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1  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Update MtGox - esito claim on: May 29, 2016, 04:52:31 PM
Poi più sotto chiede in realtà di confermare l'esito dell'accettazione della domanda, che contraddice quella frase in cui si dice che non c'è niente di particolare da fare, per il momento...
Comunque ho provato adesso e non riesco neanche ad aprire la pagina del claim

Rileggendo la mail vedo anche :  "You can also confirm the results of the acceptance or rejection"

quindi si potrebbe pensare che confermare l'esito non sia necessario ....

ho qualche dubbio sulla padronanza della lingua inglese di questi giapponesi  Huh  

Non ho problemi con la pagina del claim che si apre sempre regolarmente

2  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Update MtGox - esito claim on: May 28, 2016, 10:38:55 PM
non sei tu a dover accettare, è il contrario: ti dicono se la tua domanda è stata accettata o no

forse accettare non e' il termine esatto ma se capisco bene dovrebbe essere possibile confermare l'esito del reclamo ....

altrimenti cosa significa questo ?  :

_______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

creditors who filed their Bankruptcy Claims Related to Exchange by the method of using the website
will become able to confirm the results of the acceptance or rejection of claims
by logging into the System and clicking the icon that states “Confirm the Results of Acceptance or Rejection of the Claims”
_______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________

3  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Update MtGox - esito claim on: May 27, 2016, 09:52:38 PM
Ho fatto il test e ho accettato  nessun reject

Io pure vorrei accettare ma non vedo nulla da cliccare ... e a quanto pare non sono l'unico :

c'e' uno che risponde : "There are no such accept/reject buttons yet. Hopefully, they will appear in the near future."

bah ... stanno facendo le cose a rate  Huh

4  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Update MtGox - esito claim on: May 25, 2016, 02:03:47 PM

In seguito al "sixth creditor’s meeting" c'e' un nuovo comunicato, mi sembra di capire che a partire da domani 26 maggio si potra' vedere lo stato delle richieste ...

" It is planned that, as quickly as possible, creditors who filed their Bankruptcy
Claims Related to Exchange by the method of using the website
(; the “System”) (such method is
referred to as the “Online Method”) will become able to confirm the results of the
acceptance or rejection of claims by logging into the System and clicking the icon
that states “Confirm the Results of Acceptance or Rejection of the Claims” on or
after May 26, 2016. Further, it is planned that, as quickly as possible after the
same date, the said creditors who filed his/her Bankruptcy Claims Related to
Exchange by the Online Method will become able to browse through the System,
the statement of acceptance or rejection which sets forth the contents of filings and
the details of acceptances or rejections "

pero' il mio inglese e' carente .... quindi conferme o correzioni sono gradite.

5  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Mtgox - Hanno arrestato Mark Karpeles on: August 01, 2015, 08:20:54 AM

e pare possano trattenerlo fino a 23 giorni senza formalizzare accuse.

6  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: novita' mtgox..... on: April 23, 2015, 10:44:10 PM
teniamo presente che stiamo parlando del claim, non di quanto sarà effettivamente distribuito. Questo calcolo serve a stabilire a quanto un utente avrebbe (teoricamente) diritto. Poi mi pare ovvio che la frazione del claim che si riuscirà ad avere indietro sarà proporzionale a quello che complessivamente verrà recuperato

Si stima (Coindesk) che il "distribuito" potrebbe essere il 20% del totale ...... si sapra' qualcosa di preciso verso settembre/ottobre,

se sara' cosi' il modo di calcolare il rimborso perde completamente di significato ......

e pensare che prevede anche il 6% annuo di interesse per il ritardo .

7  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: novita' mtgox..... on: April 23, 2015, 04:31:25 PM
Nella speranza di recuperare qualcosa, a chi ha perso fondi in mtgox, è consigliabile chiedere il rimborso in cash o btc?

