;
assign prev = {init, data};

synch node(clk, prev, `INDEX(konst, i), next);

for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin: adder
assign `INDEX(hash, i) = `INDEX(init, i) +
`INDEX(array[63].next, i + 16);

module miner(clk, data, mid, result, found);
input clk;
input [255:0] mid;
input [127:0] data;
output [31:0] result;
output found;

reg [31:0] nonce = 32'b0;

wire [255:0] hash1, hash;

chain sha1(clk, mid, {
32'h00000280, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000,
32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000,
32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h80000000,
result, data[95:0]
}, hash1);

chain sha2(clk, {
32'h5be0cd19, 32'h1f83d9ab, 32'h9b05688c, 32'h510e527f,
32'ha54ff53a, 32'h3c6ef372, 32'hbb67ae85, 32'h6a09e667
}, {
32'h00000100, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000,
32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h80000000,
}, hash);

assign result = nonce + data[127:96];
assign found = (32'b0 == `INDEX(hash, 7));

always @(posedge clk)
nonce <= nonce + 1;

`ifdef SIM
module proof;
reg clk = 1'b0;

wire [31:0] result;
wire found;

miner core(clk, {
32'h381353f9, 32'h378a0e1c, 32'hfd270c51, 32'ha7f5f990
}, {
32'h00f10dad, 32'hacc0caa8, 32'h7482c0f3, 32'ha66f356d,
32'hdb1ff3ca, 32'hfb545b91, 32'h1efebbc8, 32'h24e39e50
}, result, found);

always begin
if (result >= 32'h381353fb + 128)

#1 clk <= ~clk;
#1 clk <= ~clk;

if (result >= 32'h381353f9 + 128)
$display("%x %x %x", result - 128, found, core.hash);
2  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Verilog one-cycle hasher code on: July 03, 2013, 05:06:37 PM
Hello kramble and thank you for testing this. Would you mind sharing your further feedback when and if you have any.
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Verilog one-cycle hasher code on: July 03, 2013, 02:32:53 PM
I have just registered, so I am writing here instead of the FPGA miner topic where as a newbie I don't have access yet.

I want to share Verilog code of a purely combinational hasher. To the best of my knowledge, all available FPGA miners require more than one clock cycle to process one nonce value (e.g. 6 clock cycles with kramble's miner for the de0-nano board). This code, in contrast, requires only one cycle to calculate two SHA-256 hashes.

Please note that the code was tested by simulation only, as there is no hardware available here to run it. For Cyclone IV E, the implementation synthesizes into about 55000 LEs, which would fit into Terasic DE2-115, for example.

Icarus Verilog should be called as follows:

iverilog -Wall -DSIM -o comb comb.v

And, finally, here goes the code itself:

