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Apologize in advance for any redundancies, but when is IOTA speculated to hit BITTREX? This is such a key player in the advancement of the coin and they have reached FU money status many moons ago. Why is it not on Bittrex, this makes zero sense to me. However I am indeed a noob and very new to the politics that coincide within the cryptocurrency digital organism breathing machine.
Greetings, any ALTCOINS I can mine on iMAC? Everyone says its a waste of time, however I have a lot of time to waste. Not to concerned with the energy consumption, would really like to earn a few ALTCOINS and start helping in solving complex problems. I’m a N00B and would prefer a classy non jaded humble VET to help me get started. Appreciate greatly your time and energy as I know this knowledge does not come easy for anyone. Thank you.
Greetings Bitcointalk! Happy to be here! Respect to the community and world of crypto currency. Will be asking tons of questions. Any thread recommendations would be much obliged.
1. Top Alt-Coin investments right now?
2. What are good Alt-Coins to mine with a stock IMAC, software and or site recommendations would be much appreciated!
3. Anyone need help on any projects, any bounties I should pay attention to? Thanks again.
The Future is Brighter Than You Think
No Such Things As Problems Only Soultions
“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler” Thoreau