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From my personal experience, holdear is a good option, just many people make a long-term investment, taking into account the characteristics of the crypto, of course, you may after a while sell it at a much higher price than the one you bought it.
If that is true, in order to not succumb in many cases the best and most recommended is what you say, also, always keep in mind the hold
I think that after death the "soul" of each individual travels through the universe to reincarnate in something else
Celebrate - Julian the angel... My favorite song
Probably someone so powerful would not make public in the light easily, I think it would stay in the shadows or something like that
Friend, whatever people say, the most acceptable thing in that type of situation is to "hold"
The human being condemns himself with his way of "Evolve". Maybe many work on how to maintain the planet, but I bet that many more people are not interested in the least to save it. So fuck
Read this and remember how when you feel like defecating, and it is far from your home, but the closer you are ,the worse, start to sweat cold and time becomes eternal.
Para el que no se haya dado cuenta, el Petro se puede ver como una "esperanza" para aquellos que creen en ese gobierno, lo que vendría siendo una farsa, al igual como todas las cosas que el gobierno de Venezuela hace.
I found out the bitcoin was thanks to a friend, who told me to support a small project. It was there that little by little I understood the bitcoin and the world of cryptocurrencies that this entails
Una ventaja ventaja de los bancos descentralizados es que al utilizar una criptomoneda universal, automatización AI y la facilidad de acceso a través de teléfono celular significa que los usuarios pueden acceder desde cualquier parte del mundo. Esto también creará un mercado enorme para los microcréditos, un servicio popular para iniciar negocios en áreas en desarrollo, ofreciendo pequeños préstamos para personas con cero crédito, pero conocidas en la comunidad como de confianza. Los criptobancos crearán un gran mercado de préstamos en todo el mundo que la banca tradicional nunca podría alcanzar. Los bancos centralizados están restringidos a ubicaciones antiguas, burocracia y a mucha gente a pagar. Los bancos descentralizados no tienen estas ataduras y pueden escalar fácilmente en todo el mundo. Una economía global será estimulada a través de la banca mundial.
Amigos, desde que se anuncio el Petro el día 3 de diciembre del año pasado, esta "moneda virtual" se le presenta como algo inofensivo, que viene de nuestro petróleo, se vende o negocia por dólares u otros monedas, en un país, como Venezuela, que no se puede comprar ni un solo dólar o un euro abiertamente, tampoco lo producimos y estamos viviendo, como se dice, una de las peores economías del mundo.
And if it's true, life is complicated when you want to reach something, that something distances more and more and more ... In particular that has been the story of my whole life and the more I grow up, the harder things get. Sude, blood, cry, I strive superhumanamnt for an opportunity and NOT. So I fought for some opportunity, trying in various ways and NOT. For an opportunity at work, an academic opportunity, or in love ... NO Before my effort, my sweat, I have run into many walls that do not hear, they do not see my "struggle" ... Sometimes I turn and see that people who do not sweat, do not make an effort, are given the opportunity to open doors ... That is even more frustrating. But you know I'm so foolish, so passionate, so clingy that I'm still trying, sometimes you have to make friends with the enemy ... or with the wall xD Sometimes you want to throw in the towel, the important thing is to get up I do not know if you've noticed that adversity makes better people ..
observe and you will see
In this way users are forced to make comments of a very good quality to get some merit, excellent strategy
Buenas que tal, ya que me mencionas la tegnologia blockhain, lo invito a que sean parte de un proyecto saliente e innovador, que trabaja en base a el blockchain para realizar transferencias de dinero con comisiones mas accesibles y con una velocidad de envió mas eficaz. Si estas interesado en esto, te invito a que te unas y apoyes a SocialRemit es un proyecto ideal.
Well my friends, the most recommendable thing I do to lower my levels of anger in those moments of frustration is just go for a walk, do a little exercise. What better than to retaliate my rage by exercising my body
I think it does not hurt to add that due to the explosiveness of the market, any beginner should know how to maintain control when prices are low, and in cases like these the best thing to do is "maintain"
Arithmetic is brutally simple. If less than 100 people control the same amount of wealth as the poorest 3.5 billion people on the planet, the result can be expressed with one word: Inequality.
You can probably get more out of a long-term investment, than with a short one. I can assure you that
I believe that in this business it is inevitable to go through a loss at some time