Ho compilato il modulo di richiesta per rimborso cash,
inserendo euro o btc da rimborsare il form li converte automaticamente nel controvalore yen usando le quotazioni del 23/04/14  quindi

se il rimborso lo facessero oggi ci sarebbe un guadagno per il rimborso del contante (il cambio dello yen e' favorevole)

ma soprattutto per i btc che sarebbero rimborsati a 483 dollari l'uno  Shocked

The amount of my/our bankruptcy claim will be converted into Japanese yen using the exchange rate designated by the bankruptcy trustee (the closing rate of the telegraphic transfer selling rate of the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market (the rate published by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.) on April 23, 2014, Japan time) and the Bitcoin rate designated by the bankruptcy trustee (CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index on 23:59 on April 23, 2014 Japan time) (1 Bitcoin = USD483 = JPY50,058.12. This calculation is made using the rate “USD1 = JPY103.64” (the closing rate of the telegraphic transfer selling rate of the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market (the rate published by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.) on April 23, 2014, Japan time).

quindi sarebbe conveniente il rimborso cash ..... ma mi sembra troppo bello per essere vero .... stento a credere che possano rimborsare tutti  Huh

Il curatore fallimentare ha comunicato piu' volte che sta ancora lavorando al "recupero" dei fondi ma immagino che sia lontano dal coprire il "buco" ...

qui :  c'e' un resoconto del suo lavoro (anche in inglese) ma per me e' piuttosto ostico.

8  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: novita' mtgox..... on: April 23, 2015, 12:27:33 PM
Praticamente la procedura per poter recuperare il maltolto passa a kraken.
Non esattamente, compilando il form puoi scegliere se chiedere il rimborso tramite kraken (con possibilita' di averlo in btc) oppure no (solo cash)

" after logging in to the System, the User will be asked to select to either
(i) file the bankruptcy claim via Kraken’s system or
(ii) file the bankruptcy claim via the Trustee’s System"

9  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 28, 2014, 04:31:42 PM
ragazzi ma esiste la lontana e remota possibilita di avere un rimborso dei btc persi su mtgox ?

Secondo me si, e' solo questione di tempo.

Il "rosso" al momento della richiesta di protezione da bancarotta era di 2659253208 yen corrispondenti a circa 26 milioni di dollari e solo gli ultimi 200000 btc ritrovati lo coprono abbondantemente ....

 A proposito di tempo c'e' un altra comunicazione di mtgox .... la corte distrettuale di Tokio proroga fino al 9 maggio proprio il tempo che ha "l'esaminatore" per fare un resoconto :

In relation with the application for commencement of a civil rehabilitation proceeding made by
MtGox Co., Ltd., the Tokyo District Court issued on February 28, 2014 an examination order and
appointed attorney-at-law Nobuaki Kobayashi as examiner.
We hereby announce that the Tokyo District Court issued today an order extending to May 9, 2014
the deadline for the examiner to submit the results of its examination.

10  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 26, 2014, 10:32:04 AM

Altra comunicazione di mtgox :

Announcement with regard to consultations with investigating authorities on the disappearance of

Following its application for commencement of civil rehabilitation, MtGox Co., Ltd. consulted with the
metropolitan police department with regard to the disappearance of bitcoins which is one of the causes for
said application. MtGox Co., Ltd. hereby announces that it has submitted necessary electronic records and
other related documents.
MtGox Co., Ltd. intends to fully cooperate with each competent authority.
Further, MtGox Co., Ltd. continues to make efforts to clarify facts as quickly as possible and to recover
from damages.

11  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 21, 2014, 01:47:00 PM
Le prospettive salgono da un iniziale perdita del 95% circa, a una di "solo" il 70-75% e, per quanto possa sembrare assurdo, la maggior parte di loro esulterà all'idea di poter recuperare almeno quel 25-30% e, probabilmente, accetterà una proposta di ristrutturazione che preveda l'haircut del 70%. Diverso sarebbe stato se fosse stata invece dichiarata la stessa perdita fin dall'inizio.

Gia' la comunicazione mtgox del 28 febbraio riportava :

Total amount of assets 3,841,866,163
Total amount of current liabilities 6,501,119,371

quindi una perdita' iniziale del 41% circa ......

12  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 18, 2014, 07:16:29 AM

Mt. Gox Allowing Users to Login, Check Balances   Shocked

provare per credere !


Important announcement to all users confirming their account
This balance confirmation service is provided on this site only for the convenience of all users.
Please be aware that confirming the balance on this site does not constitute a filing of rehabilitation claims under the civil rehabilitation procedure and note that the balance amounts shown on this site should also not be considered an acknowledgment by MtGox Co., Ltd. of the amount of any rehabilitation claims of users.
Rehabilitation claims under a civil rehabilitation procedure become confirmed from a filing which is followed by an investigation procedure. The method for filing claims will be published on this site as soon as we will be in situation to announce it.

