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Trading look like a hard to understand game and for any new person in trading making profits is always hard that is why am here to ask how can a newbie make profit trading coins and what manual can be followed.
For newbie, i think trading is all about learning, not making profit. it is like you driving a car.. You are still enwbie in driving, but wanna go to highway instead.. well.. you know the rest first year of trading must be filled with learning. i.e Psychological, Risk Management, after that, go advancing to strategies and technical things..
I don't like lie in any form.. especially my doctor. he/she is the people i trust most in term of my health, if i had something in terms of my health (even cancer), he must tell the truth no matter what..
Most probably, binance Intl can do.. LUNA still in the pair of LUNA-BUSD on Binance exchange..
selamat siang senior dan para developer
Saya sedang mengembangkan aplikasi PPOB yang memberikan komisi penjualan kepada reseller PPOB saya. Saya berencana untuk menambahkan metode pembayaran komisi melalui ethereum, sekaligus memberikan edukasi dan pengenalan dasar cryptocurrency kepada reseller PPOB saya.
Maka saya membutuhkan jasa freelance programer smart contract dengan tujuan sbb : 1. Sistem menerima setoran deposito saldo PPOB dari reseller ke wallet eth perusahaan 2. Sistem auto confirm apabila eth sudah diterima sesuai nominalnya, maka saldo PPOB akan ditambahkan pada akun reseller 3. Saat kiriman eth terconfirm, maka komisi dalam bentuk eth diberikan kepada sponsor si reseller yg melakukan deposit tsb secara otomatis (smart contract berdasarkan besaran komisi yang diberikan)
Nah apakah ada yang berminat untuk membantu saya ? Nilai proyek Rp 2.500.000,- s/d Rp 7.500.000,-
Terima kasih
Gampang sih, cuma rate nya itu ga masuk..
#JOIN & #Proof of authentication "Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/Medium" Campaign Telegram username: @mansukri TON Surf wallet address: 0:2d7c012f20401653246ab5408119ca5f435ebc4176812235a574b6f8b904de3a Free TON forum username: Jims
eos based school project? why u make it so hard to accomplishdbro.. it's easier to android based eos dapps wallet
srsyly? i already posted my submission. but now i doubt to post my submission here.
Well.. KYC pada umumnya tidak akan bisa kita hindari pada saat kita akan melakukan aktifitas jual-beli pada suatu exchange. Apalagi semenjak AML terbaru di eropa sudah ditetapkan. Projek-projek baru yang legit, pada umumnya akan listing di exchange baru. Karena fee listing bisa murah malah terkadang gratis (btw, komen saya ini lebih ke exchange yaa, bukan ke bounty ataupun airdrop). Selama inii sih, ketika saya akan melakukan KYC pada exchange baru, patokan saya biasanya menggunakan coingecko. Patokan saya dari coingecko jika exhange itu legit atau tidak, biasanya saya lihat di market yang listing koin tersebut, dan melihat trust score dari masing2 exchange tersebut. - Jika trust score ijo, biasanya saya lanjut KYC. - Jika menunjukkan warna kuning/merah, biasanya saya akan bertanya langsung ke pihak developer projek koin yang saya incer tentang exchange tersebut. Terutama bertanya, apakah mereka (tim projek) sudah pernah melakukan aktifitas Deposit/WD ke exchange tersebut. Intinya tanya2 tentang pengalaman mereka. Kalo ragu, yaa tidak saya lanjutkan. Walaupun cara tersebut diatas tidak sepenuhnya memberikan perlindungan 100%, namun setidaknya saya mempunyai landasan ketika melakukan KYC. boleh minta site referensit ersebut gan? saya agak ragu untuk melakukan KYC di beberapa situs exchange. selain itu adakah alternatif selain kyc agar mempermudah transaksi kita? Terima Kasih.
hi sir. I'm still newbie. can i participate on this bounty?
About Resfinex exchange Resfinex is one of a kind when it comes to crypto exchanges. The thing is that Resfinex was developed from scratch, unlike many other exchanges that were built with standardized engines. That is why Resfinex is much faster and more user-friendly. So I see that you really endorse Resfinex exchange, saying that it was developed from scratch etc. If they are really made from scratch, how come they copied a lot of material from one other well known exchange, Bitfinex? From what I could find so far, they copied: - Bitfinex Privacy Policy
- Bitfinex Risk Disclosure Statement
- Bitfinex API Term of Service
I made topic about it in the scam accusation board with some proof thoughts on that, are you still willing to endorse them? it's a bit suspicious since resefinex doesn't have ANN thread here. but if there any further explanation here from Resefinex will be better.. the link above moreover like a distihguished looking for refferal link.. CMIIW
hello... any contiuation of this project? ih there's any, i wpuld like to know more.. thank you..
i have a question. is there a minimum rank requirement for each category of bounty? i have many real facebook friends, so with witter. am i eligible to participate this bounty? thx alot
if u didn't mind, i would love to know more about arbitrage robot,, i pay for the code and if anyone can code it..
mining nowadays are less profitable than the effort we spend. imho.. but if do it mostly for securing the network, it's till be okay..
you are best with your mining pool.. but for the wallet services, i hope u must consider more user experience and the user convenience as a service. Maybe in the future, i hope an android/ios apps so we can use easily..
gan.. update lagi dong ini thread.. dari kemaren 1 tahun belakangan banyak membantu ane dapetin recehan.. yah kalo dikumpulin udah lumayan lah.. hehe..
I have question, why so many coin are suspended? and what does it mean? thanks anyway.
Now everybody just picture that piranha-like swarm of blockchain savvy black hats that are already cultivating their hardons for when they finally get a go at molesting sweet facecoin!
Ain't gonna be enough popcorn in the universe (remember to stock up long positions!), because this will inevitably get hacked-
or does anyone seriously think that a centralized sillycone valley run corporate $hitcoin with a cpl billion facebook users will not have boatloads of vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited? couldn't agree more with you mate, what's the point if the concept of decentralization of blockchain become centralized?