Because "market cap" is meaningless. I can sell my left testicle for $14,000. There are ~7.12B people on Earth. ~50.25% are male. Therefor, the "market cap" on left testicles is >$50T.
Of course, everyone knows the left testicle market is where it's at. You see it all the time in the news. MtGox said they'll be opening trade in left testicles very soon to test their new leveraged trading platform.
Of course, everyone knows the left testicle market is where it's at. You see it all the time in the news. MtGox said they'll be opening trade in left testicles very soon to test their new leveraged trading platform.
But if have no enough CENT, you can't make an order, i calculated the total of CENT in “Sell orders”, it's more than 1 billion, but the total of CENT is 1 billion.
is there something wrong?