Nice project! Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley SmileyThank you very much for this very interesting post and your exciting projectI believe that the real question, as for any investment in a Financial product, is "what is the underlying asset made for" or "what is the actual value proposition of this company". In the case of, we have a real vision, a strong leader (well established in the crypto-world) as well as a real team of professionals, and the Financial strength to support such a project. offers new forms of financial liquidity to companies that want to raise money for their startup project. At the end of the day, we are talking about real value creation (as new startup companies create products, services and jobs). This is the most important factor that make me believe that this company is completely viable, compared to other companies that may offer, at a first glance a similar value proposition, but are in fact, only based on speculation (as no actual service or products are linked to it). In the next future, I believe that a significant part of these cryptocurrencies (that are created every day at an unimaginable speed), will disappear due to this lack of real utility, which is not the case of As a conclusion, I believe that has a great future and I will certainly keep an eye on it for quite some time.