Ok, thank you. I've never been on their main page. There is contact form but:
"Die Nachricht konnte nicht gesendet werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt oder informieren Sie den Administrator der Webseite"
What means: Massage wasn't sended. Try later. You can inform the administrator...
I use coin-base.info/dem/ for mining DEM from a few days. But today when I tried to log in they noticed me: "Unable to login: Account is locked. Please contact site support". I have no idea what is going on. I have no information on my email. I can't also find any contact information on their site. Probably I lost all the mining day. Someone has such problems?
I am trying to overclock my Antminer S1 a little but I have problem with file edition... I'm using vim editor but I have no idea how to save the edited file. Yes I know :w but it noticed me: "w" is not implemented... Nano doesn't work. Please let me know how can I do it
When the machine is mining the yellow light is pulsing, but what does it mean when the yellow light is lighting constans or is not lightning at all or the red light is lighting?
Hello everyone. I'm Martin from Poland. Recently I have become intrested in Bitcoin. Currently I have two asic mining machines. I am also interested in new crypto currencies. I wonder weather they are able to bit the Bitcoin. What are your thoughts? I'm hoping to find out more answers here regarding this subject.