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I find it a bit dangerous to advise people to delete their wallet and restore from seed. I believe there are instances where this might lead to tricky situations, if not even loss of data.
True, for the newbie who only created a default wallet and hasn't changed settings, it's a safe procedure. But what if e.g. addresses were manually imported?
Thx again to all for the details! Since apparently the Bitcoin core blockchain download got much faster from version 0.10 onwards I decided to be a chicken and give some fees to miners - I transferred the funds manually. Worked well, I'll now archive the old Bitcoin core wallet somewhere and will happily use Electrum from here on. Hopefully And yes, my paper copy of the seed is safely tucked away.
Thx folks! So c) seems possible - importing private keys. But what does it mean? Do I then "own" the private keys in the new wallet or do I still have to transfer the funds to keys of the Electrum wallet? I understand Electrum uses deterministic wallets, I.e. can those imported private keys be recovered from the wallet seed? If no, what's actually the difference between b) "sweep" and c) import? The more I look into this, the more complicated it seems to get
Apologies first, I know this must have been asked and answered a million times - I just failed to find comprehensive, up2date info. Hope you forgive me and do try to answer.
So I have significant (to me) amount of bitcoins in a wallet in Bitcoin core. They are stored there for quite a while - I lag some 1.5 years of blockchain download...
Now I want to move those to Electrum. What's my best course of action. I seem to have found 3 ways to do this:
a) Create a new wallet in Electrum. Sync the blockchain in Bitcoin core. Then transfer the Bitcoin over to the Electrum wallet. Seems the safest option, but will require me to wait for a long time until I have the blockchain. And my HDD will get quite full with data I only need for a short while. b) Create a new wallet in Electrum. Then "Sweep" the Bitcoin core wallet. I think to understand there's no seed in Bitcoin core that I can enter in Electrum, but it seems the private keys (which can be dumped in Bitcoin core console) can be "sweeped" over? Then, important, transfer the Bitcoin in Electrum to a electrum wallet address. Correct? c) Create a new wallet in Electrum. Then "import" the private keys of b) into Electrum. And then? Also transfer internally?
I'm not 100% confident with b) and c). Comments, please?
Finally, Step 2 - can I then erase all traces of my Bitcoin core wallet? Or maybe I keep a paper copy of the private/public key pairs - just in case someone still transfers Bitcoin into those? If that happens, above b) or c) could still access the funds? I guess there's no "revoke" system in Bitcoin as there is in e.g. PGP?
Again, sorry for the repeat questions.
Well, well... Saw that before, tried it, failed (can't remember where, exactly). The post is for fedora < 22 since the python-qt is now called PyQt4. I just tried again and, surprise, it went through! Thx a lot for this! Down to syncing the blockchain for a very last time now Or - what's the best way to get my funds over? I search the forum first, then open another thread if necessary. Thx again!
Not that much of a Fedora user, but cant you just install python, get the electrum .tar.gz unpack it and run
python electrum in the folder you just unpacked?
Thx Shorena! I'm not in front of my computer now, can't recall exact details. But I did try from source before. There's a conflict with dependencies, I think it was Python-qt where fedora 22 moved on and Electrum requires an older version. I guess that's why a rpm is not readily available. But from other posts I do sense that some people run Electrum on the latest fedora. Wondering what they've done...
Hi there,
Anyone successfully running Electrum on Fedora 22? I desperately want to walk away from Bitcoin-QT due to blockchain size but I fail to find a Fedora 22 RPM. Seems Fedora 22 dependencies got too many upgrades.
Thx a lot!