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1  Local / Offtopic / Re: marirea numarului de followers twitter on: May 13, 2018, 12:37:09 PM
Dacă vrei să-ți mărești stake-urile atunci când participi la un bounty, cumpără câțiva zeci de mii de followeri. Majoritatea sunt Boți( cam toți ) dar nu prea am intâlnit proiect ICO să-ți verifice numărul real al urmăritorilor. Eu cumpărasem cam 3k cu 3-4 $ acum câțiva ani .

Cu 100$ cumperi 40-50k followeri . N-o să ai nici un feedback, dar mna, o să arate bine la număr Smiley)
2  Local / Offtopic / Idee platforma similara OLX- Dar cu plata in Bitcoin on: May 13, 2018, 12:27:54 PM
M-am bălăcit in cadă câte ore, și pe lângă că mi-au increțit majoritatea anexelor, mi-a increțit și creierul. Nu imi merg becurile in baie, cred că din cauza asta imi mai vin idei in cadă .

Bitcoin-ul, Ethereum, si numeroase Altcoins au explodat in ultimul timp, si tind să cred că o mare parte din tinerii romani au habar de ce se intâmplă, sau chiar au investit câțiva lei in ceva moneda virtuală . Și văd că platforme in genul OLX,  au mare succes, nefiind multe pe piață, au chiar și profituri generoase in urma reclamelor, promovărilor in topul listei, etc.

Cum sună un „OLX”- cu un procesator de plati in Bitcoin, sau eu știu, ceva Altcoins?

Funcționalitate similară OLX, sau mă rog orice platformă de genul, dar cu un sistem de excrow similar LocalBitoins?

Pui un produs la vânzare( să zicem că il pui  pegged in Lei, sa nu te afecteze volabilitatea pieței) iar după ce te ințelegi cu cumpărătorul cu privire la modalitatea de transport, plata intră in excrow până când primești produsul. Nu il primești, și vânzătorul nu poate dovedi expedierea produsului, sau nu știu din ce cauză nu ți-a ajuns coletul, iți primești banii inapoi .

Incă ceva fain, ce lipsește platformelor de vânzări/cumpărări ar fi un excrow pe plata de transport . Nu am degete la mâini să vă număr de câte ori am trimis un produs, nu l-a ridicat nimeni, iar eu am ajuns să plătesc taxa de transport tur/retur . Deci o anume cantitate de BTC/Altcoins să fie pusă in excrow ca plată transport, iar dacă măgarul nu ridică produsul, să nu ieși in pierdere .

+ un shapeshift integrat, un changely, eventual un procesator gen BitPay .

Iar la monetizare, mă gândeam tot la reclame, și promovări ( Dacă lor le merge, why not)

Cu o echipă de suport capabilă, nu sună imposibil de realizat . Mă intreb de ce nu a apărut așa ceva până acum, n-oi fi singurul căruia îi mai vin idei in baie.

E dificil pe partea de Legal? Nu sunt la curent cu legile curente cu privire la tranzacțiile crypto, dar dacă alte magazine au adoptat plata in BTC, n-o fi greu.

Platforma e greu de realizat? ( In afară de puțin C++, ceva basic Python, și ceva HTML ce mi-l amintesc din liceu, sunt un noob)

Hai, că-i duminică, și plouă, dă-ți o părere !
3  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 13, 2018, 10:34:48 AM
So, The exchange platform is

Exchange is registered on
Reg no. 9564930
161-165 Farringdon Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1R 3AL.


On april 30, between 2-3 AM my account was hacked, my 4000HBZ were sold for a crappy price in ETH, then converted to BTC and sent out to an external wallet.
In the morning i found the language switched to RU and all funds gone.

I submitted some tickets to their atifraud sistem,and after allot of waiting, they asked me for some photos with my ID, selfie, and a proof of address . (Is this legal? Do i have to send them?)

What would you recommend for me to do, so i get my assets back?

I know it's a long shot, for an exchange to refund it's users after a hack occurred, But i'm willing to do anything, even if i lose more money with lawyers and stuff like that, than what i already lost.

