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1  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: [ANN] [PRE-SALE] THE FARM TOKEN | ASSET BACKED TOKEN - BUILT TO LAST 🔥🔥🔥 on: November 09, 2018, 02:43:02 PM
yang dimaksud untuk mendapatkan saham colacola itu maksudnya gimana ya gan ? saya kurang paham, proyek ini berencana membeli saham colacola dengan dana yang mereka dapatkan dari ICO atau kita bisa membeli saham colacola dengan menggunakan FARM token ?

atau itu hanya semua gimmick agar investor lebih tertarik ?

kalau perusahaan colacola ada membuka penjualan saham, ya jelas bisa dibeli gan, tapi kalau tidak maka tidak bisa dibeli gan, dan bisa jadi juga kalau project ini ada kesepakatan model saham dengan colacola gan.

Sudah terlambat untuk membeli cocacola sekarang. Tetapi mereka yang membeli awal menghasilkan uang!
Token pertanian adalah tentang membangun merek makanan dan minuman seperti cocacola
2  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: 📢 [ANN][ ЛУЧШЕ, ЧЕМ АВИАКОМПАНИЯ] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 03:10:55 AM
Занятное предложение. Почему бы просто не написать: нам жалко раздать 200 000 монет, мы не уверены в эффективности этого мероприятия. Поэтому просто предлагаем всем желающим замечательным людям купить эти монетки у нас. При этом Вы и Ваш друг получите по 20% бонуса, итого 40% бонуса или , что то же, 40% скидку от цены в ETH. И нам похрену, что это обрушит цену на нашу монету на 40%, потому что мы сами хотим обрушить её на 1000%. Удачи всем!

Btter, чем беспроигрышная съемка, и надеемся, что люди не сваливают их, как все остальные ICO!
3  Local / Criptomoedas Alternativas / 📢 [ANN][ MELHOR DO QUE O AIRDROP] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 02:11:36 AM
Exclusivo apenas para membros do Bitcoin Talk

Nossa pré-venda começa em 15 de novembro de 2018 e agradecemos a todos que se inscreveram para receber a lista branca. Atualmente, temos compromissos suficientes para o nosso soft cap, mas ainda temos 200.000 fichas restantes. Em vez de fazer um Airdrop (que pode causar queda de preços durante a listagem de tokens), queremos recompensar as pessoas maravilhosas do BitcoinTalk com um bónus - bônus de referência de 20%.

Tudo o que você precisa fazer é inscrever-se para obter a lista de permissões (sem documentos para upload) e recomendar nosso projeto ao seu amigo. Tudo o que eles precisam fazer é usar sua alça bitcointalk como referência durante a inscrição. Se o seu amigo comprar fichas, você e seu amigo receberão mais 20% de tokens *.
* Bónus igual a 20% dos Tokens comprados pelo seu amigo (não é no mínimo)

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4  Local / Nowe kryptowaluty i tokeny / 📢 [ANN][LEPSZE NIŻ AIRDROP] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 02:07:43 AM
Wyłącznie dla członków Bitcoin Talk

Nasze Przedsprzedaż rozpoczyna się 15 listopada 2018 roku i jesteśmy wdzięczni wszystkim, którzy zapisali się na białą listę. Obecnie mamy wystarczającą liczbę zobowiązań na naszą miękką czapkę, ale wciąż mamy 200 000 tokenów. Zamiast robić Airdrop (który może spowodować spadek cen podczas umieszczania żetonów), chcemy nagradzać wspaniałych ludzi w BitcoinTalk z Bonusem - Premia za polecenie 20%.
Jedyne, co musisz zrobić, to zarejestrować się, aby uzyskać białe listy (brak dokumentów do przesłania) i polecić nasz projekt znajomemu. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to używać uchwyt bitcointalk jako odniesienia podczas rejestracji. Jeśli Twój znajomy kupi tokeny, zarówno Ty, jak i Twój znajomy otrzymacie dodatkowe 20% żetonów *.
* Bonus równy 20% tokenów zakupionych przez twojego przyjaciela (bez minimum)

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5  Local / Alt Coins (Nederlands) / 📢 [ANN][ BETER DAN AIRDROP] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 02:02:59 AM
Exclusief voor leden van Bitcoin Talk

Onze voorverkoop begint op 15 november 2018 en we zijn iedereen dankbaar die zich heeft aangemeld om op de witte lijst te worden geplaatst. Momenteel hebben we genoeg toezeggingen voor onze softcap, maar we hebben nog steeds 200.000 Tokens over. In plaats van het doen van een Airdrop (die prijsdaling kan veroorzaken tijdens het tonen van een token) willen we de geweldige mensen bij BitcoinTalk belonen met een Bonus - Verwijzingsbonus van 20%.