`define INDEX(a, i) a[32 * (i)+:32]
`define ROR32(x, n) {x[(n) - 1:0], x[31:(n)]}
module round(data, word, hash);
input [255:0] data;
input [31:0] word;
output [255:0] hash;
wire [31:0] a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
wire [31:0] s1, ch, t1, s0, maj, t2;
assign a = `INDEX(data, 0);
assign b = `INDEX(data, 1);
assign c = `INDEX(data, 2);
assign d = `INDEX(data, 3);
assign e = `INDEX(data, 4);
assign f = `INDEX(data, 5);
assign g = `INDEX(data, 6);
assign h = `INDEX(data, 7);
assign s1 = `ROR32(e, 6) ^ `ROR32(e, 11) ^ `ROR32(e, 25);
assign ch = g ^ (e & (f ^ g));
assign t1 = h + s1 + ch + word;
assign s0 = `ROR32(a, 2) ^ `ROR32(a, 13) ^ `ROR32(a, 22);
assign maj = (a & b) | (c & (a | b));
assign t2 = s0 + maj;
assign hash = {g, f, e, d + t1, c, b, a, t1 + t2};
module chain(init, data, hash);
input [255:0] init;
input [511:0] data;
output [255:0] hash;
wire [31:0] words [0:63];
localparam konst = {
32'h428a2f98, 32'h71374491, 32'hb5c0fbcf, 32'he9b5dba5,
32'h3956c25b, 32'h59f111f1, 32'h923f82a4, 32'hab1c5ed5,
32'hd807aa98, 32'h12835b01, 32'h243185be, 32'h550c7dc3,
32'h72be5d74, 32'h80deb1fe, 32'h9bdc06a7, 32'hc19bf174,
32'he49b69c1, 32'hefbe4786, 32'h0fc19dc6, 32'h240ca1cc,
32'h2de92c6f, 32'h4a7484aa, 32'h5cb0a9dc, 32'h76f988da,
32'h983e5152, 32'ha831c66d, 32'hb00327c8, 32'hbf597fc7,
32'hc6e00bf3, 32'hd5a79147, 32'h06ca6351, 32'h14292967,
32'h27b70a85, 32'h2e1b2138, 32'h4d2c6dfc, 32'h53380d13,
32'h650a7354, 32'h766a0abb, 32'h81c2c92e, 32'h92722c85,
32'ha2bfe8a1, 32'ha81a664b, 32'hc24b8b70, 32'hc76c51a3,
32'hd192e819, 32'hd6990624, 32'hf40e3585, 32'h106aa070,
32'h19a4c116, 32'h1e376c08, 32'h2748774c, 32'h34b0bcb5,
32'h391c0cb3, 32'h4ed8aa4a, 32'h5b9cca4f, 32'h682e6ff3,
32'h748f82ee, 32'h78a5636f, 32'h84c87814, 32'h8cc70208,
32'h90befffa, 32'ha4506ceb, 32'hbef9a3f7, 32'hc67178f2
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i = i + 1) begin: first
assign words[i] = `INDEX(data, i);
for (i = 16; i < 64; i = i + 1) begin: blend
wire [31:0] s0, s1;
assign s0 = `ROR32(words[i - 15], 7) ^
`ROR32(words[i - 15], 18) ^
(words[i - 15] >> 3);
assign s1 = `ROR32(words[i - 2], 17) ^
`ROR32(words[i - 2], 19) ^
(words[i - 2] >> 10);
assign words[i] = words[i - 16] + words[i - 7] +
s0 + s1;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1) begin: array
wire [31:0] w = `INDEX(konst, 63 - i) + words[i];
wire [255:0] d, h;
if (i)
assign d = array[i - 1].h;
assign d = init;
round step(d, w, h);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin: adder
assign `INDEX(hash, i) = `INDEX(array[63].h, i) +
`INDEX(init, i);
module miner(clk, data, mid, result, found);
input clk;
input [255:0] mid;
input [127:0] data;
output [31:0] result;
output found;
reg [31:0] nonce = 32'b0;
wire [255:0] hash1, hash;
chain sha1(mid, {
32'h00000280, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000,
32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000,
32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h80000000,
result, data[95:0]
}, hash1);
chain sha2({
32'h5be0cd19, 32'h1f83d9ab, 32'h9b05688c, 32'h510e527f,
32'ha54ff53a, 32'h3c6ef372, 32'hbb67ae85, 32'h6a09e667
}, {
32'h00000100, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000,
32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h00000000, 32'h80000000,
}, hash);
assign result = nonce + data[127:96];
assign found = (32'b0 == `INDEX(hash, 7));
always @(posedge clk)
nonce <= nonce + 1;
`ifdef SIM
module proof;
reg clk = 1'b0;
wire [31:0] result;
wire found;
miner core(clk, {
32'h381353f8, 32'h378a0e1c, 32'hfd270c51, 32'ha7f5f990
}, {
32'h00f10dad, 32'hacc0caa8, 32'h7482c0f3, 32'ha66f356d,
32'hdb1ff3ca, 32'hfb545b91, 32'h1efebbc8, 32'h24e39e50
}, result, found);
always begin
if (result > 32'h381353fa)
#1 clk <= ~clk;
#1 clk <= ~clk;
$display("%x %x %x", result, found, core.hash);
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