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1  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / Re: Amici di AIRDROP :) ( aiutiamoci a segnalare i migliori AIRDROP ) on: January 29, 2022, 11:20:45 AM
Ciao ragazzi, vi segnalo questo bonus da 20$ in eth che viene accreditato direttamente su coinbase una volta completate alcune task relative a questo nuovo gioco di carte collezionabili simile ad hearthstone.
Ho scritto anche una guida introduttiva:

Coinbase è uno degli investitori iniziali del progetto, il team sta anche sviluppando ImmutableX una soluzione L2 per scalare ethereum all'interno dei giochi decentralizzati. Molto interessante.

Codice ref: KMXYrysvXa

Grazie a te mi sono pappato l'airdrop di GODS (il token di gods unchained)
ti mandero' per sempre benedizioni  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Non c'è di che, l'ho fatto con piacere Grin tra l'altro non si sapeva nulla dell'airdrop ai tempi, lo hanno annunciato a sorpresa.
P.S. Se giochi ancora vieni a fare un salto sul gruppo telegram italiano del gioco, anche solo per un saluto  Wink
2  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / Re: Amici di AIRDROP :) ( aiutiamoci a segnalare i migliori AIRDROP ) on: March 10, 2021, 11:17:44 AM
Ciao ragazzi, vi segnalo questo bonus da 20$ in eth che viene accreditato direttamente su coinbase una volta completate alcune task relative a questo nuovo gioco di carte collezionabili simile ad hearthstone.
Ho scritto anche una guida introduttiva:

Coinbase è uno degli investitori iniziali del progetto, il team sta anche sviluppando ImmutableX una soluzione L2 per scalare ethereum all'interno dei giochi decentralizzati. Molto interessante.

Codice ref: KMXYrysvXa
3  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / DERO, anonimato totale & smart contracts privati on: February 17, 2021, 01:43:12 PM
Ciao a tutti, avete mai sentito parlare di un progetto chiamato DERO?

L'obiettivo è quello di creare una piattaforma per eseguire smart contracts basata sulla validazione tramite proof-of-work con un algoritmo di mining resistente agli ASIC ( e una struttura dei blocchi a DAG (più che di una blockchain qui si parla infatti di block-DAG) che permette un'elevata scalabilitá e resistenza all’attacco del 51%.

La cosa interessante oltre a questo è il fatto che tutto quanto si basa su un anonimato totale ovvero i dati delle transazioni all'interno degli smart contracts (indirizzi coinvolti, importi, ecc) non sono assolutamente visibili dall'esterno.
La moneta infatti nasce come privacy coin nel 2018 in quanto semplice fork di monero. Nonostante inizialmente potesse sembrare non avere nulla di speciale, dopo poco tempo dall’annuncio il team ha rilasciato pubblicamente il codice per una nuova blockchain riscritta da 0, re-implementando tutto il protocollo di monero (cryptonote) in golang (prima volta in assoluto) aggiungendo alcune funzionalità innovative, come la DeroVirtualMachine, centro dell’esecuzione degli smart contracts.
Oltre a questo per esempio sono stati il primo team a implementare lo schema bulletproof (ancora prima di monero, la loro community infatti li ha criticati parecchio perché non lo riteneva ancora sicuro, a quanto pare però gli sviluppatori sapevano quello che facevano dato che é andato tutto liscio)

Attualmente é già su testnet la nuova struttura su cui sarà costruito il protocollo in futuro, basata sulla firma delle transazioni con criptazione omomorfica ( e su di un modello account-based che permetterà di avere bilancio dei wallet, sincronizzazione, e anche la trasmissione delle transazioni in maniera quasi istantanea. Grazie a questa funzione particolare, gli smart contracts potranno interagire direttamente con dati criptati e questa cosa é un’evoluzione non da poco secondo me.
Per realizzare tutto questo oltre a quanto già scritto hanno preparato un database da zero con funzioni create ad-hoc per l’integrazione con la blockchain di dero chiamato Graviton.