Het enige dat u hoeft te doen, is u aanmelden om op de witte lijst te komen (geen documenten om te uploaden) en ons project aanbevelen aan uw vriend. Het enige wat ze moeten doen is uw bitcointalk-handvat gebruiken als referentie tijdens het aanmelden. Als je vriend tokens koopt, ontvangen zowel jij als je vriend extra 20% tokens *.
* Bonus gelijk aan 20% van de tokens die door uw vriend zijn gekocht (geen minimum)

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6  Local / アルトコイン / 📢 [ANN][ AIRDROPよりも優れています] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:50:39 AM
Bitcoin Talkメンバー専用

私たちのプレセールは2018年11月15日に始まり、ホワイトリストに登録するすべての人に感謝しています。現在のところ、私たちのソフトキャップには十分なコミットメントがありますが、まだ20万トークンが残っています。 (トークンのリスティング中に価格低下を引き起こす可能性のある)Airdropを行う代わりに、BitcoinTalkのすばらしい人々に、ボーナス参照のボーナス20%を報いたいと考えています。


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7  Local / Altcoin Announcements (Ελληνικά) / 📢 [ANN][ ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΑ] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:47:15 AM
Αποκλειστική μόνο για τα μέλη του Bitcoin Talk

Το Presale ξεκινά στις 15 Νοεμβρίου, 2018 και είμαστε ευγνώμονες σε όλους όσους υπέγραψαν την υπογραφή τους. Επί του παρόντος, έχουμε αρκετές δεσμεύσεις για το μαλακό μας καπάκι, αλλά εξακολουθούμε να έχουμε 200.000 μονάδες. Αντί να κάνουμε ένα Airdrop (που μπορεί να προκαλέσει πτώση των τιμών κατά τη λίστα των συμβόλων) θέλουμε να ανταμείψουμε τους υπέροχους ανθρώπους στο BitcoinTalk με μπόνους Bonus - Referral 20%.
Το μόνο που έχετε να κάνετε είναι να εγγραφείτε για να μπείτε στη λίστα (Δεν υπάρχουν έγγραφα για μεταφόρτωση) και να συστήσετε το σχέδιό μας στον φίλο σας. Το μόνο που πρέπει να κάνετε είναι να χρησιμοποιήσετε τη χειρολαβή bitcointalk ως αναφορά κατά τη διάρκεια της εγγραφής. Εάν ο φίλος σας αγοράζει μάρκες τότε και εσείς και ο φίλος σας λαμβάνετε επιπλέον μάρκες 20% *.
* Μπόνους ίσο με το 20% των Στοιχείων που αγοράσατε από το φίλο σας (Δεν υπάρχει ελάχιστο)

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8  Local / Announcements (Deutsch) / 📢 [ANN][ BESSER ALS FLUGZEUG] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:45:44 AM
Exklusiv nur für Bitcoin Talk-Mitglieder

Unser Vorverkauf beginnt am 15. November 2018 und wir sind allen dankbar, die sich für die Whitelist angemeldet haben. Derzeit haben wir genügend Verpflichtungen für unsere Soft-Cap, aber wir haben noch 200.000 Token übrig. Anstelle eines Airdrop (das kann zu Preissenkungen während der Auflistung von Marken führen) möchten wir die wundervollen Leute bei BitcoinTalk mit einem Bonus - Empfehlungsbonus von 20% belohnen.

