I don't remember using any other wallet honestly. I have the same files for my LTC, DOGE, and PTS from back in the day, and I distinctly remember using the core programs. I'm not sure where to go from here.
I (stupidly) backed them up to my Google Drive and left them there ever since. None of those files have an extension on them, and I wouldn't have removed them unless some set of instructions told me to do so.
UPDATE: Looks like it was the Bitcoin Mobile Wallet. Trying now.
EDIT: Definitely was Bitcoin Mobile Wallet, along with the others, which was base64 aes-256 encrypted. I found out using openssl, but the passwords I remember were incorrect, so they're lost unless I can remember them. Oh well. I wasn't worried that I had a TON of coin in those wallets, just looking for a way to decrypt them. Of course, IIRC, no amount of computing power could decrypt it. :/