I also know i din't lose allot of money, my 4k HBZ were about 40-60$. But i bought those in ICO stage with 0.15$ per coin, so seeing the price drop, and after that losing my coins after i invested time into a project pissed me off.

I think it would be pointless because no exchange would really make a refund when someones account was hacked since its a traders or users diligence on the security of its account.Once tokens are sold and converted to BTC and sent to 3rd party wallet then exchange cant do nothing if they would decide to make refund then thats too generous for them but mostly they wouldnt do such thing.

Everybody saying this, that It's the users fault .If it was indeed my fault, i would sure take the blame, and stop crying over 100$ i lost( about 600$ bought in ICO stage). But i kept thinking, and analyzed my system, my pc security, i even analyzed the damn ip's connected to my wi-fi network and really found nothing.

Something is bugging me actually. Why didn't they gave me the last ip's log's , when i told them about my situation?

(Found my account with language changed in the morning, to RU) .
P.S. CO and other project members are from Russia .
4  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 13, 2018, 10:27:17 AM
Not that isolated as you think, i did find another guy, whose account was hacked 25 days before mine. The chances to be my own mistake are quite low, a check with 4 antiviruses reviled nothing. Chrome history looks OK, my extensions have been verified, my Gmail has no trace of an external device.

My first ticked i opened with their support was me, explaining the problem, and asking them for t a list with recent login ips and informations. Guess what?! They ignored it !

This might seem like a very silly question, but how secure/robust was your password. Did you have a unique password or did you reuse your password on other websites? Given that you did not use 2FA, your password would have been your only defence.

Well, It's a 12 Alpha-numeric characters passw . I don't use the same passw on multiple exchanges, for obvious reasons . I try to keep my ass away from exchanges like HitBTC, and I've always tried to secure my passwords and accounts .I just don't like 2FA , as I find it time consuming, and I don't always have my smartphone around to get a text or to use my gAuth .

Do i really need to be punished for not liking 2FA ?

Trying to brute-force a 12 characters passw will sure take decades
5  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 13, 2018, 10:19:12 AM
I have found no news that this exchange is hacked, so this would mean that this is isolated case.Probably you are victim of phisning or some sort of malware/RAT on your device who came into possession of your login details and stole your funds.

After you submit ticket to their support they just want to be sure that you are the real owner of that account,so this is something you should do in my opinion.They will maybe conduct some kind of investigation to find out who is hacker.

In my opinion there are three possible causes which caused the loss of your funds :

- You are victim of phishing/malware.
- There is a security flaw in exchange system.
- This was inside job.

If it's the first case then it is not realistic to expect a refund,obviously it is the user's failure.In case the loss of funds came due second or third option,you can hope for refund-but in that case you will have to prove that this is exactly what it is happened.
Definitely, you don't have any right to claim any recover or even damages as the hacked was made possible to your own mistakes. Seeing that you are the only one affected proves that the hack only has targeted you and not the whole exchange itself. 60$ is a lot of money but I wouldn't go through legal proceeding as it won't be worth it as it is only a few bucks to consider it in that procedure.

As for you providing your proof of identity to them all I can say is legal and other exchanges are doing it as well, some exchanges even limit your account if yours is not verified. Sending your proper documents would help them identify you as the right owner of the account.

Not that isolated as you think, i did find another guy, whose account was hacked 25 days before mine. The chances to be my own mistake are quite low, a check with 4 antiviruses reviled nothing. Chrome history looks OK, my extensions have been verified, my Gmail has no trace of an external device.

My first ticked i opened with their support was me, explaining the problem, and asking them for t a list with recent login ips and informations. Guess what?! They ignored it !
Are you in talks with the other victim? and can you find any kind of relation to your current situation? Because if not your current situation could still be counted as an isolated incident. Plus minor evens like a few members that got hack cannot prove that the exchange's system has a threat in their security. Try asking for a follow up on your request maybe they will give you the information this time. And does your account not 2fa enabled?