Si può dire che gli sviluppatori (anonimi) sono piuttosto old school e (secondo me) molto dotati, il problema del progetto è solo che per quanto sia interessante a livello tecnico purtroppo è attualmente sconosciuto a causa del fatto che non ha mai speso risorse nel fare marketing.
Questa tendenza cambierà presto in quanto entro fine mese è prevista la testnet completa che metterà insieme DeroVirtualMachine, già testabile dal 2019 (per la creazione degli SC), il nuovo database (codice già pubblico) e la trasmissione delle transazioni criptate omomorficamente (in testnet da Dicembre).
Con l'ultima testnet si potrà mettere mano a tutte le funzionalità complete (fin'ora testabili solo singolarmente) e con questo prototipo la dero foundation (già stabilita con sede in Olanda) avrà tutto il necessario per iniziare a farsi conoscere.  

Sarei molto curioso di avere altre opinioni, posso immaginare lo scetticismo nel leggere determinate caratteristiche ma chiederei di grattare un attimo oltre la superficie per scoprire un progetto che (idealmente) nei prossimi anni potrebbe replicare quanto successo ad ethereum nel 2016-2017 con l’espansione del suo ecosistema.

Per riassumere in veramente poche parole basta pensare a Dero in quanto unione di una piattaforma come Ethereum per esecuzione di smart contract decentralizzati, con privacy al livello di monero e la scalabilità di una DAG come NANO o IOTA resa però molto più sicura da una PoW asic-resistant che teoricamente previene in questo modo anche la centralizzazione.

Grazie a queste caratteristiche dero permetterà la creazione di token sulla propria rete con lo stesso livello di privacy (se non superiore) a tutte le privacy coin, con costi di transazione che in confronto ad ETH saranno ridicoli. Senza contare la possibilità di sviluppo di un exchange decentralizzato e allo stesso tempo totalmente anonimo. Attualmente infatti per quanto possa essere funzionale il sistema di swap e in generale la defi su ethereum, ci sono grossi limiti sulla privacy (se viene identificato il proprio wallet possono tracciare ogni movimento fatto) oltre a quelli già ben noti di scalabilità.
DERO punta a risolvere tutti questi problemi implementando un sistema che non richiede la fiducia in una terza parte per la validazione e l’esecuzione delle transazioni.

Parlando di prezzo e speculazione, contando che attualmente la moneta è praticamente sconosciuta e si trova solamente su Kucoin (oltre che tradeogre, vabbè), e considerato che tra poco cominceranno le operazioni di marketing e con queste anche ulteriori listing, penso non sarebbe male provare a riservare una piccola quota delle proprie alt in un progetto come questo. Stiamo comunque parlando di una moneta che ha 12 milioni di capitalizzazione totale e un margine di crescita (con una supply di circa 10 milioni) abbastanza importante. Diciamo che il rischio non è basso ma penso che l'eventuale ricompensa sia altrettanto alta  Smiley
Ovviamente non è un consiglio finanziario.

Cosa ne pensate?

