The opencl libraries need to be fixed.
In Cryptonight-heavy 8gb Polaris sent 1100 h/s. This is great. But other cards generate lower hashrate than claymore.
My settings for RX 584 in cryptonigt-heavy. 1215/2100 with memory straps. intensity 56, worksize 7, threads 1. 752 h/s(
R9 290x. 1115/1385. intensity 61, worksize 6, threads 1. 689 h/s(
rx cards: intensity 58, threads 2
290/390/x: ntensity 31, threads 3
290х has 4gb memory and these settings are suitable only for 8gb cards. The same applies to rx cards.
My RX 488 with intensity 54, threads 2 sent 1100 h/s but RX 584 can not work with these settings due to the lack of the required additional 4 GB of memory