These guys are smth else. The ways these antifraud system works is just to demoralize you, and keep asking you for unrelated documents, and shit like that just so it makes you give up . I've been asked for ID, Selfie with ID, Proof of adress, Proof of bank statement . After some days with no reply, i get a call with a hidden caller ID while i was at work(obviously i could not answer) from them. I ask them thrw a mail some updates and they told me anti-fraud called me a few days before , and i should have answered. BULLSHIIIT

Isolated case or not, it was not my fault .
6  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 02, 2018, 03:30:49 PM
So, The exchange platform is

Exchange is registered on
Reg no. 9564930
161-165 Farringdon Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1R 3AL.


On april 30, between 2-3 AM my account was hacked, my 4000HBZ were sold for a crappy price in ETH, then converted to BTC and sent out to an external wallet.
In the morning i found the language switched to RU and all funds gone.

I submitted some tickets to their atifraud sistem,and after allot of waiting, they asked me for some photos with my ID, selfie, and a proof of address . (Is this legal? Do i have to send them?)

What would you recommend for me to do, so i get my assets back?

I know it's a long shot, for an exchange to refund it's users after a hack occurred, But i'm willing to do anything, even if i lose more money with lawyers and stuff like that, than what i already lost.

I also know i din't lose allot of money, my 4k HBZ were about 40-60$. But i bought those in ICO stage with 0.15$ per coin, so seeing the price drop, and after that losing my coins after i invested time into a project pissed me off.

How easy is it to access your account? I mean was there any additional security layer on your account like two factor mobile authentication or email notification when someone from unknown device accessed your account? Or at least an email approval when withdrawing from your exchange. All these additional security level should exist in an exchange, or else you should avoid that exchange. And if it does exist and it is you who did not enable them, then its actually your fault. The hacker somehow got hold of your credentials and hacked your account. Maybe you used the same Login information on different sites and one of those sites had their database leaked.
Again, think about it this way. If they let you have  a refund, then imagine how many people are going to abuse it. They will say that their coins where hacked (despite it was them who sold their coins and cashed out) and ask for a refund.
Sorry to say, but the chances are low of you getting back your coins. I know its very frustrating, but the best thing to do is move on and stop crying over spilt milk, you will just end up with more losses. Since you believe that the price of HBZ will eventually skyrocket anytime soon, but the price has dropped for now, then use this opportunity to buy and sell it when the price goes up.

Indeed, i did not use any form of 2FA, just because i don't like using multiple devices to access my account. My authetificator is on my smartphone. I don't use the same credentials on multiple websites anyway. But why is it one's fault if the website gets hacked,you don't have 2FA, and you lose funds?(Assuming the vulnerability did not come from your end)

It's a low amount, I know, and it may seem like bragging, but i cannot help it. It wasn't my fault, i spent time on that project, invested emotions, had some plans, and now..SWOSHH ..GONE!
7  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 02, 2018, 02:50:45 PM
I have found no news that this exchange is hacked, so this would mean that this is isolated case.Probably you are victim of phisning or some sort of malware/RAT on your device who came into possession of your login details and stole your funds.

After you submit ticket to their support they just want to be sure that you are the real owner of that account,so this is something you should do in my opinion.They will maybe conduct some kind of investigation to find out who is hacker.

In my opinion there are three possible causes which caused the loss of your funds :

- You are victim of phishing/malware.
- There is a security flaw in exchange system.
- This was inside job.

If it's the first case then it is not realistic to expect a refund,obviously it is the user's failure.In case the loss of funds came due second or third option,you can hope for refund-but in that case you will have to prove that this is exactly what it is happened.
Definitely, you don't have any right to claim any recover or even damages as the hacked was made possible to your own mistakes. Seeing that you are the only one affected proves that the hack only has targeted you and not the whole exchange itself. 60$ is a lot of money but I wouldn't go through legal proceeding as it won't be worth it as it is only a few bucks to consider it in that procedure.

As for you providing your proof of identity to them all I can say is legal and other exchanges are doing it as well, some exchanges even limit your account if yours is not verified. Sending your proper documents would help them identify you as the right owner of the account.