Link utili:
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Can the lighting network eliminate most of the cryptocurrencies? on: July 19, 2018, 10:48:18 AM
And if the answer is yes, what are the coin that will survive thanks to a technology that can be replaced from LN? I was thinking for example about the STRATIS coin, the platform is very particular and even if it's based on blockchain I think that it's very different from the blockchain of bitcoin, or not? Thank you, I'm not an expert on blockchain code Cheesy
5  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / CoinEX nuovo exchange che paga il 40% degli utili ai detentori del token CET on: July 14, 2018, 12:48:11 PM
Ciao ragazzi avete gia sentito parlare di questo nuovo exchange che sta esplodendo? Si chiama CoinEX e la sua moneta, il CET, sta salendo rapidamente di valore dopo che hanno annunciato che la piattaforma di trading verserà regolarmente il 40% degli utili ai detentori di CET. Oltre a questo sono presenti numerosi airdrop e bonus per chi decide di conservarla, senza contare che se ne acquistate 10k é possibile fare direttamente mining su di essa (in stile masternode), generando una vera e propria rendita passiva. Il sito é nuovissimo ma funziona in maniera eccellente, é gia presente anche l'app fatta anch'essa benissimo e dietro a questa azienda ci sono manager di Bitmain e Via BTC, aziende giganti del settore quindi si puo escludere che sia uno schema ponzi o semplicemente scam. Ovviamente non é un cosiglio finanziario ma i volumi sono in costante aumento e contando che il token CET non é neanche ancora su coinmarketcap direi che i marginj di crescita sono abbastanza, senza contare i vari token che regalano semplicemente holdando.. fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate sono curioso di sapere se secondo voi un modello simile di piattaforma possa avere dei buoni sviluppi e se altri exchanhe potrebbero prendere ispirazione da loro secondo voi, intanto se qualcuno volesse provare la piattaforma iscrivendosi col mio ref gliene sarei enormemente grato
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / CoinEX exchange pay you 40% of dividends on: July 14, 2018, 10:54:22 AM
Hello everyone I discovered this young exchange (called CoinEX) with its proprietary currency CET, used for discounts on fees and various bonuses, which allows among other things to receive 40% of profits divided proportionally among all the holders of CET, in moreover, if you have at least 10k of it, it's possible to literally mine the CETs (in masternodes style) in order to generate passive income that joins the dividends of the utilities that periodically start. What do you think? I think it's a good thing (the competition of exchange is always good for users) and I also think that buying CET is now an excellent investment, it's worth 1600 satoshi at the moment but it's going up a lot. The site is brand new but very well done and also the application works very well. There are a lot of contests, airdrop and bonuses for holders of this coin, which is not even on coinmarketcap and is doing very well! Take a look at this exchange and if by chance I have been useful you can use this link for registration:
Good trading everybody!
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 14, 2018, 10:31:11 AM
That's the max that I can afford at the moment (I'm 22) but I want to save it on a wllet of paper and give it to my sister telling her to keep it safe and that we will give it to him when he is 18 years old. Do you think is a nice idea? Cheesy
This is great and meaningful when you decide to donate 0.01BTC as an item too. If you write in a private key, I suggest you put the paper in a glass jar and bury it in the ground with your child. And say we will exchange it when he's 18th birthday.

Dude man, this ia a great idea, maybe i could made a little, SHORT treasure cruise for it (thinking he would be a 18 yeard old guy I hope he will have also other things to do that day ahah) and at the end he will find the glass jar with the wallet inside Cheesy fucking memorable ahah
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 14, 2018, 10:20:15 AM
Thanks guys, the only problem is that I'll have also to explain to my sister what a paper wallet is and how much important it is Cheesy she is a biotechnology but I'm sure I will take it a little bit of time to explain it ahah but no matter if she will undestrand or not, one day she will be conscious that this was maybe the best gift he will ever receive Wink
9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 13, 2018, 01:13:58 PM
Not a bad idea, but maybe you could save the address of that wallet so you could add a bit more to it in the future.
Would be great if you add some more on special occasions, you might not have too much disposable income at the moment, but that should change.

I hope it Cheesy now I have only to create the wallet and putting them the 0.01 BTc, where do I have to create it? I would like to have a 12-words-key password if it's possible so thus I can decide the words that are related to my family and one day I will give him the password Wink
10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 13, 2018, 11:36:06 AM
Why not give to your nephew real money, but its a good value that you give anyway.

Because if I gave him 60 dollars now (0.01 BTC) from 10 years I think there will not be be trace of  them, even if I bought really something special
But those simple 60 dollars at the moment when he'll be 18 years old could be something really really interesting Wink he can't understand now but it's very smart and like technology I'm pretty confident that one day he will thank me Cheesy
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Is market on the BOTTOM NOW? on: July 13, 2018, 11:19:59 AM
Please tell me, its getting on my nerves already. I lost 40% lately on stupid moves and i need to recover. Is it safe to invest back in alts now. What can we expect in next 1-2 months. Anybody has a glass ball? I see green candles today. Can it be next bull trap or the market is recovering now?