Alles was Sie tun müssen, ist sich anzumelden, um eine Whitelist zu erhalten (keine Dokumente zum Hochladen) und unser Projekt einem Freund zu empfehlen. Sie müssen lediglich Ihr Bitcointalk-Handle als Referenz während der Anmeldung verwenden. Wenn Ihr Freund Token kauft, erhalten Sie und Ihr Freund zusätzlich 20% Token *.
* Bonus in Höhe von 20% der Token, die Ihr Freund gekauft hat (kein Minimum)

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9  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / 📢 [Pengumuman][ LEBIH BAIK DARI AIRDROP] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:37:29 AM
Eksklusif hanya untuk anggota Bitcoin Talk

Presale kami dimulai pada 15 NOVEMBER 2018 dan kami berterima kasih kepada semua yang mendaftar untuk masuk daftar putih. Saat ini kami memiliki komitmen yang cukup untuk soft cap kami, tetapi kami masih memiliki 200.000 token yang tersisa. Alih-alih melakukan Airdrop (yang dapat menyebabkan penurunan harga selama daftar token) kami ingin memberi penghargaan kepada orang-orang yang luar biasa di BitcoinTalk dengan Bonus - bonus Referral 20%.

Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mendaftar untuk mendapatkan daftar putih (Tidak ada dokumen untuk diunggah) dan merekomendasikan proyek kami kepada teman Anda. Yang harus mereka lakukan adalah menggunakan pegangan bitcointalk Anda sebagai referensi saat mendaftar. Jika teman Anda membeli token maka Anda dan teman Anda akan menerima token ekstra 20% *.
* Bonus sama dengan 20% Token yang dibeli oleh teman Anda (Tidak ada minimum)

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10  Local / العملات البديلة (Altcoins) / 📢 [ANN][BETTER THAN AIRDROP] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:36:24 AM

حصري فقط لأعضاء Bitcoin Talk

يبدأ العرض المسبق الخاص بنا في يوم NOV 15 ، 2018 ونشكر جميع الذين قاموا بالتسجيل للحصول على القائمة البيضاء. لدينا حاليًا التزامات كافية لقيمتنا الناعمة ، لكن ما زال لدينا 200 ألف رمز. بدلا من القيام ب Airdrop (التي يمكن أن تسبب انخفاض الأسعار أثناء تسجيل الرمز المميز) نحن نريد أن نكافئ الناس الرائعين في BitcoinTalk مع مكافأة مكافأة الإحالة من 20٪.

كل ما عليك فعله هو التسجيل للحصول على القائمة البيضاء (لا توجد مستندات للتحميل) والتوصية بمشروعنا لصديقك. كل ما عليهم فعله هو استخدام مقبض Bitcointalk كمرجع أثناء التسجيل. إذا اشترى صديقك رموزًا ، فستحصل أنت وصديقك على رموز إضافية بنسبة 20٪ *.
* مكافأة تعادل 20٪ من التوكينز التي اشتراها صديقك (لا يوجد حد أدنى)

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11  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / 📢 [ANN][ ЛУЧШЕ, ЧЕМ АВИАКОМПАНИЯ] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:33:00 AM
Эксклюзив только для участников биткойнов

Наше презрение начинается с 15 ноября 2018 года, и мы благодарны всем тем, кто подписался на получение белого списка. В настоящее время у нас достаточно обязательств по нашей мягкой кепке, но у нас осталось 200 000 токенов. Вместо того, чтобы делать Airdrop (который может привести к снижению цены во время листинга токенов), мы хотим вознаградить замечательных людей на биткойнТалке с бонусом - бонус в размере 20%.

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это зарегистрироваться для получения белого списка (нет документов для загрузки) и рекомендовать наш проект вашему другу. Все, что им нужно сделать, это использовать вашу рукоятку bitcointalk в качестве ссылки во время регистрации. Если ваш друг покупает жетоны, то и вы, и ваш друг получаете дополнительные 20% токенов *.
* Бонус, равный 20% токенов, купленных вашим другом (минимум)

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12  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / 📢 [ANN][ Mai bine decât aerul] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:26:28 AM
Exclusiv numai pentru membrii Bitcoin Talk

Presale noastre începe la NOV 15, 2018 și suntem recunoscători tuturor celor care s-au înscris pentru a obține lista albă. În prezent, avem destule angajamente pentru capacul nostru moale, dar mai avem încă 200.000 de jetoane. În loc să faci un Airdrop (care poate cauza scăderea prețului în timpul înregistrării jetoanelor), vrem să recompensăm minunatele persoane de la BitcoinTalk cu un Bonus - Referral bonus de 20%.

Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te inregistrezi pentru a intra in lista de albume si sa recomanzi proiectul prietenului tau. Tot ce trebuie să faceți este să utilizați mânerul bitcointalk ca referință în timpul înscrierii. Dacă prietenul tău cumpără jetoane, atunci și tu și prietenul tău primești un jeton suplimentar de 20% *.
* Bonus egal cu 20% din Token-urile achiziționate de prietenul dvs. (Niciun minim)

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13  Local / Duyurular (Alternatif Kripto-Paralar) / 📢 [ANN][ AIRDROP DAHA İYİ] *** FARM TOKEN *** 🔥🚀 on: November 09, 2018, 01:25:14 AM
Sadece Bitcoin Talk üyeleri için özel

Presale'imiz 15 Kasım 2018'de başlıyor ve beyaz listeye kaydolan herkese teşekkür ediyoruz. Şu anda yumuşak kapağımız için yeterli taahhüdümüz var, ancak hala 200.000 Jeton kaldı. Bir Airdrop yapmak yerine (bu liste, listeleme sırasındaki fiyat düşüşüne neden olabilir), BitcoinTalk'taki harika kişileri,% 20'lik bir Bonus - Referral bonusu ile ödüllendirmek istiyoruz.

Tek yapmanız gereken, beyaz listeye (Yüklenecek belge yok) kaydolmak ve projemizi arkadaşınıza tavsiye etmek. Tek yapmaları gereken, kayıt sırasında referans olarak bitcointalk tutamacını kullanmak. Arkadaşınızın alımları satın alırsa, hem siz hem de arkadaşınız ekstra% 20 jeton alır *.
* Arkadaşınız tarafından satın alınan Jetonların% 20'si kadar bonus (Minimum)

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14  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: HOT NEWS - “Shitcoinoffering” EXPOSED AS FRAUD! on: November 04, 2018, 01:39:48 AM
Where can we find telegram chat logs?
Where is connection between shitcoinoffering, Doug from Vietnam and anobtc?
Where is proof of blackmail?

OP you are breaking forum rules with alt account(s?).

I am from the FARM Team here. Happy to see that someone took the initiative to post about shit coin offering.
Did you care to read our blog post before calling out OP?

HERO member ( Marlboroza)  my team has a question for you - why would you think it was OK for Shitcoin offering to call our project a scam ? was it not breaking forum rules then?  Do you know the amount of damage it did to our project among south east asians? That individual with 30K facebook followers did a very lousy job yet was able to spread disinformation. I say lousy because that person did not understand how venture capitalism works. venture capitalism is what built the silicon valley and every thing great in the USA. It is sad that we have to devote our resources to address false accusations!!

We do have the logs and more info but will not publish because we are in the USA and privacy is a big thing here.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: ▄▀▄ [BOUNTY] ▄▀▄ THE FARM TOKEN | TOKEN FOR THOSE WHO DARE TO DREAM BIG 🔥🔥🔥 on: October 31, 2018, 11:30:10 PM
updated bounty report
16  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: 🔴 FarmToken ICO. The story of a guy who sold soda and decided to save the world on: October 27, 2018, 06:12:53 AM
I am happy that you took two hours of your precious life to review our project. I do not agree with any of your assessment but still would like to thank you for the publicity that you gave us irrespective of its consequences.

Crypto investors are smart people but sometimes they get carried away by hype and misled by prejudices hence decided to respond to your “baseless accusations” but will address only a few because I do not think others deserve any merit. Here are some of your statements that I thought need addressed.

· “The story of a guy who sold soda and decided to save the world from famine”

The token’s price will depend on a Chinese farmer who’s cultivating yams? Very nice. What about droughts, a locust plague or a bad harvest? What are you gonna do then?
Here’s the big boss. He had nothing to do with blockchain before.
The most ridiculous thing is one of the advisors. This girl is studying Java programming in a Utah university
The same situation is with the money, team, an adequate idea and MVP. I thought that the existence of raw projects has been put an end to back in 2017, however I was wrong.
Community is non existent!
The FACTS: 10 companies control everything we buy in the west — all of them billion dollar companies ( see here) All of them rake in billions of dollars a year irrespective if it rains or shines in your part of the world! FARM Foundation wants to join the elite group and be the 11th company where crypto investors get rewarded for backing us because food is big business!

I get it — Not everyone is an entrepreneur hence we have been mentioning about Shark Tank /Dragons Den because we want the token community members to understand what it entails and play venture capitalists like the billionaires on the TV show.