Not that isolated as you think, i did find another guy, whose account was hacked 25 days before mine. The chances to be my own mistake are quite low, a check with 4 antiviruses reviled nothing. Chrome history looks OK, my extensions have been verified, my Gmail has no trace of an external device.

My first ticked i opened with their support was me, explaining the problem, and asking them for t a list with recent login ips and informations. Guess what?! They ignored it !
8  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 02, 2018, 02:39:25 PM


I have found no news that this exchange is hacked, so this would mean that this is isolated case.Probably you are victim of phisning or some sort of malware/RAT on your device who came into possession of your login details and stole your funds.

After you submit ticket to their support they just want to be sure that you are the real owner of that account,so this is something you should do in my opinion.They will maybe conduct some kind of investigation to find out who is hacker.

In my opinion there are three possible causes which caused the loss of your funds :

- You are victim of phishing/malware.
- There is a security flaw in exchange system.
- This was inside job.

If it's the first case then it is not realistic to expect a refund,obviously it is the user's failure.In case the loss of funds came due second or third option,you can hope for refund-but in that case you will have to prove that this is exactly what it is happened.

Well, I didn't found enough reviews for me question this exchange platform when i decided to deposit my coins, but the hack still happened.

After i saw what happened with my account, i did a spyware check on my pc, and nothing showed up. No key-logger, no virus, nothing at all. I also checked my gmail, for recent devices and ip's and didn't found any devices that i do not own. I also did a check on all my smartphones i own, no spyware there also.

I never save the password on my Chrome/Firefox, and always get them offline on a piece of paper. I am an introvert, and actually did not even left the house/had guests since i deposited the damn HBZ.

Checked my history, no phishing tentative or smith similar looking.

I'm quite a tech-y guy , I;m not that dumb to fall trap to a phishing scam..

While searching some reviews and some news about this, i found another guy, that was trying to get help on a telegram channel, and found out his 4 Litecoins are also gone. He said he never received a text on his smartphone, not even an email notification, leting him know about his stolen assets.

- You are victim of phishing/malware.
- There is a security flaw in exchange system.
- This was inside job.

If there really was one of the second/third options, They can just say it wasn't, and it was actually my fault, and there is nothing for me to do, other than stay pissed .
9  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 02, 2018, 02:25:27 PM

At this point, I don't think there is anything you can do about it than to wait for their response to the ticket raised. On whether its legal to ask for your details, its unfortunate that you have to comply with it as your refusal would give them an excuse to shift away from their own responsibility for being held accountable. While there is nothing to recommend because there is nobody authority to report to, the amount lost is not enough to gather the number of audience to force an action on their part, you can only take this as a lesson.

One major lesson is never to keep your funds on exchange site. You are better at keeping it for yourself. I am also skeptical about the amount of time that coin would have been there because for it to lose value in such high percentage, you must have been waiting a long time for it to recover having bought it during the ICO period which might makes it an inside job for the perpetrator to have thought there is no one interested in the coin again. Another lesson is for you to be more vigilant in your investment decisions, if this coin had been a valuable one, you would probably would have sold it, or the developer have an offline wallet for you to keep it. #my opinion.

I sent them my ID and a selfie with the requested information, and now I'm waiting for feedback. As for the price drop, helbiz listed the coin at 0.75$ and all those with airdrops and free coins dumped. They have a pretty good team , and have Skrill as a partener, so i would expect this project to skyrocket in the future.

My HBZ were there because I put an order to sell at a higher price, and was expecting the price to get back to normal. But..whoever got in my account, sold all of them for low, just so he can clear the board. I won't give up anyway, I'm quite pissed off .
10  Bitcoin / Legal / Advice regarding refund from an Exchange(Bitlish)after a hacker got all my funds on: May 02, 2018, 11:04:59 AM
So, The exchange platform is

Exchange is registered on
Reg no. 9564930
161-165 Farringdon Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1R 3AL.


On april 30, between 2-3 AM my account was hacked, my 4000HBZ were sold for a crappy price in ETH, then converted to BTC and sent out to an external wallet.
In the morning i found the language switched to RU and all funds gone.