I think that if you don't panic and continue to buy during the deep at the end you will certainly be in profit, (of course if BTC will go back to certain level of price)
So it's a win-win situation if you have patience   
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 13, 2018, 11:13:52 AM
Thank you, with wich site do you advice me to create the wallet? (Up to now i have always worked with exchange)
The only important thing is that it's safe and that it let me to print a paper version of it
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The Identity of Satoshi Nakamoto on: July 13, 2018, 10:59:40 AM
Hal Finney is Satoshi Nakamoto. Here are my findings and explanations on to as why.

Many people speculate that either an individual no one has ever heard of or Nick Szabo created Bitcoin. One of the main priorities of Satoshi Nakamoto was to remain as anonymous as possible and he was absolutely on point with his OPSEC. If Nick Szabo created Bitcoin, he would know he’d be the first person suspected of creating Bitcoin due to his Bitgold research. Satoshi would never put himself into this position. I do think Nick Szabo is the biggest influencer of Bitcoin and without his Bitgold research, Bitcoin may have never existed. However, he is not Satoshi Nakamoto and had absolutely nothing to do with Bitcoin at any point. Now that were past why Nick Szabo is not Satoshi, let’s get onto who is.

The man that is Satoshi Nakamoto is none other than Hal Finney. The man who was the first person to work on Bitcoin besides Satoshi and received the first ever Bitcoin transaction. While this will always be speculation, there is honestly no doubt in my mind, and it will probably leave not much doubt in your mind either.

Let’s start with the obvious.

Satoshi Nakamoto created the Bitcointalk Forum in December of 2009. Hal had been helping Satoshi with Bitcoin since January of 2009 (as emails indicate). Hal Finney registered on the Bitcointalk forum in November 2010. A full year after the creation of the forum. Why would Bitcoins biggest supporter, Hal Finney, wait one full year after the forum was created to register on it? Also, he registered two weeks before Satoshi Nakamotos final post on the forum. Coincidence? I doubt it. He knew he was retiring the Satoshi account and would no longer work on the project due to being diagnosed with ALS in October 2009. Yes, he was diagnosed with ALS two months before Satoshi disappeared.

Another interesting point some need to consider is that all timestamps on the forum point to Satoshi being a man in the western part of the United States in either California, Oregon, or Nevada. Hal Finney was in California. Which brings me to my next point. There was only one man in California named Satoshi Nakamoto. This man lived two streets over from Hal Finney. Let that sink in for a second. No, this man had absolutely nothing to do with the creation of Bitcoin. He’s not a computer programmer in any way. I don’t even believe Hal Finney and Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto even met. Hal Finney saw that Satoshi Nakamotos house was being foreclosed two streets away and thought it would be the ultimate symbol to the Bitcoin project and an example of banks mistreating people. A problem Bitcoin can solve. That, and he had a cool name.

Another point to be made here and another piece of compelling evidence is that Satoshi Nakamoto presumably mined blocks 1-77 of Bitcoin, Hal mined block 78, and Satoshi mined blocks 79-125. Hal claims to have mined Block 78 but not blocks 72-77. However, blocks 72-78 were more than likely (in my opinion, 95%) mined on the same extraNonce slope by the same person. If you do not know what an extraNonce slope is, please click the link below for reference:

People will always point to the email conversations between Satoshi Nakamoto and Hal Finney in January 2009 and onwards. Those mean absolutely nothing. Hal Finney was a very intelligent man and thought literally every detail about his project through. He was more than likely scared of past digital currency founders and operators getting arrested without technically breaking the law. Please google Liberty Dollar and/or Liberty Currency. This and Hal thought Bitcoin would succeed more so without a face and creator. Although I think it more has to do with the legal aspect. So Hal knew he had to have a fictional character create Bitcoin to avoid any issues. Now why Email himself? Easy. 1) He knew he would be one of the first people suspected of creating Bitcoin and wanted an Alibi. 2) He probably eventually wanted to work on the project himself and retire Satoshi. Mostly, #1. And no, E-Mailing himself does not mean he had multiple personality disorder in any way. It just means he carefully planned his alibi from the start of the project.
Another point is Hal Finney received the first ever Bitcoin Transaction. This is not hard evidence by any means but if I’m working on a project like Bitcoin, I’m sending myself the first ever transaction to see if it works.