We never claimed to be a charity organization. Donating a small percentage of our earnings to protect wild life does not make us a charitable organization. Infact, for a mere USD 500 any one can become a World Wild Life Fund member and display a banner on our website — but that is not who we are! We want to clarify that a small part of the funds (5%) are used for sustainability and 10% are used for R&D on finding better ways to grow organic food. For some reason the “author of nonsense” has a poor opinion about farmers and thinks R&D into food is hogwash–the truth is that many farmers in the USA are millionaires. Tell me who in their right mind would not want to work with them?

R&D and better ways to growing organic food is not the same as growing yams or jack beans for a living — I am still trying to understand where famine or the Chinese farmer comes in FARM token whitepaper- Whatever!!

Let me give an example of why R&D into food is big money — In the west people are struggling to get off their addiction to sugar. If a company comes up with an alternative for sugar that tastes just as good but does not pack in the calories then that company would be worth billions. Remind me again how many crypto companies have a billion dollar market cap today?

Next, one of your comment was that I do not have blockchain experience and my team is young! If you had your way then I am sure that you will say Kyle Jenner cannot be in cosmetics and Kanye cannot be in the shoe business because they are unqualified lol. I am also sure that you would have belittled Shingo Lavine and George Weiksner because they do not fit your typical stereotype. Now regarding our advisor Pavithra — we bought her on board because she had spent the last 15 months doing research in AI and its uses in blockchain. Everyone on our team knows how to code, read company financials and is an entrepreneur with a passion. I do not think other projects can say the same about their team. ? BTW I do not think an individual’s ability to manage a company or intellectual level has any bearing on their education level — many of the best hackers and programmers in the US/ world have never been to college — I hope you got that part by now!
We have been clear (check our faq page) that we are not reinventing the wheel. Our project is based on ERC20 token. We believe that many awesome crypto companies have built products that we could use for our project. Hence we will be using existing technology from companies like 0X and — just to name a few. We do not think MVP is the only way to execute a project — FARM Token is not an app or a software product and this project is not for people like you who are day dreaming about getting rich overnight!

For the presale we evaluated that it would take us roughly 240K to launch the token. This project is not for everyone hence for presale we wanted to limit it to approximate 250 People – because we want to make each one of our presale backers a millionaire just like Chris Haney did with his Trival Pursit game — where all 34 investors who each paid 1000 dollars became millionaires . If all we wanted to do was to scam the crypto users then dont you think 240K is a bit too low?

If you were really looking for shitcoins then you would have looked at all those tokens that are trying to solve a nonexistent problem in the world of finance. Ever heard of anyone even in the remote village on this planet get an extra dollar deposited in their bank account by mistake? — I know a few! But on the other hand there are many who have experienced food poisoning, food fraud like horse meat scandal in UK , fake eggs in China –That is what we are trying to address so that customers can develop brand loyalty to our partner companies and buy our products with confidence.

I am sure that it is on deaf ears because you have already made up your mind. Amazon purchased whole foods for 13.7 billion dollars because they wanted a share of the pie — cannabis laced drinks market is 600 billion USD. Everyone who is rich knows it — maybe you are not rich after all!

After reading your review, your critical assessment and understanding your perspective, I can safely conclude that you have no real world experience and have been living in a socialist country surrounded by people who are risk averse and are devoid of entrepreneurial skills . Some of your comments tell me that you have stereotypes and have personal prejudices! In a bid to prove a point you jumped the gun, did not do your homework, published nonsense all the while claiming to be an expert!

I do not know if the crypto community would ever take you seriously or as credible source.
17  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / Re: [ANN] [PRE-SALE] THE FARM TOKEN | Крипто для организаторов сделок 🔥 ㈝ on: October 26, 2018, 11:27:16 PM
thanks for the upload
18  Local / Бayнти и aиpдpoпы / Re: ▄▀▄ [BOUNTY] ▄▀▄ THE FARM TOKEN | Крипто для организаторов сде on: October 26, 2018, 11:26:58 PM
thanks for the upload
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: ▄▀▄ [BOUNTY] ▄▀▄ THE FARM TOKEN | TOKEN FOR THOSE WHO DARE TO DREAM BIG 🔥🔥🔥 on: October 25, 2018, 03:49:33 PM

20  Economy / Auctions / Re: Advertise on this forum - Round 258 on: October 23, 2018, 01:41:21 PM

would want to change it to
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