I submitted some tickets to their atifraud sistem,and after allot of waiting, they asked me for some photos with my ID, selfie, and a proof of address . (Is this legal? Do i have to send them?)

What would you recommend for me to do, so i get my assets back?

I know it's a long shot, for an exchange to refund it's users after a hack occurred, But i'm willing to do anything, even if i lose more money with lawyers and stuff like that, than what i already lost.

I also know i din't lose allot of money, my 4k HBZ were about 40-60$. But i bought those in ICO stage with 0.15$ per coin, so seeing the price drop, and after that losing my coins after i invested time into a project pissed me off.

11  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: ★ BITLISH. Lowest VISA and MasterCard fees in the world ★ on: April 30, 2018, 11:46:01 AM
Woke up this morning with my account hacked . As you guys don't even reply to emails, and tickets( or you just reply after a week)and even if you reply,my coins are still gone I'll just make sure when you type "Bitlish" on google, the first search results will be "Bitlish hacked" .

103832857   April 30, 2018 3:05 AM   -0.0034 BTC   0.001 BTC   withdraw from payment system "bitcoin", currency: btc
103826788   April 30, 2018 2:43 AM   0.0035 BTC   0.0001 BTC   Sell 0.0479 ETH ( for 0.00349862 BTC ) Order id - 1525045426960878
103824677   April 30, 2018 2:35 AM   0.0159 ETH   0.0001 ETH   Sell 1418.3991 HBZ ( for 0.01588607 ETH ) Order id - 1525044955725979
103824675   April 30, 2018 2:35 AM   0.0039 ETH   0.0001 ETH   Sell 300 HBZ ( for 0.0039 ETH ) Order id - 1525044955725979
103824673   April 30, 2018 2:35 AM   0.0003 ETH   0.0001 ETH   Sell 21 HBZ ( for 0.0002856 ETH ) Order id - 1525044955725979
103824671   April 30, 2018 2:35 AM   0.028 ETH   0.0001 ETH   Sell 2000 HBZ ( for 0.028 ETH ) Order id - 1525044955725979

Yesterday night, someone from RUSIA broke into my account, and sold my 3,7 HBZ, with a stupid low price. Found my language changed to RUSIAN this morning, and my HBZ gone. HE sold them for ETH, then converted to BTC and sent them to a BTC wallet.

There is no way i have a trojan, or a virus or any kind of Keylogger in my pc , as i work in this field, and i always secure my devices. Gmail history shows no other devices, other than mine, no other ip's . The only way someone broke into my account was profiting on your website bugs.

I know i didn't set up 2fa , it was because i was in a hurry and didn't have my smartphone with me at that time. I would imagine an exchange with " Secure" in their slogan would have better security, right ? NOPE!

Thank you Bitlish, you are the best ! NOT !

I'll make sure I'll fill the Top Alexa blogging websites with this story, and hopefully other users will not get hacked, like me.

You may say it's my fault, I did not set up 2fa. But do i really need to set it up? Is your website so vulnerable? You work with credit cards, i assumed your security is great.  I was wrong .
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Telegram Channel for airdrops ! Looking for members ! on: April 21, 2018, 12:16:16 PM
So after about 1 year of hunting airdrops and doing bounties for ICO's I'm thinking about starting a telegram channel to share some popular cryto drops.
In 1 year i managed to earn more than 20k $ just by doing airdrops every day, translating ICO's articles , moderating redit threads, and other low effort tasks.

I know there are other telegram airdrop channels out there, but they don't put effort into trying to find deadlines, and useful information that bounty hunters need, like ICO dates, Airdrop distribution dates, Token worth at ICO, Exchange listings, Token drop value, and guides.

I have allot of free time on my hands (I'm a student), and i kinda don't sleep, so I'm always around!

I'll post daily, after I verify and collect data, so you'll know when, how, and the drop value you'll get.

I might need someone to help me, so if you're interested drop me a message on telegram (@fishmon) ,we can split the profit from the referrals.

