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I transfered some btc from electrum to coinbase, it shows on my coinbase account "pending" When i check the trans id on blockchain it shows that the address i sended to (my coinbase address) is already sending it to another address while the first transaction is still unconfirmed. I did not send anything from coinbase to another address yet cuz its not possible but it appears they sended it.
Is this supposed to be?
thanks in advance
edit- So it got confirmed and btc is correct, although they sended it from my address to another it still shows the correct ammount of btc in coinbase. But they sended it with a way to high fee so how do they make a profit from this then?
So is sweeping better than a normal transfer?
Thank you for the reply,
And im not talking about that large amount is rougly 160 dollar, so my best bet would be:
Wait till fees are lower then transfer BTC from electrum to another electrum wallet using sweep or normal transfer? and then sell them. When i transfered the bitcoins i can use the private key to get the BCH into electronCash then transfer to another wallet in electronCash and then sell. Is this correct?
And people say that privatekeys should remain private but when i transfer to another wallet dont it need to go broadcasted?
Hello guys,
i had a wallet in MultiBit Classic, using export key method without password i added it to electrum and btc shows up. Should i make a new electrum wallet and send the BTC to that one or can i sell it directly and still get the BCH from the private key using ElectronCash?
Thanks in advance