Who is next?
I fought off all the fudsters when everyone walked away. I tracked down the developer and counselled them to do the right thing. I stopped all the FUD by tracking down the usernames and suggesting their locations. I also contacted their "friends" to show them how great they are for coins when things go wrong. You are helping nothing, not even yourself.
ANYONE and I mean anyone FUDs, I am going to turn their ever-loving crypto lifes to an end. You have no money, no job, no future in crypto and I will make sure you continue your pathetic existence on some other keyboard sport. You must have run out of money to WoW and picked this place to spread your decay. THIS IS VOOT!
This whole game is about confidence and reputation. A thug with a keyboard is nothing. Find a coin, rebuild it, I would even help. If MsCollec does not want her name on DarkMarket, that is a great idea. Someone else will. VOOT has the "Juice" It is a survivor. It is stronger than any Coin. It has a Community that doesn’t give up.
Go, BUY... Develop. I have 16 ideas I am going to implement on QT and the coins I have will get it first. This is one of them.
I am calmer now. Thank you for reading.
hi guys, where is the irc link?