This is the telegram channel

And this is a spreadsheet for some airdrops i consider to be of great value

Have a great day and good luck with your trading/bounties!

13  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / Re: [ANN][ICO]Copytrack: Primul registrator al drepturilor de autor pe blockchain on: February 09, 2018, 08:35:40 AM
Misto proiectul, insa sa ma bati daca inteleg cum se va intampla in realitate protectia! Inteleg ca se inregistreaza o imagine in blockchain si va fi accesibil tot istoricul, dar cum se va descoperi furtul pe internet? Poza va avea o semnatura atasata care nu va putea fi inlaturata sau cum?

Da, asa spun ei, ca vor inregistra imaginea si chiar de e modificata poza, e screenshot, sau patiala , softul lor poate sa o urmareasca.Suna destul de destept,nu?
14  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / [ANN]Copytrack: Peste 7.6M USD in Pre-Vânzare on: February 03, 2018, 03:12:47 PM
Pe 10 Ianuarie Copytrack a inchis runda de Pre-vânzare, cu 7.6 mil USD stranși.

Mulțumim că ați luat parte la pre-vânzarea #CopytrackICO! Cu peste 1,600 investitori ce au cumpărat CPY, suntem entuziasmați să vă transmitem că am strâns peste 5,624 Ethereum.La prețul pieței curente, echivalând peste 7,6M USD.

In total 7,84M CPY au fost distribuiți in Pre-vânzare.

Este un pare pas inspre viziunea Copytrack: Să revoluționăm felul in care creatorii iși protejează, urmăresc și monetizează creațiile, folosind Blockchain si tehnologia contractelor smart.

Din partea echipei Copytrack: Vă mulțumim pentru suport.Increderea voastră in viziunea Copytrack ne permite să construim Registrul Global Copytrack și de asemeni să ducem inregistrarea drepturilor de autor la următorul nivel.

Ce urmează?

Vânzarea principală a pornit pe 10 Ianuarie.Incă 7 zile până la final.Vizitează pentru a participa.Copytrack va oferii 60% din CPY publicului, in timp ce 20% CPY vor fi rezervați pentru administrarea afacerii, iar cei 20% rămași vor fi rezervați pentru fondatori si consilieri.

Pentru cei interesați, incă vă puteți alătura programului de recompense.

Planul de lock-up si release pentru actiunile fondatorilor este următorul:
După 6 luni Se eliberează 25%, iar incepând cu următoarea lună se eliberează 5% lunar.

Inițial Copytrack a lansat moneda CPY (ERC-20) pe blockchain.In al doilea trimestru din 2018, Copytrack va muta 100,000,000 de ERC-20 pe platforma Copytrack.

Registrul Copytrack pentru drepturile de autor va actiona in felul următor:

Spunem STop Furtului de imagini

Prin inregistrarea imaginilor direct pe blockchain,Folosirea si distribuirea imaginilor va fi inregistrată.Creatorii sunt notificați când o imagine este folosită

Bază de date Globală
Baza de date globală permite userilor să licențieze și să urmărească cu ușurință , imaginile inregistrate.

Monetizare corectă și transparentă
Moneda CPY conectează direct creatorii cu clienții, facilitând tranzacțiile folosind contracte smart.Creatorii controlează prețul și metodele de licențiere, fără intermediari ce au o taxă de până la 70% .

Despre Copytrack
Lider in piața descoperirii furtului de imagini, Copytrack are sedii in Berlin și Singapore, precum subsedii in NewYork si Tokyo.In cei 3 ani de cand acționează pe această piață, au ajutat comunitatea fotografilor să-și recupereze drepturile de autor, cu peste 50,000 de cazuri rezolvate.

Copytrack  :
Tehnical WH:
Alătură-te programului de recompense:
Copytrack pe Telegram:
Copytrack pe twitter:
15  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / Re: [ANN][ICO] Copytrack: Registru al drepturilor de autor pt imagini pe Blockchain on: January 27, 2018, 09:04:23 PM
@stronghandsdeeppockets Mi-ai luat-o inainte! Cheesy
Presupun ca este traducerea pentru pagina oficiala Copytrack.
Buna traducerea, multumim!
A mai fost cineva inaintea mea, dar a avut o traducere de kkt. Sper ca nu ai apucat sa incepi sa traduci  Cheesy
Mersi si sa ai spor la tradus.

