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1  Economy / Gambling / Re: SPORTS BOOK RANKINGS ~ USER GENERATED (PLEASE CONTRIBUTE) on: July 09, 2014, 01:20:42 PM = 5 (the first decentralized betting)
fairlay = 5 (Good looking site, functional all the time, good odds, helpful staff)
2  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: FAIRLAY.COM - the future of reliable information. on: June 26, 2014, 07:42:16 AM
Great, thank you.
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: FAIRLAY.COM - the future of reliable information. on: June 25, 2014, 08:17:09 AM
Hi guys, you resolved this prediction incorrectly:
Greece won the game:
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] Reality Keys: An oracle letting you use external state in transactions on: March 23, 2014, 11:20:56 AM
Thanks for the reply, Edmund, and congratulations for the work done. I really hope that more people will have a look at your project and expand it, it's one of the most exciting things I've seen.
5  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] Reality Keys: An oracle letting you use external state in transactions on: March 22, 2014, 02:27:11 PM
I think VTC is asking about the 2nd address in that scenario - the one bob funded. He can move his bitcoins before alice finds out the keys have been revealed.
Hm, you're right. In this case I again can't think of a good way to use Hopefully some new ideas will appear in this topic.
6  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] Reality Keys: An oracle letting you use external state in transactions on: March 22, 2014, 12:27:37 PM
After 03/24/2014, if 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE has at least 2000 millibits, 1 public key from the first 2-of-4 address will be revealed, and 2 public keys from the second address. Alice will be able send all 20 millibits to her own address.

What prevents Bob, or anyone with knowledge of the redemption script, to quickly move 10 of the millibits  before Alice can do so, as soon as realitykeys reveals two of the keys?
Good question. The 4 public keys of the first address are:

1st public key if < 2000:
044BD2C100F5B52B54217A4B7A1356ABE8352FEF64EDC440BEDE7F14793B79E79F967633189796C A838CB43374563090136FAA3A573BBBDCF3CE8B7130E30A439A

2nd public key if < 2000:
047EE78EE7ED1F7E0E50D3C0585E4C695DC68A2503BA8A5343338CD72F962CA500D5AABD4157739 1294725379CB746CD5F614381951739D17A73DA34C2D134B941

Public key Alice:
0448B9EC5366E8C4DFE9F5599C926220C3FC594CE9322F17FEAF28B59EBA4F3CA3193D7A9DA63AB 975D9BA4642056CCC3C15657B8EB58ED6F45E6663BD8531BFFB

1st public key if >2000:
04501598839906E9782D3EA82AFAFD87839AE6E1DC34061BB17B196B4D9BF4B76BD0F20FE783D87 D995E88774B940866A70B51323AD188AAFFAF51AE30A865882B

Realitykeys will reveal two private keys for this address only if 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE has less than 2000 millibits. Otherwise, they will reveal only one. Bob can not use the one private key to move the funds, because the address is 2-of-4. He doesn't know Alice's private key. So he needs 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE to have less than 2000, and this is their original bet anyway.

If Bob keeps the redemption script private, how can Alice prove that Bob deposited coins for the bet.
Another good question. The redemption script is always the same, if you input the same public addresses and required signatures. If Alice knows, that the 4 keys will be the following, she can get the redeem script by herself and see for herself if Bob has deposited coins:
1st public key if > 2000:
04501598839906E9782D3EA82AFAFD87839AE6E1DC34061BB17B196B4D9BF4B76BD0F20FE783D87 D995E88774B940866A70B51323AD188AAFFAF51AE30A865882B

2nd public key if > 2000:
043801DF383779F7EDF643F2F195239032EE00BDC58FE7DD059C72C3E65853C92E926ABE11896C5 09F8D8BAEABD7D7CEC07095472BAA9B231F5E6AAB0E64EA0686

Public key Bob
04EF264DF632BB21AED00BDD2FED565496CBD017CBB59E8CB3B303CF1AB065D42B7205B0C991C54 0F02620AC2DAFBC0CB21D23F4192B68A08E218AED91ED59F71C

1st public key if < 2000:
044BD2C100F5B52B54217A4B7A1356ABE8352FEF64EDC440BEDE7F14793B79E79F967633189796C A838CB43374563090136FAA3A573BBBDCF3CE8B7130E30A439A

You can play around with this website and see for yourself -
7  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: [ANN] Reality Keys: An oracle letting you use external state in transactions on: March 21, 2014, 06:28:41 PM
Ok this is all nice and everything but could you please explain what n of m combination would be used? Take this for example:

Let's say that Alice wants to bet 10 millibits against Bob's 10 millibits that the address 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE will have at least 2000 millibits on 03/23/2014.
They create two new events like these:

Let's say that Alice has a public address corresponding to the private key 5JNsUzxm5gyRybX5GLJ56ccWo45zFT7RPJDoBgffuqq8DiRh7fu and Bob has a public address corresponding to the private key 5KTqVVteW3cUAyXxerB5ho9mkMFg6LJ9ez5mnRx2zLPZsXaoiCD.
They will create two 2-of-4 multisig addresses.
The first one consists of the 2 public keys which* will reveal if 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE has less than 2000 millibits on 03/23/2014, the public key of Alice, and 1 public key which will reveal if otherwise. This gives us the address 39X1TUG2bTJQ4SJ2HRjGMWewdXDoR4sm3R and the redeem script:

5241044bd2c100f5b52b54217a4b7a1356abe8352fef64edc440bede7f14793b79e79f967633189 796ca838cb43374563090136faa3a573bbbdcf3ce8b7130e30a439a41047ee78ee7ed1f7e0e50d3 c0585e4c695dc68a2503ba8a5343338cd72f962ca500d5aabd41577391294725379cb746cd5f614 381951739d17a73da34c2d134b941410448b9ec5366e8c4dfe9f5599c926220c3fc594ce9322f17 feaf28b59eba4f3ca3193d7a9da63ab975d9ba4642056ccc3c15657b8eb58ed6f45e6663bd8531b ffb4104501598839906e9782d3ea82afafd87839ae6e1dc34061bb17b196b4d9bf4b76bd0f20fe7 83d87d995e88774b940866a70b51323ad188aaffaf51ae30a865882b54ae

The second 2-of-4 address consists of the 2 public keys which* will reveal if 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE has at least 2000 millibits on 03/23/2014, the public key of Bob, and 1 public key which will reveal if otherwise. This gives us the address 3MDaf2H76q849GPh45bFkm1smfWE5fij5n and the redeem script:

524104501598839906e9782d3ea82afafd87839ae6e1dc34061bb17b196b4d9bf4b76bd0f20fe78 3d87d995e88774b940866a70b51323ad188aaffaf51ae30a865882b41043801df383779f7edf643 f2f195239032ee00bdc58fe7dd059c72c3e65853c92e926abe11896c509f8d8baeabd7d7cec0709 5472baa9b231f5e6aab0e64ea06864104ef264df632bb21aed00bdd2fed565496cbd017cbb59e8c b3b303cf1ab065d42b7205b0c991c540f02620ac2dafbc0cb21d23f4192b68a08e218aed91ed59f 71c41044bd2c100f5b52b54217a4b7a1356abe8352fef64edc440bede7f14793b79e79f96763318 9796ca838cb43374563090136faa3a573bbbdcf3ce8b7130e30a439a54ae

Alice sends 10 millibits to the first address, Bob sends 10 millibits to the second one.

After 03/24/2014, if 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE has at least 2000 millibits, 1 public key from the first 2-of-4 address will be revealed, and 2 public keys from the second address. Alice will be able send all 20 millibits to her own address. If 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE has less than 2000 millibits, 2 public keys from the first 2-of-4 address will be revealed, and 1 from the second address. Bob will be able to send all 20 millibits to his own address.

The beauty of it is that there is no third party involved in storing the millibits. If Alice and Bob fear that can steal their millibits, they can create 4-of-6 addresses, with 3 public keys from Alice and Bob and the already mentioned 3 from This way even the guys from the website will not be able to touch the millibits.

* shows the public keys in compressed form. In order to get the uncompressed addresses in hex, needed to create multi-sig addresses here, you can use the Bitcoin Address Utility by Casascius. You need to go to Tools > Address Utility > paste in „Public Key Hex“ > click Publick Key > Uncompress Public Key.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: So ... who spent money on Gox trying to buy $100 coins? on: February 28, 2014, 07:03:42 PM
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Nick Szabo: Bitcoin is an implementation of my bit gold idea. on: February 26, 2014, 04:24:54 PM
This article famously proposed that Szabo is Satoshi.

Even if Szabo is not Satoshi, Szabo said that bitcoin is an implementation of his bit gold idea as early as May 2009:
Bit gold, my sketch of an electronic currency that minimally relies on trust in any one person or organization, achieves this minimal vulnerability by using secure property titles. Satoshi Nakamoto has implemented BitCoin which very similarly uses a dense Byzantine fault tolerant peer-to-peer network and and cryptographic hash chains to ensure the integrity of a currency.

Szabo wrote in January 2011:
Bitcoin, an implementation of the bit gold idea (and another example of where the order of events is important), continues to be popular.

Szabo defended Bitcoin in July 2011, after it has been attacked by critics:
But insisting that gold, silver, shells, online payment systems or currencies, etc. must be useful for some other purpose, such as decoration, before they can be used as money, is a terrible confusion, akin to insisting that an insurance service must start out as useful for something else, perhaps for stabling horses, before one can write the insurance contracts. Indeed many of us value precious metals and shells for decoration more for a reverse reason, which I explain in the above-linked essay on the origins of money. ...

Bron said... I assume this comment "But insisting that gold, silver, shells, online payment systems or currencies, etc. must be useful for some other purpose, such as decoration, before they can be used as money, is a terrible confusion" is directed at those critical of bitcoin eg this thread

nick said... Yes, that commentary and many others, alas.

Even if Szabo was not Satoshi, you can only benefit from reading Szabo's works, because they are genius.
10  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2013-12-09] Video - Meet 'Bitcoin Jesus': This Is My Life's Calling on: January 13, 2014, 08:19:40 AM
Thanks so much for uploading it!
To be clear,  I offered $30 USD worth of Bitcoin,  not 30 BTC.

I did send a bit extra though since it sounds like this was a harder video to do.

Thanks again!
Thanks a lot Roger! I'm glad that I was able to help you.
11  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2013-12-09] Video - Meet 'Bitcoin Jesus': This Is My Life's Calling on: January 13, 2014, 12:59:06 AM
Can someone toss this on youtube for me?
$30 worth of BTC to the first person who does.
Hi Roger,

I'm a big fan of yours. About 2 and a half hours ago I found out that you have bitcointalk profile, checked your last posts, found this one. I'm interested in converting complicated videos, but it still took me 2 hours to download this one. I uploaded it now on youtube -

I hope I am the first person to do it and your offer is still valid.

Here is my address: 1EA3ExQaCeRge3sRHsY2xLPGjmaDtn5R67

P.S. And of course I'd be happy to chat with you if you feel like it
12  Other / Beginners & Help / charging hidden fees and not replying for a month when asked about it on: January 01, 2014, 07:39:14 PM
Just wanted this to be known, because there are people who like them.
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