This is why I don't like love your Paypal and Greendot and all the other US based crap.
You realize that:
One, you get no privacy whatsoever?
Two, shit will rain down on you like hellfire? I mean, really, do you guys know anything about the Patriot Act? All the retarded financial reporting requirements that are already imposed? Do you guys what Obama is doing for the past couple of years? About how he is slowly enacting legislations with the final goal of being able to control and monitor every financial transaction in the US under the excuse of "to get back money lost through tax evasion and prevent money from falling into the hands of terrorists"?
Three, paypal freezes accounts for the stupidest things? and imposes a extremely unfavorable chargeback system for merchants? in terms of, you as a customer, after purchase, has six months to make a chargeback, in other words, merchants can't use their own hard earned money for 6 fucking months?! I know Americans are turning socialist, but do you think that's fair?!
Understand: paypal and mastercard are just promises to pay. that's all they are, promises.
The solution? Don't fucking use Paypal and Greendot or any other shit located in Socialist Obama Republic of US! That includes Amazon payment, that american express shit, that dowlla shit...each and everyone will eventually cause much grief. I know it's very hard for you Americans, but please open your mind and realize there is whole world of opportunities out there. Look all the payment processors from other countries, alertpay and moneybookers offers the same services as paypal, but without the stupid fees, the stupid chargeback system and the ridiculous freezing policy.
In case you haven't realize yet, but merchants are slowly and quietly adding alertpay and moneybookers as forms of payment, and I am starting to see alot of merchants accepting Liberty Reserve lately...
For those that are saying "oh, Liberty Reserve is in a country I never heard of/outside of US, and therefore they can't be trusted" and "oh, Liberty Reserve is different than Paypal, therefore I am not going to learn it" and "I already learned bitcoin a bit, and that's enough reading and learning for a lifetime, I am not going to learn Liberty Reserve"...I got nothing to say but "typical dumb fucking Americans".
My advice to Americans? Please get a map and look at it. Please try to get in contact with people from other countries and talk to them as equals and realize how screwed you are, and how better off they are and how CNN is just blatantly lying to you.