Hai că nu fu chiar atat de rea traducerea mea Smiley) .Intradevăr, unele expresii nu au echivalent in limba romana, asa că am improvizat puțin, si am eliminat unele subiecte ce se repetau, din cate ai observat si tu. Spor la bounty, si la cat mai multi CPY.   
16  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / [ANN][ICO]Copytrack: Primul registrator al drepturilor de autor pe blockchain on: January 20, 2018, 04:00:12 PM

Copytrack revoluționează felul in care creatorii de content protejează, urmăresc și monetizează munca depusă, folosind tehnologia blockchain si contractele smart.
Copytrack este liderul pe piață in descoperirea furtului de imagini având sedii in Berlin si Singapore, de asemeni și câteva locații in New York și Tokyo.Prin prezentul ICO setam primul proiect pentru un registrator al drepturilor de autor cu o interfață globală transparentă și decentralizată.

Info vânzare token:

Vânzarea inițială s-a inchis, in prezent vânzarea este deschisă publicului de la Ian 10th, 2018 până pe FEB 10, 2018.Minimum: 0.1 ETH. Maximum: 2,500 ETH

Viziunea copytrack și analiza pieței
In timp ce piața imaginilor digitale creste exponențial, cu mai mult de 2 miliarde de imagini uploadate in fiecare zi, până la 85% dintre imagini sunt folosite fără o lincență a drepturilor de autor, iar Fotografii suferă o pierdere finaciară uriașă, de multe ori nefiind conștienți că munca lor este folosită și distribuită in altă parte.

Pe cealaltă parte a paginii, piața care se ocupă cu inregistrarea drepturilor de autor este controlată de câțiva indivizi, iar acești indivizi păstrează mai mult de 70% din profituri.Copytrack este aici să schimbe acest aspect.

Prin introducerea unei baze de date pentru imagini Copytrack mută procesul inregistrarii drepturilor de autor, licențele precum și plățile pe blockchain.Acest proiect va schimba felul in care creatorii și fotografii interacționează cu lumea nedreaptă a drepturilor de autor in următorul fel:

1.Gata cu furtul de imagini
Prin inregistrarea imaginilor direct pe blockchain prin o bază de date, activitatea respectivelor imagini va fi urmărită.Creatorii sunt notificați in cazul in care o imagine este folosită sau distribuită.

2.Bază de date la nivel Global

Baza de date globală permite creatorilor să urmărească sau să emită licențe pentru imaginile inregistrate.

3. Compensație corectă și transparentă

Moneda CPY conectează direct creatorii cu clienții, facilitând tranzacțiile prin contracte smart.Creatorii sunt in deplin control asupra prețurilor precum și a opțiunilor de licențiere, fără a apela la un intermediar, in acest fel eliminând taxele care pot ajunge și la 70% din profit.

Dacă aveți intrebări, vă puteți alătura proiectului Copytrack pe telegram -

Despre Copytrack

Copytrack este liderul pe piață in descoperirea furtului de imagini având sedii in Berlin si Singapore, de asemeni și câteva locații in New York și Tokyo.In 3 ani am ajutat comunitatea fotografilor să-și recupereze drepturile de imagini cu peste 50.000 de cazuri rezolvate.

Prin Copytrack ducem inregistrarea drepturilor de autor la un alt nivel.Scopul proiectului este să ofere o soluție eficientă referitoare la problemele de mai sus.

  • Cum realizăm dovada Drepturilor de autor la nivel Global?
  • Cum urmărim folosirea ilegală a imaginilor?
  • Cum oferim licențe pentru o imagine?