13  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 14, 2014, 03:42:44 PM

Su mtgox c'e' un altro comunicato :

Announcement regarding the applicability of US Bankruptcy Code Chapter 15
As already announced, MtGox Co., Ltd. filed an application for commencement of a civil
rehabilitation procedure at the Tokyo District Court on February 28, 2014 and this application is now proceeding (the "Civil Rehabilitation").
On March 10, 2014 (US Standard Central Time), a petition was filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas,
Dallas Division to have the Civil Rehabilitation accepted under Chapter 15 of title 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
A temporary relief order was issued on the same date. This preliminary relief order is scheduled for confirmation on April 1, 2014.
This means that the effect of the Civil Rehabilitation applies now on a temporary basis to
assets located in the United States which will be preserved. Accordingly, the acceptance by the
US court of the Civil Rehabilitation means that any enforcement of a judgment against MtGox
Co., Ltd, any attachment of its assets, the creation of any lien against its assets or the disposition
of any assets located in the United States are temporarily no longer possible.
Under the Civil Rehabilitation, the Tokyo District Court issued an order prohibiting any
disposition of the assets of MtGox Co., Ltd. Since assets located in the United States will be
used to repay all creditors, their preservation was necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of
the Civil Rehabilitation. This is why the Chapter 15 petition was made.
Further, on March 11, 2014 (United States Standard Central Time), a petition was made to
stop the proceedings of a lawsuit taking place in the United States pursuant to Chapter 15 and
this petition was accepted.
Further announcements regarding the Civil Rehabilitation will be made on this website.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to all creditors and ask for their understanding
and cooperation throughout this process.

14  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 03, 2014, 06:11:15 PM
Beh mi sembra tutto molto chiaro!

Questo descrive esattamente la situazione  Grin

Quella roba è semplicemente un modo per far finta di aver fatto di tutto per risolvere le cose, tradotto: pararsi il culo  Wink

Vedi che non restituiranno niente a nessuno (me compreso), ma avendo seguito le leggi nessuno andrà in galera, come merita!

Dato che Karpeles ha richiesto questa procedura "di protezione bancarotta" (at the Tokyo District Court....mi da l'idea di qualcosa di statale) non e' piu' lui a dirigere le operazioni ...

e tutto sara' in mano a una sorta di "curatore fallimentare" che supervisiona il tutto ...

e visto che i giapponesi in molte occasioni si sono dimostrati parecchio efficienti io non sarei cosi' pessimista ....

15  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: March 03, 2014, 08:34:59 AM

E c'e' una nuova chilometrica comunicazione su  :


MtGox Co., Ltd. made today an application for commencement of a procedure of civil rehabilitation (minji saisei) at the Tokyo District Court. This application was accepted on the same day. Further, MtGox Co., Ltd is under several orders issued by the Court : a preservative order prohibiting it from paying its debts, transferring its assets or establishing security over its assets, an order establishing a comprehensive prohibition of forced attachment of its assets by its creditors and a supervisory order ordering supervision by a supervisory committee. In consequence, MtGox hereby informs you as follows.
We first express our most sincere regrets and apologies for this situation and for causing so much inconvenience to all our users and other interested parties. We will fully respect the above orders and maintain our assets with all the necessary care.

    Financial situation, reasons and timeline leading to this application

        (1) As of now, the liabilities of MtGox Co., Ltd exceed its assets and its financial situation is as follows:
        Total amount of assets   3,841,866,163
        Total amount of current liabilities   6,501,119,371

        (2) The increase of current liabilities may be linked to a loss of bitcoins and customer funds. These are now investigated by an expert and all efforts are made to discover the truth. This application was prompted by the following troubles:

        At the start of February 2014, illegal access through the abuse of a bug in the bitcoin system resulted in an increase in incomplete bitcoin transfer transactions and we discovered that there was a possibility that bitcoins had been illicitly moved through the abuse of this bug.
        As a result of our internal investigation, we found that a large amount of bitcoins had disappeared. Although the complete extent is not yet known, we found that approximately 750,000 bitcoins deposited by users and approximately 100,000 bitcoins belonging to us had disappeared.
        We believe that there is a high probability that these bitcoins were stolen as a result of an abuse of this bug and we have asked an expert to look at the possibility of a criminal complaint and undertake proper procedures.
        On the same day (24th), we found out large discrepancies between the amount of cash held in financial institutions and the amount deposited from our users. The amounts are still under investigation and may vary but they approximate JPY 2.8 billion.
        We are investigating the causes of these problems. Since there are probably a variety of causes including hacking by third parties, we need to investigate a huge amount of transaction reports in order to establish the truth. As of this date, we cannot confirm the exact amount of missing deposit funds and the total amount of bitcoins which disappeared.
        Once we discovered that bitcoins had disappeared and the discrepancies between cash funds and deposit balances, we judged that it would be difficult to continue our activities normally and we therefore closed our site at noon on the 25th (Japan time).

        (3) Regarding the filing of a complaint or damages report, an expert has been mandated and investigations have started. We will make all efforts to ensure that crimes are punished and damages recovered.
        Further we will fully cooperate with inquiries from authorities and investigations related to this matter, in Japan or overseas.

        In order to increase repayments to our creditors, it is necessary to explore the possibility of having MtGox Co., Ltd. continue its business. This is why the civil rehabilitation procedure has been chosen, Rebuilding MtGox Co., Ltd under the supervision of the court in a legally organized procedure while giving proper explanations will not be for the sole benefit of the company but for that of the whole bitcoin community.
        All efforts will now be made to restore the business and recover damages to repay debts to creditors. We hope for the understanding and cooperation of all.
    Outline of the application
        (1) Application date February 28, 2014
        (2) Jurisdiction Tokyo District Court
        (3) Counsel of applicant

        Baker & McKenzie (Gaikokuho Joint Enterprise)
        Attorney-at-law Junko Suetomi
        Attorney-at-law Yamamoto Hideyuki
        Yodoyabashi & Yamagami Legal Professional Corporation
        Attorney-at-law Akio Shinomiya
        Attorney-at-law Kazumasa Kawai
        (4) Supervisor Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
        Attorney-at-law Nobuaki Kobayashi
        (5) Investigator idem
        (6) Case no. 2014 (sai) 12Civil rehabilitation commencement application

16  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Probabile fallimento Mt.Gox ed eventuali azioni legali on: March 02, 2014, 03:10:57 PM
D'accordo con te...credo sia solo una questione di facciata...del tipo:
Stiamo lavorando per voi...non ci siamo dimenticati di voi...  Wink

Per quel poco di inglese che mastico direi che e' un servizio per rispondere ad informazioni generiche  :
A call center has been established to respond to all inquiries

Poi pero' trovo interpretazioni come quella che ho gia' linkato :
Former users of the website have been given a number to dial to report their losses, which will be used to count the company’s assets and liabilities

 Huh  Huh

17  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Probabile fallimento Mt.Gox ed eventuali azioni legali on: March 02, 2014, 01:57:49 PM
qui :

leggo :
Former users of the website have been given a number to dial to report their losses, which will be used to count the company’s assets and liabilities.
In the end, the hope is that anyone who lost money at the exchange will receive a percentage of what they really had stored.

immagino si intenda solo la valuta .. niente btc

chi sa un po di inglese puo' chiamarli dalle 2 fino alle 9 di domani mattina

18  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Probabile fallimento Mt.Gox ed eventuali azioni legali on: March 02, 2014, 10:41:08 AM

Guardate un po cosa si legge adesso sull'home page di MtGox :

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


An overview of the situation should be published here shortly (probably on March 3, 2014 (Japan time)).

Contact information

A call center has been established to respond to all inquiries. The call center is planned to start on March 3, 2014. All inquiries to MtGox Co., Ltd. should be made to the following telephone number:

Telephone number +81 3-4588-3921
Working hours Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm (Japan time)

Please refrain from contacting the office of the supervisor/investigator.

19  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: February 26, 2014, 12:56:47 PM

Japan authorities “gathering information”

As for Japan, it might be even more serious, as Japanese authorities are already looking into the closure of Mt. Gox.

20  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: MTGOX prova a ribaltare il tavolo !!! on: February 26, 2014, 09:29:53 AM

Chat con Karpeles, e' di ieri ....

Alleged Chat Transcript With Mt. Gox CEO Discusses Exchange’s Current Issues

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