This one is purely speculation but I thought I’d add it in. Hal and Satoshi both had @gmx email addresses as one of the emails they used. Not a super common email service (at least to my knowledge).

Another piece, Hal Finney Article on Double Spending:

There you have my findings and thoughts on Hal Finney being Satoshi Nakamoto. This is obviously only speculation on my part but there is not much doubt in my own mind that Hal and Satoshi are the same person.

Hal Finney created Bitcoin.

I will be creating a video on this, basically saying what I have said in this post. I will post the link in the first post when I do make it.

Really interesting theory, do you know that Hal Finney was cryopreserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation? (source wikipedia)
I think it's very notable that he chose not to be buried, maybe he want to rise againg from 200 years from now when the world economy will be based on Bitcoin Cheesy
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 12, 2018, 11:07:46 PM
thank you all for the nice words you have spent for me, I am confident that one day I will read all these messages knowing I made the right choice. if you were to recommend the best security paper wallet which one would you choose? obviously I would also do digital backup
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 12, 2018, 06:17:45 PM
Wow, it is nice idea. This may be nice present for him. But I want to tell you that you should buy him another gift at the same time, because 4-years old boy, probably, won't understand your piece of paper  Grin

P.S. To avoid losing this btc, you should create kinda back-up procedure.

Of course man, maybe the paper wallet isn't enough for him at the moment ahah need to find also another little thing, thanks guys you have encouraged me a lot
16  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Wrong Btc address on: July 12, 2018, 04:46:17 PM
Is there any chance of me getting back my Btc from an address which I was not supposed to send or even a chance of getting in contact with the receiver ?

I think you can make another (little) transaction at the same address with a message attached and hope that he will read it. It's not a lot but I don't have any other idea
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 12, 2018, 04:40:17 PM
I've read a lot of posts like this about people doing similar things in the past. It's definitely a thoughtful gift for your young nephew, especially if he gets fond of blockchain or technology in general  in the future. Go for it! Just remember to have protection for the paper. Probably laminating it yourself would be good enough for a little bit of water-proofness.

And also, make sure you know how to make a paper wallet securely. You definitely wouldn't want your 18 year old nephew in the future scanning the QR Code and realizing that the BTC was moved out a decade ago, by someone that's not you.

You have a good vision with your nephew because you are thinking of her future. Now you just have to be complacent because if you give it that's really not going to be lost and it's okay. It's been a long time since it was once used to discover that bitcoin would be fun. But it would be nice if you just have a copy just incase to lose it and make sure you do not use it at the time of your squeeze because you've shared it with your nephew.

Thanks for your advices, I really want to do it thinking on how happy I wolud be if somebody have done something similar for me 6-7 years ago o.o
Do you think 0.01 BTC it's enough? I really can't imagine how much could it value from 15 years to now
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BITCOIN won't die, period. on: July 12, 2018, 04:19:39 PM
I think that if BTC dies, all the crypto follow them so this is not really possible.. It's the digital gold and the only thing that is not duplicable so it's value MUST increase until all the people have known it
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / I'm just thinking about to give away to my 4-year-old nephew a 0.01 BTC on: July 12, 2018, 04:02:44 PM
That's the max that I can afford at the moment (I'm 22) but I want to save it on a wllet of paper and give it to my sister telling her to keep it safe and that we will give it to him when he is 18 years old. Do you think is a nice idea? Cheesy
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