Documente de bază

Structură și partea economică a Copytrack

Pogresul proiectului


Marcus este un tânăr anteprenor și un manager executiv cu mai mult de 20 de ani experiență in finanțarea si administrarea inteprinderior& SMEs.Inainte de Copytrack, Marcus a fost CEO la Flighright scalând și administrând cu succes,Flighrigh care acum conduce piața in materie de recuperare de fonduri datorate intârzierilor&anularilor de zbor.A petrecut 3 ani ca Vice-președinte pentru o piață europeană ce se ocupă cu consultanță internațională, precum și alte funcții in alte companii ca și consultant.

Peste 15 ani experiență in IT și software management.A studiat ingineria sistemelor IT la Hasso-Plattner-Institute(HPI) precum și Tehnologia Informației in cadrul universitații din Potsdam.In 2009, Stefan a creeat PIXRAY, poriect bazat pe proria documentație și lucrare de doctorat referitoare la un algoritm de recunoaștere a imaginilor.Este responsabil de partea de Tehnologie IT, infrastructură IT precum și diferite servicii.

Experimentat in managementul proiectelor la nivel internațional.A studiat știința economica la universitatea HTW din Berlin.Inainte de Copytrack, Sandro a lucrat ca manager de operațiuni la VJSUAL, o companie ce produce tutoriale video și videoclipuri  interactive.

Avocat experimentat, focusat pe drepturile intelectuale și drepturile de autor.A studiat dreptul in Berlin, Dublin
, Irlanda și Praga, Republica Cehă.Inainte de Copytrack, Marie a lucrat ca avocat mai mulți ani pentru Haerting Lawyers din Berlin. Specializarea ei fiind Drepturile de autor și Legile IT.


DANIEL EIBA (Advisor Business Model, Marketing & Sales)
Cu peste 14 ani experiență in dezvoltarea de produse, creșterea și monetizarea creațiilor digitale.A lucrat in cateva funții de lider la Yahoo!, Flickr, și Uniplaces.Cunoaște nuanțele afacerii cu imagini, ca fost director la Flickr.

SEBASTIAN MANNSFELD (Advisor Intl. Finance & Tax)
Sebastian este un manager de operațiuni cu peste 15 ani experiență in domenii precum Finanțe IT.A lucrat in funcții diferite la PricewaterhouseCoopers Bearing Point, Gazprom și General Electric de unde a dobandit experiență vastă in contabilitate, taxe internaționale și finanțe.

SASCHA SCHUMANN (Advisor IT-Security)
Sascha este directorul companiei Myra security, companie ce se ocupă cu protejarea guvernelor și companiilor E-commerce impotriva pericolelor din online.Membru al grupului PHP ce veghează asupra limbajului open-source PHP.

NORIAKI OKUBO (Advisor Investments & Investor)
Peste 15 ani experiență in sectorul  tehnologiei.In prezent este partener la Scentan Ventures, companie ce se ocupa cu afaceri cu capital de risc.De asemeni este membru in numeroase comanii incluzând Tradeshift, in care administrează cei 75.000.000 USD.

KEN SHISHIDO (Advisor Cryptocurrency)
Ken este unul dintre cei mai faimoși consultanți in materie de Bitcoin si Crypto.Co-organizator al grupului Bitcoin Tokyo Meetup, fondat de Roger Ver.Este consultant pentru multe proiecte Crypto și participă des la intalniri și evenimente crypto unde oferă consultanță.Este un libertar convins și crede in libertatea pieței competitive.

AARON KOENIG (Advisor Cryptocurrency)
Aarong este un anteprenor, consultant precum și specialist in Bitcoin și Blockchain.A promovat moneda bitcoin și tehnologia blockchain incepând cu anul 2011 prin articole, evenimente și intâlniri.A publicat  A Beginner’s Guide to Bitcoin and Investing in Digital Currencies., fiind un mare succes.

Vânzare inițială & Vânzare publică

Vânzare pentru public este deschisă : Ian 10 - FEB 10 -
Contribuție minimă 0.1 ETH iar contribuția maximă 2,500 ETH

NOTĂ: Monezile sunt doar pentru folosirea pe Copytrack Blockchain.

Vanzarea nu este disponibilă pentru cetățenii din Statele Uite, exceptând investitorii accreditați.

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