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Today I went up from running one Stable USB Eruptor and my laptop VIDcard on BFGminer... to 4 USB eruptors on the 7 port D-link powered hub. However I can only get it to run for about 20 minutes and then they all light up and become "SICK"? then it crashes BFG miner and I have to restart my laptop. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Hello all, I am new to all of this Bitcoin stuff... however I think it is interesting. I picked up a USB eruptor off of ebay. I installed the drivers and I get it to work with Bitminter... however it seems like I have to constantly babysit it. Many times the L.E.D. will turn solid green and stay that way and that will give me an indication that something is wrong. It will say on the program that I am still creating blocks and making progress, but its not. I usually have to restart my computer every 6 hours to get this thing to keep working. I want to use CGminer because I think that might be more stable, but I cant figure out the whole command line thing/.bat file start up. I have no clue exactly what to type to get the usb enabled and working in my pool. Any ideas would be helpful, Thank you.